MEMORIZE Chapter 695

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00695 A new home. ————————————————– ———————-=

“I think it would be better to go at least once.”

Im Hanna hesitated for a while and then cautiously opened the door.

“why. “Did something happen?”

“Yes. I guess Mar heard about your disappearance and went crazy saying he would look for it. But fortunately, I think I’ve grown up and calmed him down well.”

“Marga? “That’s a good thing.”

“yes? Anyway, they say they found a warp gate in the inner city. I think it would be a good idea to go there at least once. “Everyone was very worried.”

Im Hanna was trying to say something, but ended up repeating the words, “Go once.”

‘Is something really going on?’

In any case, if it was a matter of competing for hourly wages, word would have come out a long time ago. Also, just as I was nodding my head because what I said wasn’t wrong at all, Ha-yeon Jeong suddenly intervened.

“It’s okay to go, but wouldn’t it be right to take care of urgent matters first?”

Im Hanna opened her eyes wide.

“Is it urgent? “It’s just a short visit.”

“That’s true, but we’re not in a situation where we can just use the warp gate yet. I wouldn’t know if the justification was as clear as it was with Vivian. “Everyone is on high alert for fear of someone coming in, but this time too, it will take a few days to get permission.”

“ah… . is it?”

“huh. And users are probably very anxious right now. The meeting is now over. I’m hoping that the clans selected as representatives will quickly show something. So, for the time being, it’s better to keep in touch with the communication beads. “It would be better to quickly create a situation to use the warp gate.”

Whose family’s daughter are you talking about so loudly?

What Jeong Ha-yeon said was right in every detail. To sum it up in one word, it was time to focus on restoring the devastated city. Then, as the movement of residents and materials to help with recovery will need to be airlifted from the North Continent, the warp gate will naturally be activated.

“But it’s really funny.”

Suddenly, Lee Yu-jeong snorted and muttered to herself. He must have been listening to our conversation.

“If they’re that anxious, they can make the first move. Do you really want us to lead the way? “I’m not even a brat.”

… I know how you feel, but that is a very wrong idea. I wonder if the current situation is a monopoly. We were now in a position to compete with three other cities. And that too from the most disadvantageous position.

What if I just stay still like Lee Yu-jeong says? From then on, you will fall behind the competition. Just as users want a safe city where they can base their activities, cities also need users.

However, users are extremely cold-hearted. If you decide that there is no point, you just turn your back on it. You can’t create a ghost town when you’ve become the representative clan.

In any case, any user would want to locate in a city with good facilities and easy access to activities, and we needed to live up to that expectation.

“The benefits that will come back later are enormous, but you shouldn’t think like that. It’s natural for us to invest. “Don’t you know how important the initial stake is?”

“to? “So what you’re saying is that we need to restore this entire city?”

Jeong Ha-yeon spoke in a scolding tone, but Lee Yu-jeong frowned, biting her spoon tightly. Ha-yeon Jeong looked like she was about to say more, but she just smiled bitterly and shook her head.

“I didn’t say that.”

It was absolutely ridiculous, but it was actually my fault that Lee Yoo-jeong spoke that way. Since graduating from the Academy, he has enjoyed only sweet privileges as a free mercenary. I haven’t even tasted the dark side of it at all. Since there was no way to know the situation of ordinary users, it was natural to say something like that. In the end, it might be an immature idea.

“Anyway, it’s going to be extremely busy from now on. Just cleaning up is a mountain, but we also need to pay attention to city restoration. Where will the money come from in the future? .”

Jeong Ha-yeon muttered in a worried tone. As if she heard that sound, the noise that had been going on everywhere quietly subsided. It seems like everyone is at a loss for what the future holds.

But I’m not worried at all. no. Instead, I laughed to myself.

If I hadn’t been confident in the first place, I wouldn’t have set up the clan to become the representative clan, or at least I would have taken another city. There was a good reason for bringing in the southern city, which is considered the most underdeveloped. I had already made my own plan.

‘Because there’s no law that says ruins have to be outside.’

With that thought in mind, I looked around the inside of the castle and calmly lost myself in thought.

‘The problem is how to reveal it quietly… .’


What are the biggest concerns of current users? no. To be more precise, what behavior do users expect from us?

That’s what guarantees their rights. Of course, there may be specific wishes beyond guaranteeing rights, but the point is the psychology of compensation. In other words, they went through all the hardships to come to Atlanta, and now they want to guarantee compensation.

This was a very natural expectation, but at the same time, it was the most important issue at the moment. It had not been discussed due to sluggish talks so far, so now was the time to bring it to the surface.

The representative clans of other cities seemed to have similar thoughts, and it wasn’t long before we received a call from the central management organization.

Lee Hyo-eul, the actual head of the central management organization, decided to attend with a communication bead. If he wanted to, he could use the warp gate to attend in person, but he refused, saying that now was the time to be absolutely careful.

The meeting attended by my brother, Han So-young, and Gong Chan-ho progressed rapidly. This is because Lee Hyo-eul, who understands the current issue well, has already prepared a plan, and we also had no major dissatisfaction with Lee Hyo-eul’s opinion. In the first place, there can be no complaints as guaranteeing the rights of users is linked to our interests.

(Ah. Well, let’s end the meeting here. Let’s summarize it roughly here….)

With a crackle, Lee Hyo-eul, reflected in the bead, organized the records neatly and bent her neck from side to side. Am I tired at all? There is considerable fatigue all over the face.

(The priority rights guarantee period is 3 months. During that period, only users who participated in the strategy can use Atlanta. However, only users who passed through the Steel Mountains directly, not through the warp gate, can access Atlanta ahead of time even if they did not participate in the strategy. We grant you the right to use it. Everyone agrees to this, right?)

Hyoeul Lee estimated that it would take about two months to traverse the Steel Mountains, assuming that the user would not face any obstacles. Then, users who wait for the coverage period to end can use it for at least two weeks and up to a month earlier.

The point here is to save the fortresses built in the middle of the Steel Mountains.

Only one road has been opened in the Steel Mountains, but it is difficult to say that they have been completely conquered yet. No one disagreed with the statement that the road should be widened and the fort developed further than it is now. In the end, what Lee Hyo-eul said was that he would carry out stabilization work by risking the lives of users.

(Eh… And… Now I have to sort out the use of warp gates…)

Lee Hyo-eul, who moved on to the next topic, tilted her head back and continued talking. The refreshingly exposed mokuldae moves with a gurgle.

(Afterword. Actually, there is no way to solve this problem. In any case, in order to support residents or procure materials, the warp gate must be opened in both directions, but I cannot guarantee that there will not be users who secretly try to take advantage of the gap. This is the same for that as well. Seriously. There are cases where they help you sneak in just because you know each other, right?)

Everyone nods.

(So, as I said earlier, we have no choice but to be careful with each other under strict mutual control. If such a situation arises, be sure to punish it severely.)

As Lee Hyo-eul said, this was an unavoidable problem. Since there is nothing more to look forward to in the Northern Continent, any user will be coveting Atlanta, a place flowing with milk and honey. It’s possible to sneak in through the warp gate just in case. Of course, this is something that should never be tolerated.

I’ll say it again, it’s safe to say that everything related to Atlanta is compensation at the moment. How would you feel if you risked your life and earned a reward, but someone sneakily spoon-fed you?

(Everyone is busy, right? Well then, let’s really end the meeting now. That person must be very upset.)

Gong Chan-ho, who was yawning with his mouth wide open, opened his eyes wide and started shaking. I chuckled and stood up.

When the meeting was over and we returned to the castle, the clan members were still busy cleaning. I called a few of them separately and called a meeting. After concentrating on cleaning for several days, we were able to secure a space suitable for meetings. Of course, it was limited to the first floor, and I couldn’t even think of going to the second floor.

“Starting tomorrow, our mercenaries must perform three major missions.”

After informing them of the results of the discussion with the central management body, I looked at my clan members and extended three fingers.

“first. Cleaning the castle. second. Proceed and supervise future urban restoration. third. “Organizing the North Continent, supporting residents, and procuring materials.”

“yes? “You’re organizing the North Continent?”

Jeong Ha-yeon waited for me to finish speaking and then asked back in a surprised voice.

“yes. Contact the North Continent and tell them to organize all branches that have expanded into other cities, including Monica. An astronomical amount of budget will be spent to restore the city in the future. We need to raise money from as many sources as possible. “If we organize things in the North Continent, we will be able to secure some budget.”

“There are gold coins piled up in the clan house warehouse… . Surely that won’t be enough. However, if you organize the equipment and jewelry you have acquired… .”

“That is absolutely not enough.”


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“Still, it’s such a waste. We don’t have to pay taxes separately, and if we continue to do so, we will make a profit regularly… .”

There is some truth to this statement. Due to the nature of our status, the income we receive is directly related to our profits. However, if there is one thing that Ha-yeon Jeong is overlooking, it is that I have no intention of staying in this world called Hall Plain forever.

okay. There are no more regrets in the North Continent, except for the Mercantile Academy. Two years at most. The intention was to return to Earth with the Zero Code inside. To that end, stabilizing Atlanta was the top priority.

“There aren’t a lot of people coming in anyway. And as more weight is placed on Atlanta, the profits coming in will continue to decrease. As time goes by, it will become more difficult to organize. Rather, it is better to organize it neatly now and focus on where you can benefit more.”

Then Jeong Ha-yeon nodded and lowered her head as if she had nothing else to say. Although I still feel a sense of disappointment, I feel like I have realized that my will is firm.

“to the next… . First, you can just keep doing what you’re doing. ah. Let the kids do the cleaning. “I don’t think it’s time to entrust the role of director to children yet.”

Everyone seemed to agree with this statement, as if there were no differences of opinion. In particular, Ha-yeon Jeong nodded her head loudly and expressed deep sympathy.

“Then, second to last. Proceed and supervise future urban restoration. Actually, this is the most important. This… .”


“brother! brother! Tonguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!”

“Oppa, bar, bar, bar!”

It was then. Just as I was about to discuss the most important topic, the door suddenly opened and two users rushed in, making a fuss. The two people who came rushing towards us with terrifying momentum were Ahn Hyeon and Lee Yu-jeong.

“Someone just kicked the door hard. And aren’t you guys cleaning?”

“Guys. “Can’t you see we’re in a meeting right now?”

When he remained still with his mouth open, Go Yeon-ju and Jeong Ha-yeon scolded him harshly. At this point, it might have been a bit scary, but Ahn Hyun and Lee Yu-jeong were still extremely excited and squealed.

“No, brothers and sisters. Just listen to it once. This is awesome! “It’s really a big deal, right?”

“shut up. Quiet. Whether it’s real or not, we’re talking about something very important right now. “If you keep making noise, I’ll get angry.”

“Oh sister! Just listen to it once? We were just exploring the castle… .”

“what? Explore the castle? These really are! “I don’t do the cleaning that I’m told to do!”

In the end, Jeong Ha-yeon got very angry and stood up. It was only then that Lee Yu-jeong seemed to realize that something was out of the ordinary, and she flinched. Then she turned her head and her eyes lit up as if asking for help. I took a long breath.

“What. say it.”


“Let’s take a listen. “Let’s listen to it and if it’s not a big hit, we’ll go and punish it then.”

“… … .”

Jeong Ha-yeon gave the kids a hard look, but eventually sat down calmly. And she even crossed her arms as if asking me to say something. The two became quiet and just looked at each other, and then Lee Yu-jeong tapped Ahn Hyeon with her elbow.

Then, Ahn Hyeon, who was surprised, stuttered and continued speaking.

“to… ? therefore… . Let’s go. Well, you made a discovery?”


“yes. that… . “To be exact, Sol discovered it.”

“… … ?”



At that moment, a thought flashed into my mind.

‘no way… .’

A thought crossed my mind.

Did he feel the gaze?

Anhyeon immediately smiled brightly and shouted in a bright voice.

“yes! “Our bokdong did one thing!”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

1. HaraKiri: The reader’s hand is the weak hand. I hope that you become a strong and strong Royumi.

Sol ) Thank you so much. Get well soon and return to your wild nature… . No, wait a minute. I really like it when someone gives me a gentle hand when I have a stomach ache, right? So, when I saw the comment, I was going to write that I was really grateful and that I would definitely regain my wild side, but I stopped when I saw my title. -_-+

2. Golden Boy84: Menstrual cramps? Was the author really a woman?

Sol ) No. Yesterday’s stomach ache was pure stomach pain. My chromosomes are XY, so is there any way I can do it? That’s what women do. I am a very rough and wild man.


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