Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor Chapter 78

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Episode 78. eccentricity

Count Merelov, who was checking the documents, heard the sound of someone running. As he raised his head, the butler opened the door with a bewildered expression. He was someone who regarded formality as law, so he always knocked… … .

“What’s going on?”

“Ship, Count. “There was a big problem.”

Hearing the butler’s trembling voice, Count Merelov unconsciously put down his pen. I’ve rarely seen the butler so agitated.

“The trade group sent a message, sent it… “The cart was all burned down.”


Merelov stood up and gaped in embarrassment. What happened to the cart?

“A man named Colin set fire to a cart and tried to kill people. It seems that he was targeting the gold coins that the private soldiers had brought with him, but it is said that he died while his companions tried to stop him.”

“How much is that gold coin?”

Most of them used to issue checks and drafts through Hyman Bank. Therefore, the gold coins taken by the soldiers were not transaction money, but merely money needed for the journey.

“Isn’t this a large amount of money for commoners?”

“No, so, what should I do?”

“It is said that the cart was completely burned down and there was an injured person who suffered smoke inhalation inside the cave. Jeon Seo-gu said he would go to Sheyron first, but I don’t know how long it will take.”

That wasn’t all.

It is said that the cart burned down, so you will need to get a new one to move the food. Aside from the cost, it was not even clear whether it would be available right away this winter. This is the time when all trees are used as firewood.

“… under. ha ha ha. under!”

“Colin, as expected, I was reluctant. If the trade group goes to Sheyron, it will cost money again, so why not ask them to come back instead?”

I wasn’t going to sleep on the ground, and I wasn’t going to survive by just drinking water. They say there’s an injured person, so I guess I’ll have to see a doctor.

At the butler’s words, Merelov touched his forehead and groaned.

‘It’s the worst.’

okay. Merelov was sure that of all the winters he had experienced, this was by far the worst.

“… Why the fire!”


Count Merelov could not control his anger and threw everything he could get his hands on.

It’s also absurd that so many people couldn’t properly stop it. Were the people who lived under Merelov’s name this ragtag?


The clumsy things that were hidden beneath the peacefulness raised their heads, using the crisis as a hole. It could be said that the Merelov Mansion looks truly incredible.

“Colin’s family. “Kill them all.”

“… yes. “Count.”

“Scrape out everything you can from every corner of this shitty house. Everyone, regardless of age or gender, must hang a rope. Kill them all, kill them all… … .”

The continuous overlapping bad news is breathtaking. Leaving the burnt-out cart behind, we have now reached the point where we have to worry about the Count’s table. Sheyron, if you can’t find food in the Kingdom of Hawan, there’s only one thing left.

bang! Quang!

“shit. How on earth is this going? Should I receive a trust or something? huh?”


Count Merelov hit the table harshly and, as was his habit, grabbed the servant standing next to him by the hair. Then, with all his might, he acted out his anger with his body.

The servant’s desiccated body swayed here and there, but the butler could only lower his eyes and remain silent.

“S-sorry. Count. sorry.”

“ha. Really, butler. therefore. “I told you to choose people carefully!”

“… Help me!”


The butler pursed his lips and bowed flat. If you don’t somehow appease the Count, a portrait of Amon Child may be held today.

“get out.”

“Ship, Count.”

“Go and kill everything that has blood mixed in with that bastard Colin!”


The servant’s hair was tangled between Count Merelov’s hands. The butler had no choice but to step back and leave the office, and the servants waiting at the door looked up at him with tears in their eyes.

“Ji, deacon.”

“Everyone, step back. Sparks fly.”

“Hey, what should I do with him?”

“Shh. “Do you want to show off?”

The servant’s eyes were filled with fear at the butler’s words. Darker and deeper with moist tears. The servants stopped and pretended not to notice the screams coming from inside the office.


The sound of shoes ringing beautifully. It felt like there was a crack in the icy atmosphere. The butler and servants turned their heads at the same time. Countess Merelov stood with a calm expression.

“What are you all doing?”

“Ma’am… … .”

Quang! bang!

Instead of answering, the wife glanced towards the noisy door. She then glanced at the butler, and then she let out a faint sigh.

“Open the door.”

“lady. Well, now… … .”

“Because it’s okay. open it.”

The wife lightly dismissed the servants who tried to dissuade her. Her eyes looked determined yet infinitely calm, so the servants did not dare guess her intentions. It had happened several times when servants were dying like this.

“Huh… … .”

“Do I have to open it with my own hands?”

When one of the servants couldn’t hold it back and burst into tears, Madame Merelov glanced sharply.

In the end, it was the butler who put his hand on the doorknob.


The door opened slowly. A servant covered in blood was lying face down on the floor, and blood was splattered all over the wooden furniture. Countess Merelov stepped into her with her head held high proudly.


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The Count gasps and turns around at her call.

Sweat was dripping down the tip of my head from how much I had beaten a person like a dog. The servant kept desperately rubbing his palms.

“Stop sending that child away.”

“Huh… . Please save me, please save me… … .”

“Play with me.”

The countess’s face, which had been dry and emotionless, appeared with a bright smile. She tilted her head slightly and made eye contact with her butler standing at the door. The servant took advantage of the opportunity and quickly crawled out.

‘Close the door.’


Light seeped through the slowly closing gap. As usual, the butler closed the door, feeling his heart becoming heavy.

Mrs. Merelov suggested kindly, holding her husband’s hand.

“honey. Instead of that, how about asking Bratz for help?”

However, the rough breathing of the old husband, flashing with madness, did not seem to subside easily. She whispered quietly again.

“If you’re having a hard time losing face, I’ll go and talk to you. “We are similar in age, so wouldn’t it be better for both of us if I go rather than you go yourself?”


“yes. “Please leave it to me.”

Count Merelov growled, grabbing his wife’s flowing hair. The woman looked as serene as ever.

“I guess you’re not trying to run away.”

“No way. “How can I?”

Hearing his wife’s calm words, the Count shook her hair roughly. Her eyes were fixed on the full moon shining white behind her husband.

* * *

It was four days later that Mrs. Merelov arrived in Brac. Her Ian, who had been contacted in advance, was waiting for her at the front gate of her mansion, and when the door of her carriage opened, the woman in her fancy outing smiled and held out her hand.

“Welcome, Countess Merelov. welcome.”

“Ian, no. As soon as I saw it, I almost made a mistake. “I guess I’ll call him Viscount Ian now.”

“Wasn’t it difficult to come?”

“What. “Are we that far apart?”

Madame Merelov subtly hinted that they were neighbors. Ian smiled at her without answering and led her into her drawing room.

“To be honest, I was a little surprised to hear that your wife was coming.”

“When I heard the news of my appointment to the title, it bothered both the Count and I that I was not able to properly convey a congratulatory message.”

The Countess took off her thick coat and handed it to the servant. It must have been cold inside her carriage, so the tip of her nose turned red.

“you’re welcome. “I understand that you are busy with work.”

“thank you. Sir Ian. “The Count wanted to join us, but as you said, there was no time.”

“You even sent me a gift, didn’t I?”

Ian hinted at the dripper.

“It is a truly precious item, so I don’t know if it is right for you to give it to me.”

By any chance, did they know the value of the dripper and give it to them? Or was it that what was literally meant to be f*cked was caught in the right direction?

Ian carefully observed the changes in Mrs. Merelov’s expression, but she only smiled strangely.

“Was it a bit difficult as expected? I suggested that we choose something else, but the Count insisted that it would definitely help Sir Ian. What do I know? Since the Count said so… … .”

‘I don’t know where he came from, but he’s definitely a noble now.’

Isn’t this a very boring way of speaking?

The fact that the Count insisted was worth it, but if Ian doesn’t like it, it’s your fault for not being discerning.

“no. I like it. “You gave me something really amazing.”

It wasn’t just to save face, I genuinely liked it. Judging from the state of the process, it seems to have just been developed, so where can I go to get something like this again?

The wife smiled and nodded.

“I’m glad you said that. I’m sure the Count will be pleased. He has other gifts prepared as well, so you can look forward to them.”

“It’s an honor, ma’am.”

“By the way, Sir Ian. The reason I came here today is… … .”

Countess Merelov trailed off. Of course, Ian expected that they would exchange information about Gula trading. But she had no idea what came out of her mouth.

“I’d like to see Mrs. Mary’s room. Why didn’t I tell you last time? “There are things I lent to Mrs. Mary and never got them back.”


Ian paused in surprise. The countess’s eyes brightened. I meant to ask for permission. And on the other hand, I think I hope Ian didn’t clean up Mary’s room. Like his stepmother’s room, who was a sinner, he would have completely cleaned it up… … .

“Do whatever is convenient for you. Since this is what your wife is looking for, how can I stop it? Because I was busy with work, I could barely touch on that part. “It would probably be the same as if Mrs. Mary had it.”

It was preserved with suspicion due to the strange behavior of the two wives. To be more precise, it would be correct to say that she didn’t really pay attention.

As soon as Ian gave permission, Madame Merelov stood up and scolded the servant.

“Then I’d better do some business first.”

“I will guide you.”

“Sir Ian too?”

“yes. of course. Let’s look for it together. “If you would just tell me what it is.”

Mrs. Merelov’s face hardened slightly at Ian’s words. However, she was so subtle that it seemed like a momentary illusion, so she watched her wife’s complexion more carefully than Ian. The way she walks with her back straight is extremely elegant.

“This way. countess.”

The servant politely guided Mrs. Merelov and Ian. The last room downstairs from the office. The doorknob that had been closed tightly was pushed open, and soon the unique smell of an old mansion wafted up.

“They said they were going to clean it, but since it is an unused room, it smells a lot like wood. “We will ventilate immediately.”


Cold air came in through the window, but Mrs. Merelov didn’t mind much. Then she carefully looked around and began to rummage through her drawers and closet. Her Ian watched her from just a foot away.

“ma’am. “If you tell me, I will order the following things.”

“no. “You shouldn’t touch her hand.”


Countess Merelov’s hands fumbled through her clothes. Fine, colorful fabrics moved quickly and were pushed to one side of the hanger, but she didn’t think she was looking for anything.

“Sir Ian.”

“yes. ma’am.”

“Excuse me, but could you please leave for a moment? I’m going to take a closer look inside. “I’ll let you know when I get my stuff back.”

The place the wife pointed to was a cabinet for storing underwear. Ian gave her servant a nod to watch and left the room without a word. When Countess Merelov made sure the door was completely closed, she rummaged through her cabinets again.

“Hey, the Countess… . “Is there anything I can help you with?”

“Keep all the drawers open. “I will find it myself.”

The Countess suddenly stopped while rummaging through the drawers and muttered. The servant flinched at the sight of her woman’s cold and venomous expression reflected in her dressing table.

She seemed to be thinking deeply about something, and started frantically digging through the dresser again.


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