My Inventory is Abnormal Chapter 352

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– Volume 15, Episode 9

Episode 353

“Hey, what do I do with that?”

“I do not know.”

One of the players on the castle wall shouted.

“It will disappear with time, so hold on until then!”

“How long do I have to endure?”

“I don’t know! Was it about 3 minutes?”

“Just hold on as long as you can!”

Although he said it in a rash manner, it wasn’t wrong.

If you just pour out magic for no reason, you will only use up a small amount of magical power and only increase the size of the thing.

I wasn’t sure if it would disappear over time.

The thick, cloudy film has only appeared twice so far.

“We’ll handle it!”

The Vatican players stepped forward.

However, even if divine power pours in,

There was no sign of the body hair blocking disappearing.

The players continued to retreat as they used magic to influence the earth.

When powerful magic was used, it was blocked, but when magic that changed the terrain was used, the advance of the undead army was slowed down.

Yujun muttered as he saw the players being pushed out helplessly.

“Will the demonic followers also kill the undead?”

Paranet tilted his head.

“Huh? What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“The purpose of the Demon God followers is to summon the Demon God to conquer the continent. In any case, once the undead are stirred up, it will be helpful to them. “I was wondering if there were demon followers who kill undead to accumulate peace contributions.”

“… … It’s random, but I’m curious. Still, I don’t think the church will step forward to kill the undead directly. “You’re saving the continent, right?”

“On the contrary, we want to annihilate the undead to deprive players of the opportunity to grow.

“You could do it.”

“That certainly makes sense. There must be some followers of the demon among the players gathered here. They must be attacking the undead army.”

“I took a quick look, but there was no one fighting half-heartedly.”

“Isn’t the master often looking for followers? “How many of them are here?”

“Surprisingly, there aren’t many. Right now, I feel like there are about two hundred people?”

“… … Isn’t that a lot?”

“Proportionally speaking, it’s not that much.”

“Yes, of course.”

“But you don’t fight?”


“Even if you die, I can still summon you again. Go and earn some contribution points.”

“All right!”

Paranet ran out as if it had been waiting for him.

That thick film only blocks magical attacks and divine powers, and also blocks physical attacks.

Ah, I didn’t give it to you.

The reason Yujun knew this was because quite a few players had already entered the curtain.

It didn’t seem like going inside would cause any decline in physical abilities.

That was the reason why Paranet was brought in.

‘Right, good job.’

Yujun dealt with the undead without much intervention.

In fact, just killing all the Beowulfs that were seen had a big impact on the general trend, but other than that, there wasn’t much else.

did not perform well

He was constantly looking at the rear of the undead army.

There was a strong man who exuded an energy that was incomparable to the Lich Lord I met last time.

I was also worried about the monster next to it.

‘I have to stop those two.’

He watched closely the movements of the two undead he was wary of.

It was not simply a matter of greed to contribute to peace.

There was a high possibility that it would become the main culprit that would ruin the balance between the Holy Empire and the Undead Legion.

The same goes for Yujun, but that’s why he had to be the one to mark those two undead.

However, I had no intention of just standing by and watching.

Little by little, the strength of the magic was increased.

This is because it seemed that the players of the Holy Empire were being pushed back little by little by the momentum of the undead army.

As time goes by, the city will soon be filled with undead.

The corpses of players were good material for lichs to turn into undead.

There were also several Lich Lords who could resurrect the Lich.

‘It’s a good thing you came here.’

Isn’t this the place on the continent that has contributed the most to peace and is also the place that is farthest from peace?

Yujun, who felt the need to reduce the number of undead as it seemed to be increasing, prepared a healing hand.

He went down the castle wall this time.

Without fail, he used cold wave magic and filled it with healing touches.

Damn it! Damn it!


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Players were startled by the sudden appearance of a giant wave of ice, but realized that it was heading towards an army of undead, not themselves.

“Hey, who would use such ineffective magic that is so big and so weak in power?”

A wizard muttered.

Chi that fell from the cold wave

It was because he had witnessed Yoo’s touch melting the undead in an instant.

My eyes widened at the unbelievable sight and I stuck my head out to check.

“Is it magic combined with divine power?”

It was an energy that felt more transparent than divine power.

An aura that is completely opposite to the murky aura that the undead possess.

The giant undead mammoth that was immune to divine power disappeared in the blink of an eye the moment it was touched by the healing touch.

Melee players who thought the giant mammoth’s tenacity was amazing also opened their mouths.

“… … Did the Pope come forward?”

“Already? He’s the kind of guy who rarely shows his face.”

“That’s how dangerous it is~!”


The lichs began to use powerful magic in earnest, perhaps because they thought the undead would not suffer as well.

The shield created by the empire’s wizards was shattered in an instant.

The magic of the Liches, especially the Lich Lords, was beyond imagination.

The players in the vanguard disappeared without a trace in the black flame magic.

The magic of the Lich Lords did not stop there.

Their true advantage is that they have a magical reservoir that is like an inexhaustible spring.

The magic flew without stopping.

The magic used by three Lich Lords was more powerful than the magic used by dozens of Liches gathered together.

The shields hastily constructed by wizards could never stop it.



The vanguard players were so helpless that even a scream could be considered a huge blow.

‘If only the Rich Lords came out, it would look like this… …

Yujun frowned.

It seemed like the moment a dragon stepped forward like this, the empire would collapse without realizing it.

The Bone Dragon is a monster that Yujun is wary of.

It was one of the Dead, and had a power that was incomparably stronger than that of the Earth Dragon.

However, they only walked in step with the corps and did not make any special movements.

If the bastard had moved, the situation would have been over long ago.

It may not be as strong as a real dragon, but the dragon I just saw had strong natural strength.

Yujun could tell without even meeting him.

‘If it doesn’t come this far, I can call you.

There must be no other place.’

He ran towards the Lich Lords.

For an average player, it would take three minutes to run at full speed, but Yujun was able to get within striking distance of a Lich Lord in just 15 seconds after hitting the ground.

The Rich Lords were not gathered together but scattered, so I planned to deal with them one by one.

The closest Lich Lord discovered Yujun too late.

The price was great.


A huge lich lord with his head split in half.

Another Lich Lord noticed the bastard’s death and fired a magic projectile at Yujun, but he had already left the area a long time ago.

In the case of the second Lich Lord, he knew of Yujun’s surprise attack, but even after knowing, he was unable to stop it.

Even if you surround yourself with dozens of layers of shields, it will break with a single sword strike, so how can you stop it?

He tore Yujun’s black shield apart like a piece of paper and completely destroyed Lich Lord’s body.

I completely destroyed it.

‘The real attack power is great.’

It was safe to say that there was no one who could take the sword of the planet destroyer with their bare body.

Unless you surround your entire body with indestructible optional items… … .

And I’ve rarely seen such options on armor pieces other than weapons.

The last remaining Lich Lord realized the situation and began to retreat.

It seemed like they were trying to increase the distance by even using Blink, but it was better than Blink.

Yujun ran faster.

Yujun stretched out his sword after seeing the back of Rich Lord’s head.

Of course, Rich Lord did not react.


[Peace contribution increased by ‘2,680’!]

[Your level has increased!]

Every time I caught a Lich Lord, I went up one level.

‘It’s a good thing I went hunting now.’

The contribution to peace was also given at a very high level.

Was it because he only chose the Lich Lord to kill?

The aggro of the undead was very attractive.

Before he knew it, the huge undead monsters that had surrounded Yujun in a circle attacked him.

Yujun used a large amount of magical power and generously spread healing touches everywhere.


The undead melt without fail.

Just because they were undead did not mean there was no learning effect.

The guys got scared and started running away.

With Yu Jun stirring up the rear, the players of the Holy Empire had some leeway.

Of course, it was still an emergency, but it wasn’t as urgent as before.

Yujun is trying to accumulate contributions to peace

A large-scale magic was prepared.

If that murky barrier from before were to appear, it would be useless, but it didn’t seem like it could be used indefinitely, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take that ability out for a while.

Yujun, who received a lot of attention from the surrounding undead, rose into the air with fly magic and

I immediately prepared a fire spell.

In fact, there is nothing better than lightning magic in a battlefield like this, but since the undead are immune to electric shock, it is very effective.

It was difficult to see the fruit.

Even though it can be wiped out with overwhelming power, the efficiency is too low.

‘I guess I should make a small contribution.’

The Lichs had no intention of adding healing touch to their magic so that they could resurrect the undead.

There is no guarantee that we will ever encounter an undead army of this size again.

Even the rich wouldn’t gather this many people.

So the healing touch is right now

There was no need.

Yujun adjusted the magic’s range as much as possible so that it did not reach the lich.

And it breathed flames.

Whaaaaa-! Kwakwakwakwang!

The magic he used was Fire Blast.

It was a magic often used by wizards because it was powerful and had a wide range even with a small amount of magical power.

However, when Yujun used it, its power and range were extraordinary.

A huge flame spread out in all directions

The ring devoured the undead.

The undead that existed nearby disappeared without a trace.

‘I think I caught over a thousand fish?’

It would be nearly impossible to take down this many undead with just Fire Blast magic.

This was possible because I jumped into the middle of enemy territory and made full use of the range of the fire blast.

Normally, wizards wouldn’t do something so risky.

If a similar situation occurs

It would be a last-ditch effort when you are surrounded by enemies right before you die.

As expected, the undead that had been reduced to dust rose again and surrounded him.

‘Contributions are copied? ah… …

Yujun raised his magic power with a deep smile on his lips.

My inventory is weird


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