Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor Chapter 416

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Episode 416. crush


The wizard calling Ian was quite cautious. He had shown intense emotions in front of Damon just a moment ago, and more than anything, he knew that his physical condition was not very good.

When Hale gave permission to come in, the wizard stuck his head out to check Ian’s condition. He looked even paler, soaked in cold sweat.

Ian nodded as if asking what was going on.

“Ian. “The Sero family has arrived.”


“yes. They say they are reinforcements, and they have now reached the Clifford Wall. Prince Noah asked me to get confirmation from Ian. Even if the situation is concluded, we can’t send it right away once we’ve come this far… “If it comes from Bariel, shouldn’t Cliffoford be more careful?”

Ian frowned and ran his hands through his wet hair.

Originally, the participation of nobles in war was encouraged. Based on noblesse oblige, even if their private soldiers were small in number, they would be of great help to the empire and further protect the lives of the empire’s citizens.

And above all, there were countless people who wanted to share in the profits of war. Like light and darkness, the more blood flowed and the louder the groans of pain, the more gold bars someone’s warehouse would overflow and the bigger the satisfied laughter would be.

But this war was a bit of an exception.

“Why Serio?”

Hale asked curiously, wondering if he knew that too.

First of all, this is not the war of Bariel, but the war between Cliffopod and Burgos. In addition, most of the Ministry of Magic’s power, including Ian, is here to provide support.

In that case, wouldn’t it be natural for the central nobles to protect the capital because they were worried that the imperial palace in Bariel was empty?

The wizard just shrugged his shoulders. How dare he know that?

“Did Youngae Alena come too?”

“Youngae Alena? The daughter of the Sero family?”

If you really want to understand it, it was possible. They must have been driven to this side by the burden of having to do something to revive the declining Sero family. From Sero’s perspective, it was probably his own war, where he risked everything.

The wizard shook his head, still not sure.

“I just wanted to see Sero. I don’t know if Young-ae is here. There are quite a few troops. I think there are about a thousand, but they say that Clifford needs to prepare to receive them. I asked if Ian could mediate between us.”

“Ask Sero if he has His Majesty’s seal.”

“Your Majesty’s seal?”

“Departure seal.”

Officially, the central nobles needed the Emperor’s permission to participate in the war. This meant that they were special reinforcements for Bariel, and furthermore, it was a kind of token for the nobles. At the end of the war, their merits would be remembered by the Emperor and they would be appropriately rewarded.

Ian stood up, gesturing as if he had finished. I think it would be better to greet Serio in person rather than having to go through the words of several people.

“Mr. Ian.”

“Gwae, are you okay?”

Even though he had only raised his body a little, his body swayed greatly. Ian clenched his molars. He was a person who should not be shaken, but he could not easily do so in front of Hale and the wizard. I never knew that not doing things the way I wanted would be so frustrating and make my breathing heavy.

But then, Haley nonchalantly grabbed Ian’s arm and supported him.

“Take it, Ian.”

Why is it difficult for your superiors to stand alone if you can grab it, and if you can lean on it, lean on it?

Ian slowly grabbed Hale’s shoulder in natural consideration. The wizard also opened the door wide and helped him pass through comfortably.

“If this happens even after returning to Bariel, Hail. “Remember what I said last time.”

“I don’t like it. I clearly refused. And since it is an effect caused by Idgar, it will definitely return over time. “Everyone is like that, so there’s no way Ian isn’t the only one.”

Hale said he didn’t want to hear anything about the next head of the Ministry of Magic and looked towards the distant mountains.

As Ian cautiously stepped onto the wall, he saw a line of thousands of soldiers. The Bariel flag and Seroga seal were waving everywhere. Sero immediately noticed Ian’s blond hair and waved.

“Sir Ian! Come on! Sero!”

“What are you doing here?”

“I can’t just sit back and do nothing while the wizards are struggling in other countries. But Ian, sir, is the one who’s finally finished. I heard that the situation has been resolved. I regret that I’ve come this far, but I’d like to help out with the cleanup.”

“Your Majesty’s seal?”


“If you do not have His Majesty’s seal, please show His Majesty’s seal.”

Serio paused. He came down without even meeting the crown prince, let alone the emperor, so you’re asking for that. Serio shouted, conscious of the gazes of the mercenaries who were looking at him with his arms crossed.

“I came down in a hurry, so I did not receive the royal congratulations. Sir Ian. Don’t we have a deep connection? I believe you will understand my desire to help you as soon as possible.”

“okay. thank you I had no idea that Lord Serio thought so much of me and the Ministry of Magic. There is definitely something to be gained after adversity. “I think my relationship with Lord Serreau will become even stronger.”

Ian leaned against the wall and answered with a grin.

Well, then, should we open the door quickly? Sero looked up at Ian with expectant eyes, but Ian didn’t move.

“But Sir Sero. If you enter the barrier, Clifford has no choice but to treat you with great honor. We are obviously welcoming reinforcements from Bariel. Since we are busy trying to manage the current situation, wouldn’t it be better to just politely accept Sir Sero’s entrance? I think that would be the way to help Clifford.”

“uh? “Isn’t there a shortage of workers?”

“Not at all. One of Clifford’s great strengths is its large population. I was planning to leave for Bariel early tomorrow morning. While you’re here, why don’t you come back with me? With Sir Sero by your side, the journey back home will be safe and I can rest easy. Do you have a carriage?”

carriage. It was meant as a long-distance carriage, not a combat carriage. If he had brought this with him, there was a high possibility that Alenara would have accompanied him, so Ian naturally looked at Serio.

And Sero was a very easy-going person.

“There is only one carriage.”

Hmm. Ian’s eyebrows rose slightly.

Alena has come. But judging from the fact that she is not visible now, she must have turned toward Ruswena at the fork in the road. It is not simply for the purpose of rebuilding the family, but she has turned toward Ruswena. It seems that the fact that she has been watching since the crown prince’s appointment ceremony has suited Alena’s taste just perfectly.

Haley turned her head towards Ian and whispered.

“What should we do, Ian? Should we open the barrier? Actually, it wouldn’t be a bad idea if Clifford’s side didn’t just welcome us, but also provide us with some help.”

“no. “They must never be allowed inside the wall.”

“Ah. Yes. I understand. I will pass it on to you below.”

Hale gave a hand signal to the stairs directly below without asking for the reason for Katabuta. It was the moment when all the soldiers waiting to open the barrier returned to their places.


A loud noise coming from somewhere.

Before I could even recognize what the sound was, the ground began to shake. Very subtle but sure. The flagpole stuck to the ground slowly swayed from side to side, and the helmets and clothing hung by the soldiers rattled.

Ian pulled away from the barrier and looked in the direction of the sound.


“W-what are you talking about? this?”


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“Could it be that reinforcements have arrived from Ruswena?”

“No, it was a sound coming from the palace.”

The ground trembled continuously. I’ve been through a few earthquakes, but this was the first time I felt something explode other than the ground shaking.

The soldiers cowered in fear, and Hale jumped into the sky and looked around.


“Ian! Over there, there’s a dragon rising!”

A waterspout. Ser O spread his palms in disbelief. There is not a single cloud and the wind is cool, so why does a waterspout rise?

Ian suddenly remembered the broken Idgal pendant in his hand. And his magical power that was continuously pouring out at that time.

“It’s a crack.”

It is an unchanging natural order that earthquakes occur. In conjunction with that, the marks in the crust led to the cracks.

Ian hurriedly gave instructions to Clifford. Even then, the earthquakes continued. As if this is just the beginning, the power is gradually increasing little by little.

“Tell Prince Noah that it would be best to evacuate all residents near the rift.”

“ah. Yes, yes! All right.”

“Ian, shall we go scouting?”

One of the wizards asked, but Ian hesitated for a moment.

Apart from capturing King Damon alive, they were still face to face with the enemy army. Reinforcements from the northern region, Ruswena, and even Sero who came to visit in an astounding way.

Turning your back here would be the same as giving the enemy an opening. Moreover, more than anything else, the cracks occurred inside the Clifford Wall, under the jurisdiction of the royal palace. Ian summoned Acorella.

“Accorella. Take one of his men and have him investigate the waterspout. Its size, power, and how much of a tectonic shift it is, etc. “Please report in detail so we can calculate the time remaining until the rift.”

“Captain Accorella!”

“yes? Yeah yeah. I heard you! “I am here!”

Acorella came out, wiping her oily mouth with the back of her hand. He got along well with Beric, and seemed to have had a meal at the same table with Chief Atan, Fdiram, without any problem.

Ephdiram also came out, holding a piece of meat in his hand.

“hmm. Good smell.”

The smell of a monster felt through a crack. As she hummed in relish, Beric unconsciously pinched her nose. okay. It cannot be denied. There was something sweet and sweet in the air, different from the smell of meat coming from the restaurant.

But if you admit this, doesn’t that mean you are acknowledging that you have the same identity as Fdiram, and that your path with Bariel and Ian is different? I got irritated because my body didn’t react the way I wanted.




“It’s getting worse!”

“Everyone get out of there! If it collapses, you’ll be in big trouble! To a wide place, this way! this way!”

Quang! Doo doo doo!

The earth shook violently. The traces of the eons of time they had built, including humans, were also distorted by the force of nature, and the sky gradually turned red along the direction of the sound’s source.

As if the blue sky was being devoured, the world they knew was changing little by little.



The wizards lifted Ian into the sky to protect him. As the view grew higher, they could see the source of the disturbance inside Clifford. The building was tilting, and people were running around like ants who had been doused with hot water, and they were panicking.

And inside the gap where the waterspout leaks out, something like lava is glowing… … .

“That’s… … .”

“Sir Ian! What’s going on? Open the door!”

If it boils over and overflows into the world, it will soon become a monster.

Ian frowned as he looked back and forth between Ruswena, who was watching from the hillside, and Burgos, who was gathered around without knowing what was going on. Then he thought.

Once something is broken, it cannot be undone. The only question is how long it will take until it completely falls apart.


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