Memorize Chapter 160

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00160 Process Of Growth ———————————————– ————————–=

“First of all, earrings… ” The moment I was about to say that it would be better for Yu-jeong to have it, I immediately shut my mouth. My companions knew that I was a Secret Class and that I had special powers related to fire, but they did not know about the third eye. If I were to give information about the equipment here, people would naturally raise questions, and it was not a good idea to just distribute it arbitrarily. “this.” After pausing for a moment, I continued speaking with a calm face. Because there was something I had prepared for this time.

“… I think it would be a good idea to appraise everything else. “If you use it carelessly and it gets cursed, it will be a pain in the ass.”

“I think I have a general idea about earrings. Judging by the remaining wind magic power, it seems to be related to the wearer’s agility. But the other two items… .”

“Hayeon. “Have you forgotten what purpose the bag you are wearing contains?”

She tilted her head with an embarrassed expression and blinked a few times when she heard what I said. She then swung her bag on her back and swung it around in front of her, and she soon opened her mouth and let out a short moan.

“Ah. I forgot the product appraisal order form. Look at my mind. “Why don’t you tell us in advance?”

“I forgot about it too.”

I answered honestly. Along the way, she opened her backpack and rummaged through it, and eventually she carefully took out three ocher-colored records. Before leaving for the expedition, I stocked up on a small amount of things I thought I might need, and I felt fortunate that I had something to use.

Hayeon laid out the order form on the floor and carefully placed the newly acquired items on top of it one by one. And between beautiful lips, “Goods Appraisal (Goods Appraisal).” The moment I muttered, I could see the light leaking from the order book staining the items above yellow.

The process didn’t take long. For about 10 seconds, the light that colored the item seemed to fade little by little, but soon disappeared into the record book again, as if being sucked in. Still, I bought a high-quality order form, and at first glance, it seemed like it was worth the money because it was filled with letters.

She immediately handed me the order forms, which I took and read slowly. Although it was not written in as much detail as The Third Eye, it was still written similarly. I took a moment to evaluate the equipment and party members, but I thought it would be better to distribute them as I had originally thought. So, the first thing I did was pick up the earrings and read the record out loud.

“Earring Of Wind. It is said that the wind spirit stayed here for a long time. When you wear it, you can gain the power of the wind, allowing you to move faster and have a wider field of view than usual. As user Jeong Ha-yeon mentioned earlier, it affects agility, but I think it would be better to look at it in terms of agility rather than direct ability scores.”

After speaking, I looked around at my companions for a moment. Everyone had not bad faces. In particular, the eyes of female users had a hint of anticipation. Certainly, the aqua blue earrings I was holding in my hand were quite beautiful in appearance. Certainly, in modern times and on the whole plane, there were rare people or users who didn’t like decorating themselves. However, there is only a difference in degree.

“Lee Yu-jeong. “It would be better for you to wear these earrings.”

“Ah cum!”

Yujeong cheered at my name and quickly ran over. She easily dodged his charge by slightly twisting her body and immediately threw it high into the air. She jumped up and snatched up her earring, like a seal catching a fish thrown by its trainer. I dealt with one like this, and the next hit was Jewel Of Amplification.

“This gem is an auxiliary equipment for wizards made in ancient times. They say it is used by engraving it on the outside of the body, and in some ways it is similar to a tattoo. Of course, they say it can be removed at any time, so don’t worry too much. It is said to help increase the speed of internal magical energy flow and increase the purity of magical energy. It also has the effect of reducing the magic power consumed when using magic.”

“Hasn’t it been revealed exactly how effective it can be?”

“It didn’t come out that way. However, since the grade of the jewel itself is said to be high-end and it was made in ancient times, it is probably so superior that it cannot be compared to the mass-produced equipment produced today.”

I answered by holding out the jewel to her. When I held out Hayeon’s jewelry, she stared at me with a blank look, but then her expression became confused and she stuttered.

“Oh, no. “I didn’t say that for you.”

“i know. Still, the user who best suits this gem is Ha-yeon Jeong. “I was planning on giving it anyway, so don’t feel pressured.”

She was already able to use Double Casting, Memorize, and vag!nal chanting. If you add Jewel Of Amplification here, you will be able to use all of the above abilities even more efficiently. Until now, Hayeon was two or three steps ahead compared to magic users of the same level. However, by obtaining the gem this time, the difference was doubled again. By completing spells more quickly, you can unleash more powerful magic. I was very excited about what they would show in the future.

Hayeon looked a little hesitant, but eventually she gently stretched out her hand and held the jewel. I handed over the records, and she told me that since in vitro imprinting would take some time, it would be best to return to the city after the expedition. She responded by nodding her head obediently. There was a subtle expression on her face, but it seemed like she was very satisfied, as she had a thin line at the corner of her mouth and carefully placed the jewel in her bosom.

Now there was only one item left. And in my personal evaluation, I thought it was the best of the three items I acquired this time. Shield of Defend was a high-level defensive spell mainly learned by priests. There was no need to see anything else. The marble in front of you has tremendous value simply because it has its own self. The probability of being assassinated while sleeping or losing your life in an unexpected attack is significantly reduced. It was an item that users who focused on would rush to see it with fire in their eyes. And since it was a piece of equipment, there was no need to worry about losing it.

When I briefly explained what was written in the record, most of the people in the group looked like they wanted it without knowing it. Everyone was anxiously anticipating who would be the owner of this equipment and whether it would be me this time. Even Go Yeon-ju, who wasn’t particularly interested in the previous two items, looked intrigued. However, I ended up betraying their expectations by adding one more word.

“… However, they say it is for priests only. “It is also a belonging item.”

“““… … .”””

This awkward silence. When Ansol heard that it was for priests only, he looked around for a moment and then said, “Wow.” He screamed and ran towards me. She put the little fingers of both her hands together and said, “Please.” He showed an attitude as if he was saying, and I placed a white, glowing bead on his open palm.

“The attribution method is simple. The moment you inject your magic power into this bead, it is immediately registered as a user. “Try it right now.”


Ansol answered with a big smile, as if he was quite happy that he had such good equipment. She put her hand on her bead like a puppy, and I could see her bead reacting by emitting white light, as if she had immediately increased her magic as I said.


Soon, a low vibration sound began to be heard from the Improved Model Shield of Defend. The thing that was letting out a vibrating cry soon slowly rose into the air and spun around among the group of people around it as if searching. The guy who had been walking among us for a while (?) soon stopped in front of Ansol and jumped into her arms at lightning speed.

“Oh my!”

Everything was good, but the digging location was quite ambiguous. This is because it was dug into the slight opening at the top of the robe. Ansol was startled and pressed her own chest, but despite this, her beads were trying to enter her inner flesh as she continued to cry.

“You bastard!”

There was no way Ahn Hyeon, the representative runner of Sister Complex in Korea and Hall Plain, would just sit back and watch that happen. He immediately let out a harsh roar and rushed forward, holding his spear tightly. No, even if I gave in and understood the idea of ​​rushing, I couldn’t understand the idea of ​​raising a spear. What if I do something wrong and hurt my child? However, the results that followed proved that my worries were unfounded.

Gusul, who was on the verge of success, stopped digging as if he sensed something strange. The guy said, “Get off! this guy!” When he saw Ahn Hyun running towards him, he quickly jumped out of his arms. And just as Ahn Hyun was about to stretch out her hand, the bead spread pure white light all over her body.

Ugh! thud!

Craddangtang! Kudang!


Ohh. Reflect (Reflection). They say it’s an improved model, and it looks like they’ve definitely added a few more features. Ahn Hyeon was struck by the defensive magic unleashed by his orb and was thrown around violently. As if he had done his job, Gusul went into Ansol’s arms again and let out a clear cry and cried. It was like watching a small child asking for praise.

And Anhyun was looking at me with a shocked expression on her face and just mouthing silently.


I looked around just in case, but couldn’t find anything special in the room. At most, a few records and a few books. Since the reason I came here in the first place was to catch Chaos Mimic, I was able to end the search without any regrets.

Ansol continued to follow the marble rolling around his body with curious eyes. Lee Yu-jeong kept fiddling with the earrings on her own ears, and her Ha-yeon was smiling her soft smile.

While looking at them like that, I slowly turned my gaze to Ko Yeon-ju. This is because I was a little concerned about being quiet from earlier. When she caught my gaze, she rested her chin and was deeply troubled with a different expression from usual. After watching her for a moment, I looked away again. The moment her expedition ends and she returns to Mule, her relationship with me and her will face one of two things.

Anyway, with the small incident behind us, we were able to finish distributing the equipment. It was inevitable for human emotions that users who did not receive a distribution would envy those who did. Everyone said congratulations on the outside, but there was a hint of envy in their eyes.

Of course, there were users, or even residents, who openly expressed their disappointment.

“Seeing. I didn’t receive anything again. decomposition.”

“haha. s, master. Is there anything that can be divided? If the same party members receive it, the caravan’s power will be strengthened and wouldn’t that be a good thing? And there are still two more boxes left, so don’t worry too much.”

“Ugh. I hope you feel comfortable inside. Be honest. “Are you a little sad too?”

“Excessive greed leads to anger. For now, just attending the teacher and receiving his teachings is enough for me. “I am so happy just to have met the leader and teacher.”

Shin Sang-yong smiled cheerfully and comforted Vivian. She sighed heavily at his words and then turned her head towards Shin Sang-yong with a fresh look. Seeing her gaze, Shin Sang-yong saw her face blush slightly and cleared her throat by clearing her throat.

Vivien stared at Shin Sang-yong for a moment, then shook her head and opened her mouth.

“sorry. For some reason, I don’t want to be bullied or hit by you. Anyway, I will be grateful to you.”

“Oh, no, what is that…” .”

Shin Sang-yong sweated profusely with an embarrassed face at Vivien’s unexpected answer.

“Whew. “It’s a sin to be really pretty.”

And as I watched Vivien leave the room with her hair slightly raised, I decided that I would set a date and educate her thoroughly at some point.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

『1st vs. Joara Memorize Ability Test』

Assuming that the reader is currently a member of the above caravan, please describe how you felt when you saw Ansol obtain the improved shield of protection. (Free answer, additional points for more comments.)

(Model answer (episode 157, nickname Hyeonoh): Oh my, look at Ansol. He’s sneaking up on me again. It’s clear that the luck ability is a calm ability that allows you to quietly accomplish anything. Look at the little girl acting coy. Some people have to be covered in blood and say this and that to be recognized, but let’s be recognized for secretly following the path.)

Quest Reward (when a sticky comment is found.): Additional participation once on April 3rd.



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1. Kuroshion: Congratulations on first place. 3 times in a row. This is something that has never been done before. For the first time, you won first place three times in a row. You are truly amazing! 😀

2. Astrain: Yes. This is the correct answer. How did you know? ㅜ.ㅠ

3. Haneru: ㄲㄲ. What will come out? I have already decided on most of what will come out. 🙂

4. Blamy: Haha, thank you. Originally, I was going to use Mimic, but I thought it would be too boring, so I changed it up a bit. I feel proud that many people have enjoyed it. 😀

5. GradeRown: Congratulations on becoming the owner of the 10,000th comment. Well, that seems a little difficult. lol.

6. Roe Squirrel: Is that so? I can’t believe you think Callock’s scene is cute. lol. Hmm, now that I think about it, it does seem a little cute. However, the fact is that it does not exist in reality. ㅜ.ㅠ

7. 311te: Modification completed. thank you.

8. Passion: Thank you for the coupon. (__) no. As I always write in my reviews, comments and questions are always welcome. Thank you so much for reading! 🙂

9. Office2Lub19: Huh? no way… . I believe your last comment was a joke. You really don’t, right?

10. Amu: Thank you for the coupon. (__) We will work hard to repay you with more interesting content in the future. 🙂

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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