MEMORIZE Chapter 1048

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01048 Omnibus – Sovereign Of Sword (complete). ————————————————– ———————-=

The moment everyone was seated in the conference room, the room became quiet as if an appointment had been made.

Yoo Hyeon-ah, Cha Seung-hyun, Band Da-hee, Jegal Hae-sol, Gong Chan-ho, Cha So-rim, Baek Han-gyeol.

Across from them are Kim Soo-hyun, Kim Soo-yeon, Jegal Haesol, Kim Yu-hyeon, and Kim Yu-yeon.

As the silence lasted longer, the air flowing in the room gradually became heavier.

It felt like watching the quiet tension in the operating room before the surgery of a lifetime.

Well, everyone knew how important this event was today without even having to say it.

The user who broke the silence without knowing it was over.


It was the Zhuge Haesol of the Yuan world, looking directly at the Zhuge Haesol of this world.

“It was you. “The culprit who carried out an undesirable scheme between the eastern and northern regions.”

At first glance, it sounded like a criticism, but in reality, it was a ploy to take the lead in the conversation.

Now that he realized the intention, there was no way the Zhuge Haesol of this world would remain still.

“that’s right. But what?”

As he answered brightly on purpose, the corners of Won Zhuge Haesol’s eyes became slightly sharper.

“under… … . But what?”

“yes. Well, I think the bitch who got hit is an asshole… … . Are you really going to argue with me? I? “No, you?”

It wasn’t a mistake to change my words in the middle.

I did that on purpose.

Because when you say you, you mean yourself.

‘whatever?’ As the opponent scratched his pride, Won Jegal Haesol smiled softly.

“flaw. That’s funny. “Is that the attitude of the person who came to talk to you now?”

“Is that really the attitude of someone who is aware of their situation?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Why are you raising your voice? “If there are any mistakes, please refute them.”

Kim Soo-yeon and Kim Yu-yeon felt awkward as they looked at Jegal Hae-sol from another world, lifting his shoulders and answering calmly.

It was unfamiliar to see the same people talking to each other, but it felt a little sweet to be on the same team as Jegal Hae-sol, who had scratched people’s minds every time they talked in the past.

I wanted to see more, but the reason I was forced to make this today is clear.

Considering Jegal Haesol’s authority in the opposing camp, Kim Soo-yeon judged that nothing would improve if the war of nerves continued further, so Kim Soo-yeon raised his hand and stopped Jegal Haesol in this world from speaking.

“I didn’t come here to argue. “I want to get straight to the point.”

Then Won Jegal Haesol, who was gritting his teeth, snorted and looked away as if he had never done that before.

“There’s no need to go in. Because I know. “In the end, you have to bow down and come in, right?”

“Did my words come across that way?”

“I mean, we’re allies, but whatever.”

“… … good. “It wouldn’t be unreasonable to think that way.”

It was an overtly sarcastic comment.

However, Kim Soo-yeon took a step back and continued speaking.

“That’s why I asked to talk. “I thought there would at least be an answer in some way.”

“Why are you saying that? How many days have passed now?”


“oh. We weren’t even close friends to the point where we took offense at the offer of an alliance. Also, I guess you didn’t think about the hard work of our leadership who had to make a decision in the midst of this sudden situation and the sudden request for an alliance?”

Won Jegal Haesol slightly raises both hands and makes a naturally surprised gesture.

Kim Su-yeon kept her mouth shut.

“And you’re right, but there are a lot of users in our camp who hate you?”

“… … know.”

“Well, it’s a public fact. Anyway, why couldn’t we answer right away? Have you ever thought that you have figured out the intentions of the Northern Alliance and are wondering what to do?”

“… … .”

“It’s not like I specifically said I didn’t like it. I’m in a situation where I have to somehow cover up a series of incomprehensible events and persuade internal staff… … . Do you think that arbitrarily attacking you like this will help achieve an alliance?”

“… … .”

It was the same word as clearing water.

Meanwhile, in this world, Jegal Hae-sol had been subtly tapping Kim Soo-yeon on the shoulder.

The face that looks like it’s going to die of stuffiness is an action asking for a chance to talk.

Although she wanted to do that, Kim Su-yeon stayed still.

“or not.”

Meanwhile, Won Zhuge Hae Sol continued to say what he said.

“You really thought we would take it for granted… … ?”

I’m trying to drive it away.

Thinking like that, Kim Su-yeon calmly gathered her heart.

I don’t know why, but Won Zhuge Hae-sol kept trying to drive the story with the word ‘force’ as its core.

I was angry, but actually there was nothing to say in this situation.

In order for a conversation to be established here, the other party’s misunderstanding had to be resolved.

What should I do… … .

Kim Su-yeon glanced at the seat next to her.

However, Kim Soo-hyun was watching the conversation with an interested expression.

Just like an unrelated observer.

In the end, Kim Soo-yeon decided to take out the card she had saved.

“I won’t deny it. But what you say is not the main reason.”



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“Because it’s urgent.”

“in a hurry?”

Jegal Haesol’s eyes twinkled as if asking him to explain in more detail.

“okay. I need you, Holy Queen, Yuhyeon. “If done well, it can feed the devil.”

Kim Su-yeon finally revealed the secret hidden in Terra’s strategy.

The northern camp could not hide their surprise after hearing the detailed explanation.

If you do as she says, you can solve the huge problem called the devil in one go.

“You may already know this, but this man is a user who has risen to the top in the world and shares the same worldview as us. “You can trust me.”

As Kim Soo-yeon added, all eyes turned to Kim Soo-hyun.

When people looked at me asking if it was real, he smiled quietly and nodded his head.

“huh. surely… … .”

Jegal Haesol muttered while touching his lips with blank-looking eyes.

Kim Su-yeon felt a glimmer of hope in that serious face.

“From now on, it’s a race against time. “We must act quickly before Satan makes his plans.”

“That’s right. “If it’s true.”



At that time, Jegal Haesol suddenly changed his words.

At the same time, one corner of his mouth rose slightly.

“That’s not why we have to form an alliance.”

“what? why!”

Long, shiny hair fluttered for a moment.

Kim Soo-yeon stood up roughly, leaning on the table.

Nevertheless, Jegal Haesol continued speaking without losing his smile.

“That’s right. “Your situation and our need to form an alliance are completely different issues.”

‘Don’t you know that?’ Kim Yu-yeon sighed inwardly at the tone.

The Confederacy’s greatest weapon at this point was the fact that the Northern Confederacy was in a situation where it could not move.

Of course, the secret about Terra was something that needed to be told, but it was too early to bring it up in the first place.

In this way, you are only giving the other side the assurance that they really need an alliance, or to be more precise, that they will not be able to abuse you.

“You-. why-. I-. how should-.”

The words he spoke with his eyes sharply raised were filled with anger in every word.

“I am grateful that you have told me an important secret.”

When it seemed like everything was on edge, Cha Seung-hyun calmly stepped forward.

“However, regarding the alliance agenda, I have the same opinion as Jegal Haesol.”

Kim Soo-yeon glared at him sharply, as if he was going to eat him.

“why? Are you still doing this because of the Western Continent incident?”

“well. Obviously I didn’t understand Mercenary Road back then. But now that I know what the devil is, I wonder why it was like that. He seems to know a little bit why he had to do that. “At least for now.”

Kim Soo-yeon closed her eyes a couple of times and opened them at the unexpected words that came out of Cha Seung-hyun’s mouth.

“But what I want to talk about is your behavior back then.”


“Pretend to reluctantly agree. “Didn’t you pretend to follow our opinion and then betray us in the end?”

“Well, that is.”

“Even back then, I believed in you… … . Even at the expense of ourselves.”

“… … .”

It was a polite but serious statement.

Kim Soo-yeon muttered as if she had become mute.

“If that’s all, I won’t say anything.”

As if this was the right time, Bandahee also helped in a cold voice.

“Shall I explain in detail why you are called a tyrant?”

“It’s not just one or two.”

“I also have something to say. “Your actions are-.”

“It’s not an action, it’s an atrocity.”

Once the finger-pointing started, criticism immediately poured out like a torrent of criticism.

Criticism is criticism.

Criticism is a complaint.

A cry becomes a cry.

And it didn’t take long for the clamor to turn into a commotion.

Kim Soo-yeon’s face turned pale amid the countless rebukes.

Soon, though slightly, my head dropped.


I want to scream and retort right away, but I can’t speak.

Although I knew these things one by one, the feeling of being completely naked suddenly struck me.

More than anything, I feel ashamed and embarrassed in front of these two men.

But there was nothing to say.

I just trembled slightly and clenched my fists as if they were crumbling.

So, the moment when the atmosphere in the hall becomes dangerous and the situation becomes imminent…


Surprisingly, it was Yoo Hyeon-ah who quickly organized the noisy space.

“sorry. The atmosphere is overheated… … . “I apologize.”

Look left and right alternately, then slowly lower your head.

Then, he faced Kim Su-yeon with a calm face.

“I know. “In this situation, it is right to follow the Mercenary Lord’s words.”

Finally, the Holy Queen spoke.

“On the one hand, I was quite surprised. “I think this is the first time I’ve seen you stay still after hearing this level of criticism.”

Smile kindly and speak softly.

“Only by necessity.”

Kim Soo-yeon sat back down in her chair and responded.

“is it so. necessary.”

On the contrary, Yoo Hyeon-ah slowly stood up from her seat.

“That is the essence of this agenda and the Mercenary Lord’s sincerity.”

“We form alliances because we need them. “Are you saying this is bad?”

Then Yoo Hyeon-ah, who was slowly walking forward, shook her head.

“no. “I never said it was bad.”


“But it’s not perfect either.”

“What more do you need?”

Yoo Hyeon-ah stopped in the middle with a sharp question.

And then he gently placed his hand on his left chest.

“that-. “It’s sincerity.”

“It’s sincerity.”

Kim Su-yeon snorted.

“It’s useless. “In this world.”

“You’re still the same. “The mindset that it is okay to act against morality because it is a hole plane.”

“Stop preaching. “Because I don’t want to come here and fight again.”

“Me too.”

The values ​​of the two monarchs are polar opposites.

No matter how the situation was, there was absolutely no possibility of them narrowing it down to each other.

“So, let me ask you just one question.”

Yoo Hyeon-ah spoke in a low voice.

“Are you sure the Mercenary Lord won’t take advantage of us this time?”

It was a straightforward statement that emphasized ‘this time too’.

Kim Soo-yeon looked speechless.

Yoo Hyeon-ah looked at her with a slightly sad look.

“Of course not. “An alliance formed out of necessity loses its meaning the moment the necessity ends.”

That is to say.

“I want to believe it, but I can’t.”

It was a sound like this.

It was then.

It was the moment when Kim Soo-yeon relaxed her shoulders with a look of abandon.

A quiet sound of laughter flowed through the quiet room.

It wasn’t difficult to find the culprit.

Because Kim Soo-hyun, who was sitting right next to me, was laughing out loud.

Clap, clap, clap, clap… … .

And even clapping lightly.

Although it was an unsuitable behavior in an unfamiliar space, Kim Soo-hyun showed an expression of sincere admiration.

“indeed. “Should I call it a castle?”

Yoo Hyeon-ah’s eyes narrowed slightly as she continued to talk to herself.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s literally true. Ah, I wanted to hear it at least once. “The words of your awakening as a holy queen.”

Kim Soo-hyun, who spoke calmly, immediately took his eyes off and looked across.

“Well, I listened to your opinions carefully for a short period of time. I think it would be pointless to talk more here… … .”

Soon, Kim Soo-hyun lightly kicked the seat.

Place both hands on the table, bend your upper body and look straight at the other person.

“Anyway, is it safe to accept that the conclusion is that we have no intention of forming an alliance?”

At the voice that seemed to be whispering in her ear, Yoo Hyeon-ah reflexively hesitated and took a step back.

I simply stood up and my momentum completely changed.

As the tension appeared on Yoo Hyeon-ah’s face, Jegal Hae-sol across from her hurriedly stepped forward.

“So what?”

Although it was feigned calmness, it was an extremely provocative answer.

At the same time, Kim Yu-hyeon, who had been just watching quietly, felt her heart tighten for the first time.

My chest is pounding and my heart is pounding.

The series of conversations only confirmed how deep each other’s rift was, but had no results whatsoever.

In fact, Kim Su-yeon seemed almost resigned.


How will Kim Soo-hyun unravel the knot here?

I tried to talk, but it wasn’t accepted.

It’s not like there isn’t an easy way.

Even if Ko Yeon-joo is not there, it is not a problem that Kim Soo-hyun could cause the Northern Union to collapse if he makes even the slightest move.

They also have a history of destroying the powerful Koran Union without lifting a finger.


There is no need to go that far.

It was true that Yoo Hyeon-ah was needed, but there was no need to persuade her.

All you have to do is kill all the Northern Alliance users present here, and take the Holy Queen to a state where she can neither live nor die.


If it were the Kim Soo-hyun of the past, he would definitely have chosen that method.

But, but now… … .

Let’s believe it.

You have to believe it.

Kim Yu-hyeon, who was whispering, wiped her sweaty palms on her robe and focused all her attention on her younger brother.

How much time has passed?

Suddenly, Kim Soo-hyun smiled brightly.


Next moment.

“If you say so… … .”

The indifferent face suddenly turned cold.

The two eyes twinkled like a wild beast.

And said.

“Let’s do war.”

Kim Yu-hyeon closed his eyes tightly.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

There are now about 3 episodes left.

Today’s content is a bit boring, but I hope you enjoy it leisurely.

Then, I will come and visit you in two days with strongly carbonated cider.

Have a restful night, readers. 🙂


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