MEMORIZE Chapter 373

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00373 Shin Sang-yong ———————————————— ————————=

“Simon. Why are you doing this all of a sudden? Is something going on?”

Yurina’s voice calling out to Simon was calm. However, the way she looked at the young man standing with his back turned to her was filled with a hint of nervousness that she could not hide.

It wasn’t just Yurina. When Simon suddenly stopped walking in the middle of running through the field, the users in the area also stopped running. Their eyes were all focused on one young man, Simon.

“city… .”

“Kushan Thor is dead?”

It was then. The moment Yurina opened her mouth once more, Simon’s soft voice was finally heard.

“And the spirits disappeared too.”

Eventually, Simon slowly turned around and gently revealed his face. Yuri I reflexively closed her mouth. Her bright red eyes, like those of a devil, can be seen through slightly opened slits. And the corners of her mouth turned up with a smirk. His face was smiling as always, but it felt scary somehow.

As she had been working as a close associate for a relatively long time, Yurina could feel it instinctively. Simone Grimes is very upset right now.

“f*ck, this is annoying.”

A quick word followed. Considering his usual words and actions, the swear words just now were very unusual for Simon to use.

“Why do we have to attack just one guy?”

“Si, Simon… .”

“Why is the plan I made being controlled by that one guy?”

“… … .”

Yurina barely put back what she was trying to say. She then decided not to open her mouth anymore. The moment Simon gives up reason, his attitude is revealed, which is 180 degrees different from his original self. She remembered seeing him like that once or twice, so she thought it best not to go against his wishes anymore.

After that, some time passed.

Although it only lasted a few minutes, it was precious time that could be a lifeline for someone. And for some, it was a precious moment that was too precious to let go.

Simon, who had been breathing heavily one after another, soon began to walk with an icy smile on his face.

The place where Simon’s steps were heading was where the vagabonds, especially the leaders, were gathered.


Running through an open field. Stepping across the blackened corpses, they even passed the area where the spirits and demons were fighting in one go. Accordingly, I also felt my heart become refreshed. It almost felt like a lie that I had barely taken a step after going through so much trouble earlier.

With the momentum, I ran even more unstoppably and soon reached the beginning of the battlefield. And as soon as we arrived, we immediately began examining the battlefield.

After a quick glance, the situation was better than I thought. Perhaps because the people who were supposed to fill this place have all disappeared, there aren’t many enemies to be seen. Of course, it was limited to the area where my eyes could reach… . Anyway, the situation was better than expected.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t just like it. The place we arrived at was still only the beginning, and the fact that there were no enemies to this extent meant that they had flocked to other places.

After sighing for a moment, I raised my head and scanned the distance.

‘there is.’

And, eventually, at one point, I caught a glimpse of the defense line that Vivien had built. Although it looked like a dot, I could see that the giant satyr was running wild and that my orders had been properly carried out.

Suddenly, I wanted to go to the defensive line, but contrary to my thoughts, my body was already running in a different direction.

‘You shouldn’t waste even a single step.’

It was like that before and it is like that now. There is no time for me to rest now. The moment I delay even just a little bit, I might not be able to save someone I could have saved.

A battlefield was that kind of place.

Should I just run for 10 minutes, passing the people I occasionally see?

As I entered the battlefield at the beginning and entered the interior, I began to accept the information given by the ‘Blessing of the Battlefield’. And at that moment, thousands of pieces of location information flowed in at once, and I felt dizzy.

‘no way… . Have you decided that everyone here is an ally?’

As I continued to run, I cursed. However, as soon as I thought of the users I wanted one by one, the information received quickly decreased. It was a pity that there was no location nearby, but it was still a relief.

From now on, you need to remember their locations one by one and calculate the route to take. Rather than going the heavy-burning route, you should achieve the maximum effect with the minimum amount of routes. However, since there was no guarantee that they would stay in one place, it was difficult to know where to start.

Pubbung! Pubbung!

After a while.

I heard a faint explosion and felt a slight tremor in the ground. I immediately raised my head. Then, I could see the number of users visible in front of me gradually increasing. We finally started to enter the place where the enemies had gathered. As evidence, the faintly audible scream was now more clearly audible.

– die! You bastards!

“Ugh, wow!”

It was then. When I turned my head to hear a loud scream coming from one side, I saw a sight of what seemed to be dozens of enemies waving around with murderous expressions on their faces.

And starting from that, a scene reminiscent of a battlefield finally comes into view.

‘… … .’

It didn’t just happen in one place.

This made the area around the defensive line that I saw when I first started feel like child’s play.

A person who is cut by a sword and groans in pain.

A person who rolls around on the floor due to flying magic.

A person whose body is completely destroyed by the arrows fired.

A person who cries out for a priest with tears streaming down his face.

The situation was truly a mess, unlike at the beginning. A fierce battle was taking place here and there, as if the fire were burning in all directions. One side pushes like crazy, and the other side resists like crazy.

It was literally a bloody festival held by crazy people. It was difficult to even determine anything, let alone identify friendly and enemy troops.

In the meantime, I quickly looked around with my eyes filled with magic. Someone I know… .

‘does not exist.’

There was no one around me that I recognized, either with the naked eye or with the ‘Blessing of the Battlefield.’

In that case, just pass through here. I passed right by there, completely ignoring the users who were being swept away by enemies.

ping! Piping!

However, the moment I passed by, a blind arrow came from somewhere aiming for my back, and I dodged it by lightly turning my head. After that, I took out the enemies blocking my way in a matter of seconds and ran, and this time, I saw a group of almost 100 enemies gathered in front of me. Without hesitation, I climbed up the ground with all my might.


At the same time as the feeling of my belly button being pulled, my body flew through the air as if drawing a parabola. Then, it simply jumps over the gathered enemies and descends straight to the ground. Just as my feet were about to touch the ground, I did not land right away but leaned slightly. And just like that, he glided forward as if doing a sliding tackle.


Papapak! Papa pa paak!

As I pushed against the ground using the power of inertia, I heard the sound of something being hit hard and following me from behind. However, perhaps because my speed was faster, the arrows fired did not touch me even as much as a hair.

The battlefield is wide. As such, the enemies are also widely distributed. Moreover, I was not the only target, but many eastern users were also included in the target.

I was the one who broke through thousands of enemies and withstood concentrated fire. Therefore, breaking through this distracted battlefield was at least much easier than that.

Eventually, when I thought I had gained a certain distance, I lifted myself up like a spring and ran straight away again.


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no. It was the moment I tried to run.

『Update location information for user Lim Hanna.』


In an instant, the information provided by ‘Blessing of the Battlefield’ was updated.

The direction is 45 degrees northeast. The distance is about 90 meters.

For a moment, I had doubts about the self-determination of ‘Blessing of the Battlefield’, but I was finally able to decide where to start the first rescue. First, rescue Im Hanna, who is closest to you, and starting from there, choose a route that overlaps as much as possible.

After organizing my thoughts, I immediately turned around and started running.

Perhaps because I ran with all my might, the distance of 90 meters began to shorten in an instant. I can feel Im Hanna’s energy gradually getting closer in the direction I’m going. Soon, Imhanna and his group were caught thanks to their heightened eyesight.


There was a fairly large number of users gathered there, probably over twenty. It looks like I made good use of the time I gained. They moved slowly, gathering users, but fiercely resisting the enemies charging at them.

Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash!

Among them, the best was definitely Im Hanna. Each time she lets go of her hand, her flash of light flashes, and with it, she collapses her body without leaving a single enemy behind.

That wasn’t all. The large beam of light that shot out from time to time was steadily sniping at the long-range units supporting from the rear. Even though she borrowed the power of ‘Brilliant Flash, Laura Phyllis’, Im Hanna was showing a presence that balanced the balance against enemies that were three times her size.

I moved my feet even faster, thinking that if I continued like this, I would be able to rescue them without any trouble.

But, that was then.

Pubbung! Pubububung!

Shush! Shoo shoo shoo!

In an instant, magic and arrows flew from opposite directions and swept away Imhanna and the users. It seemed that support came from enemies from a different direction.

bang! Bang bang!



The group that had somehow managed to hold on collapsed in one fell swoop. In the place where the magic swept away, only the users who collapsed and groaned remained. It was a difficult situation to deal with the enemies in front, but the surprise support that came in gave us a moment of opportunity.

The battle line that was barely maintained collapsed in an instant, and the enemies who rushed in began to occupy the area with screams. Im Hanna was no exception. I don’t know if she was captivated by her beauty or because something had happened to her, but it seemed like her enemies were flocking around her.

Then, one of them showed a mean laugh, and then he whistled and raised his foot and stepped on Im Hannah’s chest. She bit her lip with an exasperated look on her face. And the moment a single tear fell from her closed eye, I was barely able to catch Lim Hanna within her range.

“I’m Hannah!”

After shouting loudly once to prevent any possible suicide. I immediately crouched down and jumped out to the palace bullets. The enemies must have heard what I shouted, and for a moment they turned their heads with a puzzled look on their faces. However, the moment my eyes met, I immediately called out ‘Victoria’s glory’. The first target was the guy who trampled Im Hanna.


It split the top of the black head and neatly penetrated the open mouth. As he was tearing down his body, I unleashed my magic power and struck the empty air.



In an instant, the air shook greatly. And immediately, the shimmering empty space turned into a wave of his magic power and indiscriminately attacked the vagabonds around him.


Perhaps because my attack was also a kind of surprise attack, the wave cut through several bodies without hesitation. Even after circling the enemies, the power remains, and it flows without stopping beyond the captured range. Soon, blood spurted out here and there, and at the same time, a belated scream came out.

After quickly killing the two lucky survivors, I woke up Im Hanna, who was looking up blankly.

“User Lim Hanna. Are you okay?”

“Soo, Su-hyeon!”

Im Hanna frowned slightly as if the area where she had been trampled was painful. But fortunately, no serious injuries were seen. She immediately placed one of her hands on her chest and looked at me with her sorrowful eyes.

“Uh, how… . Mr. Suhyeon… . Oh no. Mercenary Lord!”

Im Hanna looked very grateful and happy. I was happy too, but the situation was urgent. Without any time to share my thoughts, I pointed in one direction.

“Explanation later. “You know the current situation, right?”

However, he must have sensed my urgency, so he immediately straightened his face and nodded.

“User Lim Hanna. There are enemies concentrated on this front now. So, from here, take the left diagonal line, and when you can’t see the enemy for a while, run back to the right. There’s a defense there. Just go there and join us.”

“yes? “Defense?”

“This is the defense that Vivien and my brother built. You’ve probably gathered quite a few users around you by now. “It’s the safest place right now.”

“yes. all right. “Then we can go there, right?”

I liked it because he clearly understood the situation and made quick decisions. Perhaps, if the woman in front of her had been Ansol instead of Im Hannah, she would not have cried and cried.


“yes. “Then please leave first.”

“yes yes? wait a minute! “You’re not going together?”

“I’m sorry. But we need to find other clan members as well.”


If it had been Jeong Ha-yeon, Shin Sang-yong, Ahn Hyeon, An Sol, Lee Yu-jeong, etc., I would have taken them there. However, since Im Hanna is an archer user, she will be able to reach it on her own if she just shows the direction. She was a capable user.


“Merchionary Lord!”

I heard Lim Hannah grab me. However, due to the children’s continued concern, I gave them a quick greeting and immediately turned around. Then I started running again.

‘The next target is… .’

Crack, clap, clap!

however. I had no choice but to stop running for a moment. Because I felt the presence of Im Hanna following me behind my back.

I looked back, feeling dumbfounded.

“User Lim Hanna. “What are you doing now?”

“I want to go too. let’s go together.”

“… yes?”

“I’m also a Mercenary Lord… . “I’m going with Soo-hyeon!”

At Im Hanna’s unexpected words, I frowned deeply.

“Don’t talk nonsense… !”

“no! Are you telling me to just wait again?”

“… … ?”

“I’d rather lose it again like this, or just watch it again…” . I’ll follow you. “I will definitely follow you this time!”

Im Hanna’s face was filled with sadness as she shouted. However, it is clear that she has the will to never give in.

Her mood was completely different from the kindness she usually displayed, so I unconsciously kept my mouth shut.

Suddenly, the words that Hannah Lim said earlier flashed through my mind.

‘Please speak comfortably. ah. ‘Can I use the honorific term?’

‘I want to carve out my own destiny.’

“… … .”

“… … .”

Then, for a brief moment, I stared at Im Hannah.

Im Hanna’s eyes, visible above her tightly bitten lips, were trembling so clearly that she could see them.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Originally, I was going to include Shin Sang-yong’s point of view following Kim Soo-hyun’s, but I changed some of the content from the next episode.

There is a lot I want to say in the review, but I have a task.

I’m alone. It’s raining today. I really liked Taewoo Kim’s What I Want to Say song.

Hehehe. Heeheehee!


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