My Exclusive Tower Guide Chapter 147

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Episode 147

I could feel that wherever people lived, they were similar.

A mission on the 22nd floor where one person was inevitably left behind.

We all tried our best not to be that one person, we were relieved when we avoided being left behind, and in the end, we were disappointed when we remembered the one person who was left behind.

This pattern would have occurred simultaneously in every corner of the tower, and will be repeated even if the same situation is encountered in the future.

Anyone who survives this tower without dying has the experience of pushing their comrades to the edge, either actively or passively.

We all owe something to someone who was sacrificed.

I comfort myself by saying that it was something I had no choice about to survive, and I also relieve my conscience by mourning for those who have fallen behind.

Before we know it, we are becoming insensitive to these things, and as time goes by, moral concepts become blurred.

‘Damn the tower.’

I am just one of them.

* * *

“You received a revelation?”

At Shin Joo-ah’s words, Lee Mun-seong, who had been standing blankly like a man in a trance, suddenly came to his senses.

“Yes, a message of revelation was just sent to me.”

“What on earth is that about? “Is there anything about my brother?”

Lee Moon-seong violently shook Shin Joo-ah’s body.

But her answer was still as dry and businesslike as a dried squid.

“Just like on the last floor, I can’t give you specific details.”

“Damn it! “How much do you want?”

“calm down. There is only one thing I can tell you in advance. It’s just information about the 23rd floor. The price of this information is 18,000 gold. “We will only message you with information to those who pay.”

“Get over this and give me the information quickly!”

I could feel Lee Moon-seong’s feelings of trying to grasp at straws.

But this was not just a straw.

Because the information he will receive includes information about his brother.

I don’t know how much that will help though.

Eighteen thousand gold was immediately transferred from Lee Moon-seong’s status window to Shin Joo-ah.

And he probably got this message:

1. This 23rd floor is the arena of doppelganger zombies.

2. Thousands of zombies appear here, and these zombies are doppelgängers of the players who were left behind.

3. You must find the one true one among them and safely escape from the 23rd floor.

4. However, real players behave like zombies until they come into contact with other players.

※ Up to two players can challenge the 23rd floor this time, and the stage background is the same as the previous 22nd floor.

“this… … “Is this really true?”

“There is no lie in the revelation I received.”

In response, Lee Moon-seong clenched his fists.

That my brother is still alive.

And that there is a possibility that he can save his brother.

At that thought, his eyes immediately turned red.

“What the hell is going on! “Please let us know too!”

Jo Byeong-guk screamed in frustration.

“Maybe I can save my brother! The 23rd floor this time… … uh… … up!”

But Lee Mun-seong could not continue speaking.

“Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

Shin Joo-ah answered that question instead.

“There are restrictions on speech to prevent anyone from speaking about revelations. Mr. Lee Moon-seong tried to ignore it and spoke, but fell into a state of paralysis for a moment. He will soon return to his original state, but if the same thing happens again, he may become really dangerous then.”

“Was that restriction real?”

Shin Joo-ah nodded.

“Anyone who wants to share revelation must pay a fair price.”

But no one was willing to do so.

The price of information is a whopping 18,000 gold.

I don’t really feel the need to pay.

Everyone here has survived just fine without that.

After a while, Lee Moon-seong was able to escape from his aphasia state.

And now his mind was in a very complicated state.

– Up to two people can challenge the 23rd floor. I will definitely do one, and then who will do the other one?

At that moment, I made eye contact with Lee Mun-seong.

In fact, there was a high chance that I would be this guy’s first pick.

The stage background on the 23rd floor is the same as the 22nd floor, and I completed the mission at the fastest pace on the last floor.

I even revealed that I had the skill to finish the 22nd floor quickly, so Lee Mun-seong must be taking that into consideration as well.

– Lee Ho-young, we need to recruit this guy! Is that possible?

As expected, my guess was not wrong.

I wanted to be quiet here.

Naturally, I start thinking a lot.

I would like to decline favors without compensation in this place, which is not my original area.

At that moment the entire message from the tower was transmitted.

[The 23rd floor is scheduled to start soon.]

[Mission: Undisclosed]


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[Only a maximum of two players will challenge the 23rd floor, and there are no rewards for participation or penalties for non-participation.]

[From now on, select the player who will challenge the 23rd floor. If there is no applicant, a challenger will be determined at random.]

[Remaining time: 30 minutes]

The message concluded without any additional information.

There was silence in the lobby for a moment.

Everyone needs time to think.

“For now, I definitely plan to apply for the 23rd floor challenge.”

The first to break the silence and reveal his intentions was Lee Mun-seong.

Everyone nodded.

Although he was limited by the limitations of his words, he could tell from just a few of his words that the 23rd floor was related to the fallen Li Munhak.

And everyone’s eyes immediately turned to Shin Joo-ah.

Another player who knows information about the 23rd floor.

Her decision was key.

“I’m not going to bother coming forward. “As the message the tower sent, there is no benefit to participating on the 23rd floor.”

Simply knowing the information is not a reason to come forward.

Her will was firm.

Other players were no different.

Jo Byeong-guk, who most sympathized with Lee Moon-seong’s sadness, also did not come forward willingly.

“It’s too big that the mission wasn’t made public. “We have no way of knowing what kind of danger lurks.”

And again there was silence in the lobby.

Lee Mun-seong gently closed his eyes.

– If this continues, I will be challenging the 23rd floor alone. The only chance to rescue my brother. I’m not afraid of dying, but can I really do it on my own?

Since most of the gold had already been used up to share the revelation, it became difficult to win the hearts of other players financially.

It’s not easy even with the items he has.

As a wizard, the wand he used was too poor for general purpose.

However, you cannot appeal with emotion.

There will be considerable danger lurking in the mission on the 23rd floor, and they have no moral responsibility.

Because he knew that, Lee Moon-seong could not easily open his mouth.

“It’s inevitable if no one steps forward, but I promise you this one thing. “I will repay the favor forever to the players who join me on the 23rd floor.”

After saying that, he just stared at the lobby.

“I’m saying I’m going to repay the favor. “Isn’t it too abstract?”

Lee Moon-seong immediately raised his head at my question.

“There’s nothing I can do for you right now, so I have no choice but to make this promise.”

“… … “If you accept my offer, we will challenge the 23rd floor together.”

“what? “What the hell is that?”

I looked at him and grinned.

* * *

Hoyoung Lee and Moonseong Lee left for the mission on the 23rd floor.

The three people remaining in the lobby looked at the hologram screen.

Of course, the screen was transmitting images of two people carrying out a mission in real time.

“As expected, is that bastard Lee Ho-young a hotgu?”

Nam So-hyun shook her head and said.

It was difficult for her to understand Lee Ho-young’s participation in the war.

I don’t know what Lee Moon-seong promised to receive, but I knew for sure that it was a brazen act.

Returning a favor is just an empty check.

This is the Tower of Apocalypse, a place where even tomorrow cannot be promised.

“I can’t say I’m a pushover. “I can only support you.”

When the mission on the 23rd floor was revealed, Jo Byeong-guk looked at his body, which had turned dark red here and there.

‘Zombies… … .’

Although they were not difficult monsters to deal with, they were tricky guys who polluted the body.

It is not yet known what kind of harm this dark red part causes, and the number of those appearing on the 23rd floor was much greater, and it was not revealed how much power they had.

‘It doesn’t even give you any experience points.’

If we look at this participation in the war on its own, it has no benefit whatsoever.

There is only danger.

“Shinju, what do you think?”

“What do you mean?”

“You two, do you think you can accomplish the mission safely? “They say you are a prophet.”

“… … No such revelation was received. However, let me tell you my personal feelings.”

“Uh, tell me.”

“I don’t think the person caught was Lee Ho-young.”


“… … no. “It’s just my feeling.”

* * *

A doppelganger has its own smell.

Other people may not feel it, but I have the absolute sense to catch this.

In fact, I once cleared the doppelganger survival mission using this ability.

‘As expected.’

It was no different from being a zombie.

Doppelganger zombies had a unique smell.

What I need to find here is the smell of people.

If there comes a moment when a foreign energy is detected, it will be a real zombie of Lee Mun-hak.

I had all my attention.

‘Nowhere around here.’

Then there is no reason to hesitate.



The heads of zombies in the shape of Lee Mun-hak explode.


Lee Moon-seong was immediately shocked.

“why? “Are you afraid I might kill your brother?”

“Didn’t you hear the message? My brother is not a complete zombie, so he is not immortal! If you shot my brother… … .”

“Come to your senses and look ahead. They’re already starting to play, right? “It means they are not your brothers.”

“Don’t argue without any basis again!”

“What if there is a basis?”


“I believe you chose me. “Because that’s the way to save your brother.”



I ignored Lee Moon-seong’s words and continued to pull the trigger.

We broke through the wall of zombies and moved forward.

I don’t even know where this literature is.

There was no other way than to run and search for it myself.

“If you kill your brother, then I will kill you and I will die too.”

“Don’t you think that’s a bit harsh for something to say to a comrade in arms? I told you. There is a reason for me to shoot a gun. And isn’t the 4 hour time limit ridiculous? If you do it and the escape portal closes, it’ll be a lot of fun. yes?”

This time on the 23rd floor. It is by no means an easy mission.

If you find the escape portal and pass through it, the survival problem will be solved, but finding the stragglers on the 22nd floor is truly hellish difficulty.

Finding the real thing within a time limit among thousands of identical looking zombies is something that requires luck.

That’s why I came.

‘Believe. It’s Nike.’

Nike has always shown his utmost strength in these types of situations, so he will not betray himself this time either.

Perhaps Lee Mun-hak’s discovery may be sooner than expected.

Actually, I was vaguely feeling it from before.

The smell of a person who is different from the doppelganger. We’re getting closer to it.

“Remember what I said earlier?”

“What do you mean!”

“As soon as you find your brother, hand over another magic skill to me.”

Today is a day to feast on skills.

When it was decided to participate in the war, I received one skill as an advance fee.

And now it’s time to eat the next one.

“Are you really trying to tell me that my brother is among the zombies in front of me?”

“uh. “I remember it well.”

I found it sooner than expected.

A collaboration between Absolute Sense, Nike, and Mini Map.

Very easy.

-Continued in episode 148-


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