MEMORIZE Chapter 731

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00731 A flower blooming in blood. ————————————————– ———————-=

It seemed like he was trying to hold back, but the sad sobs that kept leaking out continued. After a while, Lee Yu-jeong ran away, covering her face and crying. The airflow in her intestines suddenly became abnormal. It was as if the group had been hit with cold water, and the joyful atmosphere suddenly subsided. Ha Seung-yoon, who was jumping with joy, looked around with an awkward expression. However, no one came forward and they just looked at each other.

In the end, I decided to leave. There is no need to stay any longer since the event is over. I don’t like being in noisy places for a long time to begin with. The clan members looked at me in confusion, but I smiled and encouraged them to continue enjoying the festival. Then, as if he thought I was going to Lee Yoo-jeong, he started talking quietly with a relieved look on his face.

For a moment, I really wondered if I should go… . I just decided not to do that. I’m not the type of person who is particularly good at comforting people, and I didn’t think I would have anything good to say if I left now. It would be okay to say something cliché.

So, I just walked up the stairs and entered the office on the fourth floor. I went out to the terrace with a small table and a chair, but only then did I realize that I hadn’t brought any food or drinks. Of course, it can be solved by pressing the call button once… . Hey, I think it would be better to just get some air and sleep.

I sat down on the chair and laid my head back. The stars in the cold night sky show off beautiful colors as if hundreds or thousands of jewels were scattered around. A cool night breeze blew, but it didn’t feel very cold. In fact, I felt like it was cooling my slightly heated body.

hmm… . I suddenly feel regretful. I think it would be quite charming to look around while having a drink. Should I ask for one at the beginning of the year?

Squeak… .


Just as I was thinking that and putting my hand into my chest, I suddenly heard the sound of the door slowly opening.


I turned around to see someone, and before I knew it, Kim Han-byeol had entered the room and was standing there. Holding a drink and a glass tightly in both his hands. Seeing the neat yet cool outfit, not the robe I was used to seeing all the time, gave off a mysterious vibe. Suddenly, the half-open door caught my eye.

“just… . From what I saw earlier, it seemed like you were climbing up with bare hands… .”

He speaks in a crawling sound, scratching the soft carpet with his feet.

I was trying to tell him to close the door, but suddenly an awkward feeling came over me and I scratched my head.

“then… . “Did you come up on purpose because of that?”

Hanbyeol Kim shook his head.

“and… .”

“… … ?”

“answer… . Now I want to hear it… .”


The moment I asked the question, Kim Han-byeol opened his eyes.

“iced coffee. You mean that answer? haha.”

I could barely remember. Come to think of it, he said he would answer my confession when I returned to the human world, but I had completely forgotten about it. I’m too busy… . ah. Saying this would be an excuse.

“Come in first.”

It was hard to say anything, but Kim Hanbyeol was already doing it. He comes to the terrace with pounding footsteps and looks around. Only one chair was brought. When I lightly tapped her thigh a couple of times to tell her to come and sit, her cold eyes lit up in surprise.

“Why are you so surprised? They told me to come and sit down. Or are you going to keep standing?”

“Oh, no… . There… .”

“why. no?”

“… … .”

When I said this jokingly, Hanbyeol Kim got angry. He probably thought he was mocking, ‘Do you think I can’t do that?’ As if saying, he approaches with great strides, clears his throat, and turns around. As I watched my butt slowly sink, I straightened my index finger and straightened it to the center of my thigh. width.


As soon as he pokes somewhere, Hanbyeol Kim jumps up. He held my stomach and laughed. Because the scream was so different from what I usually thought.

“this… ! This is bad! transformation! Low quality!”

Kim Han-byeol took turns hitting me with the bottle and the glass and cursing me with all kinds of words. After arguing for a while, Kim Han-byeol finally calmed down and put down the bottle hard enough to make a bang sound. While holding on to the shaking table, he whined and pulled the sofa and sat down with difficulty.


“Hun vunman de grèves. (Try that one more time.) Yes?”

Kim Han-byeol glared at me, making the sound of teeth grinding, then sighed and nervously turned the cap on the bottle. Following the sound of carbonic acid spurting, the gushing liquid is poured into the glass. Even just looking at the bubbles bubbling up in a light blue color, it looks cool.

Hanbyul Kim held out a glass and sighed again.

“Ugh. “I didn’t feel like getting an answer today either.”

Although he spoke as if he was talking to himself, it was clearly something he told me to listen to.

I snatched the glass lightly.

“Why do you think that?”

“Why? Something like that happened earlier, and you must be in a bad mood. “Honestly, you were thinking about Yujeong before I came.”

… That’s correct. To be exact, just as I was thinking about it, Kim Hanbyeol came in.

I laughed bitterly.

“Please take a look today. “My mind is very complicated.”

“I understand. And that’s it. After breaking the mood by doing something strange… .”

Kim Han-byeol grumbled in a strange tone. And while pouring alcohol into his own glass, he opens his mouth calmly.

“But why is Yujeong like that?”

“huh? iced coffee. You fought hard. But I guess I was upset because I lost.”

“Uhm… .”

“Why all of a sudden?”

The gurgling sound stopped. Then I heard the sound of the bottle being put down and felt staring eyes on me.

“Let me change the question. “Yoojeong, why did this happen?”

“… Why so?”

When I looked back and looked back, I saw a glass in front of me. I slowly raised my glass. The sound of crystals colliding with each other was followed by a voice expressing curiosity.

“That’s right. actually… . “I hate to admit it, but didn’t you adjust well at first?”


“Well, if you listen to what Hyeon-i said, they say that the learning speed was fastest at the beginning of the play. They say they felt a sense of competition. “She always learned it faster than me.”

“that’s right. It did.”

Suddenly, I remember the days when we gathered together at the Osundosun Inn and did activities. For a chick at the time, Lee Yu-jeong was definitely a quick learner. In the first place, she was the first to adapt like Kim Han-byeol in Rite of Passage.

“But now…” .”

Kim Han-byeol carefully trailed off his words.

I laughed bitterly.

“Hey, don’t look at it too negatively. No matter what you may think… . Yujeong is a pretty good user. Of course, he is also a good person.”

“Yoojeong is a good user and a good person?”

Kim Han-byeol asked in disbelief. It’s an expression of astonishment. She probably focused on saying she was a good person. Well, he has the right to say this.


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“I think so. I’m not sure about you because I wasn’t in the beginning… .”

I quietly closed my eyes while fiddling with the glass. As I calmly search my mind, memories from 3 or 4 years ago slowly begin to come back. Yujeong Lee at that time… . Yujeong Lee… .

“therefore… . Was it when you first left the city? ah. “It was when I encountered a group of Renga in the dungeon.”

Suddenly, laughter broke out. It was definitely surprising at the time. In many ways.

“Although he was talented, he was a fearless kid. Just on the subject of chicks. It may be because I told him to, but a kid who is only 0 years old just ends up among the monsters. And she starts going crazy.”

“… “That’s not necessarily a good thing.”

“that’s right. Then, a dangerous time will surely come. But that’s also funny. Either he will fall out on his own before I can even say anything, or he will end it at the risk of getting hurt. Can you believe it? She’s a girl who hasn’t taken off her modern look yet. When dealing with monsters bigger than yourself, calculate without the slightest hesitation. ah. I just have to get out of this. ah. If you do this, you can win. “He’s definitely ruthless, but the sense of battle that comes from it is no joke.”

“… … .”

“And yet the child smiles. I don’t cry because I can’t do what others do, and I don’t leave matters in my hands out of poor mercy. After the battle, the first thing I do is treat my injuries and check out the loot. Then, when he finds some decent results, he always smiles brightly and energetically, calling himself Oppa Oppa. So Lee Yu-jeong is a true user. haha.”

“however… . Why now… .”

In the end, it was the same question.

Why has Lee Yu-jeong become like this now?

I suddenly felt like my throat was burning, so I drank the glass as hard as I could. The liquid that flows like a waterfall falls down the esophagus. Soon, as I gently open my eyes that had been closed, Kim Han-byeol, staring at me, vaguely comes into view.

I put the tobacco I had taken out earlier in my mouth and lit it. The smoke exhaled as if sighing slowly disappears into the night sky.

“That’s because I don’t understand. Understanding. Actually, today’s event was really shocking. “It’s not just me, everyone feels the same way.”

Hanbyeol Kim continued to look at me and said something as if making an excuse.

“She’s so talented and adapts well, but that doesn’t mean my brother didn’t push her. And anyway, you’ve been following along steadily so far, right? Whenever something happens.”

“… It did.”

“But today’s battle… . Of course, the user named Ha Seung-yoon was stronger than we imagined… . How could it be so overwhelming…? .”

“… … .”

Was the silence that followed stifling? Kim Han-byeol slightly lifted her glass and began to spin it round and round. The whirlwind in the liquid felt like my own.

Then, suddenly, Kim Han-byeol stopped his hand.

“or not… . “Is there something else wrong?”

I ask, leaning back on the sofa and raising the glass to my mouth.

It’s something else.

well. Rather than a problem… .

“perhaps… .”

I was deep in thought for a moment.


“Maybe it’s me.”

The words I had kept in my heart until now came out quietly.


It was that moment.

Kim Hanbyeol raised his eyes and frowned. The glass of wine that was just being tipped falls back down. A weak cough bursts out before I can even get it out of my mouth. That’s how unexpected and surprising Kim Soo-hyun’s words were.

However, Kim Han-byeol was not the only one who was surprised.

“… … !”

Outside the door, a woman with red hair is covering her mouth with her eyes wide open.

It was like that. Standing outside the half-open door was none other than Lee Yu-jeong.

I didn’t come here with a specific purpose. I just ran away from the square, wandered here and there, and trudged along in a dizzy mood. And the place I instinctively went to was the office on the 4th floor. The time when Yu-jeong Lee arrived was around the time when Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Han-byeol had just started talking.

When I first looked into the room, I almost ran out. There was no one else but Kim Han-byeol, and the sight of them chatting with each other ignited jealousy. However, as I listened carefully, I realized at some point that he was telling his own story. So, I had been secretly eavesdropping on the story almost from beginning to end.

And now, Lee Yu-jeong is in confusion.

When Ha Seung-yoon’s story came out, I kept my eyes shut. Because no matter what he heard, it seemed like it would become a dagger and plunge into his wounded chest.

But, is it because of you?

So, is it because of Kim Soo-hyun that Lee Yu-jeong became weak?

Words that I don’t understand at all. Lee Yu-jeong made an expression of disbelief. Even though her whole body was shaking, she gently lifted her head and gazed breathlessly across her terrace.

“brother… . “Is it because of that?”

Kim Han-byeol, who had barely come to his senses, asked in a puzzled voice.

At that moment, Kim Soo-hyun suddenly showed signs of fatigue. Then, an indescribable change began to occur. His face was still the same person, but he seemed to be looking at a different person. As if time had passed rapidly around Kim Soo-hyun, he seemed to be at least 10 years older. It was a face I saw for the first time and was revealed to me for the first time.

After a while.

“Do you know what Lee Yu-jeong’s nickname was when she was in the North Continent?”

Kim Soo-hyun started off with a somewhat unexpected remark. Kim Han-byeol, who was sitting across from him, and Lee Yu-jeong, who was standing outside, naturally concentrated.

Kim Soo-hyun continued.

“You crazy bitch. Blood crazy bitch. “It’s called light years.”

After saying that, I laugh at my own absurdity.

“haha… . Such a bright kid is crazy about blood. “That’s nonsense.”

“… … .”

“… But the funny thing is, that was true to some extent.”

“actually… . “This?”

Kim Han-byeol asked carefully.

Kim Soo-hyun took a short breath and nodded.

“When was it? Was it the Screaming Cave? We were fighting a bloody monster, and Lee Yu-jeong was very excited and fighting. I dealt with it with ease. And while laughing, he keeps stabbing the collapsing body… .”

Lee Yu-jeong was listening to the words while continuously swallowing her saliva. As if she doesn’t want to miss a single word, she leans her back against the wall and focuses all her attention on hearing.

“But do you know what happened? He looked at the blood that suddenly burst out and quietly closed his eyes. … It didn’t seem like he had any intention of avoiding it. There I saw it clearly. “Amid the pouring blood, Lee Yu-jeong was smiling.”

Coincidentally, Kim Han-byeol’s Mokuldae also drew a small elevation.

“Are you imbued with murderous intent?”

“That could be possible. Or it could be the influence of user information.”

Kim Soo-hyun turned his words around in a euphemistic way. However, just thinking back on that time makes him chew his mouth and scratch his chin, as if his taste was bitter. In fact, that was when Kim Soo-hyun recognized Yu-jeong Lee’s special ability.

“So I started managing it. I broke his magic sword, threatened him, and forced him to wear the headband of purity. However, the result is a bloody bitch. haha.”

“You were worried, too.”

Kim Han-byeol spoke in a comforting tone without realizing it. This is because Kim Soo-hyun’s last laugh somehow felt like he was mocking himself.

Kim Soo-hyun brushed his hair and began to turn his neck this way and that. His face was still tired.

“okay. “That was the problem.”

A calm voice is heard. It was a voice that seemed to be sinking endlessly into the sea.

“As you know, in order for a user to become strong, many factors are needed. The class must be good, you must develop abilities appropriate for the class, and you must also pay attention to specialized abilities. ah. Of course, gaining experience is also important. Anyway, only by deeply studying and harmonizing all of these things can you join the ranks of true powerhouses. “The moment one thing is missing, it becomes only half the story.”

So, Lee Yu-jeong definitely had ways to grow further and become stronger.

Clever Kim Han-byul was able to immediately understand Kim Soo-hyun’s words. In other words, Kim Soo-hyun forcibly limited Lee Yu-jeong’s room for growth. That was actually the case. Although he was clearly successful in protecting Lee Yu-jeong’s spirit, it resulted in a significant deviation from his most important special ability.

“then… . If her brother had not stopped her and her older sister had grown up as she was… .”

Kim Soo-hyun shrugged his shoulders.

“At least it wouldn’t be like it is now. no. You will definitely become stronger. Even if it means becoming a murderer.”

“It may be a little presumptuous, but… . Wouldn’t it have been okay if my brother was by my side? Even if you really have that tendency, you listen to what your brother says. For example, if the older brother can just stick with the older sister and control her… .”

Then Kim Soo-hyun paused for a moment and kept his mouth shut. Then he looks as if he is lost in thought and tilts his head. Kim Han-byul stared at Kim Soo-hyun feeling nervous for no reason. The reason was the same. In fact, all this time he was wondering, ‘Why did he take Ahn Hyeon with him instead of him?’ It was also something I was curious about.

Kim Soo-hyun immediately burst into laughter.

“Hehe. What nonsense are you talking about? no. “He suits me so well.”

“It fits well… ? So you’re saying no?”

“no. Even if I take him with me, what will he learn from me? How can I behave more cruelly, how can I kill more efficiently? I guess it’s like this. “If it got worse, it would get worse, and it would never get better.”

“… … .”

Kim Soo-hyun, who said that, shook his head vigorously.

“okay. Even if a guy like me decided to raise Lee Yu-jeong… . Rather, it’s a way to ruin him.”

He said it once more as if confirming it, and sat down in the chair, supporting his head with his clasped hands.

“Well, if it’s a tool that you use a few times and then throw away, it wouldn’t be a bad idea. In fact, there were many times when I thought about just growing it as is. … However, my thoughts have changed quite a bit recently.”

“… … .”

“Actually, I don’t really care. Because I think it’s already too late. But Lee Yu-jeong is not there yet. To just watch something strange change… . What a waste of a child. Whether as a person or as a user.”

“… … .”

Before we knew it, Hanbyeol Kim was keeping quiet. He prayed because he had nothing to say, but also because he felt a little strange.

It was like that a little while ago. I can’t pinpoint it, but ‘because I think it’s already too late.’ I couldn’t help but feel so uncomfortable with those words. As if he was predicting his future… .

After a while.

Kim Soo-hyun slowly tilted his head back. Two half-closed eyes stare endlessly at the pitch black night sky. Kim Han-byeol tried to follow suit, but looked closely at Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes. His eyes seemed empty.

Soon, the slightly opened mouth moves helplessly.

“… Well, I don’t know. “These days, I don’t know if I’m really doing well or if I’ve been doing well.”

It was then. Suddenly, Kim Soo-hyun trembled and suddenly turned his head toward the room. His eyes look straight out the door.

“Who is there?”

“… … !”

At that moment, Lee Yu-jeong silently held her breath. She pulled her head away reflexively, but she still stood in the same spot. Soon, her hands slowly rose up and pressed against her bulging breasts. It was only after she was caught that she realized that her heart was pounding.

After hearing Kim Soo-hyun’s sincerity, I felt like a suffocating pressure was weighing heavily on my heart.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Rule, rule, rule, la, I hear it coming from somewhere

I like the dream-like melody.

Stop, stop, stop, lean between the hands of the clock

Flesh, gold, flesh, gold, someone is coming.

Why is my heart pounding so much?

Even if it’s just a friendly word, I hear it.

What if even you, the moon, wake up?

Moon, Night, Moon Light Sweety!


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