Memorize Chapter 176

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00176 Ecstasy ———————————————— ————————=

“It’s been a long time since I called you. what’s the matter?”

After sitting down at the table, Vivien smiled and opened her mouth. I just looked at her for a moment, lost in her thoughts. I was wondering whether to bring up Shin Sang-yong and her story first or the elixir training platform first, but I thought it would be better to talk about the rare class .

“I called you because I had several things to conclude. “Some are about user identity, and some are about the podium.”

“aha. “Then what about the things I told you last time?”

“okay. Now, the time has come to make a decision about Shin Sang-yong. I must have been watching it quite closely during that time. What does that user look like to you?”


Vivien closed her eyes and looked as if she was contemplating. Finally, after about 3 minutes, her eyes opened, she nodded, and opened her mouth.

“I honestly want to give. In terms of personality and character, I don’t think there is any fault. He is sincere and his abilities seem to be a good match. “You probably won’t regret it.”

When it comes to ability compatibility, it seemed like a magic square of harmony. Vivian and I are in a relationship bound by a contract. To that extent, she would have diligently carried out my request, and she would have responded to what I just said to the best of her ability. Although it was an extremely subjective judgment, I was able to make up my mind right away because my opinion was not much different from hers.

“i think so too. In some ways, it might be given too late, but the rare class is worth it. Then, I would like to issue him with as soon as possible and provide him with appropriate training.”

“good. It’s hard to find a disciple like this, so that’s what I wanted from the beginning. Hi-Hi. exciting. “You’ll probably be surprised, right?”

Vivien smiled and looked excited like a child. I was already smiling wryly at how grateful he would be if he found out about this. During this time, he was not able to take care of me, knowingly or unknowingly, so I had nothing to worry about, and this made me feel a little relieved.

“Then let’s end Shin Sang-yong’s story like that… . Now let’s get to the point.”

After speaking, I took out the things I had prepared in front of Vivien. +4 stamina elixir below 80, +2 stamina elixir below 70, Vivien’s Spiritual Order, Heart of Greater Demon Belphegor, Horens’ Magic Stone. These were all ingredients that would make alchemists drool when they see them. As expected, Vivien, who checked the ingredients, was drooling, not to the point where it was dripping, but enough to be considered drooling.

“and. “It’s fascinating just to look at it.”

As I looked at Vivian, who continued to exclaim in exclamation, I held up the +4 stamina elixir below 80.

“Users who take this elixir can slightly increase their physical strength. What I want is to increase the increase further. how is it. “Is it possible?”

“You added a stamina elixir and a magic stone from the newly killed guy. Umm.”

Before I knew it, the innocent expression had disappeared. Vivien, as an alchemist, always shows a serious and serious appearance. She was glaring at her ingredients with a sharp gaze that was different from usual. She moves her hands like this every now and then, so she must be doing a lot of calculations in her head right now.

Although I felt a little nervous, I didn’t do anything irrational by urging him to answer quickly. She just sits quietly waiting for a positive answer. A few more minutes passed. Finally, as if he had finally finished calculating, Vivian raised his head and gaze.

“Okay, how about it? “Can you do it?”

“Kim Soohyun. “Do you remember what I told you before?”

Did you say it would be a waste to throw away this amount of material in such a harsh workshop environment? She remembered it clearly because it was unusual for her to speak coherently. Vivian nodded once or twice and sighed heavily as she continued her words.

“You clearly said you were leaving Mule, right? When does she plan to leave?”

“soon. I’m leaving Mule as soon as I’m ready. “Why is that?”

“okay. Then, I will be in charge of these materials for the time being. “I think we need to conduct separate research.”

“Oh my. “It sounds like there is a possibility.”

When I saw her gathering the ingredients for Juseomjuseom, I felt like there was hope. But Vivien shook her head with her solemn face.

“It is not easy. No, I honestly don’t know. If it weren’t for Shin Sang-yong’s magic square of harmony, the chances of failure would have been higher. First of all, you know you can’t do it right now, right? You have to build a workshop in your new home, and you have to go through a refinement process for at least a week at the most. The additional ingredients involved are also enormous. “Anyway, I don’t think Mule will ask me to make it soon, so I’ll be doing my own analysis in the meantime.”

“That’s about it. “Then please.”

“Leave it to me. “I will definitely make it a success in the name of Vivien La Classidus.”

“Hey. He seems very confident. And if you fail… .”

Perhaps because I chose only pretty words today, Vivien looked even cuter. As soon as she saw her standing up, her naughty spirit rose up in the moment. So, “I know how to bully you.” Just as she was about to say this, she reflexively closed her mouth. She doesn’t know why she shut up. But for some reason, she felt that if she said this, something irreparable would happen.

“What if I fail? Are you going to punish me?”

Her voice had a strange tone. She did bully, but she never punished. Vivien was coming to realize for herself the things she could never change, the things she could no longer be. I was able to calmly change the subject, grateful for my intuition.

“… What is the punishment? I know you’ll do your best, but there’s nothing you can do about it. Still, I will be very happy if I succeed. As you know, physical strength is very important to me right now. “If you succeed, I will grant you one wish.”

“cow… one?”

“Of course, something completely absurd is impossible. But if you listen and find it worthy, I will literally grant your wish.”

At that moment, I could see a ray of fire burning fiercely in her eyes. The momentum was so great that for a moment I thought she had made a mistake in what she said.

After some time, Vivien received confirmation from me once more, then turned around and left to visit. And there was an unknown sadness in her footsteps.


After returning from , time seemed to pass even faster. Before I knew it, the dark dusk on the ground and the cold wind blowing indicated that it was now dark night. It was a time that could be seen as the late night night that Go Yeon-ju mentioned in the morning. I lit the tobacco in my mouth and took a deep sip.

Once, twice, three times, four times, five times, six times, seven times, eight times, nine times, ten times. After sucking it in for a total of ten times, the end of the year was slowly approaching.

After bouncing my butt toward the ground, I quietly opened the door and entered the inn. Everyone in the group must be asleep by now. The lobby on the first floor with the light stone turned off was a familiar sight, but it had a vaguely eerie atmosphere.

When I turned my head toward the kitchen, there was a faint light coming out. As I walked towards that place, I was able to reach the door in the kitchen in less than a minute. I took a deep breath, then raised my hand and knocked on the door.


There was a couple of dull sounds, followed by “Come in.” I heard Go Yeon-ju’s soft voice say. She carefully turned her handle and entered, and I could see her hand moving the quill gracefully across her small desk.

“ah. Just wait a moment. Because I wrote almost everything. “The vagabonds who escaped due to the vagabond extermination plan are showing signs of being slightly anxious, but we are not sure yet, so we were putting together the information we received.”

I didn’t say anything. It’s not that they didn’t tell me the information, but rather that they couldn’t tell me because it was incomplete information. I was once again amazed at her intelligence, as she had already sensed the crisis that would occur in about a month. This is why, in the first episode, ranked Ko Yeon-ju as the number one kill.

Ko Yeon-ju was concentrating all his attention on recording for a while even though I was there. Sometimes he would look at other records and maps scattered around him, tear up the records he had been writing, and write them down again. I sat down on the bed and stared at her back.

“ah. finished. “I barely wrote it all down.”

Go Yeon-ju threw the quill until it made a clicking sound, and then stretched as hard as she could. And then she turned to me, gently waving her notes. I unconsciously lifted her body up and extended her hand toward the record, but she pulled it away so quickly that I ended up wasting my hand.

Go Yeon-ju twisted her head in various ways, then opened her mouth with a gloomy look in her eyes.

“If I give you this record now, I think you’ll just take it and leave.”


As if she didn’t like my vague answer, she narrowed her eyebrows. She soon placed her notes on her desk and snapped her fingers. With the sound of her fingers clashing together, the light stone that had been emitting bright light lost its light for an instant.

Just like that, the light disappeared and darkness filled the room. In that faint darkness, I was able to notice Go Yeon-ju getting up from the chair and slowly approaching me.

“I told you so many times. User Kim Soo-hyun needs to rest a bit. “It seems like it’s starting to kick in again these days.”

How did I get so close to this? I felt sweet breath tickling my neck. After swallowing her saliva and looking straight ahead, the stretched out her arms and grabbed one side of the beautifully tied .

“Then here’s the problem. “Why did I call Soo-hyeon here on this late night?”


“Are you pretending not to know even though you know? Or do you really not know?”

When I gave the same answer as before, I felt like Go Yeon-ju’s voice rose a little higher, perhaps because he was angry. I closed my eyes. As I burned the cigarettes outside the inn, the emotions I thought I had burned together felt alive again. One person kept appearing in my mind. The identity of that person was not Han So-young. It was user Jeong Ha-yeon.

I also had no idea why I was suddenly like this. Since our first meeting, Ko Yeon-joo has consistently expressed interest in me and even flirted with me. And I didn’t hate her either. It’s not unusual for like-minded users to spend a night together in Hall Plain. She already told her everything. She thought everything was fine when she opened the door, but why did she suddenly act like this?

Just as my mind was starting to become complicated, I woke up to a strange feeling in my waist. As I looked down, I saw the red belt being undone. Eventually, the belt was completely loosened, and one side was held in Go Yeon-ju’s hand, and the other side fell to the ground.

As soon as the front page of opened, Ko Yeonju took a step forward and made a motion to lean on my chest. And that moment.

“ah… .”


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Without realizing it, I took a step back. Go Yeonju must have been surprised by my reaction, so she stopped leaning her head and looked into my eyes with a blank expression. I had no choice but to avoid that gaze.

“… … .”

Nevertheless, due to the unrelenting gaze and uncomfortable silence, I was barely able to turn my gaze towards her again. As I tried to read her facial expression, which was faintly visible in the darkness, I soon saw that her face was slowly being colored by the hurt that she could not hide. The moment I looked at her face, all of the things she had said to me all of a sudden began to come to mind at the same time.

The fact that I took a step back now was a kind of rejection. And there is one case where a person refuses to have s*x in the hall plain. “I don’t like you.” or “I don’t want to have a relationship with you.”

Of course I don’t think so. A feeling of disparity arises from a combination of the desire to accept Go Yeon-joo and the feelings he has for the user, Jeong Ha-yeon. In other words, it was a reflex action. However, there was enough room for misunderstanding for the other party to accept it.

Soon, Go Yeon-ju’s lips slowly opened.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

It seems that user Jeong Ha-yeon had a lot of influence on user Kim Soo-hyun, knowingly or unknowingly. If you get to know Soohyun, you’ll be surprised to know that she’s a pure-hearted person. ha ha ha. I want to write a long review, but I’m too sleepy since I worked all night. I think I need to take a breather and study a bit today. Have a nice Sunday everyone. 🙂

P.S. For Go Yeon-ju’s happiness.


1. 破天魔痕: Congratulations on first place. ha ha ha. It seems like you and Kuroshion are in a heated relationship these days.

2. Human life: Congratulations on your resurrection. I hope you can quickly let go of the pain of separation. ah. And please don’t wallpaper it. I’ve asked you a lot so far, but if you wallpaper it again this time… . I think I’d be a little angry too. Of course, I believe you won’t be wallpapering it anymore. As this is a comment section that many readers use, please refrain from spamming it. ^^

3. Melfurian: Haha. Thank you. Strangely enough, Go Yeon-ju is very popular. In my eyes, Hanbyul is the prettiest. 🙂

4. Groover: Hahaha. Of course remember. . 😀

5. Broken fan: The problem actually happened to Suhyeon. ha ha ha. This is a child who is not used to receiving love, and is used to losing love. 🙂

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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