Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor Chapter 231

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Episode 231. What is it?

The huge main gate of the imperial palace opened higher and wider than usual. When people and carriages passed by, only the first opening and closing device had to be released, but when large and sensitive items such as the oracle’s light were brought in, the second device had to be released as well.

“Get out of the way. “It hurts!”

“Speak slowly. Move more slowly.”

“Wow, the Karbo Temple is much bigger than the other places.”

“It was smaller than this at the New Year’s party, right?”

“Isn’t it Carbo? Carbo. It’s a temple that has been with us since the foundation of the country. It lives up to its name. Just keep going like this! Wizard, the left side is too far. Please apply your strength evenly.”


Something covered with several layers of thick cloth and secured with rope entered the palace as if crawling. White priests surround and protect it. Even though it was a difficult journey, it was clean and not a single speck of dust. They moved so steadily that I wondered if there were people under the veil.

“They must be priests. “They say it’s Carbo?”

“If it’s the Karbo Temple, isn’t that Lady Delaina’s home?”

“I would like to ask for your prayers. Will you be staying in the center for a long time?”

“You’re lucky. “I also saw a procession of priests.”

The imperial people who had stepped aside were whispering excitedly. Wasn’t this truly an unusual sight? Most of the temples were located in foreign lands, and were sacred places that could not be approached unless there was a special event such as war or disaster.


“Now, those waiting to enter the palace, please step back and wait.”

“Please step back. Please wait!”

“Oh my, being lucky is canceled. It’s hot, it’s hot! “If I had known it would be like this, I would have come early.”

“How long should I wait?”

“Until the Ministry of Magic takes over the Light of the Oracle. Don’t worry, it will come soon. “It won’t take long.”

Coooooo! Squeak!

The gatekeepers said so and closed the front door completely. Then, the identities of the priests were checked one by one and an entry list was prepared.

The same goes for Delina’s subordinates and wizards. He announced his return by handing over his ID card with a painstaking hand gesture.

Knock knock!

At that time, the sound of horses’ hooves was heard from afar. Sure enough, it was the flag of the Ministry of Magic. The blond boy running in front looked down as he expertly pulled on the reins.


“Mr. Ian.”

“… sorry.”

The wizards who came closer whispered softly. I tried to have them come in as late as possible, that is, after the competition, but I failed.

There was a limit to breaking the wheels of the carriage, and above all, wouldn’t it be a disaster if the light of the oracle was to be shattered? It was also because Delaina’s subordinates were clenching their teeth.

“It’s done. You’ve worked hard. It must have been hard to get from Dolsan to here. All the magicians who went out to support, go inside and rest. From now on, we’ll move.”

Ian patted their shoulders as if there was no problem. Then, the cart, which was floating about 3 centimeters in the air, slowly touched the floor. This was a measure to make it easier to pull the carriage and to prevent shaking and shock.

“Ian, how much should I raise it? Should I just go with 3 centimeters?”

“Yes. It’s dangerous if you lift it too high. Apply force from all sides at the same time, centering on the four of you.”

Jiyiing. Jiing.

The wizards moved in unison according to Ian’s instructions.

A priest approaches him. Like Abidel and Makael, not a single fingertip was visible, but their age could be guessed by their curved back.

“hello. I am Lily, High Priest of the Temple of Karbo. Nice to meet you here. God bless you.”

“Good to meet you. I am Ian Hielo, Minister of Magic. It must have been a long journey. God bless you.”

As Ian placed his hand on his chest, the High Priest bowed his head lightly. At the same time, the priests standing behind him also greeted them in the same way.

“But even if the oracle’s light chariot is like that, how come you don’t have a chariot?”

“While I was waiting on the rocky mountain, I tried to move the carriage, but even the wheels of the carriage gave out. If it weren’t for the quick help from Delina and the Ministry of Magic, we would have been in real trouble. thank you.”

“It was nothing. This is what we asked for, so of course we will do it. Abidel and Makael arrived first and are currently waiting at the Ministry of Magic. Before that, who is the priest who received the oracle here?”

Two oracles that were said to have existed between Abidel and Makael. One of them is guarding the temple, and the other is said to have come with him, so he must be among them.

The high priest asked curiously.

“How do you ask about that?”

“I have something to confirm with Abidel, Makael, and him. Minister. You too must be together. “The rest of the priests will recover from their travels in the prepared quarters.”

… It’s strange, but there’s no need to hide it. When the High Priest glanced back, the person standing in the middle came forward.

“This is Langco. I received an oracle before Priest Michael. “You were talking about an earthquake in a nearby village.”

“Nice to meet you. “Come on, we don’t have time, so let’s move.”

I don’t know what’s going on. Why didn’t Abidel and Makael come out to meet them? There were many things to ask, but the High Priest and Langco decided to follow Ian first.

“Put the priests’ luggage on a cart and move it to the Ministry of Magic.”

“Please come into the carriage. Your majesty, this way.”

“Nice to meet you. welcome.”

In addition to the wizards in charge of the light of the oracle, others welcomed the priests. Don’t you have to hurry to vacate the place before the main gate of the imperial palace can be opened again and the people of the empire will come and go? Everyone was cleaning up the mess at the scene.

Knock knock!


Brilliant carriages were running excitedly this way. Judging by the loud swing of the whip, it was clear that the owner of the carriage was urging the driver.

“I think it’s Delina.”

“Iknow, right. “They are very diligent over there too.”

When Romandro whispered awkwardly, Ian just laughed. Of course, the Ministry of Magic was in charge of security at the entrance to the imperial palace, so they could find out quickly, but what about them?



As soon as the carriage stopped, Delaina grabbed the hem of her dress and hurriedly got off. Although all the priests were wearing the same clothes and covering their faces, she managed to recognize her priest and greeted her warmly.


“Oh, Delaina!”

“Nice to meet you. It’s been a while. Thank you for coming.”

Delaina forgot her body pain and lightly hugged the High Priest. Lily was the one who personally took care of Delina’s postpartum care, and wasn’t she the one who held a piece of her childhood memory.


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Although the relationship between the Karbo Temple and the family was not what it used to be, it could not be denied that their roots were the same.

“What is the light of the oracle?”

“I handed it over to the Ministry of Magic. Delaina. “Then how come you’re so thin?”

“You’ve been busy, Arsene!”

“Oh, my name Arsene. You are very brave. God will see it and be pleased. “I’m really glad to see you here.”

Delaina dragged Arsene aside and greeted the high priest. Her high priest merely bowed his head, but Arsene grinned at her and offered to shake her hand.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Arsene.”

As if to show off. Now the rumor that he is a monster has permeated all the way to the imperial palace. The child tried to prove his innocence by contacting the high priest. The ministers who got off the carriage after them watched the scene while sighing inwardly.

“I apologize. Lowering. The body of a priest cannot carelessly touch other people. Please accept it only with your heart.”

The High Priest lightly refused, though.

The officials once again solidified their trust in Arsene’s attitude of having no hesitation. If it’s a monster, isn’t it a truly dangerous provocation? It was clear that there was no darkness whatsoever in Arsene.

“okay? “It’s a shame.”

Arsene shrugged his shoulders and walked closer to the oracle light. He then smiled brightly and placed his hand on the object.

Nothing happened. Since it is the most sacred item in the temple, a monster would naturally react abnormally.

But the surroundings are quiet. As the wind blows gently, the whole world is at peace.

“Is this the light of the oracle? It’s much bigger than I thought. What Sir Ian used was just a toy. is not it?”

The child looked straight at Ian and asked, but Ian did not answer. Rather, it would be correct to say that it was ignored. Because I wasn’t free enough to respond to trivial arguments. To be exact, it would be a strange ‘monster’ argument.


Delaina, who was quietly watching the scene, called in a harsh voice. My stomach is already twisted by these absurd rumors. But now you are blatantly ignoring Arsene?

“yes. “Dilaina.”

“I heard a rumor going around the imperial palace.”

“There are a lot of wild rumors in the imperial palace. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Delaina just let out a huff of laughter and did not continue talking. Because I couldn’t bring myself to say that Arsene was a monster in front of the priests. Isn’t it a shame and an insult to even pronounce it out loud?

She leaned close to Ian and whispered.

“I would behead you right now, but I will hold back after seeing the guest who came from a long distance. The light of the oracle has arrived, so I cannot delay the magic confirmation ceremony any longer. It would be best to conduct it quickly. So, die by the words you spat out.”

“Delaina has no feelings. Rather, I’m just worried. “I wonder if I will be able to bear it after knowing the identity of Arsene.”

“to the end-!”

The High Priest remained silent as if he had no idea what was going on and just looked around. It wasn’t just Ian and Delina. Even the wizards and unfamiliar ministers were all radiating sharp energy.


If Arsene is a magical operator, isn’t this a blessing from the empire? I thought the pollen would be flying like a festival right away.

First, everything was so cold that I was lucky if I didn’t freeze to death. The person who broke the thin ice was none other than Arsene.

“Now that the light of trust has come in, I can proceed with the magic power confirmation ceremony right away. I am happy whenever. What should I do?”

Arsene smiled brightly and spoke to Ian again. Ian looked down at him. The eyes inside the wall were particularly shiny.

“I am drawing a magic circle under the light of the oracle. It is impossible to do it today, but if we hurry, it will be possible by tomorrow morning. Your Majesty Arsene?”

The title of “lower” ended with a question. It had the nuance of questioning whether you were truly of royal blood. However, the child did not show any sign of displeasure, and continued to smile and stare intently into Ian’s eyes.

‘Now, where… … .’

Ian didn’t avoid eye contact, as if he was thinking of using his powers. The longer the strange silence between them continued, the more each subordinate rolled their eyes in confusion.

“Well then, excuse me. The detailed schedule will be notified this afternoon. What is everyone doing? “Not moving?”

Ian turned his head away as if he was wasting time. Then Arsene’s eyebrows immediately furrowed. Something feels strange, doesn’t it?


Arsene grabbed Ian’s arm. Everyone stopped in shock at the sudden action. The same goes for Ian. He was about to slap his hand away in displeasure, but stopped when he noticed that Arsene’s expression was strange.

“… … .”

“What are you doing?”

“you… … ?”

Does it not work because he is a wizard and is powerful enough to hold the position of minister?

But it felt different. A strange feeling of helplessness, of not even trying at all. Arsene looked at him blankly and smiled strangely.

“What are you?”

Doesn’t it feel the same as when it was written to the royal family?

Ian bent down and whispered to Arsene. It’s a very small voice so only the two of you can hear.

“… “What on earth are you?”


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