Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor Chapter 377

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Episode 377. The Real Beginning

Luswena’s supply troops were walking carefully, escorting the carriage. Boxes packed in the back of the luggage compartment. As it is a dead land, the road condition was uneven and it was constantly shaking.

The officer on horseback walked slowly and kept looking around.

“Move slowly, but don’t stop!”

“Yes, I understand!”

Sticky dirt and pebbles sticking out here and there.

One of the subordinates made a suggestion to the officer. No matter how much I think about it, I don’t think this is the way to go. When it comes to supplies, wouldn’t it be best to move them quickly? I am taking the furthest path among the dead lands.

This was inefficient, and above all, it was a great drain on the soldiers’ stamina. It seemed better to turn around and head closer to Clifford.

“General. Go a little further and you will come to a fork in the road that leads to the upper path. There may be problems with the soldiers’ stamina consumption and the carriage’s durability, so why not change the route? The rear end is sagging little by little, widening the gap. Because of that, the speed slows down.”

“Can not be done. We will travel as far away from Cliffoford as possible. His Majesty Eriponi said that he would stop trade with Luwena in Bariel.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent an official complaint, but it was unknown when the reply would come. Even if it does come, there is no way it will contain any understandable content.

“I noticed the existence of supply in Bariel. Hurrying is important, but even more important is accurate delivery. “There may be a chase team, so we have no choice but to hide by taking the most difficult route possible.”

What they were carrying were several materials needed to make black armor, including dragon horns.

Fortunately, since it was a procession that was sneaking in, there was not much to carry. Of course, there were dozens of huge carriages moving in a single line, but considering that it was a transaction between kingdoms, it was a modest amount.

‘It seems His Majesty is considering the possibility of us being discovered.’

The opposing force had a magician.

Since they were swimming in the sky like water, it would be easy to spot them. Thus, Eriponi planned a supply route that was half real, half as if fishing for bait.

The general kept urging his men without letting up, and groans could be heard here and there.



“You little brat, why are you like that too?”

A soldier got angry and pulled the reins because the horse did not move forward.

But at that moment, wasn’t it not just the horse he was in charge of that day, but all the animals that accompanied him also stopped and lost their minds?

As the procession slowed down, the general looked back with a stern expression.

“What’s going on?”

“I do not know. “The animals don’t move.”

“All the beasts?”

“Yes, yes.”

When he stepped on the ground, wondering what was wrong, he could feel a slight vibration. It was an earthquake that was so small and faint that it would be difficult to detect unless you were very sensitive.

“It’s an earthquake.”

“Earthquake? “We don’t know.”

“Take a break now. Take a ten-minute break!”

“Ten minutes break!”

As soon as the order was given, the supply soldiers flopped down on the floor, sighing tiredly. Then they too could feel the shaking.

“iced coffee. It’s true. “The ground shakes.”

“Has there been an earthquake nearby?”

“Well, that’s fine. “I don’t think so.”

They twisted their stiff bodies around and looked up at the clear sky. I had no idea that war would occur in my generation. Even though it was between Burgos and a foreign country called Cliffopod.

From Ruswena’s perspective, it seemed like it was only a matter of time before he entered the war. What happens when she completes her supply mission? Should I cross this dead land again?

“I wish it had gone through Clifford then.”

“wait for a sec. “This is getting louder and louder.”

A soldier fell flat on the floor, his eyes wide open. He was someone who said random things even on a regular basis, and his colleagues clicked their tongues and said, “This is the beginning again.”

Crack, crackle!


The soldier muttered softly.

“This is the sound of horses’ hooves.”

At that moment, a light flashed in the sky.

Everyone jumped up in surprise and picked up their weapons at the same time. The straight line of light stopped at their heads. To be exact, the sky where they were standing.

“Well, what is that…” … .”

It was as if God had a path to walk on. It was so beautiful and sparkling that it was almost ecstatic.

Unlike the soldiers who were blankly staring, the minister was startled and shouted.

“Reorganize! Hurry up and leave! It’s a wizard! “I am the wizard of Bariel!”

The only person who can do something like that is a wizard. They have figured out the location of the supply train and are informing someone.

At the general’s command, everyone hurriedly grabbed the reins and placed the supply wagon in front to start moving first.


“Run! Run without stopping! It’s okay to split up when you come to a fork in the road! Let’s meet again at the supply point!”

“Yes, General!”

“Infantry, follow me!”

The light from the sky gradually stretched out towards them. Then, horses suddenly burst out of the forest. They all jumped down as if they were flying and stood in front of them.

Sturdy armor with ornate patterns. And blue markings. It was clear that they were soldiers of Bariel.

As soon as they appeared, Burgos soldiers rushed towards them, swinging their swords. This was to buy time for the supply wagon to escape.

“Aren’t you the Bariel Army? What are you doing in this far away land!”

“His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Great Empire Bariel sent it personally, saying that there are people trying to disturb the order of the Gaia continent. “They are Luswena’s supply soldiers, right?”

“Yes. We belong to Ruswena!”

The general raised his hands and shouted. A yellow seal was tied to his armor.

“We are not bandits, and we have no intention of bringing chaos to Gaia. Nevertheless, this threatening standoff is an insult and an attack on Luswena, and our King will take this very seriously!”

He asks why they are trying to block Ruswena without any justification.

However, Bariel did not even respond and gave instructions softly to his subordinates.


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“Follow the carriage. It won’t be very fast. If there’s a lot of resistance, you can kill them all. However, I want to check the supply points of Ruswena and Burgos, so shadow one of them and follow them. Deal with them before they cross the border.”

“yes. All right.”

As the Bariel soldiers tried to pursue them, General Ruswena stepped forward and swung his sword.

“These guys, right now, who do you think I am-!”



But then, the last one to fly out of the forest. Tweller immediately struck the general’s neck with his axe, and his neck shook without even realizing that it was half-severed.


As Tweller pulled out the axe, blood poured out of his neck like a fountain. The horse was startled and ran away alone, and the soldiers were also astonished by the sudden sight.

They are their commanders, fully armed with armor. But you aimed at his neck at once through that tiny gap? That old man?

“Who are you?”

“Keep, keep, keep… … .”

“I am Maxim Tweller. I am the Minister of Imperial Defense. Let me ask again, who are you?”

The general trembled and looked up at Tweller, holding the back of his neck. His face appeared backlit due to the still shimmering bright light.

Tweller took up the axe handle again without a shred of pity.

“I guess I can’t tell you. I will hear your name again in the underworld. At that time, I will also resign from my position as Minister of Imperial Defense and re-sign.”


Tweller struck the general’s neck with force as if cutting down a tree. Then, the general’s head fell off with a thud. Tweller stood with his foot on the man’s head and looked at the trembling soldiers.

“If there is anyone willing to surrender, I will accept it.”

“Hee, heek-”

“It tells you that the choices you make in the moment determine your fate.”


Cheaeng! visor!

The general’s subordinate rushed towards him with his sword.

Then Tweller’s subordinate immediately blocked the attack, and after five or six attacks, blood came out. The tip of Tweller’s sword touched Luswenna’s heart.

From that point on, the soldiers rushed in at the same time. Those who were running away and those who were trying to kill him mixed together, emitting high and low groans and screams.

“Save me, save me!”

“Let those who surrender live! He has lost his pride as a soldier! Kill everyone who responds! These are the people who will one day become Ruswena’s power and threaten Bariel! “It’s not worth living!”

Tweller shouted, wiping the bloody axe away.

The beam of light stretched out further and further. Soon, a wizard descended from the sky and shut his mouth at the sight of the chaos.

“Sir, may I come down? What will you do if you miss the carriage?”

“Oh, one of the carriages has overturned and stopped. And the rest are heading west, so hurry up and clear this place and join the advance party.”

The wizards continued to wait for the reinforcements from Bariel, so they could immediately recognize those who ran majestically. The wizards turned their heads away, pretending not to see the general’s head rolling around.

“Shall we tell those who are searching the other route to gather here? Wouldn’t it be better to join forces?”

Since Ian ordered the Imperial Defense Minister to act, I had no choice but to ask him what he was thinking. Tweller thought for a moment and then shook his head.

“I saw earlier that the number of carriages was a bit small. They may be spreading out, so let’s continue the search at our respective locations. However, please share that our supply route has been blocked.”

“yes. Minister. Well, you can speak comfortably.”

Although he was a wizard, Tweller was a minister. The wizard was uncomfortable with his unexpectedly polite behavior. However, the old man laughed heartily and waved his hand.

“well. “In enemy territory, I prefer to be unfamiliar to everyone except my colleagues.”

The answer was that no matter how one side they were, they could not break the line because they were not part of the Imperial Defense Department.

What a strange old man you are. The wizard shrugged his shoulders and flew up into the sky again.

“Please continue following the light. I will relay the situation to others. What should we do about the aftermath here?”

“It’s a dead land, so would there be a problem if corpses were rolling around? “We will investigate and follow up immediately to see if there are any other belongings on the body.”

“yes. All right.”

The wizard disappeared, and Tweller looked around at the bloody sea around him. Those who had surrendered were shivering with their heads buried in the ground. He nodded to his subordinates and ordered them to clean up, and then he mounted his horse again.

“Others, follow me! We will follow the chariot. The light engraved in the sky is our path. We will not wander and we will not be late. Let’s go!”

“yes! Minister!”

Crack, crackle!

They turned their horses’ heads following the light the wizard had given them, and then leaned in closely to increase their speed.

The crew was cut in half to handle the cleanup, but Tweller didn’t care. He had a wizard, and he had people around him to call on whenever he wanted.

And more than anything, my intuition was shaking hotly. A feeling beyond the five senses that I felt every time I achieved a thrilling victory. The old man laughed out loud as if he was happy, and those who followed him smiled when they heard his laughter.

In the distance, the overturned carriage the wizard had spoken of appeared.

* * *

“Good news!”

A soldier running, out of breath.

Ian and Prince Noah turned their heads at the same time. As Accorella was about to shout at them to be careful, Beric stopped her by putting a grape in her mouth.

“What’s going on?”

“It is said that reinforcements from the Bariel side have crossed the Cliffopod border. It is said that the force was like a storm and all the soldiers were amazed. We will hear back from you on the supply line soon. “Sir Ian, he asked me to convey his gratitude to you at the palace.”

As the soldier lay face down, Ian just tilted his head and smiled. It’s not a favor, it’s a thank you.

“Please tell the palace. It was a decision His Highness the Crown Prince made for the future of Bariel, Cliffopod, and even Gaia. By the way, the match between Bariel and Luswena is really starting now.”

“The beginning? Ian, what is it?”

When Beric asked, Ian raised his eyebrows as if asking an obvious question.

“From Ruswena’s perspective, it is the same as being attacked without any reason, so shouldn’t we treat it as a preemptive attack and secure justification? A full-scale confrontation between the four countries will begin. From now on, there will be no time to eat. Beric.”

Beric paused, looking surprised at Ian’s words.

And soon, his hands were moving around like crazy. He was even snatching what Acorella was trying to eat, and was chewing both of her cheeks.


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