MEMORIZE Chapter 304

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00304 Vagrant’s Tears ———————————————– ————————–=

‘It’s not unusual.’

Ansol’s unexpected reaction and the sound of a faint explosion of alcohol. At that moment, a thought flashed through my head. After forcibly pulling her away from her as if she were a baby or a koala that wouldn’t fall, I ran straight out her door.

The sun had completely set. The shopping street was dark. But the city, precisely the northern section, was shining brightly. The thing that brightened the city was none other than the rising flames.

Without hesitation, I stomped off the ground and landed on the flat building of the jewelry store. Because the building itself was low, it couldn’t cover the entire city, but it was able to secure a wider view than when it was at the bottom. I fixed my gaze on the north and filled my eyes with magic.

‘It’s an attack.’

Even though I could only see part of it, I was able to determine the situation as soon as I saw it. Between the soaring flames, countless dark shadows were crashing in like waves. Every time an eerie light passed between lights, a fountain of blood was spraying without fail.

It was a one-sided massacre. Users who came out in a hurry to see what was happening were being brutally slaughtered by beams of light shooting out from all directions. The few lucky survivors turned and seemed to run away, but the shadows caught up with them in an instant.

bang! bang! bang! bang!

bang! bang! bang! bang!

At that time, a loud noise that shook the ground once again penetrated my ears. I could hear it almost simultaneously from both sides, and since I was outside, I could hear it even more clearly. As I turned my head alternately to check left and right, I could see numerous shadows coming from the east and west gates as if they were flooding in.

Soon, flames rose up in the east and west, as well as in the north. I had to feel a moment of confusion while watching it.

‘Attacked by a Mule? whoever? why?’

What is certain is that Ansol’s premonition was correct. I also said I made my own preparations, but the problem was that the focus was on Yoo Hyeon-ah. Just as her mind was about to become confused by the shouts coming closer and closer from all directions, a sudden memory hit her head.

bum. The revival of the Western Continent.

Comparing it to the first episode, it should have happened a long time ago to be normal. And the original plan was to invade the western city, not Mule.

“Hey there young man! What’s so loud now? “Did something happen?”

As I bit my lip thinking about this and that, I heard a sweet voice coming from below. As I glanced down, I saw users wandering out of the shopping district late.

And, I was finally able to calm the confusion.

‘Come to your senses, Kim Soo-hyun!’

Even if you wash your eyes, you cannot find favor in the darkness that spreads and pushes in from three directions. I could only feel a tingling hostility that was enough to cut my flesh.

It has already happened. It is not too late to understand the situation later. What mattered now was that I had to avoid the Mule at all costs. Moreover, I was not alone. Even so, Go Yeon-ju was in a position where she had to take Kim Han-byeol, An Sol, and even the old man out of Mule.

Some users were still looking up at me as if waiting for an answer, but I paid them no mind and landed straight on the floor. And then he pushed open the jeweler’s door and entered. As I entered, everyone’s eyes quickly gathered as if they were waiting for me to come in.

“Su-hyun. “What the hell is going on?”

“It’s an attack.”


“Let me say it again. Now Mule is under attack. I don’t know the exact identity of the attackers yet, but they seem to be vagabonds. “It’s not a joke, it’s a real situation.”

Upon hearing that there had been an attack, a puzzled look appeared on everyone’s faces. But that was only for a moment. My tone of voice and the loud noises coming from outside slowly began to take on a serious tone. But there is no time to explain the situation or delay any longer. I opened my mouth softly.

“Young Master. “Just pack your bags and we’ll leave right away.”

“I understand. I’ve already packed important things into three magic backpacks. “I don’t mind leaving right now.”

“Please take one, old man, and share the other two with Kim Han-byeol and An Sol. And Go Yeon-ju.”


A thought occurred to me, and I took off the blue dragon knight’s coat from my shoulders. He then walked over to Ansol, who was still shaking, and wrapped his arms around her body carefully.

“Oh, brother… ?”

“Quiet. High user performance. From now on, we plan to run to the warp gate.”

After wrapping the coat around Ansol’s body, I turned to Go Yeonju.

“We are going to run in a straight line through the square. “It took about 15 minutes to get there, so if you run faster, you’ll get there faster.”

“I understand what you mean.”

“great. “Then please be a keeper.”

“yes… ?”

Go Yeon-ju tilted her head as if she didn’t understand the last words. I took a deep breath and spoke a little stronger.

“No one knows what will happen on the way. I will take the lead and pave the way. However, since you never know where the attack will come from, Go Yeon-ju protects the three people perfectly. “Enough so that I don’t have to worry about protection.”

“Are you saying I shouldn’t even call Wonho?”

“I don’t have time to explain in detail. In any case, the keeper is the top priority. Please keep that in mind.”

“… It’s a top priority. all right.”

Although he didn’t seem to be convinced, Go Yeon-ju barely nodded. After finishing my conversation with her, I looked around at her remaining three people. Before they knew it, they were each carrying a backpack on their shoulders.

“According to my calculations, if I run from now until the warp gate without stopping, I should be able to make it on time. Everyone must have been taken aback by the sudden situation, but I hope everyone will stay calm and follow me.”

After speaking, I stared at Ansol. To be honest, she was the one I was most worried about right now. Ansol was holding on to the coat I had given her with both hands. Her wide eyes looked like they were about to shed tears, but she seemed to be holding them back.

After looking at Ansol for a moment, I opened the door leading outside.

It was the beginning of a life-threatening escape.


After leaving the jewelry store, I ran toward the square. Occasionally, one or two users who still didn’t understand the situation caught him, but he violently shook them off and ran away.

The attack came first from the north gate, followed by attacks from the east and west gates. The warp gate was not located in the exact center, but was close to the central plaza. Although I only saw it at first glance, I could see that the raiders’ surprise attack was a success. But now, some users will begin to resist. Even if it is a one-sided massacre rather than resistance, it takes time to kill them. Taking all that into account, we should be able to reach the warp gate first.

However, that was just my opinion. I had already experienced the urban battle to the point of exhaustion in the first round. If the commander of the vagrants is a very intelligent person, there will be many things that will hinder him in the future. But for now, we have no choice but to place our bets on the option with the highest probability of escape.

Eventually, as I left the shopping area and turned onto the road to the central square, I sighed inwardly. The senses of the body were already fully activated. The sound of swords clashing in front, the sound of exploding heat waves, and screams all mixed together and flowed into my ears. The attackers who came through the door would not have reached it yet. If so, it means that there were people inside who responded.

‘Maybe the warp gate has already been occupied.’

But I didn’t retrace my steps. As a last resort, there were cases where they ran out of the castle gate, but that only meant giving up on the warp gate. Even if the warp gate has been taken over by internal personnel, just deal with it completely and take it back. As of now, I have the confidence and ability to do that.

While I was running, I glanced back. From behind, four people, including Ko Yeon-ju, were following me at a certain distance. My role is to attract as much aggro as possible, clear out the ones that pop out, and clear the way. I looked ahead again. Before we knew it, the central square was slowly coming into view.

pop! pop!

“Kwaaagh! Argh!”

“Aaaah! Save me! please please!”

The central square was literally a battlefield. No, is it correct to say that it is a living hell where one-sided slaughter takes place? Light flashed from all directions, and every time it happened, the ground exploded. And every time the ground exploded, blood fountains continued to rise along with screams.

There were only a few dozen vagrants who freely attacked. However, hundreds of users were being unilaterally slaughtered without even being able to resist. Clearly, the number of people was advantageous to the users. However, the vagabonds were showing enough skill and hustle to cover it up.

‘I guess it’s right to think of it as a semi-elite level.’

Since it was a life-threatening task, I had no intention of being nervous in the first place. I immediately pulled out the sun and moon sword that was hanging on my waist. The smooth sword body was shining bluish in the moonlight, and it was at that moment that I brushed it away.


’45 degrees left. On top of the building.’

The strong sound of arrows. I immediately activated my magic power and quickly stretched out my left hand towards the place where the arrow was coming from.


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I felt a heavy impact, probably because it contained quite a bit of magical energy, but I was able to hold on to it without any strain. But I would be sad if it ended with what I caught. Immediately, using the principle of four arrows and four arrows, I turned the arrow back and threw it with all my might towards the building.



Soon, a loud bang followed by a single scream rang out. When I heard the voice, it seemed to be a female sniper. As I glanced up at the building, I could see a person plummeting down the building with an arrow stuck in his forehead.

Whi profit!

Soon, as I entered the entrance to the central square, a thin whistle rang in my ears. Then, the two tramps who were hacking away in front of me turned their heads and started running towards me, each holding a sword and a spear. That wasn’t all. The magic power detection spread out in a circle showed secret signs coming in from left and right.

‘First of all, the two guys in front.’

I jumped right forward. The power of Orothros boots was incredible. Even though I didn’t particularly use the court martial, the distance between them and me shortened in an instant. I could see their slightly embarrassed faces, as if they hadn’t expected the distance to close so quickly.

And when there were about three steps left, I put my right foot firmly on the ground. And he slashed horizontally with a sword filled with magical power and brimming with blue light.

Certainly, the users who attacked Mule now were semi-elite level.

Just before my sword collided with them. At this moment, the guy on the left quickly straightened his spear and defended himself. The guy on the right was a little slow to react, but it seemed like he was planning on stabbing me, as his sword was slightly forward and his wrist was tilted.

However, the sun and moon god black.


I passed by lightly cutting the erected window.

The Sun and Moon God Sword, to be more precise, the ‘sword expert’s authority’, simply cut through the spear and passed by, as if this level was ridiculous. The sword that passed through the spear cut through the armor and touched soft skin.

Nok, nok!

The sun-moon-shin sword sharply cut into the inside of the tramp, as if cutting tofu. With the palm gripping the handle tightly, the eerie feeling of the inside being brutally violated was conveyed without filtering.

Eventually, when I cut the spearman’s body in half, the tramp on the right was ready to stab me. The guy hesitated with a very embarrassed look on his face, and he made a move to retreat as he saw the sword being shot at him. However, my sword simply cut off the head and body of the one remaining person.

Fu Chemical! Tuk!

Blood gushed from the place where the chest was cut, and blood-red fountains spouted intermittently from the place where the neck was torn off. But, it wasn’t over yet.


“The end~!”

The guys attacking me left and right were suddenly getting closer to me and baring their sharp teeth. It was clear that both of them were assassins, as their actions were quite agile. From the sound of his voice, the guy on the right was floating in the air, holding a dagger in both his hands, ready to strike, while the bitch on the left was bent over and aiming for my ankle.

Time difference attack. If I hadn’t known, I might have been embarrassed, but I had already expected that they would attack.

I turned my right hand and pointed the sword at the point where the guy was descending, and the guy coming in from the bottom left, I hit his face with my left foot as hard as I could, relying on my strength ability of 96 points. Of course, it was a bonus that it was given a kick with the principles of heterogeneous grafting.

Sigh! puck!

Soon, a slightly heavy feeling came to the arm holding the sword. When he slowly turned his head, he saw a man hanging with a sword stuck in his neck, saying, “Die!” And to the left, the bitch who said, “The end~,” rolling mercilessly on the floor with his face sunken in.

As a result, they entered the square and killed a total of five people. There are still dozens of them left.

But, that wasn’t the important thing.

As I entered just moments ago, the nearby users who had been slaughtered, the vagabonds carrying out massacres, and some of the wizards who had spread out in a wide semicircle in the distance and were pouring out magic abundantly turned to look at me.

‘I guess I’ll have to deal with those guys first.’

Eventually, I lightly shook my sword and dropped the bum stuck at the end of the sword to the floor. And I aimed the blood-dripping Sun and Moon God Sword at several wizards who were starting to watch me intently.

The moment I made eye contact with them, I climbed up the ground with all my might.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Readers! This is just my opinion, because I feel like Soohyun has been living a very nice life these days. Well, Su-hyeon is quite generous to his allies, but he is merciless to his enemies, right? Especially for vagabonds. So, I plan to reveal my true nature soon. To be honest, I was a little worried that what I was planning might be unpleasant, but I decided not to worry about it going forward. I believe that readers will accept it with ease no matter what I write. Hehehe. 😀


1. LosingSight: Ta-da. Congratulations on first place. haha. I think this is my first time seeing you in the first comment. 🙂

2. Atom: Wow! It’s amazing that you logged in while drinking. I really can’t drink alcohol. (In bad times, I’ve gotten drunk after just drinking a glass of beer. Whispering.)

3. Nodens: Yes. I also gave up on first place a long time ago. haha. Eheradi~. It’s so easy to give up first place!

4. Dew Seulmeore: Thank you! The weather is really hot these days, so please take care of your health too!

5. s25jin: That won’t happen. lol. I set it to a pretty good old man. 🙂

6. Ramude: Origin☆Castle☆Exit☆Prefecture! Please look forward to it!

7. Fallen Wing: I think so too. Why isn’t Yujeong popular? Sobbing. ㅜ.ㅠ I really like Yujeong’s style. 🙂

8. Order more: Slicing it up is a bonus. I’m curious how the content you’re planning will reach readers. haha. Still, as I wrote in the review, I plan to give it a try.

9. I don’t want to join: I think many people will feel sorry for Yoo Hyeon-ah. ㅜ.ㅠ

10. Fairy Cookie: Thank you for the coupon! _(__)_ I hope you enjoy reading this episode. 🙂

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I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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