MEMORIZE Chapter 505

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00505 Su-hyeon is pushed and Su-hyeon is abandoned. ————————————————– ———————-=

I was able to somehow resolve the User Academy incident, but I couldn’t just relax. As a clan lord, there were basic tasks that had to be taken care of, and I also had to proceed with planned tasks.

However, compared to the exponentially increasing number of tasks, my body was one, and as such, it was impossible to chase after and solve every task one by one. In the end, I decided to leave everything else to the clan members, except for the most important tasks at the moment.

The mercenary academy had already begun construction.

Residents suggested that rather than building a new academy, it would be better to renovate the city’s central fortress. In other words, there was no need to build a large building as long as the number of people per year was 6. After thinking about it, I was told that it was true, so I immediately gave permission, and thanks to that, the scheduled period was significantly shortened, so I was able to complete the project well before graduation.

And the next thing we turned to was selecting a new instructor.

Kim Min-seo was in charge of training the general instructor and priest class, and Lee Hyo-eul also wanted to send a priest class user accordingly. The clan member that came to mind as soon as I heard that was Shin Jae-ryong. This is because it was thought to be the most acceptable as it did not omit any user information or personality.

But there was one problem: Ansol intervened. Ansol, who heard that he would recommend Shin Jae-ryong, made a fuss and said that he also wanted to go to the user academy. I was so irritated with him rolling on the floor, crying and making a fuss, but I suddenly changed my mind and decided to take Ansol with me. This is because the words I heard from Ansol before entering the user academy due to Anhyeon’s incident remained strongly in my memory.

Of course, he had no intention of entrusting Ansol with being an instructor, let alone a general instructor, and he declared that he would take him with him as an assistant. (Actually, being an assistant is not a requirement, so there is no need to take him with him.) Then, Ansol was probably satisfied with just going. I didn’t pester anymore.

Time passed as quickly as an arrow.

While proceeding and processing each task one by one, I was able to receive a message from the central management organization.

『Sender: Hyoeul Lee & Recipient: Suhyun Kim』

(Content: Announcement of the end of the 5th week of training at the User Academy. Reporting of special instructors and allocation of training subjects to the central management organization. Please arrive at least one day before the start of the 6th week.)

The message sent by messenger was simple. Since the 6th week of the User Academy will soon begin, the central management organization told me to come to the User Academy after completing the special instructor transfer report.

The time I’ve been waiting for has finally come.


“Instructor~! Assistant~! Instructor~! Assistant~! Instructor~! Assistant~! Instructor~! Assistant~!”

“… … .”

“I’m assistant? Brother is an instructor! Am I assistant? “Your brother is an instructor!”

“… … .”

The day before the 6th week begins.

I left the clan house in good spirits after being seen off by my clan members in the afternoon, but I had no idea that I would regret it as soon as I arrived at Barbara. The cause was Ansol, who was currently walking next to me.

Is it that good for Dangchoi radish? This is because he has been singing strange songs that I don’t know the meaning of and getting on my nerves ever since I left. This wasn’t the only thing. It was quite a burden to walk around with them as they were swinging their arms around in a rhythm. I’ve already had to hear dozens of giggles on my way to Barbara.

Even if I told him to be quiet, he wouldn’t listen, so I tried to subtly distance him from him, but Ansol continued to pursue him stubbornly and sang even louder. By the time she finally arrived at the central management organization, she was exhausted from unexpected fatigue both physically and mentally. I haven’t done anything. I patted Mar, who was sleeping soundly, and hurriedly climbed the stairs.

“Are you the last to arrive?”

Finally, the moment I entered the room and sat down my exhausted body, Lee Hyo-eul spoke to me with a glaring expression on her face. When I looked at him to see what he was talking about, Lee Hyo-eul chuckled and took out her tobacco from her arms.

“It means you are the slowest among the special instructors. Soyoung arrived early in the morning, and Yoohyeon arrived in the morning.”

I was lost in thought for a moment. There were so many things to point out, I couldn’t figure out which one to point out first. However, I was soon able to calmly organize my thoughts and quietly opened my mouth.

“Is Istantel Low Road your friend? And don’t call my brother that. Lastly, put it back at the beginning of the year. ah. “Just the last one please.”

Hyoeul Lee, who was about to light the fire, looked at me with a puzzled look on her face. Then he blinked rapidly three or four times and then gently lowered his gaze.

“… Come to think of it, he was about to ask. “What is that?”

“It’s a baby fairy. “The name is Mar.”

“Then what about down there?”


“Something that looks like an animal biting your ankle.”

“ah. This is baby Pegasus. “The name is Dodo.”

I answered confidently. Then, when I lift my left foot, the dodo, which is biting my ankle, flaps its wings in time. Then Lee Hyo-eul looked at me with puzzled eyes and calmly put away the tobacco. Then he pressed the bridge of his nose and muttered.

“Maybe it’s because I’m tired these days… . I feel like I’m looking at something in vain. No, anyway, they are outsiders. There’s no way you don’t know the User Academy principles. “What’s wrong with you all of a sudden?”

“You’re an outsider. Be careful what you say. “These two are tangible achievements that can be used in future education.”

“… Outcomes to use in education?”


Lee Hyo-eul tilted her head.

“lets think. The user academy should teach chicks to adapt to the hole plane as much as possible, right? Then, the key is to erase the scent of modern times as quickly as possible.”

“yes. however?”

“That’s why I brought Mar and Dodo. Fairies and Pegasus are things you can’t see in modern times. So, by showing things that only exist in the Hole Plain, there is an intention to show and understand what kind of world this world is.”

“… like.”

Lee Hyo-eul let out a faint exclamation as if she had no idea there was such an intention. But I had to feel my heart being stabbed. Because everything I said a moment ago was just nonsense. However, if I told the truth, they would have no choice but to send me back, so I had no choice but to lie.

“It’s a good method, isn’t it?”

“Hmm. “It’s like that.”

Lee Hyo-eul quietly rested her chin. Then he made an interesting face and said with a twinkle in his eye.

“Now that I think about it, I’ve only heard things, but it’s my first time seeing it. “Can I take a look?”

“However much.”

“Hmm~. Mar is sleeping so it won’t work. Did you say dodo? Dodo~. “Please come here~.”

“… … .”

Then Dodo glanced sideways at Lee Hyo-eul. And to my great surprise, it let go of my ankle, which seemed like it wouldn’t let go even if I died, and started running towards me. Soon, Lee Hyo-eul put her hand down with a slightly flushed face, and Dodo bit down on her hand.

“oh. Look at this guy. “It’s pretty cute, right?”

Still, perhaps because she is a woman by nature, Lee Hyo-eul smiled brightly with a face that seemed to die for her beauty.

However, Dodo’s subsequent behavior was not cute at all. She suddenly contorted her face and immediately let go of Lee Hyo-eul’s hand. And even spitting on the floor. It was an act that seemed off-putting to anyone.

The dodo toddled back and bit my ankle. And Lee Hyo-eul’s face when she saw Dodo’s actions was something to see.

“W-what kind of people are there?!”

“I guess you had no taste.”

“I am indeed. I really don’t have time to pray. “Oh, that’s okay, go do whatever you want, whether it’s educating or raising children.”

“Okay. They’re babies anyway. “Nothing worth worrying about will happen.”

Lee Hyo-eul said, “Wow.” and waved his hand. I felt like I was greatly hurt by Dodo’s actions, so I got up and complained inwardly.

Anyway, I was in charge of permission, and I guess the report was somehow passed over. Just as I was about to leave the door in a good mood, I suddenly stopped. When I thought about it, I had something to ask Hyoeul Lee.

“Lee Hyo-eul. “Let me ask you just one question.”

“huh? “Anything you’re curious about?”

“ah. “I wonder if those users are doing well.”


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“Jin Soo-hyun. And sprout.”

“… … .”

On the way to the ancient magic city of Magia, I listened to Hayeon’s reports about the User Academy. Of course, even if it is a report, it is not that grand. Since protecting the chicks was the top priority, I couldn’t hear any information about it, but other things were possible. For example, things like who came in as an instructor are facts that can be known from the outside.

And I was able to hear an unexpected fact from Hayeon’s report. That is, a user named Jin Soo-hyeon came in as an instructor. And that too with Maeng Ara as an assistant.

“… okay. I heard that you ended up meeting Maeng A-ra. But are you asking this knowingly? Or are you asking because you really don’t know?”

Lee Hyo-eul took a taste three or four times and spoke in a somewhat displeased tone. It’s probably a topic you don’t want to talk about, but it seems uncomfortable to bring it up without forgetting to do so.

The fact that Jin Soo-hyun joined as an instructor is surprising, but I think it could be so. Once you have the right to participate, anyone is eligible to participate as an instructor. If we were to guess who would have received the participation ticket that Lee Hyo-eul had previously asked for, it would not be completely incomprehensible that Jin Soo-hyeon came in as an instructor.

But that didn’t mean all doubts went away.

First things first. Jin Soo-hyeon’s whereabouts have been unknown for some time. But why did he suddenly reveal himself so publicly?

And the second. Maengara is the guardian of the northern continent. He was in a position to hide himself as much as possible, but he came in as his assistant, prepared to be revealed. He won’t reveal anything if he’s confident, but I don’t think it’s generally a good choice.

Questions continued one after another. It feels like I’m looking at a floating cloud that seems like I can see something but can’t see it.

I looked at Lee Hyo-eul and quietly opened my mouth.

“I don’t know anything exactly. I’m just guessing, because I don’t know the exact circumstances yet. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter if I tell you now, right?”

“… I’m sorry, but I still can’t tell you. This is a secret, but it also involves personal circumstances. “I’m not qualified to say that, am I?”

Lee Hyo-eul still firmly and sharply refused. In fact, I thought there was a high possibility that they wouldn’t tell me, so I just shrugged my shoulders.

“hmm. So, in the end, we have no choice but to ask the angel.”

“Do you really need to know that?”

“I feel so uncomfortable. “They’re crying and saying they’re being abandoned, but you can’t help but care, right?”

“… after. Then you said so. I don’t have the authority to stop that. “Do whatever you want.”

I was planning on doing that anyway. Either way, there is no need to see Lee Hyo-eul anymore. And he will be waiting alone outside Ansoldo.


“wait for a sec.”

Just as I was about to go out the door with that thought in mind, Lee Hyo-eul’s voice suddenly caught me. As I half-turned my gaze, I saw Lee Hyo-eul looking at me with a very serious face, quite different from when she met Dodo earlier.

“Kim Soohyun. This may be sudden, but may I give you some advice?”

“advice? try.”

When I nodded my head as if asking her to try it, Lee Hyo-eul stared at me. And at the same time as the white and beautiful neck ridge moves, the red lips are separated up and down.

“I heard you tried to change it once before?”

“… “What does that mean?”

“Your angel in charge. “Did you say Seraph?”

“… … .”

“That angel, the rumors aren’t very good. Anyway, it doesn’t matter if you just ignore it, but it would be better to change it if possible.”


I wondered what he was talking about.

I burst out laughing helplessly. And finally, he pushed open the door and quietly opened his mouth.

“don’t worry. Because I don’t believe in angels in the first place.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I can’t believe I’m doing a midnight series for two days in a row… . I can’t believe it. ㅜ.ㅠ


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