Max Talent Player Chapter 594

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#Maximum Talent Level Player Episode 594


Summary: A transcendent species in need of comfort


A yellow light appeared in the summary.

When I clicked on the yellow light with my eyes, there was a small quest included.

[quest. ‘A relationship with a new transcendent species’]

Activating the quest wasn’t that difficult.

The quest was triggered with a simple click.

[quest. A ‘relationship with a new transcendental species’ has been created.]

The content of the quest was not that difficult.

The message was to provide comfort to Lala who needed comfort.

The content of the consolation was not complicated.

In the first place, Lala herself spoke.

“Please tell me it wasn’t my fault.”

Kim Hyuk-jin said calmly.

“It’s not your fault.”

Lala did nothing wrong.

Lala even loved her family.

Thanks to that, I was able to be baptized by the baptist.

Lala just loved her father and brother.

The fault was her father and Lunta’s.

“Please say it one more time.”

“It’s not your fault.”

Lala’s eyes were filled with tears.

I just wanted to hear someone say, ‘It’s not your fault.’

“Can’t I hug you?”

Kim Hyuk-jin looked at Lala in silence.

He seemed in desperate need of comfort.

At least now Lala was not the opposite s*x.

It was a fragile whale that had lost the entire family it once loved.

Kim Hyuk-jin hugged Lala and patted her without saying anything.

Lala sobbed for a long time.

After a long time had passed, Lala opened her mouth.

“I’m sorry for being so rude.”

Lala, who was in Kim Hyuk-jin’s arms, raised her head and looked at Kim Hyuk-jin.

Lala was definitely beautiful, but Kim Hyuk-jin was not impressed by it.

‘The whale family also has swollen eyes.’

That was just amazing.

Even the mighty whale clan has swollen eyes.

“I can’t propose to you.”

“… … .”

“But I need you.”

Lala bit her lip slightly.

Somehow, he seemed grumpy.

It felt like a child was upset.


I thought I knew.

Lala has just been reborn.

Natalie, the daughter of Naftan, King of the Sky, also looked quite childlike.

So to speak, Lala was almost like a newborn now.

“I hate loneliness. “Can’t you just ask me to stay by your side?”

“It’s not possible.”

“I will not propose to you.”

Lala’s earnest eyes came into view.

It seemed pitiful, but it doesn’t work.

“I’m not forcing you to be my lover.”


“Please be my family.”


Hyukjin Kim tilted his head.

I understand Lala’s feelings.

I understand that Lala is lonely and isolated right now, and that she needs a family.

Sadly, Lala’s family no longer exists.

But you want me to be your family?

“I was born again. So to speak, I turned one year older. Right?”


“So I need a strong guardian.”


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“… … .”

At that moment, Kim Hyuk-jin was speechless.

The whale clan needs a protector?

‘Because Natalie also has a guardian… … .’

It was a bit strange to hear that the whale clan, who were strong from birth, needed a protector, but I understood it for now.

Quest clear conditions have been specified.

[Quest clear conditions]

[Please give Lala a new name.]

This is no big deal.

The lala of the past is no more.

Coming up with a new name wasn’t difficult.

“Please give me a name.”

“Your name is…” … .”

“Please speak informally.”

“… … “Speak informally?”

I couldn’t exactly understand Lala’s feelings.

I don’t know why I wanted to hear informal language, but I did as I asked.

“Your name is…” … .”

“My name is.”

The worries didn’t last long.

Kim Hyuk-jin did not have a great naming sense.


Since it was a squirrel, I decided to call it Darong.

Because it was a dragon, they gave it the name Yongdol.

Because it was a transcendental bell, it was a lantern.

“great. tin. “I really like it.”

At the same time, a quest clear notification was heard.

[quest. ‘The bond with the new transcendental species’ has been cleared.]

[Quest clear rewards are given.]


The whale family, now named Chorong, smiled brightly.

“Thank you for giving me a name.”

I smiled brighter.


* * *

Kim Hyuk-jin had to experience a mental breakdown for about a minute.

When I spoke with Senia, she said that the person who gives a name to the newly born transcendental species becomes the parent.

“… … “There was no such explanation, right?”

“I just found out. There were very few plays across all dimensions that created new transcendental species. “It was a very rare case and there was no information about it.”

What was important to Chorong was not love or affection between lovers.

I just needed someone who could stay by my side reassuringly.

Whether it’s a lover, father, brother, or whatever.

It didn’t seem to matter.

“Thank you for being my dad.”

“… … okay.”

“I was afraid of what would happen if you refused.”

Chorong continued speaking brightly.

“If I hadn’t been given a new name, I would have eventually collapsed along with this world.”


“yes. “It would have been an imperfect being that could not establish its identity.”

“What happens if it collapses?”

“well… … . I’m not sure, but as this place collapsed, wouldn’t the energy of this place spread to other places?”

“different place?”

“It must be connected to this place to some extent, right?”

Chorong looked at Kim Hyuk-jin.

Hyukjin Kim is at the Earth level. Among other things, he has enemies on the Korean server.

‘To the Korean server… … ‘The mana in the sky must have flowed?’

It’s a terrible thing to even think about.

Although this heaven has a more docile energy than the previously known heaven, it is still a heaven.

The moment the heavenly mana seeped into the Korean server, most humans would have died.

“I’m happy to have a family.”

Chorong bowed his waist.

At the same time, Chorong’s body became smaller and smaller.

Now that I had established myself, my body seemed to change accordingly.

‘I got younger… … ?’

I became a child.


My body became younger and my voice also became younger.

In human terms, he has become a child of around 7 years old.

Chorong, with white skin and red eyes, had become a lovely and cute child.

I felt a huge gap between his immense presence and his appearance.

Kim Hyuk-jin laughed and said, “Heh heh.”

I never thought something like this would happen.

The system even went so far as to notarize it.

[The relationship with the new transcendent species Chorong is established.]

[The established relationship is father and daughter.]

Chorong spoke again.

“Luckily, Dad has great powers.”

The great power here seemed to mean the power of ‘terma’.

Because I have always described Kim Hyuk-jin’s Terma power as great.

“So you could have established a relationship with me.”

“What if there wasn’t?”

“hmm… … .”

Chorong laughed brightly again.

“Wouldn’t it have been extinct, unable to withstand the gap between existence values?”

“… … who?”

“Go dad.”

Chorong suddenly stopped laughing and took on a serious expression.

“If that were the case, I wouldn’t have found a reason to live alone. “I definitely would have followed in my father’s footsteps.”

Then, this heaven would have collapsed, and Korea would have suffered damage equivalent to destruction.

Although it wasn’t intentional, it saved Korea.

* * *

Shurt and Kangsom stood up almost at the same time.

“Mr. Schurt, can you feel it?”

“yes. “I can feel it.”

It was an instant.

A thick fog formed around Schurt’s ship.

Kang Sang-gu created a spark and brightened up the surroundings.

“What is this black fog? Eh? “My mana is being absorbed.”

The magic was of no use.

Kang Sang-gu’s fire and Kwak Tae-un’s wind were all absorbed by the fog.

Schurt was nervous.

“It seems like danger is approaching. How do you understand Mr. Kang Somi?”

“I don’t know. “I don’t think it’s a monster.”

The feeling itself was strange and ominous.

Ban Ki-myung captured exactly what that feeling was.

“This is fraud. “I felt it with Hyukjin before.”

This black fog was a terrible poisonous fog.

We each prepared a detox potion and were nervous.

“This egregious fraud… … !”


The ship collided with something.

Someone stood on top of Shurt’s ship.

He was a man surrounded by black energy, and he was American.

Shin Yeon-seo quickly pulled out her sword and swung it, but was unable to cut the man’s body.

“After the examination, I wondered how harsh it was after the examination, but it was no big deal.”

Ma Sang-hyun, whose hobby is surfing the Internet, recognized the man’s face.


Ma Sang-hyeon clenched his fists.

I still didn’t like that guy.

“You caught it well.”

The distance closed in an instant.

The huge Ma Sang-hyeon stretched out his fist.


A small cutting sound was heard.

Even Ma Sang-hyeon didn’t understand what was going on.


Something fell to the ground.

It was Ma Sang-hyeon’s hand.

King Ma Sang-hyeon’s wrist was cut off.

Ban Ki-myeong quickly recovered the wrist through ‘retrieval’ and preserved it in the inventory using the verbal magic ‘freeze’.

“Hahaha! They really are nothing special. “The rumors have been exaggerated.”

Just before Lin Hai threw his spear, Shin Yeonseo stopped him.


“why! That guy is strong. “This body has to deal with a strong guy.”

“Look at my knife.”

Shin Yeonseo’s sword is Ashura, a transcendental artifact.

Even though it could not use all of Asura’s power, it was clear that it was a natural artifact.

“What, why is this like this?”

Asura rusted in an instant.

It felt like it would break at any moment.

Shin Yeonseo bit her lip.

“That guy… … “It has strange powers.”

Kang Sang-gu and Kwak Tae-un’s magic could not be used because of the black fog.

Kangsom clenched his fists.

‘What do we do?’

As an explorer, you must figure out a better direction for exploration.

But I don’t know anything.

‘how… … How could the Giant Guild be defeated so helplessly?’

No one dared approach Gerald.

The good news was that Gerald didn’t seem likely to commit massacre right now.

Kwak Tae-un was angry.

‘I’m glad this happened.’

It’s fortunate that things like this happen.

The name of the giant was almost embarrassing.

Gerald relaxed and chuckled like a predator facing his prey.

“I still don’t like you guys. “Let me show you hell slowly.”

* * *

Chorong was held in Kim Hyukjin’s arms and rubbed his head.

“I’ll be silly just for today!”

In the end, Kim Hyuk-jin was unable to push Chorong away due to his child-like appearance.

Kim Da-rong, who was sitting on Kim Hyeok-jin’s shoulder, snorted and expressed his dissatisfaction, but he secretly seemed to like Chorong.

I stretched my nose and smelled the scent of Chorong.

“Hello, Darong.”

When Chorong holds out his hand, Kim Da-rong is excited! and turned her head.

And three minutes later, he climbed on Chorong’s shoulder and enjoyed a nap.

“Please stay by my side for one more day.”

Kim Hyuk-jin ended up spending two more days in the newly created Cheongong.

two days later.

Chorong said goodbye, shedding tears like chicken shit.

“You must meet us once a year.”

“Can I find my way here?”

Let’s get out of here. Even if we can get out through lightning,

It is impossible to create a permanent passage.

If such a thing were possible, the entrance to Geomlim would have been breached.

“I will make it. “I will definitely meet my father again.”

Kim Hyuk-jin didn’t like Chorong’s bright eyes.

Strangely enough, I ended up having a daughter.

‘How should I explain this to Isabel?’

It seemed like Isabel would understand it without me having to explain it, but it was a bit embarrassing.

‘it will work out somehow.’

Chorong laughed, hehe.

“Next time, please introduce your mom too.”

Kim Hyuk-jin felt a distant feeling for some reason, but anyway, he finished saying goodbye to Chorong.

Chorong lightly kissed Kim Hyukjin’s cheek.

And he himself distanced himself from Kim Hyuk-jin.

He waved his hand from afar.

“dad. see you next time! “She will become a daughter who will not be ashamed of her father!”

Kim Hyuk-jin touched his cheek once.

What can I say?

I felt like I had a real daughter.

‘Shall we go out soon?’

Just in case, the members of the Giant Guild were placed on standby over the Pacific Ocean.

I didn’t know he was worried.

Lightning was used.

Using some of the heavenly energy, it was not difficult to escape from this place.


But it was strange.

“What is this smoke?”

Who plays with fire?

I tilted my head, but it didn’t seem like it was acting.

“No, is it fog?”

And then I heard a voice.

“You finally showed up, Kim Hyuk-jin.”

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