Memorize Chapter 20

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00020 Break up for a moment. ————————————————– ———————-=

Thank you so much for this. My throat was sore, but they even bought me beer like this, so I don’t know what to do. What’s the name… . Eh? Kim Soohyun? Could it be that of a small town mule? I’ve heard of it! The anecdote that happened in the Screaming Cave is famous… . lol. Since I met such a famous person and was treated to beer, I couldn’t help but sit still. That’s right. Let me tell you a story. Would you like to take a listen?

huh? No need? wait. It’s okay, at least a little bit, so just listen to what I have to say. I’m sure you’ll be interested too, right? It is widely rumored that the Soul Commander, who is currently raging in the metropolis, was obtained through a rite of passage. okay. That soul commander. Anyway, everyone in Hall Plain has gone through a rite of passage. now. Sit down. It is said that one of the places where angels perform many tricks here and there is the rite of passage.

There’s quite a bit of behind-the-scenes story there, too. lets think. At that time, everyone was busy trying to survive, but who would wander around a place with monsters for seven days? But there are crazy people like that. I was excited and wandered around the entire map for 7 days. Then, the probability of encountering the boss monster of the rite of passage inevitably increases. huh? What are you talking about? Have you never met? Kim Soo-hyun seems to have done this quite sincerely. What does it mean… . Before that, can I give you one more beer? lol… . thank you!

Just remember. You definitely remember the yellow roof and the blue roof, right? okay. Yellow is a rest room and blue is a save point. When you go inside, the first thing you see is a warning sign, right? You cannot stay in a rest room for more than one day, and a save point cannot stay longer than two days. If you stay any longer, there is a 100% chance that a boss monster will appear. Ah~. It still gives me goosebumps. It looks like an alien, munching on people as if they were delicious… .

huh. I have met Anyway. I ran away to my death. The funny thing is, if you just look at the points, there is one more than starting, resting, and saving. Is this your first time hearing this? It has to be that way. Where are you?

If you exit through the forest on the outskirts of the map, you will come across a large highway. I still remember it. That bumpy road. But it can’t go down. There are lace all over the place. Then eventually, if you go up, you will come across a city. But honestly, who would go that far? I don’t even like going into the forest. And even if they entered the city, few people came out alive. That place is called Trap Point. It’s literally a trap point.

Trap Point City has all modern facilities and plenty of food. It’s a place that reminds me of nostalgia on Earth. They use people’s psychology so cleverly that it makes you feel like you really don’t want to leave.

Warning? there is. There is a warning, but it is different from the warnings at other points. It’s written so simply that you might think it’s nothing special. Anyway, that city uses people’s psychology very cleverly. It makes me not want to leave. In the end, users who find it often end up clicking on it. So users who find it become complacent. I think I can survive here for 7 days. The moment you become complacent, it’s over.

Finally, after 2 days, on the 3rd day… . You know what happens, right? Hehehe. huh? How do I know this? haha… . well. I guess I’ll just have some more alcohol.


As the afternoon arrived, I could see the day getting darker. It was a bit ambiguous to call it the early evening time. I thought it was darker than usual in the forest, but the clouds were also emitting dark colors, so I wondered what would happen if it rained.

As I walked along the bumpy road, I was anxious to see the village one day or another. I think I need to increase my walking speed a little. If you simply turn your magic with your two legs, the speed becomes even faster. I quickly moved my feet and recalled the times when I examined past phenomena with my third eye.

It was really short, only a second, but I was able to get some idea of ​​what happened to the group from what I saw. The scene I saw was like this. An Hyeon had thrown away his long sword and shield and was running with An Sol on his back. He had a face that looked very urgent.

And Lee Yoo-jeong, seen in the background, had a very ambiguous face. He was following Ahn Hyeon with an ambiguous look on his face, whether he was worried or angry. Only Kim Han-byeol was following them behind with a calm face, holding the sword and shield that An Hyeon had thrown away.

In the end, whether it was an attack or something else, the group was harmed in some way, and it was clear that something had happened to Ansol in the meantime. So, for now, I was heading in the direction Anhyeon and his group ran. I thought that since it was a road that was used by people, I would definitely come across a village along the way. And there was a high possibility of reuniting with Ahn Hyeon and his group at that point.

What on earth got them so attacked? What happened that made him run with such an urgent expression? Curiosity followed one after another. But even if I wrap my head around it now, I can’t find an answer. Deciding to listen to the story slowly later, I increased my walking speed again.

While I was walking, a drop of something cold fell and quickly wet my cheek. When I stop walking and look up at the sky, I see raindrops rushing towards my face.

Tuk. Tuk. Tuk. Tuk.

As I watched the raindrops falling intermittently, I reflexively wiped my watery cheek. I thought it would be nice to get out of the village as soon as possible before the rain started pouring down. And fortunately, my prayers seemed to have reached the sky when I saw a section in the distance where buildings were gathered together enough to be visible with my eyesight.

It was clear that the party had entered that village. However, since monsters are naturally distributed in some villages, I was worried about whether I would get in safely. If I had known this would happen, I would have just dealt with it all at once, but I guess I wasted my time.

Meanwhile, the number of raindrops dotting the street was increasing. I wanted to refuse to walk through the rain-soaked mud. As I slowed down and trudged along, shortening the distance from the village, I reflexively used magic detection. As I slowly sensed the village, I felt something strange and stopped.

“W-what is it?”

I ended up stuttering without realizing it. I pulled myself together and detected a little more precisely, but the result was the same. Out of surprise, I quickly summoned my magic power and entered the village in an instant. And when I arrived at the entrance, I gaped at the modern building I saw.

‘The rite of passage involves a building that can only be seen on Earth? A lot of that too?’

First of all, as I expected, there was a group of people in this village, or rather a city that could not be called a village. Fortunately, I could feel the energy of the four people and it seemed like they were all gathered together. That was fine, but now I was feeling confused for two reasons. first. There is no sign of any monsters in the city. second. What you can see is a city with modern buildings.

The cities of Hall Plain do not have modern building types. It has a building shape that can only be seen in the Middle Ages. In fact, even during my first rite of passage, adjusting to that was a challenge. However, what I now see before my eyes is a building that I often see on Earth.

My mind was confused by something I had never experienced, but I immediately calmed down and decided to observe the situation calmly. The challenge for humans entering Holplane for the first time is to adapt to life.

Compared to Earth, where science was extremely advanced, life on Hall Plain could not be said to be all that convenient. In order to adapt to such things, rites of passage deliberately built buildings in the same shape as the hall plane to make it easier for users to adapt, but this was a case I had never heard or seen.

There was no way a building like this would be placed in a rite of passage without a group of angels going crazy. However, even when I rubbed my eyes, the cityscape did not change. If so, it means that the angels are after something. And at that moment, I suddenly remembered a story I once heard from a prosecutor at a bar.

‘Trap Point City has all modern facilities and plenty of food. It’s a place that reminds me of nostalgia on Earth. ‘It cleverly uses people’s psychology to the point where you feel like you really don’t want to leave.’

When I remembered the trap point, I finally felt like the city in front of me could be explained. Before explaining the trap points, we need to talk about the boss monster. To put it simply, you cannot catch boss monsters in the hole plane. There are quite a few people who have seen it, and if you listen to what they say, they all say the same thing. That you can never catch it. You have to run away at all costs.

Boss monsters require conditions to appear. The condition is that if you stay in the rest room for more than one day or at the save point for more than two days, it will definitely appear. In other words, it was a warning from angels not to settle for finding a safe place and to keep moving.

I felt goosebumps rising on my face. And when I first saw this city, I understood why it was quiet and empty. And when they first started, despite the high level of the party members, everyone except Ansol could not be seen in the hall plain. If you think about it in relation to the city in front of you, you could deduce one possibility. No matter how great their abilities are, they cannot deal with boss monsters.

I took a deep sigh and entered the city completely. It wasn’t that I didn’t feel nostalgic about seeing the building for the first time in 10 years, but first I had to meet my group.

As I entered the city, all gray buildings greeted me. The buildings that were filled with gloomy light, as if welcoming me to the dark city, were something that bothered me.

A thick scent of death that only experienced people can sense. How many people have died in this building?

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

1. Correction of typos and context.


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