Max Talent Player Chapter 415

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#Max level talent player episode 415

The six-winged angel appeared. Originally, when the six-winged angel first appeared, people thought the six-winged angel was God.

The appearance of the six-winged angel was sacred and radiated a mysterious energy. But not now.

‘The wings are tattered.’

I still felt a mysterious energy, but it didn’t feel as magical as what I saw in the video. He looked like he was very tired somewhere.

When the six-winged angel first appeared, he said this.

-I am looking for people to kill Chilsangjinachal with me.

-Are there no humans who would willingly become sacrifices to Chilsanjinachal?

But now it was different. The six-winged angel looked around. It looked as if he was looking for somewhere to hide. It was very different from the six-winged angel I remembered.

Hyukjin Kim took out the arm of Chilsangjinachal from his inventory.

“That guy is the six-winged angel you were looking for, right?”


Chilsangjinachal appeared in Kim Hyuk-jin’s shadow. I took out the Rachalnoechang that I had planned to give to Kim Hyuk-jin. It was the Rachachal Thunder spear that was said to be given to him after killing the six-winged angel.

Hyukjin Kim said.

“Don’t forget the contract.”

“Of course.”

It seemed that the six-winged angels in the sky had also discovered the Chilsang Jinachal on earth. The six-winged angel’s body flinched. A slight smile appeared on the corner of the six-winged angel’s mouth.

“You don’t have an arm either.”

“Nevertheless, it won’t be difficult to kill you.”

The six-winged angel said nothing and glared at the seven-winged angel. He seemed unable to care about anything else.

Chilsangjinachal said.

“Take care of yourself, contractor.”

Kim Hyuk-jin could understand what Chilsangjinachal’s words meant.

Chilsangjinachal’s body appeared to float and then disappeared like light. The Chilsangjinachal and the Six Winged Angels faced off.

The six-winged angel fought holding a large golden baton engraved with an unknown pattern, while the seven-winged angel fought with the six-winged angel wielding various weapons attached to several arms.


There was an explosion sound.

Sometimes, the sound of metal clashing between weapons and weapons erupted. Kim Hyuk-jin had to move around and search for a safe space each time.

‘It’s dangerous.’

The six-winged angel and the seven-pointed jinachal. The battle between the two was not simply a battle between the two. The shock waves and fragments of energy that erupted from the fight between the two flew like bullets.


A man fell down, clutching his eyes. Blood flowed from his eyes. Kim Hyuk-jin could not save him. A strong energy entered his eyes and burned his brain.

Ouch! After screaming for a moment, the man’s body collapsed.

It wasn’t just the eyes. That energy was ferocious. Even though it was nothing more than a fragment of energy colliding and scattering, it was all too easy to take the life of a single human being.


Kim Hyuk-jin avoided the fragments with great difficulty, but he was not able to save others. Moreover, there are too many victims. Hyukjin Kim couldn’t do anything alone.

The six-winged angel swung his golden baton wide and widened the distance. A chant of unknown meaning was uttered, and thousands of feathers fluttered across the sky.

Chilsangjinachal swung his sword and cut off the feather storm. The battle lulls for a moment. I can’t tell for sure, but the six-winged angel looked a little more tired.

The six-winged angel said.

“Chilsangjinachal. I am in a weakened state. Do you think that killing me will relieve your anger?”

“That’s a problem I can handle. I have been waiting for this day. “To give up my arm and enter into an upper limb contract.”

“Do you mean the humans under the earth?”


“It sounds like that person knew I would show up here.”

“Does it matter?”

Chilsangjinachal raised his hatchet.

“The important thing is that today your head is split open.”

The battle began again. In the end, the winner of the battle was Chilsangjinachal.

The Chilsangjinachaldo was also not intact. Two of his six remaining arms were broken and tattered, and his body suffered large and small injuries.

[‘Chilsangjinachal’ killed ‘Six Winged Angel’.]

[Due to the ‘Sangji Contract’, all credit for ‘Six Winged Angel Hunting’ will be transferred to player Hyukjin Kim.]

Thanks to the Sangji contract made with Chilsangjinachal, it became like Kim Hyuk-jin hunting the six-winged angel. Notifications flooded in.

[Your level has increased.]

[Your level has increased.]

… … .

[Your level has increased.]

Kim Hyuk-jin could not believe his ears.


A whopping 10 levels rose at once. Last time, my level went down and I became 45, but in an instant, I surpassed 50 and became 55.

‘Go up 10 levels at once? ‘That too in the heavy water section?’

No matter what type of hunting you do, you will never experience this level of explosion. The fact that it rose to 10 levels all at once means that the six-winged angel was that strong of a monster. Chilsangjinachal walked trotting along.

“This is a trophy.”

He held out an item. The name of the item was ‘Angel Wings’. It seemed to be an item dropped by a six-winged angel.

‘Angel wings?’

It was an item that Hyukjin Kim knew about. A special executive of the Demon King’s Army. It was known as an item that was occasionally used by Leviana, a powerful player who boasted a great position within the Demon King’s army and appeared in various major events despite being wanted around the world.

An item used by a top-ranking executive who was not a first-class executive, but was actually said to be comprised of only the strongest executives among the Demon King’s Army executives, came into my hands. I couldn’t read the description of the item.


[Angel Wings]


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‘As expected, the six-winged angel was related to the devil.’

Kim Hyuk-jin received the ‘angel wings’ and looked around. He could not know the exact extent of the damage. But he was sure of one thing.

‘At least a few thousand. Or tens of thousands.’

A huge number of people were killed or injured. A voice was heard.

“Just as you said, the six-winged angel has appeared.”

The shadow of the Chilsangji Nakchala shimmered. In it, Kang Seon-il appeared. Kang Seon-il seemed to be watching this whole situation. Kang Seon-il stretched out his hand. He grabbed one of Chilsangjinachal’s arms and ripped it off.

Neither Kim Hyuk-jin nor Chilsangjinachal could react.


I suddenly couldn’t figure out why the devil was doing that. Kang Seon-il grinned.

“hey. “Is your name Chilsangjinachal?”

“… … Yes.”

“ah. “Now it must be Osangjinachal.”

Chilsangjinachal was also nervous. In contrast, Kang Seon-il was relaxed.

“You know very well that now it is your turn to die.”

“… … .”

Chilsangjinachal did not respond in particular. Kang Seon-il waved his hand in the air. At the same time, all of Chilsangjinachal’s arms were cut off and he was lying on the floor, and a red line appeared on his neck.

Chilsanjinachal, who was stronger than the Six Winged Angels and had taken tens of thousands of lives with just fragments of battle, died in vain.

“They let me go without any particular pain. “Be grateful.”

“… … “Why did you kill him?”

“Why are you asking that? By human standards, he is a monster. “When you catch a monster, do you think about why you’re catching it?”

Kim Hyuk-jin was at a loss for words for a moment. If you think about it, he was right.

Kang Seon-il chuckled and grabbed Kim Hyuk-jin’s chin and lifted it up. I looked at every aspect of Kim Hyuk-jin’s face with eyes that seemed to be evaluating something.

“Not bad.”


“You reduced the damage a lot.”

Originally, about 30,000 people lost their lives in the ‘Paris disaster’. It seemed to say that.

“I don’t know if you meant to, but you saved roughly 20,000 lives. Originally, 30,000 people should have died here.”

“… … .”

“The price of your life became stigmata and was engraved on your face.”

Kang Seon-il took his hand away from Kim Hyuk-jin’s face. He approached the body of Chilsangji Rakshasa.

“Did you ask why I killed him?”

Hyukjin Kim nodded. She felt that Kang Seon’s work was very kind today. I’m not really the type to explain things this kindly.

“This guy’s life’s goal was to kill the Six Winged Angel.”

“I know that much.”

“Now that goal has been achieved. Achieving a goal means that the goal has disappeared. If it were a human, I would have set a different goal and found it again. Because that is the driving force of human development. But this guy is different.”

“… … .”

“Now this guy has no reason to live.”

Kang Seon-il chuckled.

“If you have completely lost your purpose in life. It is divided into two types. “Either you destroy yourself, or you destroy everything else but yourself.”

“Does this mean I will become a monster?”

“yes. However, it doesn’t seem like he will become a monster that destroys others.”

Kim Hyuk-jin thought about the previous situation.

‘Come to think of it… … .’

Chilsangjinachal did not rebel against Kang Seon-il at all. Still, he could have resisted a little. Chilsangjinachal was so helplessly defeated. In other words, Chilsangjinachal did not intentionally rebel. Now that he had achieved his goal, he seemed to have chosen death.

“So I just killed him instead. “No pain.”

Kang Seon-il touched the corpse of Chilsangjinachal. The blue light seemed to gather, and then turned into one item. It was Rakchalnoechang.

“This is yours.”

Kang Seon-il threw away his Rakchalnoechang.

“I gave you a gift, so you should give me a gift too. yes?”

“The Nachalnoechang was originally mine.”

“That’s when he was alive. I killed that bastard before he gave you a gift. “With your abilities, you wouldn’t have been able to obtain the Rachachalnoechang.”

Kim Hyuk-jin accepted the Rachalnoechang.

“What do you want?”



To give as a gift to a special executive of the Demon King’s Army?

Hyukjin Kim was actually confused. He used to think that the Demon King of the past and Kang Seon-il were completely different beings, but there are some strange overlaps.

Kang Seon-il grinned.

“I think I’m misunderstanding something.”

“… … .”

“I’m not making a fair deal with you. I’m struggling to save you. I will ask. “Are you going to trade [Angel’s Wings] and [Rachal Thunder Spear], or are you just going to die cleanly here and have everything taken away?”

Kim Hyuk-jin looked at Kang Seon-il. Kang Seon-il’s words seemed sincere. This means that ‘angel wings’ are very important to Kang Seon-il. But the devil hates being servile. To remain silent even after hearing such insulting language.

I consider it cowardly and ugly.

‘But I also really want [Angel Wings].’

Both feelings will be sincere. You have to be good at walking the tightrope between the two. The moment you lose your balance, you could die.

“Originally, I also wanted to make a deal.”

The Demon King clearly pointed out what he wanted.

“But your next words are overly insulting.”

“You are weak.”

“Being weak is not a reason to endure insults.”

“On a weak topic. “What are you going to do if you can’t stand the insults?”

A red mouth appeared on the devil’s head. He grinned. It felt like a terrible life. Kim Hyuk-jin took out Lee Seon. Kim Hyuk-jin decided not to back down. If the Demon King had tried to kill him anyway, he would have killed him long ago. The devil is such a being. He bet on it.

“Let’s see if you can kill me.”

If I had tried to kill him, I wouldn’t have shown him kindness like today. The devil’s intentions must be different. Hyukjin Kim noticed that. The Demon King shrugged his shoulders. He took out a toy-like wooden knife from his arms. It was as big as the palm of your hand. It was very small.

The Demon King grinned again.

“Do you want to make a bet?”

His gaze was not directed at Kim Hyuk-jin. He was facing someone else beyond Kim Hyuk-jin. The Demon King continued.

“I’m betting I’ll kill that guy. cowboy. “What about you?”

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