My Inventory is Abnormal Chapter 161

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– Volume 7, Episode 16

Episode 162

“S-sorry! sorry!”

“Actually, it’s a joke. You can speak informally. Oh, it’s more comfortable for me too.”

The rabbit was reassured by Yujun’s friendly tone.

“My name is Sirius!”

“Dog star?”

“huh. Dog star.”

“What a prince-like name.”

“uh? how did you know?”


A prince?

A white and small rabbit like that?

Sirius’ face was serious when he said he was a prince.

” really?”


The rabbit prince’s name is Sirius.

Something doesn’t fit well.

It looks like the name Ttun Tum would be more appropriate.

Ah, the name isn’t important.

Yujun got to the point.

“Dog star. “Why were you here?”

“Well, I lost something, and I was looking for it… …

This was the type of dialogue typically uttered by NPCs in games.

As I listened, it seemed like Sirius was going to give me some kind of quest.

In reality, there may not be such a thing, but Yujun perked up his ears.

“What object?”

“This is a bead my uncle gave me as a gift for my birthday.”

“marble? “Are you talking about toys?”

“That’s right, a toy!”

“What does the bead look like?”

“A little blue? “I don’t know what to say about that color!”

” big?”

“huh. “I think it’s a little big.”

“Did you lose it around here?”


“Where do you originally live?”

“Live in the underground kingdom, of course!”

Underground kingdom?

Was there such a place?

It wasn’t in his memory.

What I don’t remember is that it didn’t exist during the War of the Gods.

‘A new map has appeared.’

An underground kingdom that has never been discovered.

Of course, what Sirius said may not be true.

I couldn’t be sure unless I saw the underground kingdom with my own eyes.

“Do you know the way out of Sortul Forest?”

“I don’t know!”

“I don’t know?”


Sirius answered brightly.

“Dog star. Where is the underground kingdom?”

“It’s only about 10,000 steps from here! No, should I go further? lol. I do not know either.”

“… … “By hopping, you mean when you walk according to your standards, right?”

“that’s right!”

“Can you guide me there?”

“… … Well, it’s not difficult, but I have to find the beads first.”

“We’ll find it together.”


Eung. end… … “No, really.”

At that time, Manuela came over.

“Weren’t you trying to escape the forest?”

“You can’t leave Sortul Forest right now. “I don’t even know how.”

“Then are you going to follow that rabbit?”

“huh. “Are you going too?”

You must not miss this opportunity now.

Maybe there is something to do with escaping Sortul Forest and the underground kingdom, or even if not, I was intrigued by the underground kingdom.

“If you are… well.”


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“Tapagol. “Can you find what that rabbit is talking about?”

“I’m not confident in finding things, but… … “I will try.”


Paranet shouted.

The guy was so big and he was shouting so close to me that I thought my ears were going to drop.

” why?”

“My spine is starting to tingle, I feel like the time has come for me to be active.”

“What are you doing?”

“Beads. “I think I can find it.”


“By feeling!”

Paranette seems to have no idea.

Although it may seem like a joke, it was a big help when he showed up confidently like that.

The guy was trustworthy.

Yujun nodded.

“good. “Where do you think it is?”

“It’s nearby!”

“So where?”

“I do not know. “I just know it’s nearby.”

“… … But why did you pretend to know?”

“Trust me! I’m really afraid it’s around here… …

It was that moment.


A monster appeared in front with its arms outstretched.

A monster appeared while digging further below.

‘Does this guy look similar to the Sortul Forest predators?’

The energy felt was similar to that of predators.

‘I think it’s true that it was an experiment.’

Then, there is a probability that most of the monsters passing through the tunnel were test subjects.

It must be high.

“Hey, it’s him.”

Paranet pointed a finger at the predator.

” what?”

“He has a bead.”

Hearing Paranet’s words, Yujun narrowed his eyes and looked at the predator carefully.

‘There’s nothing unusual… …

A giant mole monster.

There wasn’t even a bead in sight.

“You really ate it? “Him?”

“Well, I guess so.”

If the mole monster has eaten Sirius’ marble, how should it be taken out?


A predator, a mole monster, rushed towards me, drooling yellow saliva.

eww. I didn’t want to touch it anymore.

“Paranet. “You deal with it.”

“yes! “I will definitely repay your trust!”

Paranet must have thought that he had been trusted, so he excitedly ran towards the mole monster.

“body… … “Mangeunchu!”


The mole monster couldn’t do anything and was thrown away by Paranet.

Then he hit the tunnel wall hard and died.

“Master, how are you?”

Paranet is smiling brightly.

Yujun praised him quietly.

“Good job.”

“It was nothing special.”

There was nothing good about just swinging the whip.

If you feed it an appropriate amount of carrots, Paranet will work harder.

‘Now the level doesn’t go up easily.’

Unlike before, when the level gap with the predators was extreme, now his level has increased significantly.

The amount of experience gained from catching a single predator has been greatly reduced.

‘This is normal.’

Even if he remained in Sortul Forest and continued hunting predators, his current level wouldn’t be much different.



“Find the marble.”


“I heard the monster over there has a bead. “Come and find me.”

“Um, searching that way?”

The mole monster’s body was completely crushed, with bright red blood and yellow slime.

It was flowing out.

The brain and all kinds of organs were sticking out, so it wasn’t quite grotesque.

“okay. “I will entrust you with your first company mission.”

“Why, why is the company mission like that?”

“Is that something like that?”

Yujun made a stern expression.

“Are you now dismissing the mission I gave you with careful consideration as something like that? sincerely?”

“Oh, no, it’s not like that.

“Company commander… … No, I am very disappointed in you. I don’t think you’ll like it in the future, so I won’t give you any missions. Actually, even for me, it would be annoying. The person you consider so insignificant is your master, and he always orders you to do this and that. right?”

“… … I was wrong, master. “I’ll come back quickly!”

Paranet quickly ran to the place where the mole monster was lying, as if a spark had caught his foot.

Paranet, who had been rummaging through the corpse for a while, raised his arm.

“I found it!”

“Wipe it and bring it to me!”

“There’s nothing to wipe!”

“You can just wipe it on your head.”

“… … “That’s a bit much.”

“You never know. “Could that monster’s liquid act as a hair growth agent?”

“What is hair growth product?”

“A medicine that makes hair grow!”


Paranet’s hands trembled.

“Is that true?”

“That possibility cannot be ruled out!”

Yujun deliberately made his words ambiguous.


The guy thought about it for a while and then started rubbing the beads on his head.

‘You really do it.’

Paranet gave the beads to Yujun.

I first checked the item information on the beads.

[Synchronization Bead]

Class: Artifact

Options: No information.


Yujun opened his eyes wide.

Why is the synchronization bead here?

A synchronization bead that couldn’t be found no matter how many times I searched for it in the lab.

Never thought I’d see that here.

“uh? “That bead is mine!”

Sirius approached with wide eyes.

Yujun held out his hand.



“This guy will check whether the beads are poisoned or not. So Sirius, please wait a moment, okay?”

Yujun smiled as brightly as possible.

Sirius nodded with a puzzled expression.


“You listen well. kind.”

Yujun, blocking Sirius’s approach, took a deep breath and tried to calm his pounding heart.

Synchronization beads.

You must give this to Sirius so that he can guide you to the underground kingdom.

Alternatively, you can ask Manuela to subdue Sirius’s brain.

Then the road to the underground kingdom

You can force it to blow.

But isn’t that too cruel?

No matter how Yujun was, he had no intention of doing such a thing to Sirius, who had innocent and kind eyes.

Sirius wasn’t his enemy to begin with.

In these cases, the solution, as always, was in the inventory.

He took out a heavy, smooth stone slab from his inventory.

[Item Appearance Replica Slate]

Grade: None

Option: You can duplicate the appearance of all items except equipment items. However, options are not duplicated.

A replica of the item’s appearance.

This item was used in the War of the Gods when old users scammed new users into trading.

At that time, I couldn’t understand what the intention was for making this item.

I didn’t go.

Ner, who was thought to be the operator, also said he did not create the item himself, so there was no way to know.

At least he never committed fraud during the War of the Gods.

There are things you don’t need because you have so many items and money,

It was obvious that if fraud was committed, even more users would leave.

There was no way Yujun, who loved the war of the gods so much, would do something like that.

‘But I never thought I would use this.’

The reason he took out the ‘item appearance replica slab’ was simple.

It was such a waste to give Sirius the synchronization bead.

He thinks the synchronization bead is just an ordinary toy.

If you give the synchronization bead to Sirius now, it will be like a pearl necklace on a pig’s neck.

That couldn’t be possible.

How precious is this?

The synchronization bead can be called his main body.

This is an item related to inventory.

“When will you give me my beads?” … ?”

Sirius asked, stamping his feet.

“It’ll just take a moment. “Just for a moment.”

Yujun placed the synchronization bead on a stone slab replicating the item’s appearance.


The stone slab began to vibrate violently.

There was a flash of light, and a synchronization bead appeared.

‘ Oh oh……’

Yujun was impressed.

Two beads placed side by side.

It was copied so perfectly that it was absolutely indistinguishable on the outside.

After checking the information on each marble, he handed the marble with no item information to Sirius.

“Now, here. There was poison on the beads. “I had a hard time getting rid of it.”

“really… … ? thank you so much!”

“What are you thankful for? Because you live a good life

“I’m blessed.”

I deliberately did not show the scene of the work being copied with one’s back turned.

Yujun, who quickly put the synchronization bead into his inventory, looked at Sirius and smiled.

“Now shall we go to the underground kingdom together? “Can you guide me?”

“huh! Believe me!”

Sirius answered energetically and started walking ahead.

It was cute to see him toddling around with his short arms and legs.

[Synchronization will resume.]

[Total time remaining until perfect synchronization of inventory.]

[Current synchronization rate 102.2%]

The message I had been waiting for appeared before my eyes.

‘I don’t know how many I need to collect, but for now, I’ll do as I’m told.’

It was when I walked through the tunnel with Sirius for about 10 minutes.

[Current sync rate 104%]

[Inventory synchronization is interrupted.]

[Some of the items in the ‘No Pay Fun Gamer’ inventory have been sent.]

[Please find a new synchronization bead.]

Yujun’s eyes widened as he read the hologram window that appeared in front of him.

‘Send item?’

my inventory is weird


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