Mightiest Melee Magician Chapter 293

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All Power Wizard Part 2 Tower of the Demon God

Episode 050

When moving from the Demon God’s Tower to Leverdine, we used the land route, but on the way back, we used Draka.

I crossed the continent at a speed so fast that I didn’t need a separate Mana Train, and I was able to arrive near the Demon God’s Tower in half a day.

“I’ll go alone from here.”

“alone? “Is that okay?”

“huh. Instead, Draka, can you go to Ardel?”

According to what I received from Leverdine, the entire continent is infested with rioters and there are no personnel to fight.

If the rear is in danger, the remaining 50,000 Allied forces cannot concentrate on the final battle.

Because you’ll be more concerned about your family than the safety of the continent.

The number of deserters is already increasing, and we must prevent the Allied Forces from disbanding.

To do this, stabilization of the rear

It’s essential.

“After Ardel is resolved, please take a look around the Radian Kingdom. One by one, starting from the closest places, okay?”

This time my eyes turned to Jason.

Jason nodded with a confident expression, as if telling him to leave it to him.

“Don’t worry about us, I’m more worried about you. Just looking at what the demon god has done now, he looks very different from the previous corps commanders.”


How long did he prepare for this day, hiding his identity and pretending to be a gentle God?

He has the entire continent in his hands and is playing with it like a puppet.

As Jason said, he is on a different level from the corps commanders he has encountered so far.

However, there is no need to show your anxious feelings.

“Please tell the people of Ardel my regards. “I’m very worried.”

“yea, I got it.”

Jason and Draka rose into the sky and flew south.

After staring at their backs for a long time, I turned my head.

At that place.

“Hmm, how can I meet the demon god?”

The Demon God’s Tower was still standing, and I ran forward with a grin.

“First, let’s just hit it.”

♦ * ♦

“The moment you come one step closer, we will regard you as real rioters and not citizens of the Free City of Ardel.”

Hanson blocked the mob that had gathered like a cloud and surrounded the front of the mayor’s mansion.

The thing in his hand was clearly a wooden sword, but with the added momentum of a six-star knight, it was as sharp as a real sword.

The faint aura alone would have been a clear threat, but the rioters advanced without hesitation.

“I’m warning you. Just one step closer

The moment… … !”

“Conversation is not working. It can’t be helped. “We have no choice but to stop it with force.”

Irene Prius, who was next to Hanson, seemed to have made up her mind and began casting a large-scale trapping spell.

In an instant, the mob rushed in.


Hanson defended Irene with brilliant movements and struck down the wooden sword.

Sigh! Bye!

In an instant, four rioters fell down with their heads bleeding, but the number

There were a lot of radishes.

Hundreds of people are rushing in like a wave, so how can you stop them alone with only a wooden sword?

Hanson stepped back and fiddled with the sword at his waist.

If you use the real sword, if you cut them all down without mercy, it wouldn’t be impossible.

Because most of the rioters were old people who did not have the strength to fight.

However, Irene shook her head.

“No. “Citizens are not enemies to be killed.”

“Didn’t you just say that we had to stop it by force?”

“I didn’t mean to kill you.”

“Yes, I know. That’s why she came out with her wooden sword. However, we cannot create a situation where the mayor is in danger. He promised the leader that he would definitely protect the Ardel family.”

“I made a promise to my dad too. I will protect Ardel so that she can be safe. But if you pull out the sword now, an irreparable tragedy will occur. “I never kept that!”

A vine sprouted from Irene’s fingertips, and this vine tied down the feet of the approaching mob.

“I will take care of it. So, you must never draw your sword.”

At the same time, he quickly stepped back with a short-distance teleportation and extended his hand upward.

Then, a huge glacial barrier appeared, blocking the mob’s path.

The rioters were blocked by the wall and began to panic.

“after… …

Hanson exhaled and touched the real sword.

I retrieved the hand that was fiddling with me.

“That’s great, but it’s just a way to buy time.”

“yes. Just buying time is enough. “Is there anything we can do other than buy time in the first place?”

“How long until the ice wall disappears?”





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The ice barrier blocking it disappeared.

At the same time, like a dam collapsing, the rioters

It started pouring down, and Irene cast a bind spell on the rope prepared on the floor and threw it at the rioters.


The rope began to bind the rioters’ bodies so that they could not move.

It was up to Hanson to fend off the remaining mob.

Sigh! Bye!

He relentlessly swung his wooden sword and subdued the mob.

I felt it for the first time.

It is more difficult to fight while watching a master than to fight against a master.

If you practice targeting only the enemy’s vital points, trying to attack while avoiding the vital points will end up messing up your steps and making unnecessary movements.

On the other hand, the rioters are determined and attack with pickaxes and sickles in their hands, without a single thing in sight.


“Mr. Hanson!”

As he fell down after being hit on the back with a club, a mobster holding a scythe rushed over to the fallen son.


Too many numbers rushing in.

If things continue like this, the front door of the mansion might be trampled by the mob.

“There is nothing we can do about it now. “We need to solve it, not waste time.”

Hanson gritted his teeth and pulled out the dagger from his waist.

It was then.

“excuse me! Hey, over there! The sky… … !”

“… … I”

AOO Ugh|

A huge shadow passed over Hanson’s head, who was lying on the floor.

At the same time, both Hanson and Irene could not believe their eyes.

That was a dragon.

A dragon that only existed in legends.

“Damn it!”

Hanson’s face darkened in defeat.

The dragon was considered a subordinate of the demon god.

However, Irene, who already knew of Draka’s existence, shouted happily to the sky.


You’ve already grown so much.

Perhaps the person riding that Draka is Ruin.

At the moment of mixed emotions, Jason popped his head out from Draka’s back.

“You’ve been waiting a long time, right?”

It’s not Ruin, it’s Jason.

A moment of disappointment passed by, but now I have to deal with this first.

“Don’t just sit still, do something


At the same time as Irene’s angry cry, Draka began flapping its wings.


At the end, the almighty Class 9 magic unfolded.

It was a simple trapping spell, but was the trapping spell performed by the magical master of a different class?

Swish! Whirly!

The ropes spread throughout the city soared into the sky and all flew towards their owners.

“Well, what is that…” …

The number alone reached hundreds.

* * *

Ardel, which has a small population compared to other countries, was able to suppress the rioters relatively quickly.

Once the situation was somewhat settled, Hanson entered Dellin Ardel’s office.

“I will report to you. About 500 rioters were arrested and quarantined in prison. Currently there are 200 enlisted soldiers.

They are mobilized to hunt down other Frelia members… …

“Are you hurt a lot?”


Rather than listening to the report, Delin Ardel paid attention to the wound on the young knight’s arm.

It didn’t look very deep, but it was clearly a scythe scratch, and the wound was widening due to constant movement without proper treatment.

“Go and get treatment first.”

“Oh, my arm is fine…” …

“It’s because I’m not okay, so come on.”

“… … All right.”

Although he is a sworn knight, he is still young.

I feel sorry for the enormous responsibility that this boy knight, who is only 18 years old, carries.

The report was conducted around the time Hanson’s treatment was completed.

This time, Irene and Jason entered the office together.

“So, Ruin, you’re saying you went to deal with the demon god alone?”

“I couldn’t stop him either. Oh, you know… … . “How stubborn Ruin is.”

“Anyway, that’s true! “What if I leave you alone, Ruin?”

“Because Ruin wants it.”

“Because Lu Yin does not want Ardel to be in danger. “He had no choice but to ease Ruin’s burden.”

Irene, who understood the meaning, could not say anything.

I’m just worried.

Jason also tried to ease Irene’s worries.

“And there are 30,000 troops stationed at the Demon God’s Tower. There won’t be any problems with Ruin. You know? “She knows how strong that guy is.”

“… … So, Jason, are you staying in Ardel now?”

“I would like to, but I still have Ruin’s favor left. Every corner of the continent is in trouble because of the rioters. I heard that some cities have already been taken over by rioters. “I have to go help them.”

“Um, occupation?”

“Why are you so surprised? Did you know that every city is guarded by a 6-star knight and a genius wizard? “How many people are killed in vain because there is no one to protect them?”

I forgot about it for a while.

Not everyone enjoyed the same peace as Ardel.

“Then, I’ll go too.”

Irene Prius offered to help Jason, but Jason shook his head.

“no. Dangerous. Moreover, what will Ardel do if Irene leaves?

“It’s stable now, but you never know when a mob might arise again.”

“but… …

“Even if the Prius matriarch or Ruin heard about it, they would have opposed it. Right, Mayor?”

Delin Ardel also nodded.

It seemed like he didn’t want Irene to be in danger anymore.

Although she hated being treated like a princess, Irene had no choice but to admit it.

You must remain in Ardel.

That’s right for everyone.

“So, where are you going now?”

“my school.”

“••••••my school?”

“huh. From what I heard, it looks like the academy students formed a vigilante group. Children, aren’t you amazing? When I went to the academy, I was just young. “Kids these days are different.”

“A vigilante group, that’s amazing… …

“I have to go and empower my juniors. It teaches you that your decisions are never wrong. Doing both the job and the job

“Do you want to show me the dignity of a senior teacher?”

“Draka is going to do everything anyway.”

“… … “There’s no need to hit me like that.”

After Jason finished speaking, he bowed his head to Delrin Ardel.

“Ruin ​​asked me to say hello. “She also told me not to worry about her.”

“… … “Thank you.”


Jason patted Hanson’s shoulder a couple of times, as if to encourage him to cheer up a little more, and then went outside.

“Dragon Mage, let’s get started.”

Thinking about the surprised expressions on my juniors’ faces when they saw the dragon, I burst into laughter.

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