Moon-Shadow Sword Emperor Chapter 316

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Episode 316

“Are you sure?”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s about migration, not expansion.”

“of course.”

I nodded in the affirmative.

Expanding your influence without giving up your existing foundation is completely different from giving up your existing rights and pioneering a new path.

The effort you have to put in, the risks you have to take, and the rewards you get in return.

‘More than anything, the latter is the reason why Hwang Bose will help with this matter.’

As the owner of Hwangbo Sega, he would naturally want to receive confirmation here.

He took the tea utensil brought by Sibi and handed me a cup filled with tea and said,

“For the Shandong Musicians to move to Jiangsu, wouldn’t it mean that they would push out the martial forces that had established themselves in that area and take their place?”

“That’s right.”

“I don’t think it would be that simple.”

“Of course, we have made all the necessary preparations.”

“I want to hear what preparations you made.”

I recited exactly what Ak Yeo-ryeong had said before to persuade the owner of Hwayang Sangdan.

As the story progressed, Hwang Bose-ju’s expression changed in various ways.

He seemed surprised to find that the plan was more sound than expected.

“That’s amazing. “I thought Shandong music was strangely quiet recently, but I never thought they were preparing for something like that.”

“The Sima family deviated from the right path and dabbled in all kinds of unclean things. And the Cheonan Inspectorate secured sufficient evidence regarding the denial.”


“Justice, force, and the support of Hwayang Sangdan were added to it. “With these conditions met, the likelihood of the plan failing is extremely low.”

“I don’t think it’s a bad method. “If there is a clear villain and the Shandong Akga is punishing them, the backlash from vested interests can be minimized.”

“yes. “If it goes well, it will not only win the public’s support, but also put Akga on a rock.”

“Or, was Baekrangdaeju’s joining the alliance a stepping stone for this?”

“That’s not it. The migration plan was made after Lord Baekrang decided to join the alliance. “It is true that you joined the alliance for the revival of the family…”

“It seems like you were the one who came up with the plan and recommended it to the White Wolf Lord.”

“That’s right.”

“I heard you were a resourceful person, but I never thought you would be like this.”

“You’re praising me so I don’t know what to do.”

Hwang Bose-ju’s mouth slowly drew an arc.

He was probably playing hard on the abacus in his head right now.

‘Whether the offer is accepted or not, Hwangbo-sae has nothing to lose. ‘I can’t help but feel good because there are no risks to take while the clear benefits are presented.’

Hwangbo Seju, who had quenched his thirst with tea, came out and made direct eye contact.

He then placed his clasped hands on his knees and asked.

“If Hwang Bose helps with the matter, what kind of compensation can he receive?”

“What do you mean by price?”

“If you give something, you should receive something in return. “Isn’t that the martial law?”


It felt like what was coming was coming.

I didn’t answer right away, but fiddled with my teacup.

‘As expected, it comes out like this.’

* * *

As mentioned earlier, there was nothing to regret for Hwang Bose.

Whether the Shandong Akga succeeds in relocating safely, or the plan goes awry due to some variable.

Either way, it was an ideal ending from the Hwangbo family’s perspective.

‘No, rather, you might want an ending in which the Shandong Yue family and the Sima family see each other as two enemies.’

If the two martial powers fall at once, the Hwangbo family will be able to take advantage of the gap to rapidly expand their power.

The position of a complete outsider.

Therefore, it was something I could confidently ask for.

If you want help from this side, pay the appropriate price.

Most likely, if this party agreed to comply with the request, Hwangbo Sega would most likely be asked to hand over some of the interests held by Sima Sega.

To establish a bridgehead to advance into Jiangsu.

I withdrew the smile from my face and shook my head lightly.

“I think it’s difficult to answer that question.”

“What does it mean?”

“I am only in the position of supporting Shandong music to the extent possible. “I cannot arbitrarily guess the intentions of evil families and represent them, and I do not have the authority to do so.”

“I understand what you mean. If so, I will invite the head of the Ak family to my home and discuss the matter together.”

“well. Perhaps Akajiaju will not accept Hwangbosega’s invitation.”

“You’re talking nonsense. Didn’t you want to receive support from your family? This doesn’t work, that doesn’t work either. “Why on earth are you asking me to do something?”

I clicked my tongue with a bitter smile on my lips.

Even though I clearly know why this side is showing disapproval, I am puzzled.

“I am not a member of the evil family, but I know roughly what the members of that family think of the Hwangbo family.”

“Do you have to distort the cause because of personal feelings to write?”

“What the matriarch said is correct. But it is also true that those personal feelings were the decisive reason for preparing this plan.”


I had no intention of trying to please the other person by spinning around.


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In times like these, it would have been better to be blunt and make your refusal clear.

“It is difficult to promise compensation. However, if there is a reason why Hwang Bose has to help with this matter, I can explain it to you.”

“I’ll listen to it first.”

“First, the probability of success of the plan is quite high. “It’s hard to say this, but in fact, support from the Hwangbo Family is not absolutely necessary.”


“There are two main reasons why we seek help from Hwang Bose. “This is so that the Hwangbo family does not feel anxious about the movements of the evil family, and because we need a credible organization to inform the world of the Sima family’s sins.”


“The former purpose has already been achieved, and in the case of the latter, it is okay to ask a family other than the Hwangbo family on your behalf. For example, the Nangong family of Anhui.”

“So what you’re saying is that there’s nothing to regret, even if it’s an evil song?”

“That’s right.”

“I know what you want to say, but that is no reason for the Hwangbo family to help the Shandong music family.”

“If the Shandong music family safely moves to Jiangsu, wouldn’t it be good for the Hwangbo family?”

“Didn’t you just say that? Hwang Bose’s help is not necessarily needed. “I don’t think I feel the need to dispatch warriors from my family.”

“And second. This is most important. There is a possibility that the Sima Family joined hands with the Demonic Cult.”


“All we have so far is circumstantial evidence, but it can be considered almost certain.”

“Tell me in a little more detail.”

“On my way here, I stayed overnight at a kettle house. “We subdued the bandits, rescued the imprisoned women, and brought them to a nearby village.”

“Isn’t Yongolchae a large mountain vegetable under Nokrim’s command?”

“A warrior from the Sima family was hiding in the underground warehouse of that keelhouse. But suffering was discovered in his head.”


“It is obvious why the Demonic Cult joined hands with Sima Segawa. If the Sima family is left unattended, it will definitely strangle the Huangbo family someday. In the worst case, Hebei and Shandong may fall into the hands of the Demonic Cult.”

“Just stop there. “I understand enough.”

Samasega is trying to do something by colluding with Noklin.

And behind Sima Sega, there is a demonic religion.

It was obvious what Hwang Bose-ju thought when he heard this story.

Didn’t something similar already happen once in Gansu?


The head of the Hwangbo family exchanged glances with the head of the previous family.

It seemed like they were exchanging opinions by voice.

I sighed softly and tilted the teacup in my hand.

Hwangbo-se was worried because he did not have enough material to persuade his side, but as the circumstances surrounding Sima-se’s collaboration with Demonicism were revealed, the missing pieces were filled.

If you didn’t know, you wouldn’t have known, but now that you know, even as Hwangbo Seok, he won’t be able to remain silent.

At least they will try to do some verification work.

‘I don’t know whether I will accept the offer and move with the Shandong Musicians, or whether I will send someone separately to investigate.’

In any case, the primary goal was achieved.

At this level, I can say that I have fulfilled my role sufficiently.


In his previous life, there was no such thing as the Sima family joining forces with the Demonic Cult.

It was not difficult to guess why history changed.

Because of me, the Shandong Musicians stopped colluding with the Demonic Cult.

Perhaps Ma Jyoju chose the Sima Family as the Wulin faction to replace the Shandong Yue Family?

The power of the family, the region where it is located, and even the background that could betray the political faction, Murim, at any time.

From the religious leader’s point of view, there was no other family that had such conditions.

“Cheonan Inspector General.”


King Kwon, who had been watching the conversation without saying anything until now, finally parted his lips.

“I was impressed. “There was a reason why you were recognized as an executive at a young age.”

“That’s too much praise.”

“I will accept the offer. Instead, let’s put one condition on it.”

“As I said, I cannot represent Akga’s wishes. “It may be possible as long as it conveys the story, but…”

“Don’t worry. “Because this is a condition placed on you, not on an evil family.”

“I will listen first and then decide.”

“I want to see your skills.”


“I would like to get a glimpse of the skills of the Cheonan Inspector General, of whom there are many rumors.”

“Are you really saying we should dance together?”

“I see.”

I frowned slightly.

What does the alliance between me and King Gwon have to do with our alliance?

This old man was carrying out an obvious trick.

“I saw your teacher on the front line in Hebei not long ago. What a great warrior he was. “Maybe if it weren’t for me, he would have become the king of his time.”

It was a strange thing to say.

Even though it seemed like he was praising his teacher, he was secretly exalting himself.

It was as if he was saying that the Thunder King was a lesser title than the King of Fist.

It was a provocation that seemed intentional, but it got heated for no reason.

“Now that I have the chance, I wanted to check it out. “Just how skilled is the Thunder King’s disciple?”


“Can’t you think of it as an old man’s plan and accept it?”

“All right.”

I nodded without much hesitation.

If you could get the help of the Hwangbo family with just one dance, it could be said to be cheap.

‘Perhaps what they want is the leadership of the alliance.’

In an official setting, I create a situation where the king knocks me down.

Through this, the warriors participating in the operation clearly understand which side has the upper hand.

That was probably the reason why the Taesang family head of the Hwangbo family asked me to help them.

Of course, the main group of this plan was the Shandong Akga, and the power that the Hwangbo family could hold in their hands would ultimately be limited.

So winning or losing wasn’t that important.

The most ideal picture would have been to hold out for the sake of Hwang Bose’s reputation and then concede the victory.


I was grumpy for no reason because I tripped over my teacher.

I began to look at things that I would normally consider positive and ignore with a twisted perspective.

As a king and all, I felt like I had to properly humiliate him to get his senses to go away.

‘You’re treating the teacher as if you were a subordinate. If it weren’t for me, you’re an old man who would have already passed away.’

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