MEMORIZE Chapter 620

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00620 Night Of Theater. ————————————————– ———————-=


“The records turned out to be true.”

From the Colossus War to the ancient shaman dialogues.

Is it because I kept my mouth shut for too long? After finishing his long speech, Kim Soo-hyun grabbed his chin and moved it back and forth.

Kim Yu-hyeon asked a question.

“It turned out to be true?”

“huh. “After conquering the third area, I found the sign of an ancient shaman.”

“The mark of an ancient shaman?”

“I told you earlier. The giants who had been going through a time of pain and humiliation in Region 3 were able to regain some of their strength after meeting the ancient shaman. “That token acts as a catalyst to restore the power of the giants.”

“Catalyst. then… .”

“that’s right. “This is something that came out after the strategy was completed, but if we had known about the existence of the token at the time, we might have approached it a little differently.”

At that moment, Lee Chae passed through Kim Yu-hyeon’s eyes.

Whether it is an expedition or an expedition, all users have an obligation to record and report the process. This is because there is not only information about the monster in question, but also things to look back on when a similar monster appears in the future. In the process, there are some users who say, ‘If we had done that, we would have been able to attack it a little easier.’

“It’s the mark of an ancient shaman… . So, if we can manipulate it somehow, wouldn’t it be possible to bring back the power of the restored giants? “At the same level as before.”

“yes. In fact, the method itself is simple.”


“lets think. The token of an ancient shaman can be seen as a kind of sacred item, right? But new things don’t just happen anywhere. It must be held by someone with the power of a shaman, or it must be in a designated location. Or should I call it a new station? For example, an altar created by a shaman to contact God.”

It was a somewhat understandable story if you think about amulets or libations.

Kim Yu-hyeon, who understood immediately, smiled broadly, unable to hide her joy. When she heard about the giant’s characteristics earlier, she thought there was no way, but she found a way to attack it that was easier than she thought.


“… “I know what you’re thinking, but it’s impossible.”

“Then if you steal the token or destroy the altar… . “What?”

Kim Yu-hyeon, who had been talking excitedly, stopped talking without realizing it when he heard his younger brother’s denial.

Suddenly, Kim Soo-hyun’s face hardened and he took out a cigar with a serious look on his face. As if he was going to say something really important. However, when Kim Yu-hyeon’s eyes narrowed to the limit, she grumbled and put it back.

“Anyway, you’re not wrong. Still, it seems unlikely that it will be realized.”

“why? Oh, of course that token would be an important item to the giants. The vigilance will be that severe. But you say giants can’t feel magical power? “Then wouldn’t it be enough to just deploy users whose hiding abilities are at their peak?”

Then, a slight smile appeared on Kim Soo-hyun’s lips. It wasn’t a laugh. While there are people who cannot understand one thing at all, there are also people who understand two or three or more things. Kim Yu-hyun naturally belongs to the latter. I feel better because I am trying to find a way to prepare a meal for myself rather than just keeping my mouth open.

“It makes sense, but it’s difficult. Because the place where the token is located is classified as a sacred area. “As it is an area governed by God’s power, access is also restricted.”

“New station?”

“Yes, new station. To put it bluntly, that place is an area that not even humans, let alone giants, can enter without permission. “Only an ancient shaman or a giant who has inherited the blood of Kushan, the king of giants, can enter.”

“… “Then how did you get the certificate in the first round?”

“well. I’m not sure, but anyway, I’m sick of maintaining new territory. “It could be that someone from the Kushan clan touched the sacred object at that time, or it could be related to the destruction of the giants.”

“… okay?”

When Kim Yu-hyun said with a slight tilt, Kim Soo-hyun nodded his head sharply as if saying yes.

“Umm… .”

The joyous glow from earlier quickly disappeared, and Kim Yu-hyeon fell into a deep sleep, drenched in sorrow. When the story about the ancient shaman’s certificate came out, I thought I had found a way, but now that Kim Soo-hyun says that, it’s like going back to square one.

“So in the end, the only answer is head-to-head combat?”

“It must be hard? “I don’t know if the East, West, South, and North combine all their strengths.”

Kim Yu-hyun muttered almost to herself, but Kim Soo-hyun shook his head and answered.

“… … .”

After that, he hesitated for a moment as if he was about to say something, and then he stared at Kim Yu-hyeon with a sharp look in his eyes.

“if… .”


A sparring match between the user and the giant. Since it was not official, it could not be given much significance, but a subtle battle of pride could still be felt.

With 30 users watching quietly, the man grabbed the silver-colored spear and slowly approached Kushan.


Then, at some point, the man ran out with great energy. Instead of charging in a straight line, he steps on the ground with foot work and moves in zigzags, confusing the Kushan’s gaze.

On the outside, Kushan calmly followed the man’s movements, but on the inside, he was a little surprised. This is because the speed of the man rushing in was greater than expected. So he crouched down slightly and gently covered his ribs with his clenched fist.

After a while, the man’s feet, which had been moving flashily, suddenly moved to the left. Then, Kushan’s gaze calmly moves along the path of the man’s feet.

At that moment, the man’s foot suddenly turned to the right and drew a large semicircle. Kushan turned her head to her left and thrust out her spear with all her might. The spear stretched out, cutting through the wind, and stuck in Kushan’s abdomen.

No, it was a moment when I was about to lock myself away.


For a moment, the man’s eyes grew as wide as if they were torn apart. Her Kushan head was still looking to her left. As she did so, her left fist, which was covering her ribs, came down and grabbed the tip of her spear without even looking. A look of disbelief slowly dawned on her man’s face.

“Uh, huh?”

Holding the spear tightly, Kushan slowly turned his head. The man was reflexively trying to remove her spear, but she was holding the spear in the giant’s grasp without even moving it. In the end, her hand holding the spear holder moved to the side, and only then did the man hit her butt on the ground with the free spear holding it.

“Shit, it was a mistake! again!”

Are you angry or embarrassed? The man quickly got up and rushed forward again. She Kushan snorted at her. Not only was it funny to say that it was a mistake, but the exchange of offense just now clearly differentiated each other’s skills. Although the speed is fast, it is not so much that it cannot be dealt with, and the strength is at a negligible level.

‘Hey, that’s boring.’

Kushan thought so and stared at the man who was attacking him like a bull. Same movement as before. Even if you didn’t know before and allowed it, you won’t experience it twice after experiencing it once.

As expected, the man quickly changed course and attacked from the side. Despite the Kushan’s large size, she reacted quickly. In a very short period of time, she removed the spear flying in the wind with her left hand, then turned her body halfway and pushed the man’s abdomen with her right hand.


I didn’t literally hit him, I just pushed him away. However, the strength of a giant with even a little bit of rotational force is at a level that cannot be ignored. The man couldn’t even scream and flew into the air, then fell roughly to the ground.

Uddangtang, Udangtang!

For a moment, a heavy silence fell among the users watching. One user opened his mouth in disbelief, while another user sat down. Then there was a slight commotion.

(No way! Oh, what happened?)

(This, one of humanity’s greatest warriors….)

Buzz, buzz, buzz.


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Some of the words being translated reach Kushan ears. In fact, if you listen closely, the words are almost similar. To sum up, it’s hard to believe what happened to that man. But when Kushan heard those words, only one thought came to mind.

‘This is the level of the greatest human hero?’

Surely Kim Yu-hyun didn’t do the same? She said she prepared a fairly strong human. But the result… .

‘This is too weak… .’

For a moment, I felt proud that I had defeated those arrogant people. The moment Kushan saw Kim Yu-hyeon, who was as stiff as the others, he scratched his head feeling sorry. It takes a certain amount of fighting to feel exhilarated, and this was at a level where I felt sorry for even thinking I had won.

(S-stop. Everyone be quiet.)

After some time passed, Kim Yu-hyeon stuttered out words and calmed down the commotion around him.

(This time, let’s try it with 3 people.)


One to one, three to one, five to one, ten to one. A total of four sparring sessions with the giant have ended. The result was a crushing defeat for humans. Obviously, as the number increased, the time they had to endure increased, but they were never able to land a single effective hit against the Kushan. In the end, Kim Yu-hyeon, who decided that there was no point in continuing, announced the end of the sparring and took Kushan with him on his way back.

Although he won almost overwhelmingly, Kushan was not in a very good mood. Just as humans are not proud of defeating ants, the Kushan were in a similar position. On the contrary, after the battle, the people who looked at him with eyes full of fear just bothered him.

(Hehe, what do you think? I said I was really strong, right?)

Kushan deliberately spoke in a bright voice. However, Kim Yu-hyeon’s words cannot be heard. She just walked away blankly with a very shocked look on her face. She sometimes stumbles, and her entire body seems to have no strength.

(Um… what you said earlier…)

But when he continued to get no response, Kushan decided to just keep quiet. Because Kim Yu-hyun’s face that she could see was so serious, it seemed like she somehow knew how people felt. They had confidence that they were the best, but that was cruelly shattered, so it was not unreasonable for them to act like this.

And after a while, the two arrived at a place other than the place where the pillar was.

(Huh? That one….)

Kushan, who was looking around for a pillar, let out a faint exclamation when he saw the large tent in front of him. It was so large that it was more than enough to accommodate itself. Suddenly, Kushan’s complexion turned bright red.

(What is this? Did you make it for me?)

And that was the moment when I looked back at Kim Yu-hyeon and took a step closer.


Suddenly, Kim Yu-hyeon was startled and walked away from Kushan, as if he had been hit by a fire attack. Then she made a face and nodded her head with a smile that seemed forced. But when she saw the unconcealed fear on her face, Kushan felt speechless.

(Uh, uh. Well, right. I guess it’s some kind of gift?)


(Ha, haha. That’s your tent and the tent next to it is the tent I use… I thought it would be more comfortable.)


(Of course, there are separate pillars inside, and it’s just to protect them from wind and rain. Should I change it if I don’t like it? I could install it separately in a quiet place.)

(…No, it’s okay.)

The joy of receiving a tent as a gift was only temporary. Kushan barely responded and walked into the tent in a sullen mood.

If it had been like this from the first time we met, Kushan wouldn’t have been particularly impressed. However, although it was a short period of time, Kim Yu-hyeon and Kushan ate together and talked to each other whenever they had time, whether on the march or at the camp, and in the process, they developed a deep connection with each other. And as a result, we have become quite close by now.

In that case, it might have been better if I had been scared from the beginning. It was quite disappointing for the Kushan to show such an attitude just because they had sparred once.

(…Did I make a mistake?)

Finally, after entering the tent, Kushan stuck out his mouth and spoke as if he was disappointed. Then Kim Yu-hyeon, who had been chanting a spell and binding her, raised her head with a puzzled look on her face.

(Huh? No. None.)

(Then why is everyone doing this?)

(Huh? What, what?)

(Don’t lie. I see things and feel things too. It’s just too much.)

(Ugh. I’m sorry if you felt that way.)

(Chi… This is why I said I didn’t want to do it….)

As Kushan became sullen and trailed off, Kim Yu-hyeon let out a short sigh. Then, after quickly finishing his order, he quietly opened his mouth.

(…so. The result of the sparring was a little, no, very unexpected.)

Then, Kushan, who was about to ask, ‘Is that man really the greatest human warrior?’ could barely swallow the words that rose to the top of his throat. Looking at Kim Yu-hyeon’s face, I felt strongly that she shouldn’t ask.

At that time, Kim Yu-hyeon quietly opened his mouth.

(Let’s ask one question first. Are you strong?)


Kushan asked back at the sudden question.

(You say you’re Kushan. The king of the giants is from the clan. So aren’t you the heir? Aren’t you really strong among the giants? Huh? Right? You’re the strongest, aren’t you?)

The rapid-fire pouring out of the question felt like a question hoping for a ‘yes.’ Kushan stared at Kim Yu-hyeon for a moment, then shook her head.



(Yes, no. I am rather weak.)

(On the weak side?)

(If I go through the coming of age ceremony and receive Thor’s power, I will become stronger by leaps and bounds… but not yet. I am the youngest, and there are many people stronger than me.)

(…how many people are there in total?)

The Kushan replied that there were 800 people. Then Kim Yu-hyeon’s face became distorted to the point where it was clearly visible.

(800 people…. 800 people….)

Kim Yu-hyeon muttered to herself as if she had lost her soul and then slowly turned around.

(Yes…. I understand…. Everything….)

In the past, we would have talked about something else, but with those last words, we left the tent at a shaky pace. Kushan stared endlessly at the tent Kim Yu-hyeon had left, and then suddenly twisted her body, frowning slightly. This is because the rope, which was tied particularly tightly today, felt somewhat intrusive.



Kim Yu-hyeon came out of the tent, breathed lightly and stretched. At the same time, he tilted his head left and right and massaged his face with a look like he was about to die. This is because, for the first time in a while, it was difficult to pay attention to not only words, but also facial expressions and actions. Her gait, which seemed weak, soon returned to normal.

It was then.

“Ah, Brain Emperor!”

Suddenly, three or four users spotted Kim Yu-hyeon from the front and quickly approached him. These were commander-level users who were standing at the sparring location earlier.

“Oh, how about it? Now slowly… .”


And just as he was about to ask something, Kim Yu-hyeon suddenly put his index finger to his mouth and signaled him not to make a sound. As her users looked at each other indifferently and closed their mouths, Kim Yu-hyeon glanced at her tent with her sharp eyes and slowly opened her mouth. Of course, the voice does not come out, and the message is conveyed through the shape of the mouth.

Kim Yu-hyeon’s words were only two words.

‘The giant has keen ears.’

‘Let’s change seats.’

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Have a restful night, all readers.


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