MEMORIZE Chapter 945

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00945 If You Change, One. ————————————————– ———————-=

Despite the humiliating command, Kim Soo-hyun did not make a movement. He doesn’t do anything for a while, as if he didn’t hear.

However, the Queen of the Night was not impatient and waited quietly. Lilith had slept with countless men, so she instinctively knew how to treat the man in front of her.

Regardless of whether he is simply powerless or not, the person named Kim Soo-hyun is definitely strong. And although the reason is unknown, he has a very deep grudge and hatred towards the devil. If it is this stiff, it will never bend, no matter how hard you try to push it to its limit. It would have been better if it had been broken.

So Lilith risked Han So-young and fell. No matter how strong and steadfast an individual may be, in the end they are only limited to themselves.

The more precious the object you are risking, the more certain your weaknesses become. In this respect, Han So-young was Kim Soo-hyun’s greatest weakness.

Will you be stubborn and establish your beliefs, or will you protect your precious people even if it means putting aside your pride?

The answer came soon.

“Yes… !”

Suddenly, a soft nasal sound escaped me at the feeling of a dry tongue lightly skimming my vulva. In the end, after seeing Kim Soo-hyun with his face buried in her va**na, Lilith suddenly trembled with passion and joy. She finally, she finally did it.

“after… . Hehe… . Ahahaha!”

Lilith began to laugh out loud, feeling like something was unbearable. Although her skills were not at all noticeable, she was using her tongue in an extremely annoying way that showed that she did not want to do it, but such things were not a problem at all.

Moreover, the situation of having your beloved lover just watching helplessly right next to you was a delicacy that is not often enjoyed. For Lilith, who now craves mental pleasure rather than physical pleasure, it was natural that her breathing suddenly became rough.

“Good, very good…” . Keep doing this… . Then, as promised, your woman won’t even touch a single hair of hers… . “Hohohoho!”

Lilith’s flexible, outstretched hands gently grabbed Kim Soo-hyun’s head. And as I gently pressed it and rubbed it here and there, the sensation in the valley became even stronger.

Lilith, who had been moaning for a long time and enjoying the cunnilingus to her heart’s content, finally caught her breath and opened her mouth.

“Wow, that’s strange… ? I’ve never been so excited before… ?”

My whole body is tingling and my lower abdomen is itching. Even my voice was shaking. She felt something strange, but she just ignored it and didn’t think it was a big deal. In fact, the very fact that the strong Kim Soo-hyun surrendered brought a psychological pleasure that was beyond imagination.

But there was one thing that even the Queen of the Night, who said there was nothing to be afraid of in bed, didn’t know.

That is, as the relationship began and time passed, the ring on Kim Soo-hyun’s left ring finger started to shine. And as Lilith unleashed her intense s*xual energy and further fueled her partner’s lust, the light of the ring gradually became stronger.

The thing that Lilith was overlooking was that she did not know that the name of this ring was the Ring of Purity and what kind of efficacy it had.

After a hellish time for some and a time of pleasure for others, Lilith let out a long sigh and smiled in satisfaction.

“Whoa…” . good… . now stop.”

The man’s saliva and the love juice flowing from the va**na mix and drip down the valley line. The lower body was not completely flooded, but the crotch was soaked to the point of becoming shiny.

Lilith gently stroked the top of Kim Soo-hyun’s head as if she loved him, and then lay down leisurely on the cold floor. And when she slightly raised her head, she saw Kim Soo-hyun sitting down helplessly, staring blankly into space. Looking at that devastated look, he felt something that had remained in his heart until then: ‘Something is a little strange.’ Even the doubts completely disappeared. No, Lilith was enjoying the situation to the fullest.

Lilith let out a squeal of excitement and twisted her waist, but at some point she gently moved her crotch to the sides. She then moves her hands and spreads her private part wide, exposing her tightly hidden reddish insides in a flashy manner, as if to show off. At the same time, a clear liquid flowed out from inside her, and the devilish scent wafting out was so explicit that it made her dizzy.

Kim Soo-hyun actually had an expression of extreme disgust, as if he was looking at a bug.

“Kick. What are you doing? “I’m not a child, so I have to tell you one by one to understand?”

As Lilith giggled, a noise like teeth grinding continued.

“A trash bitch worse than a w**re.”

“그러는 너는 곧 창녀한테 허리를 흔들게 될 개새끼가 되겠지.”

Lilith responded eloquently and put on a stern expression. And she said.

“Anyway, I’m trying to have some fun, but it’s putting me in a bad mood. Take off your pants. “f*ck me.”

“… … .”

“By the way, this is your last warning, so do it yourself. “You better not expect any more patience from me.”

“… … .”

After saying that, Lilith stopped making seductive gestures and closed her eyes as if telling her to do as she pleased.

Then, not long after,

“Istantel… . low… . road… .”

“ask… . give… . Eyes… .”

Along with the trembling voice, I could hear the faint sound of chains clanking. Cutting through the unbearable silence, the tips of the hot pillars finally touch each other with flower petals. Feeling the feel of the massive glans draped over her entrance, Lilith smiled inwardly. Without even knowing in her dreams what would happen to her in the future.

After a while.

Kim Soo-hyun’s penis penetrated the soft flesh hole all at once and without any warning or warning.

Next moment,

“Uh… !”

The two tightly closed eyes suddenly opened wide, as if they were about to be torn apart, and Lilith’s whole body stiffened and she let out a cry of astonishment.


Only a faint ray of moonlight was coming out of the room.

Lee Hyo-eul, standing in front of the door, stopped turning the doorknob and took a quick peek inside.

It was dark inside. Only the moonlight coming through the window dimly illuminated the room, and only a black shadow was cast forlornly on the desk facing the front.

Lee Hyo-eul turned the doorknob that had been half-turned fully and entered quickly. And as he tries to say why aren’t you turning on the lights, he closes his mouth without realizing it.

The strong smell of alcohol wafts gently into the quiet room where the uninvited guest has left. There were even traces of rubbing and burnt tobacco all over the desk, and three or four pieces of tobacco were rolling around. Even though I don’t know how to drink alcohol, I knew that I never drink alcohol, so I couldn’t help but feel awkward.

“you… .”

However, Lee Hyo-eul barely swallowed her words. He just glanced quietly, then carefully placed his butt on the empty chair. And he stared at Kim Yu-hyeon, who was quietly lowering her head.

No emotion can be found on the calm face. Even though Lee Hyo-eul showed signs of presence, she just quietly closed her eyes and seemed to be deep in thought. Very occasionally, she simply squeezed the lumpy stone held in her left hand and then repeated her unfolding. When Lee Hyo-eul discovered it, Lee Chae flashed across her eyes. It was the Memoria Stone.

‘That…’ .’

After receiving the call, I came to visit and heard the story roughly. He presented conditions that the devil could never ignore. And when Melinus left, he left behind the Memoria Stone.

To put it bluntly, activating the warp gate with this creates a portal that can instantly take you to where the legal area was. In other words, Kim Yu-hyeon could bring her younger brother back right now if she wanted to.

… Of course, assuming that it passes the zero code.

At that time, Kim Yu-hyeon suddenly opened her eyes and slowly tilted her chin back. Deeply sunken black eyes stare at her desk.

Eventually, he placed the Zero Code and Memoria Stone he was holding in both hands on the desk,


The call to the woman in a very hoarse voice happened almost simultaneously.

Kim Yu-hyeon continued speaking without looking at Lee Hyo-eul.

“how… . Should I… ?”

However, when I couldn’t hear anything even after waiting for a while, I changed the question and opened my mouth once more.

“Survivor… . “Not that many, right?”

From the trembling voice, Lee Hyo-eul intuited the answer the man wanted. For a moment, I wanted to say no, but I couldn’t.


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“… huh.”

The moment he said yes, Kim Yu-hyeon’s face turned pale. Lee Hyo-eul gritted her teeth, but at the same time, she felt fortunate. She wondered what would happen if she didn’t do anything like before, but at least she seemed to be aware of reality.

In any case, I have no choice but to open my mouth, even though I know that my next words will be a death sentence for the other person. Because what Kim Yu-hyun wanted to hear wasn’t true.

“It wasn’t like this even during the Iron Mountains expedition or when we fought the war with the Western Continent and the Vagabond Allied Forces. To get back to the previous level… . I don’t know either. “How long will it take?”

“… okay?”

“okay. and… . If those conditions are true, I don’t think it’s a bad idea to accept them. In particular, the fact that we can add conditions is very advantageous. Isn’t this essentially an admission of defeat on the other side? So, straighten your shoulders.”

“… … .”

For Lee Hyo-eul, these words were as pure as possible. Even though they said so, in reality, it was a condition that had no choice but to be accepted in the current situation, and there was only one option left. That was reality.

Kim Yu-hyeon showed no reaction for a moment. She just slowly and lazily cupped her face with her hands and let out a long sigh that could have been sobbing.

Although Lee Hyo-eul felt sorry for the man, she did not regret what she had just said. Rather than being driven by her emotions, she has always thought and acted rationally.

After that short conversation, silence returned to the room.

How much time has passed?

As the uncomfortable silence continued for so long that I wanted to escape immediately, a pounding sound was suddenly heard in the hallway. The noise stopped as soon as it reached the door, but then the door was slammed open and someone came running in. The momentum was so terrifying that not only Lee Hyo-eul, but also Kim Yu-hyun, who was petrified, looked on with slightly surprised faces. Ahn Sol raised her eyes fiercely and was glaring at Kim Yu-hyeon.

“you are… ?”

“Why are you still?”

Before Lee Hyo-eul could say anything, Ansol aggressively pushed the man sitting at the desk. When Kim Yu-hyeon made a bewildered expression, Ansol’s face scrunched up and she snarled as she took long strides towards her.

“Why are you staying still? Are you not going to save your brother? “Are you your real brother?”

“Now, just a moment.”

Lee Hyo-eul jumped up, but Ansol wasn’t even paying attention in the first place. And when he took something out and threw it, a series of dull noises echoed across the desk. One was a full-bodied Chaos Mimic, and the other was a beautiful sword with a mysterious aura.

“We win. No, I’ll let you win. So quickly… !”

“User Ansol!”

While Kim Yu-hyeon was looking at the two objects in confusion, Lee Hyo-eul grabbed the shoulder of the priest who was only talking. It was then.

The moment the other person looked back as if he was annoyed, the anger that had risen to the end of my throat disappeared. An indescribable energy was steadily radiating from Ansol’s whole body.


“… No, calm down first. I also understand user Ansol’s feelings. The clan lord is captured, and of course you want to rescue him as quickly as possible. “We feel the same way.”

“so. Does doing just that mean you’re making a deal with the devil? “With those demons that Su-hyeon never trusted.”

“yes… ? Well, how do you do that?”

Lee Hyo-eul’s eyes widened. The detailed conditions may not have been known yet, but it sounded like he already knew everything. Not only that, but his way of speaking was different from usual, but I couldn’t catch that.

Ansol stared at Lee Hyo-eul for a while, then turned his eyes forward again and opened his mouth.

“That’s funny. If my brother were here, maybe… .”

It was that moment.


Suddenly, the sound of a hard hitting the desk sharply cut off Ansol’s words.

When the two startled women looked straight ahead, Kim Yu-hyeon, with his eyes wide open, stood up with his mouth wide open. Rather than being angry, she somehow felt like she was very shocked. She is like Archimedes who shouted Eureka in the bathhouse.

“okay… .”

“Ki, Kim Yu-hyeon?”

“Yeah, yeah… .”

“Why, what’s wrong? Is that so? “What are you talking about?”

Lee Hyo-eul asked repeatedly, but Kim Yu-hyeon did not answer.

“okay… . That way… . There was a way… . Why am I thinking this… .”

He continues to mutter to himself like a crazy person, and without realizing it, his dead black eyes begin to emit a strange light. The energy that had been hidden comes to life in an instant, and the fighting spirit that had disappeared is rekindled.

Then, an unexplained feeling of anxiety rose up inside Lee Hyo-eul, who was quietly watching. The feeling of wonderment came over me.

“You can’t believe it… . Are you going to war? Oh, no, right?”

“Whoa…” .”

“… really? really? Are you crazy? What do you believe in? Are you just going to believe what this priest says? “Are you not even listening to what I said?”

“It will help you win…” !”

Sparks flew from the eyes of Hyo-eul Lee and Sol An at the same time. They glared at each other and opened their mouths, but the next moment, for some reason, neither of them could get the words out. Kim Yu-hyeon stretched out her hand to block the gap between the two.

Kim Yu-hyeon looked at the two with a much calmer look. Then she suddenly threw the Chaos Mimic and the Oath Sword from her desk back to Ansol.

“Stop both of you. And take this back.”

“This… !”

“listen. I don’t know what that thing is. But seeing as how confident he is, he must be useful somewhere. If so, that’s enough. “It’s up to you to use it yourself.”

“… … .”

Kim Yu-hyeon spoke at a very fast pace. Ansol hesitated at the sound of an unprecedentedly stern voice, and she held the two objects tightly in her arms. As if she was being pressured to be the same, the momentum with which she relentlessly pushed her opponent slowly subsided.

Kim Yu-hyeon looked at Ansol blankly for a moment, then opened his mouth quietly.

“Soohyun put great emphasis on user ansol. I too have heard the story several times. Oh, of course I acknowledge your luck. “It’s definitely a powerful force.”

“I am… .”

“But, please know this much.”

“yes yes?”

“I am not your clan lord Kim Soohyun, but user Kim Yuhyun. “I have my own way.”

“… … .”

Ansol decided to just keep quiet. That’s because her man’s attitude changed one hundred and eighty degrees. Her eyes, at first glance, glowed so frighteningly even though they were cold, that she had completely changed to the point where she wondered if he was the man who had just been covering her face in frustration.

“This war… . “This war cannot depend on anyone’s luck.”

The Emperor continued to speak in a determined voice, still looking straight at Ansol.

“If we cannot unite the remaining forces of the Northern Continent, we have no choice but to be defeated once again.”

“However, our troops are currently in a state of great decline not only physically, but also psychologically. “Like me before, you probably think that even if you fight, you will definitely lose.”

“So what we need now is not uncertain luck… .”

“It is the confidence that we can transform fear into fighting spirit and that we can win.”

In front of the words flowing like a waterfall, Ansol became mute. Kim Yoo-hyun’s statement that even Kim Soo-hyun will give up and move in once the trigger is triggered was so orderly and logical that even Ansol, who was a big hit, found it difficult to refute it.

The same was true for Lee Hyo-eul. If he simply trusted the priest’s words and decided to go to war, he planned to do everything to stop it even if it meant death, but Kim Yu-hyeon was analyzing the situation more calmly than ever.

So, after finishing his long talk, Kim Yu-hyeon took his gaze away from An Sol and looked straight at Lee Hyo-eul.

“Lee Hyo-eul.”

“Uh, huh?”

“Everyone is welcome, so gather as many users as possible into the plaza. “I will go right away.”

“uh… .”

Kim Yu-hyeon finished speaking quickly and suddenly left the room, as if being drawn by something.

Lee Hyo-eul reflexively stretched out her arm without any meaning, and then lowered her hand weakly. And then I gently pressed his left chest.

I don’t know why, but my heart hasn’t stopped pounding for a while.


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