Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor Chapter 141

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Episode 141. love and war

“Say it again.”

Wesley, who was listening to the report, unconsciously dropped the cigarette ash. It’s been two days since Mayor Karenna’s letter was posted at the meeting. The aide added, putting down the report.

“It is highly likely that Viscount Ian Hiello passed through the area during the period of Karenna’s bandit sweep. There are only a limited number of ways to get from Hiello territory to the center, and the safest and fastest way is to pass through the delta such as Karenna and Longin.”

If only there weren’t a bunch of thieves. Wesley hastily stubbed out his cigarette and frowned. If Ian was the mercenary who took them out, he would definitely have had doubts about the undead.

‘Have you noticed traces of necromancy? Before that, how on earth did thieves have undead? Ian, he might be investigating separately. Did you enter the Ministry of Magic and access the archives?’

My mind was a mess. If it’s anything else, you should never, ever be caught by Gale when it comes to taboo necromancy. As she chewed her nails, her aide gently stopped her.

“For more details, I have sent an e-mail to Karenna, so a reply will come as soon as possible.”

“Check whether Ian entered the data room.”

“yes. All right.”

“… “Did you go to work?”

“They say he went to work early in the morning. “I guess there’s a lot to learn from going around the Magic Management Department and other places.”

I feel like my stomach is turning and blood is rushing to my head. I think I have to call Ian out right now and yell at him to calm him down. Are you the one who eliminated the thieves in Karenna? What did you see there and what did you learn?

It was the moment when Wesley couldn’t bear it anymore and dropped his hand to take out another cigarette.


“Wesley. “This is a message from His Majesty Gale.”

“Yours? Stop by.”

She may not have realized it. My hands stopped shaking. The aide watched silently and gathered her documents to one side. On days when there was a message from Gale, work was often put on the back burner.

“He told me to stop by the palace as soon as I have time.”

“okay? I understand. “Let’s go soon.”

Wesley immediately picked up his jacket and stood up. He didn’t hesitate at all. How long has it been since he called me?

As rumors spread that he was hanging out with a woman from the Hyman family, contact naturally became less frequent. He tolerated Hyman’s girlfriend because she was clearly someone who could be helpful to Gale’s feat, but he was slowly reaching his limit.

“By the way, there is an eyewitness who saw Viscount Ian Hiello enter the palace of Mariv with blood on his face a few days ago.”

The aide followed her and verbally relayed the rest of the minor report. Wesley’s footsteps echoing through the empty hallway are a little urgent.

“To Marib’s palace?”

“I don’t know the reason, but they say it was late at night.”

Because Gayle’s palace was not a surveillance area that Wesley needed to keep an eye on, he did not notice that Ian had seen Gayle first. She frowned and got into her carriage.

“In the mansion?”

“We are currently staying at the residence of Lord Romandreau, but there is no movement, including an escort. “It seemed like it was just a pregnant woman and an attendant.”


“I rarely have to go home due to work.”

“If you do that, the manpower required to monitor the mansion will be reduced to the minimum.”

“I’ll leave the rest to Ian.”

Wesley nodded as he watched Gale’s palace getting closer. It’s the sight of a lover I haven’t seen in a long time. Feeling her heart pounding, she ran up her stairs in one go.


“Your name is Gale.”

“Wesley, you’re here. “I was waiting.”

“It’s been a really long time. You’re busy these days, so it’s hard to see your face. “I guess you’re not going to the Hyman family’s dinner and flower viewing today.”

Gail sat lazily on the sofa and just smiled. Cigarette smoke wafts along with the sound of laughter. He beckoned her to come closer.

“Come here.”

And then he grabbed my wrist and made me sit on his lap. Wesley naturally fell into his arms and hugged his neck.

“Wesley. “I’ve been really insensitive all this time.”

“Sir, why are you acting like this all of a sudden?”

A smile appeared on Wesley’s face. It is so gentle and beautiful that one wonders if it is worthy of the dignity of the Ministry of Magic, which was usually cold. Gail opened a small jewelry box and whispered.

“Open it.”


These are earrings studded with diamonds. Wesley slightly opened her mouth at the sparkling jewel that seemed to capture the light. It’s not because it’s precious. Speaking of wealth, Wesley, the head of the Ministry of Magic, was also one of the greatest in the empire. But this… … .

“Sir, what did you do to me?”

“No way.”

‘This is my first gift. You gave it to me.’

Instead of answering, Gale smoothed the woman’s hair with a gentle hand and then put on an earring. As he touched her earlobe, Wesley felt like he was about to burst into tears.

okay. No matter how much of the Hyman family there is, Gale is still… … .

“I guess it was you who was wrong. “Wesley.”

It was not a voice filled with affection. Wesley read an unfamiliar emotion in Gail’s gaze as her nose was almost touching. Disgust and contempt. Where has the man who was touching my ear just a moment ago gone?


“I was really insensitive to you.”

“Well, what is that… … .”

Gail took out papers from the table, holding Wesley tightly in her arms. Wesley easily realized what it was. It is a report on the results of necromancy research, stamped with the Ministry of Magic’s top secret seal. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt my heart drop.

“I didn’t know that they were manipulating me behind my back.”

Gail buried her face in the crook of Wesley’s neck and let out a low laugh. She struggled to break free from his embrace, but was unable to overcome her man’s strength.


“No, no, sir. “There’s a misunderstanding-”

“If it weren’t for the royal family’s blessing, my mind might have been eaten up by you a long time ago. There was a reason why everyone was talking about being a witch. Bring the shackles!”

The subordinate hiding in the shadows came closer. In his hand, as if he had prepared it, was a thick chain. A horrified Wesley shouted without realizing it.

“Gale, listen to me first!”

Ji-ing! Jiing!

The eyes turned golden, but no magic power was released. A diamond sparkling especially in your ear reflected in a wine glass.

… It is a magic seal stone.


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“Shh. “Wesley.”

Gail was still holding down her wrists. She was so devastated that he didn’t miss the moment she stopped and shackled her, then tied her to a hook on the wall. This also contains a magic seal stone.

“I want to twist your neck right now, but I’m saving you because of our affection for you, so please remain calm.”

“… affection?”

Wesley’s mind went blank. At the same time, the tongue moves arbitrarily. Aren’t Gail and herself almost like one body? However, seeing as he was trying to throw away every excuse like this, it was as if his existence had already been erased from that man’s mind.

“… “Are you trying to appoint someone other than me as minister?”

It was clear that if Wesley was killed as Minister of Magic, an investigation would be conducted and the taboo of necromancy would also be uncovered.

For the crime of trying to harm the prince, Mariv will seek to reform the exclusive and unrivaled power structure of the Ministry of Magic. This was a permanent handshake for Gayle and meant defeat.

“They wanted to keep me from going to the personnel meeting, so they set up another guy and tried to kill me… … .”

Tears flowed without me knowing. Wesley looked up at him, biting his lip, but Gale’s expression was cold.

“I don’t know. How could you do such a foolish thing when you are so wise? Wesley. It’s such a shame. “You were a good colleague in many ways.”

“no! Gail, you know. I want you… … .”

I will never betray you.

I wanted to be with your future.

That’s all.

“okay? good night. Then I’ll give you one chance.”

When Gale nodded, the subordinate held out a silty potion. The man leisurely shook her bottle and grabbed Wesley’s chin. The bitter potion flowed into her mouth as she lifted her head.


Wesley coughed and vomited blood. Blood pouring endlessly. Gail got down on one knee and made eye contact with Wesley.

“I will ask. “Wesley.”

Please, ask the right questions.

“Were you trying to cast a necromancy on me?”

Ask me if I was willing to betray you, or if I could swear your loyalty forever. Wesley pressed down his tongue that was trying to move on its own. But in the end, the truth spilled out along with the blood.

“… okay.”

Gail frowned and stood up. Wiping away the blood with his handkerchief, he instructed his subordinate.

“Monitor without a moment’s notice.”

“yes. Lowering.”

“What about Wesley’s aide?”

“We’re waiting outside.”

“Deal with it. And the Ministry of Magic said that Wesley was on a business trip for the time being. As soon as the personnel meeting is over, prepare personnel to reorganize the Magic Support Department.”

After replying that he would follow orders, the subordinate disappeared into the shadows again. Wesley’s scream was heard behind Gail, who was about to leave the bedroom.

“You, you are always like this to me!”

“… … .”

“Gail, I love you. So that was it. I knew you would abandon me later, so I just wanted to keep you by my side! “My future has always been you!”

Gale glanced back. Wesley, covered in blood, bit her lip as tears streamed down her face. But Gale just laughed.

“If I wanted to be together, I should have known fractions. Wesley. In that case, I would have been responsible for you until the end. “You crossed the line.”

His eyes turned to Wesley’s subordinate. No more blood poured out. It is said that the effect of the silty potion is only effective while the subject is hemopting blood.

“And, I can’t believe your bloodless words.”


The door closed without any regrets. In complete darkness, Wesley swallowed back tears and glared at where Gayle was. You can’t believe it without blood? okay. i get it.


She tore her lips and her angry eyes blazed. How could you do this to me? How dare you… … .

‘Let’s do it till the end. game.’

She screamed desperately, rubbing her face at the blood on the floor. Gale’s chamberlain tried his best to ignore the vaguely heard cries and locked the door.

* * *

“Did you hear that? “I heard that the relationship between Gale and Minister Wesley is not very good these days.”

“Because of the Hyman family’s ladies?”

“I don’t know. There was a rumor going around secretly. Still, how old are you two, isn’t it?”

“But Minister Wesley is on a business trip these days. “I heard that His Majesty Gale gave the order directly, but he wouldn’t trust me that much if our relationship was so bad.”

“Well, yes. And is Minister Wesley a bit of an idiot? “Except for the blood, it’s comparable to Hyman Street Yeosik.”

“If you do that, Minister Wesley won’t attend the personnel meeting?”

“You don’t have to come. “It’s going to be a reappointment anyway.”

As the personnel meeting got closer, people started talking about high-ranking officials as they gathered. Since it is an event where the leaders of the year are decided, it is a natural atmosphere.



“Why is that?”

“No, I feel like I’m pretending to be popular.”

“Who else is here besides us? Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and go. “I’ll be late.”

As the noisy group disappeared, a ripple appeared in the space. It was Wesley’s aide, Barreto, who had disappeared through magic. He looked towards Gale’s palace with a confused expression.

‘I will rescue you soon. Mr. Wesley.’


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