Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor Chapter 389

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Episode 389. The Pain Accumulated in Life

It was a hassle. Looking back, Ian’s life was always a hassle.

Ian was born only for his family, without any love, and his life was full of hardships from the start. He had everything, but he was not perfect, and that was how he lived.

He worked tirelessly to hide his identity as a wizard, believing only Croni’s words, and from the moment he decided to become the emperor, he worked hard to cut off Croni, who had been binding him.

What happened after that? As the emperor, he sacrificed his entire body for Bariel, but in the end he barely survived by sacrificing his close friend.

It was overwhelming. Sometimes she felt like throwing everything away and going into the abyss of death, and she also felt like disappearing like the wind.

‘My lovely rock.’

Ian felt his heart flutter again at Filia’s affectionate whispers. If it was Ian the bastard who had caught Filia, it was Bariel himself who had caught Emperor Ian.

The laughter of the people of the empire, the newly rising morning, the roads moving in harmony, those dreaming of tomorrow, the clouds drifting peacefully, and everyone who was with them.

Fuuuuuuu! Pow!

“Hey Ian!”

Accorella’s shrieking screams erased Ian’s thoughts. The world seemed to become distant and distorted.

The magicians standing behind closed their eyes tightly in fear, and so did the magicians on Ruswena’s side. They hugged each other and flinched at the loud noise and explosion. Only Ian stood firm against the force without bending his back.

Ian looked back. He saw people who said they would have his back, that he could throw himself on the line when things got hard, and that he would stand with them if he wanted to endure. Ian muttered, wiping the blood dripping down the tip of his chin with the back of his hand.


The black aura around the old man became increasingly darker. The flame god continued to attack, but it felt like its power was gradually being stopped.

If I thought about it calmly, I came up with an answer. Although he received help from the Amplifier and the Ministry of Magic, he, Ian, was a bastard and his physical condition had not yet fully recovered.

On the other hand, the other side will become stronger as it goes on due to the taboo magic. Having time on your side is what brings victory. Ian stepped out of the sky and took out his sword.


If the Flame God can’t reach him, Ian will have to pierce the old man’s heart himself. Since it’s a sword made from a magic sealing stone, no amount of forbidden magic can stop it.

“Hey Ian!”


As Ian charged, the wizards of each camp rushed in at the same time. They exchanged attacks and defenses without stopping to protect each other’s leader.

Sigh! Pow! pop!

A magical ball aimed at Ian’s left arm. Acorella blocked it instead and split it in half, and Ian took a step closer to the old man with the Flame God.

It will be the same from now on. The Ministry of Magic stopped all those who tried to stop Ian, ensuring that his steps were unstoppable.

A feast of light bursting from the sky. People watching from below can’t tell who is who.



At that moment, black wings sprouted from the old man’s shoulders. They were similar to Ian’s memoirs, but they were dark and murky. If Ian’s were a flame that had just begun to burn, the old man’s were an ashen trace after everything had been consumed.

The giant flame god stretched and stood up as if a seal had been released.

“This is the power of taboo.”

The old man stretched out his hand as if in awe, measuring his own strength. Ian and the old man’s strengths were interlocked, forming a tight balance. A very close but seemingly unbridgeable distance.

Ian asked.

“…How are you feeling?”

“… “It’s sad.”

I devoted myself for a long time to exploring the truth and reaching the position of God, but was I able to overcome my limitations so easily? It’s also sweet. Destroying yourself has always been sweet. As the old man waved his hand widely, a gray wind blew and surrounded Ian’s flame god.


Jiyiing. Jiing.

“If you fall into the abyss, you will be sad forever, so why are you so anxious?”


However, Ian cut off the taboo magic with his elegant swordsmanship, and he clenched his molars and poured out all his strength. I couldn’t even feel the blood flowing anymore. My heart is beating loudly, I feel dizzy and everything in the world stops.


I have never used more than two advanced magics at the same time, even if it is above a certain level. However, even if I have never done it, there is no reason why I cannot do it.


The old man opened his eyes wide in surprise. At the same time, tears are falling.

I followed him because the records seemed to be all that interest was, but how can he use magic of a higher level? Is this the extent of the power of the Minister of Magic of Bariel? How can this young-looking boy use this magic?

Acorella also stopped in surprise. Now she wonders if she heard correctly.

‘Goha (苦河)? Ian just used that magic?’

Goha (苦河) was a mental magic that combined the pain of the user and the target’s entire life and tore apart their mental world in an instant. The more difficult the path and the longer the history, the deeper the effect became, and it was effective in destroying the opponent, but it also had the mental side effect of making the user recall all the pain they had forgotten.

“Ian! Are you crazy!?”

Acorella shouted, but Ian didn’t seem to hear because he was dealing with the old man. And I noticed. All the agony was mixed in Ian’s head.

Tears were streaming down his eyes. Together with the old man.


The old man had a seizure as if lightning had struck his heart. Even though I punched him in the chest and yelled at him not to do it, Ian didn’t stop. The Flame God’s flames grew stronger, and purple light continued to explode from Ian’s hand holding the old man’s shoulder.

“Stop, stop! Argh!”

That purple color was Ian’s pain, the old man’s pain. The hardships he had shared for so many years poured out in an instant, and the old man couldn’t bear it and writhed in pain.

“The abyss will be greater than this!”

“Inoom! this guy!”

She looked confused and didn’t know what to do. Ian held her with one hand, and with the other, he stabbed her with his magic sword and pierced her heart. The bitter river that had been squeezing her heart burst out and emitted a purple light.

The Luswena wizards were shocked and covered their mouths, and someone covered Zaira’s eyes.


The cries of the struggling old man shook the heavens and the earth. The bones on the back of Ian’s hand popped out as he held the handle of his sword, and he soon looked into the eyes of the dying old man, a mess of sweat and blood.

It is a moment to share each other’s pain. You, too, have lived a difficult life. A feeling of regret, almost pity, passed by for a moment. It was just a moment.

“Hey Ian! “I can bear it!”

“Yes! Okay, hold on tight!”

Jiyiing. Jiing!

The magicians squeezed out every last bit of their strength and passed it on to Ian before crashing. They didn’t even have the strength to fly left.


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Prince Noah shouted after seeing the wizards falling from the sky.

“Take it! “They are wizards!”

“Wizards are falling! “They are the wizards of Bariel!”

“We have to catch them on our side!”

At the same time, the commanders of Cliffopod, Burgos, and Luswena shouted. Even though their power was exhausted, they were wizards anyway. Securing it is the way to win the war.

Beric ignored the soldiers running away and fixed his gaze on Ian.


It would be nice if I could share my power like the wizards, but it was pitiful that I could only look up from the ground like this.

Even if you scream and scream, Ian won’t be able to hear you. Look at those empty, empty eyes. It may have been reflexive tears, but right now he had no time to listen to Beric’s cries.

“Uh, how… … .”

What should I do? Maybe it’s good? As Beric mumbled in vain, Harsha grabbed him by the back of his neck.

“What can I do if I stay still? I need to do something to help Sir Ian! “Go secure the wizards!”

Fuuuuuuu! Pow!

At that moment, the old man’s heart burst completely and a gale blew. The ash-colored flame god disappeared with his body carried by the wind, and the old man fell with his chest area torn apart.

Now the only thing standing in the sky is Ian, breathing heavily.

“Ugh, ugh… … .”

Ian watched the old man fall, breathing heavily, not even knowing he was crying. Empty, empty eyes. Her death and all the pain of her life at the end tore her apart.

Ian wiped away tears with the back of his hand and staggered from the auditory hallucinations running through his mind.

‘Uncle Ian. I told you to hide your magic. Do you want to go into the cave of the commoners? The dead duke will lament and blame Uncle Ian. You are so lowly, you are so lowly!’

‘Ian, Emperor. Do you think you are worthy? Seriously? I don’t think so. If you take that position, Bariel will fall to the howls of the people of the Empire. I guarantee it. You are not worthy of that position.’

‘It’s a revolt! majesty! Chroni!’

‘Ian, look carefully. It’s all your fault that those you cherished are dying. You died because you didn’t know your place and wanted to be the emperor. I told you, right? That position doesn’t suit you.’



‘Kill them! Kill them all! And tell them one last time! They are all dead because Ian became the emperor.’

Ian flinched. Crony’s voice was so clear. His heart ached so much, like that of a dead old man, that he could hardly breathe.

Ian lost his strength and eventually fell from the sky like the wizards.


“The Minister of Magic falls!”

“Ian Hielo has also fallen!”

Crack, crackle!

Beric was watching it. He kept his gaze fixed and ran like crazy towards Ian. Since he couldn’t help Ian when he was struggling, I wanted to safely catch him when he fell.

Three countries, including Berwick, reached out to take over Ian.

“Get out of the way, you motherfuckers!”

Ji-ing! Jiing!


Beric roared and swung his sword, and the soldiers who had turned their backs fell helplessly. Beric threw down his black sword and threw himself down.


And just in the nick of time, he caught Ian with his body. Ian must have fainted, but her eyes were closed and her head was thrown back.

Dead? Beric was surprised and put his ear to his heart. Oh no. His heartbeat was abnormal. Thump thump. It was so loud that he thought his heart was going to burst, like an old man’s.

“Prince Noah!”

Beric asked Noah for help, and Noah immediately nodded.

“Retreat for a moment! “Secure all wizards and move them inside the wall!”

“Protect the wizards!”

“It’s your chance! All wizards have fallen! Don’t miss the opportunity! Push on!”


There were still a few magicians left in the palace, including Hale. If we brought them and shared their magic power, we would be able to recover sufficiently.

Clifford tried to protect the wizard, while Burgos and Ruswena threw themselves desperately into killing or capturing them.

Eriponi was watching from the hill. I screamed while clutching my bleeding cheek.

“Eldert! What about black armor?!”

“Yes! I’ll deploy right away! They must be close!”

“It’s your chance! “Either kill them all or take them prisoner!”

The Ruswena camp moved around in confusion. Behind them, who had arrived first with the help of the wizards, the black-armored weapons arrived.

Eripony smiled, sensing victory. The shocked Ruswena magicians lost their fighting spirit and power, but if they had this black armor, they would be able to kill those little Cliffopod soldiers like they were ants.

She commanded, pointing straight ahead with the broken bowstring.


Then I felt a little regret. I should have told him to advance, to go and make a mess of the enemy camp…

at that time.


There was a noise on the hill where Maxim Tweller had stood, and a small force appeared. Eriponi knew who it was at once.

“Oh, shit.”

Jayrot. The commander of the Imperial Palace Guard and his subordinates. These are magic swordsmen who are said to be at the peak of power in Bariel. Jayrot looked at the situation with alacrity, took a deep breath, and shouted.

“We are the Royal Guard of Bariel! The main army of Bariel is currently en route to provide reinforcements, so we will provide reinforcements before they do! Anyone who touches Minister Ian Hiello of the Ministry of Magic will be beheaded!”


A voice that rings like thunder.

Beric, who was running while holding Ian, looked back, and he was soon faced with numerous magic swordsmen rising into the sky.


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