Moon-Shadow Sword Emperor Chapter 382

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Episode 382

“Thank you for your effort. “Don’t forget that we will continue the rest tomorrow.”

I left the dead dragon behind and left the training ground.

Some may say that the bullying is excessive, but Earth Dragon’s body, which had taken various elixirs since childhood due to its weak constitution, was stronger than it looked.

In terms of total internal strength, I thought he would be the best among martial artists of his age, excluding me.

It was a time when I was shaking my hands and walking towards my dorm.

An older man appeared across from me and spoke to me.



He was a member of the Cheonan Gambu Execution Unit.

He was one of the Germans who remained in the secret room for the interrogation of Dark Honsi.

“Is there a problem.”

“The lady told me to bring the manager.”

I headed to the underground secret room with Dang Seok-su.

As I walked down the stairs, the fishy smell of blood assaulted my nose.

I could tell without having to see it with my eyes.

How cruel torture was carried out while I was away.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Thanks to you, I had a good rest.”

Dang Seo-yeon, who sensed my presence and came to meet me, greeted me with a bright expression.

A trace of blood remained on his left cheek.

I tend to forget because of the things she showed me as a lover, but she was a blood relative of the infamous Tang family.

Even now that the burn marks have disappeared and she has become beautiful, there is a reason why people cannot approach her carelessly.

I reached out and wiped the blood from her face.

She shrugged her shoulders as if embarrassed, but then she looked shy.

“Is the interrogation over already?”

“It’s still in progress. “Perhaps because he is an expert in flowering techniques, his spirit did not collapse even after a large amount of poison from the dead soul was administered to him.”

The biggest drawback of interrogation using dead soul poison was that there was no guarantee that the subject would spit out correct information.

Therefore, we had to repeat the same questions and cross-verify, which of course took a long time.

“First of all, I will first tell you the information I have obtained so far.”

Seoyeon Dang took out a note from her pocket and handed it to me.

I immediately opened the paper, checked the contents, and opened my eyes wide.

“······Did Amhonsi really say this?”

“yes. “I thought I needed to inform you quickly, so I asked you to bring the manager.”

“All right. “I’ll go right back and call a meeting.”

I left the basement behind Dang Seo-yeon, who nodded as if she knew that would happen.

This was not the time to leisurely check the status of Dark Hon City.

‘I wondered what they were thinking when they attacked three directions at once.’

I thought it was strange.

Because the Demonic Church, which was numerically disadvantaged, had no reason to disperse its troops.

In particular, I did not understand why excessive troops were sent to Hubuk.

Even if you try to swallow up Hubei with difficulty, Ma Jyoju will not be unaware that it is surrounded on three sides by the influence of the political faction, Wulin, and that it will inevitably be recaptured in the end.

From the point of view of the Shamanist faction or the Zhuge family, it is a situation where the light is on right now, but from a national perspective, Maqiao’s actions were beneficial to the martial faction faction.

‘I understand now.’

The troops flocking to Sacheon and Hebeuk were nothing more than a deception.

Their real goal was the ruins located in Hubei, Bangxian to be exact.

* * *

“ruins? Are you saying that the only reason the demon cultists came to Hubei was because of the ruins?”

“That’s right.”

The members of Cheonan Gambu, sitting around a large table, looked as if they did not understand.

In the midst of a civil war, the reason why the army was divided, even at the expense of our own troops, was just to rob one relic?

If you think about it normally, it was a story that made no sense.

“Because what on earth is a sleeping ruin?”

“If it were an ordinary ruin, there would be no reason for the Demonic Cult to go to such lengths to take it over. “The creator of the relic is Cheon Gi-ja (千技者).”

“Reporter Cheon? Are you talking about the former Jinbeopga who was called the best in the central region?”

“That’s right.”

Hong Seong-hyeon’s face became serious.

The rest of the members nodded as if they finally understood.

The weight of the nickname of Reporter Cheon was so great.

Of course, Wu Ji-jin, who was from Southern Manchuria, was unable to follow the flow of the story and was left with a blank expression on his face.

I would have to take the time to explain it to him later.


The person who reacted most surprised was none other than Cheon Ga-ryeong.

Among those gathered here, she was the only one who climbed Mt. Snowdu with me.

Knowing that Reporter Cheon’s Bi-dong had already been captured, she could not help but feel uncomfortable with my remarks.

‘I couldn’t believe it at first either.’

This is a brief summary of the information discovered through dark poetry.


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Bi-dong on Mt. Seoldu was where Gija Cheon spent his last years.

However, it was when he was relatively young that he abandoned the Sima family name and began his career in earnest.

In other words, it would not be surprising if there was a base that he used before he became old.

‘There were traces of Cheon Gi-ja in the monument of Muyeong Shintu (無影神偸).’

It’s just a guess, but it’s highly likely that Reporter Cheon helped him steal the sacred items of the Demonic Cult.

So, one question arises here.

Why on earth did he help Muyoungshintu?

Even though he was the greatest thief in the central region and all, in the end, Muyeongshintu’s true nature was nothing more than a thief.

It was difficult to think that Reporter Cheon, a person of such stature, would have had a friendly relationship with him.

The goal was to cause damage to the Demonic Cult by seizing sacred items?

For that reason, there was no reason to assist not only in theft but also in non-consensual production.

No, there was no reason to give up the sacred object to Muyeongshintu before that.

The most likely hypothesis was this.

‘Maybe there are things that Reporter Cheon took, just as there are things that Muyoungshintu took with him.’

Needless to say, fair distribution was a prerequisite for two people with completely different personalities to cooperate.

If Reporter Cheon had obtained something comparable to the items taken by Muyeongsintu, he could understand the co-fight between the world’s best true law expert and Daedo.

‘The front and back fit together perfectly.’

What if the items stolen by Muyeongsintu are buried in the ruins of Cheongija?

This could explain why the Demon Lord was trying to retrieve it, even mobilizing a large army.

If you think about it, the faces of the masters dispatched to Hubuk were unusual.

Bungcheon Demon Emperor, Hundred-faced Death God, and Cheonakgun.

Hasn’t the existence of as many as three absolute masters been confirmed?

In particular, the White-Faced Reaper was the Demon Lord’s favorite confidant.

Just by looking at his presence in Hubei, one could tell which of the three battlefields Ma Jyoju was most concerned about.

‘It is said that even in the dark, one does not know what object is sleeping. ‘I have no choice but to go and check in person.’

Once we knew the enemy’s purpose, there was no time to sit around.

No matter how much he stayed in Yongzhong Mountain and waited, the Demonic Cult would never attack.

If you stay still, instead of getting a chance to counterattack, you will just stare blankly at the backs of the demon cultists who rob the ruins and retreat.

“It’s late, but we need to pack up our troops and head to Banghyeon now.”

The members nodded their heads heavily.

Things in this world never worked out easily.

It would have been convenient if the demon cultists had come all the way to Yangyang.

They would have been able to gain an overwhelming advantage by taking advantage of geography.

Banghyeon (房縣) was an area located on the southeastern outskirts of Shibieon (十堰) occupied by demonic cultists.

Ultimately, this means that you have to jump into the enemy’s sphere of influence and confront them.

It was natural to feel worried and anxious.

“First, I will send someone to the head of the Zhuge family and ask him to prepare a place for me. Soon, we will officially form an interception team. Every member of Cheonan Gambu will participate, so everyone, please prepare your mind.”

“All right.”

* * *

“Great Lord. “I have something to say.”

“Please come in.”

A command barracks located on the front lines of Hebei.

A beggar dressed in shabby clothes took off his veil and entered the barracks.

The man who put down the report in his hand on the desk, Dokgo Woojin, the leader of the torpedo squadron, raised his head and made eye contact with him.

“What’s going on?”

“I have something important to say.”

Dokgo Woojin’s eyes narrowed.

An air membrane that secretly covers the barracks.

It seemed like he hadn’t just come to report.

“I’m laughing,” Sogeolgae said, pulling up a chair and sitting across from me.

“I’ll skip the formalities. From now on, what I will say is not to the leader of the unit, but to Dok Go Woo-jin personally.”

“What is going on that makes you look so serious?”

“The movement of the Demon Cultist has been reported.”


“Judging by the movement route, the destination is likely to be Hubei.”

Dokgo Woojin’s face became serious.

Hubei was the place where his disciple Yeon Yeon-un was currently on a mission.

He knew that his disciple had reached absolute heights, and that there were only a few beings in the entire central plains who could threaten him.

However, if the opponent was a Demon Cult leader, I couldn’t help but feel worried.

This is especially true since a student was already on the verge of death because of it.

“From what I have observed so far, it is estimated that the main force of the Demonic Cult is currently concentrated in Sichuan and Hubei. Hebei can be said to be in a relatively relaxed situation. “Recently, with the arrival of Arhats from Shaolin Temple, we have become more relaxed.”


“So, let’s go.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean it literally. What I’m saying is, take only a few elite members of the torpedo squad and go to Hubei. “We will make sure that the fact that you are away is made known as late as possible.”

“Is that okay?”

“Regardless of whether it happens or not, isn’t the student in a dangerous situation? The student’s life and responsibility as a commander. “Which one will you give priority to?”

This was not something to say to the person in charge of leading the main unit.

The commander who is supposed to lead the troops is away for personal reasons?

Isn’t this a perfect justification for political opponents to criticize?

The second question was what consequences the action would have.

Nevertheless, Sogeolgae was confident about what answer Dokgo Woojin would give.

“I’m sorry.”

Dokgo Woo-jin made a decision after a short period of thought.

Sogeolgae smiled and said as if encouraging him.

“Hurry up and get ready. “One o’clock is urgent.”

“I understand.”

Sogeolgae, who was staring at the back of Dokgo Woojin leaving the barracks, sighed deeply.

He scratched the back of his head and muttered quietly.

‘It would be nice if I could repay the favor of avenging my student with this.’

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