My Inventory is Abnormal Chapter 219

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– Volume 10, Episode 1

Episode 220


When I first discovered and used this, I was happy to have a good way to defeat a high-level opponent without causing confusion.

And now.

Gyeol came to him as another way out.

Yujun found the smallest grain among the numerous grains.

I had an intuition.

‘That’s it.’

It didn’t occur to me that I could escape by cutting through the grain that was easy to cut based on common sense.

So the smallest grain.

I also found a guy that was difficult to cut down.

‘I don’t have much time. Let’s finish this quickly.’

He kicked off the ground and jumped into the sky.

The smallest grain he could see was very high up.

Difficult for him with flying magic

I moved to a place where there was a texture.

And without hesitation, towards the end

I swung my sword.

Huh! Kwasik!

The sky fell.

To be exact,

It was completely broken and shattered.

[I found and destroyed the ‘texture’ of fantasy magic!]

[Impossible achievement!]

[The grade of the trait ‘Finding Grain (S)’ increases by one level.]

[Find grain (S) → Find grain (S+)]

‘ oh my god.’

What Yujun saw when he opened his eyes again was,

It was a scene where Sophia extended her spear towards the shield she had created and the fantasy races continued to pour out magic.

“… … “You are working hard.”

If you are unable to create a shield quickly and are trapped in a fantasy world,

You may be in a really dangerous situation.

There is a high probability that he escaped from the world of the Hwanwang.

In that case, not only would there be no compensation promised to Dr. Sammington, but there would also be no compensation for destroying the fantasy world.

It is best to quickly eliminate threats so that the efforts made so far do not go to waste.

The current threats to Yujun are Sor, Sophia, and several nobles.

Let’s start with them first.

Wipe out the enemies in front of you at once

To do this, there is no skill better than Weapon Earthquake.

But I decided to save that skill.

We don’t know what kind of spectacle Weapon Earthquake will create.

If the same thing happened on the ground, it could have become more difficult to find out if a supercomputer was there.

Yujun, who did not want to go through such difficulties, decided to use his new sword union ability again.

Easily handle over 100 robots

This is the skill that allowed me to do it.

There are many ways to use it, but I was planning to use Shingeomhapil in the same way as before.

Three swords of the Absolute were created in the air.

‘Three will do.’

Honestly, there was no need for four guns when dealing with a small number of enemies.

For more precise control, it was necessary to reduce the number of swords.

Above all,

Three swords were enough.

While the fantasy races were not aware of it, the swords that were in perfect shape began to move.

The speed of the swords is determined by Yujun’s agility level.

And his agility level is beyond imagination.

We first targeted those with low physical ability.

Sigh! Phew! Sigh!

Three members of the fantasy race fell at the same time.

Sophia and Sorsin hurriedly followed.

When I looked back, it was already too late.

All of the fantasy races except two were lying on the cold floor.

“no… … what?”

“Why didn’t you tell me there was a guy like that?”

Sophia questioned Sorsin.

“Now is not the time to say such things. Stop that guy first.”

“You have to ask for something that makes sense to respond.”

Sophia snorted.


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She said earlier that Yujun was using illusion magic.

Before I got caught, I was on the verge of death.

I didn’t think I could win against him.

It would be nice if my life was preserved.

“What are you two doing?”

Yujun slowly approached and said.

Sophia, with a nervous expression, tightly gripped the window pole.

Sorsin has prepared a new illusion magic.

Yujun was not the one to wait for that.


The sword floating in the air pierced through the back of Sorshin’s head.

The first prince died without even being able to scream.

Sophia’s hands were shaking. An overwhelming power.

Even following the movement of the sword is difficult.

Sophia, who saw the fantasy races dying in the blink of an eye, completely lost hope.

She said, biting her lips tightly.

“I will commit suicide. So, can you stop coming for a moment?”


When the King of Hwan’s world was destroyed, there was no way to know how the compensation would be set.

What if the reward was greater when defeating a powerful enemy?

I might regret it immensely now that I didn’t kill Sophia myself and let her commit suicide.

“Please. That pain from before

I feel like I can even feel it. please… …

“You can just move it yourself.”

“You’re making it impossible for me to move.”

In reality, Yujun had bound Sophia’s body with space control magic.

There is no particular reason.

I feel like I’ve neglected magic too much, so I only used it once during battle.

Sophia, who didn’t know that, thought he was trying to torture her.

“Well, you were wrong! “I didn’t know the strong ones!”

“what. “What’s wrong with you all of a sudden?”

“Are you trying to harass me? Are you trying to humiliate me? I know very well about the dirty desires of humans. But please. “Please kill me cleanly this time.”

“What is he saying now.”


He did what he wanted.

I was already planning to deal with it quickly, but he keeps saying strange things.

So I couldn’t leave it alone.

“… … “I didn’t do anything.”

Heminin behind him muttered.

“uh? Was it there?”

“I did not know?”

“no. “I thought it was, but it didn’t help much.”

“… … “I will admit it.”

“If you die, you can’t come back, right? “This way?”



“I guess so. They say it doesn’t matter if you die, but the side effects are enormous. “You can’t come unless you pay a considerable price.”

“You mean I can come if I pay a price?”

“… … yes.”

“what… … If it comes, you can just kill it again. “It’s going to be a hassle, though, so it’s better to finish it before you come.”

Yujun and Heminin quickly attacked the underground laboratory.

There were floors where robots were deployed and some where they were not, but there were more than a hundred robots.

There were relatively many places where robots were deployed.

I wondered how important the facility was that they had deployed so many combat robots, but after reading some research materials while attacking it, I found out that it was worth it.

‘I never thought they were researching nuclear weapons.’

When they said they were going to invade another planet, they weren’t bragging for nothing.

‘this… … ‘If we had just collapsed the entire basement, it would have been a big problem.’

There were dozens of nuclear warheads deep underground.

Even this nuclear warhead isn’t the only one here.

There were a lot of them at the second base outside the city.

All preparations have already been completed.

‘If RTZ-3080 takes the nucleus to the Infinite Tower… …

We will face the fate of destruction not by demons but by nuclear weapons.

Yujun couldn’t think of a way to stop that.

‘There is no guarantee that the nuclear warheads here will go to the Infinite Tower.’

Plus, the world of King Hwan. It was a virtual world.

“Heminine. Could it be that the world of King Hwan is really connected to a world in another dimension?”

“… … Why is that suddenly?”

“I feel like this isn’t a world created virtually.”

“Why do you think that?”

“It’s hard to explain, because you can’t see the texture.”

“yes? texture? “What is that?”

“I guess you don’t know. “Then even if I tell you, you won’t know.”

“… … “Are you ignoring me?”

“That’s not true, even if I explain it, it’s meaningless if you can’t see it in person.”

There was no texture here.

‘Is it possible that the level of the Hwanwang who created this place is so high that I can’t see the texture at all?’

It may be possible, but I don’t think the probability is high.

‘I don’t know if King Hwan was a god and created a new planet himself, but the virtual world couldn’t be this perfect.’

If so, there is one more reason to destroy the supercomputer.

Yujun increased his attack speed even further.

From now on, there was no such thing as physical strength allocation.


Since I didn’t want the nuclear warhead to explode, I refrained from using skills with a large range as much as possible.

‘The planet will be destroyed before you can receive compensation from the doctor, so you’d better be careful.’

Limiting the use of large range skills will reduce his attack speed.

I didn’t listen or anything.

This was thanks to the effective use of the new skill ‘Shingeomhapil’.

Even though it took a lot of mental energy, it was noticeable that the more you handled it, the more your skill level increased, so it wasn’t tiring.

Rather, I was excited.

‘Growth isn’t just about rising levels.’

Repeated use of these skills and skilled work could possibly give him more effects than just raising his level.

‘The more I use Shingeomhapil, the more I feel.

But, it’s a real fraud skill.’

Simply looking at the skill of combining the Shin and Sword, it can be seen as a level of ability that is just right for the grade.

However, Shingeomhapil showed tremendous efficiency as it created a synergy effect with the swordsmanship characteristics.

At first I thought it was too much, but there were over a hundred robots.

Now they are no match for me at all.

It only took 20 seconds to organize everything.

As time passed, we reached the 50th floor underground.

“It’s really surprising how time is getting shorter… …

Heminin, who had been watching with his mouth shut so far, said these words with an admiring look on his face.

“Why are you doing this again?”

“you. “I think he’s stronger than my father.”

“That’s also surprising.”

“My father… … “Have you seen King Hwan?”


“But how do you know?”

“That’s what you said.”

“I can’t see the supercomputer yet, so it could really be at the very bottom.”

“But what on earth is that supercomputer? “There is no interpretation at all.”

“It’s probably because it’s something that doesn’t exist in the real world. To put it simply, a golem that is very smart but can’t move?”

“… … “It doesn’t really make sense to me?”

“I can’t explain it in a more understandable way.”

At that time, Yujun’s face hardened.

“Why, what’s wrong?”

“I’ll go first.”


“If we delay any longer, the base could explode soon. No, beyond the city, the planet itself will fly away.”

“Is it that much?”

“It’s urgent, it’s a lot. therefore… …

Yujun moved downstairs, leaving Heminin behind.

It was because I couldn’t delay any longer.

He had his senses turned on at full range and sensed the nuclear warhead slowly moving.

Although there was no set target, the mere fact that the nuclear warhead was moving was a crisis.

Even if it explodes from the ground right away, it would be a big problem.

But should I say it was a blessing in disguise?

We learned something thanks to the change in the location of the nuclear warhead.

This was the location of the supercomputer, RTZ-3080.

Although it was subtle, Yujun felt that a signal had gone to the location of the nuclear warhead.

Although it was surprising to me that I could sense this, I activated my senses to the maximum, vaguely thinking that it was possible.

The location of the supercomputer was on the 72nd floor underground.

I don’t know why it was on the 72nd floor, but that wasn’t important.

To the goals suggested by Dr. Sammington,

What was more important was that we were close and that if we solved the problem, we would soon be able to obtain the Almighty Stone.

He reached the 72nd floor in an instant.

There was no need to worry about those dangerous insects anymore.


When he broke down the door and entered the 72nd floor, hundreds of robots came out to greet him.

“You gave me a very proper welcome.”

Yujun, smiling brightly like a madman, used the Super Concentration and Shinsword Unification skills at the same time.

my inventory is weird


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