Life of a Magic Academy Mage Chapter 987

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Episode 987

 “That’s unreasonable. Our dimensions are vast and the number of wizards is endless. “How do you find a wizard like that?”

 Caton argued as if it were absurd.

 I would never have imagined that one of my juniors behind me was the culprit.

 Despite Caton’s cocky attitude, the frost giant did not immediately draw his weapon.

 An extraordinary warrior deserves respect.

 -No one told me to search your entire dimension. Obviously, that wizard still remains in this dimension. This dimension is narrow compared to other dimensions, so you will be able to find it easily.

 “I don’t understand. “How do you know that the wizard remains in the dimension?”

 Caton asked again.

 If the location had been found, the frost giants would have moved there themselves.

 If you give instructions like that, it means that you don’t know the other person’s location yet.

 But I’m sure it still remains in this dimension.

 -Warrior. Think about it carefully. What reason would a challenger recognized by the king visit the dimension?

 Giselle muttered behind her.

 “Because the professor told me to.”

 “Shh. Quiet.”

 Fortunately, neither of them heard it. The frost giant continued his words, confident in his guess.

 -It is clear that the challenger also covets the artifact we are looking for. And since he couldn’t get his hands on the artifact, it’s probably still in the dimension. I can feel it. That thing is hiding somewhere in this dimension, targeting us!


 Lee Han wanted to ask the other person to meet a healing wizard.

 Where on earth did you feel the presence of an enemy that wasn’t there?

 However, Caton seemed to have been taken aback by the frost giant’s words.

 “Indeed… it makes sense if people as powerful as you felt that way.”

 ‘That doesn’t make sense.’

 -That’s right. Not only me, but other giants also continue to feel it. I’m talking about the presence of a guy somewhere in this dimension.

 ‘I think we need to get counseling from healing wizards as a group.’

 Regardless of the pessimistic thoughts of his two juniors, Caton seemed to have made a decision.

 “I understand. I will find it myself. But keep in mind. “If he wanted the relic for greedy and evil reasons, I will tell you its location, but if the reason is justifiable, I will remain silent.”

 -under! Truly worthy of a warrior.

 “I am a wizard.”

 -…what? He was a wizard!?

 “You said it before, right? “Three wizards.”

 -I thought it meant there was another wizard behind you.

 The frost giant was confused.

 Anyone can see that he is a warrior??

 The latter two were definitely wizards. Aside from his disciplined posture, he had a wizard-like aura.

 But Caton didn’t smell the slightest hint of magic. That was the demeanor of a pure warrior.

 Caton scolded the frost giant.

 “I can’t believe a race as powerful as yours falls prey to prejudice. “Reflect on yourself!”

 -That… that… he’s really a wizard? Am I wrong?

 Caton returned with his juniors, leaving the frost giant muttering in shock.

 “The frost giants are strong, but their pride blinds them. Juniors. “If you have to deal with it, you should aim for this point.”

 ‘I don’t think I was particularly arrogant or mistaken.’

 While the two juniors exchanged subtle glances, Caton continued speaking.

 “First of all, I have to find that wizard first in order to be recognized by the frost giants. Hmm… I wonder what kind of wizard he is. They are recognized by their king and even covet relics. “I’m worried it might be an evil wizard.”

 Caton’s concerns made sense.

 Basically, the king of the frost giants is a violent and powerful being.

 There was not much reason for a good wizard to meet and challenge such a being.

 Moreover, if you are trying to obtain additional frost giant relics…

 “…Seniors. “That’s actually me.”


 Caton perked up his ears.

 I didn’t immediately understand what my junior said, as if it were a curse.

 “Junior. I guess I heard wrong. “What did you just say?”

 “What the frost giants are looking for is me…”

 Lee Han explained in a sullen voice.

 Last year, I had an unlucky encounter with the king of the frost giants, and the frost giants have been behaving unluckily ever since…

 The situation was so pitiful that Giselle, who couldn’t see it, came to her defense.

 “It’s not Wardanaz’s fault. Seniors. “The frost giants are unilaterally pursuing…”

 “It’s not that I did anything wrong. Junior. Wait, then why the relic?”

 “Because it’s an artifact that the Frost Giants also stole.”

 Lee Han explained the mission that Arsil, his older brother from the same family, had given him.

 The relic the frost giants were looking for did not originally belong to the giants.

 Since they were also stolen items, Lee Han, as a wizard of the Wardanaz family, had the right and duty to retrieve them…

 ‘hmm. That sounds a bit bullshit.’

 Lee Han was cautious as he spoke.

 Even though Arsil said bullshit, the other spirits acted like treacherous traitors, thinking it was true, but Lee Han was different.

 If you say bullshit, you might get hit.


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 If Caton says that if the relic was stolen by a Frost Giant, then the original owner should step forward. Why did the wizard of the Wardanaz family step forward?

 “indeed. In that case, it is true that you have a legitimate qualification.”


 Lee Han was thrilled.

 Perhaps because they were from the same Einroguard, Caton took Lee Han’s side.

 “Then there is only one thing left. Juniors.”

 “What is it?”

 “Cut down the frost giants and use your power…”

 “Before that, I will report to Master.”

 Lee Han quickly stopped Caton.

 It was easy to be mistaken because of its cute appearance, but we should not forget why the <Beast Man Personality-Cuteness Inverse Proportion Hypothesis> was created in the first place.

 This senior is also a madman of Einroguard who can pull out his sword as soon as he is in a suit!

*         *         *

 “Are you saying the frost giants attacked the guests?”

 The crazy alter ego’s reaction upon hearing the report was different from Lee Han’s expectations.

 I expected a cold or cynical reaction, but the reaction was much more intense.

 “How dare you send back the messenger who came to visit you bearing the name of royalty. It looks like the giants got drunk on time. I need to tell you who holds the leash. “Get ready!”

 Lee Han was embarrassed and responded to such an abstract command.

 “Master. “The teacher’s identity was not specifically revealed.”


 The crazy clone stopped at his disciple’s words.

 You talked to frost giants without revealing your teacher’s identity.

 “Then what right do you have to talk to frost giants?”

 “…So, I once faced the king of the Frost Giants…”


 I felt absurd seeing my disciple suddenly say something different, but my crazy alter ego waited patiently.

 The friendship he built with his disciple brought patience to his crazy alter ego.

 “…So I was forced to take on the challenge, and I guess word spread among the frost giants…”


 The crazy clone nodded slightly as if he finally understood.

 “Did you receive an offer as a challenger before even revealing the name of the royal family? “Then I understand.”

 Since the frost giants are a violent and warlike race, if such a situation existed, it could be explained.

 The disciple must have received the offer even before revealing his royal status.

 As a challenger recognized by the Frost Giant King, let’s duel with honor on our backs!

 “I hid it, but…”


 “I… hid the fact that I was a challenger.”


 “I think that an outstanding wizard should not hastily reveal his identity…”

 The crazy clone stretched out his hand to stop his disciple’s nonsense. Listening further would have been a waste of time.

 “Go, reveal your identity, fight proudly and win. “Don’t come back until then.”

 The archmage was truly wise.

 Even after giving the command, he must have expected his disciple to complain or make excuses, so he immediately waved his hand and pushed him off the ground.

 By the time Lee Han tried to object, he had already arrived at the foot of the cliff far away.

 -…Isn’t that too harsh!

 The disciple’s cries came back like an echo from afar, but the crazy clone paid no attention.

*         *         *

 -Will it be possible to find a challenger? A mere weak mortal?

 -I trust that warrior. Although he is a weak species, he has eyes that resemble the souls of our giants.

 -I never thought you would say that! I’m really curious.

 The frost giants chatted and chatted about the beastman warrior who had visited earlier.

 Meanwhile, a new customer arrived from afar.

 Anyone who was a frost giant could recognize this wizard, who had put a stone given to him by the king on the tip of his staff.


 -no way!

 “I heard you were looking for me…”

 Lee Han tried to shout as confidently as possible.

 I didn’t think it would be any good to try to hide or avoid it.

 You must look confident and like a challenger who has come in person!


 The frost giant warrior punched his comrade next to him in the face.

 My colleague stretched out his arm to pick up the club that was standing on the wall, but it was a little late. In return, my colleague fell backwards.


 Giselle was surprised and asked Caton.

 “Why are you doing that?”

 “Don’t Einrogard students often do that?”

 “What is that…”

 Giselle, who was puzzled by the enigmatic answer, realized it too late.

 The frost giant who defeated his comrade cheered.

 -With this, the challenger’s honor becomes mine alone!


 Because he wanted to enjoy the honor of fighting against Lee Han alone, he defeated his comrade first.

 Giselle was shocked by the sight, but felt it was familiar. In fact, it was a sight that could often be seen in Einrogard.

 -You finally showed up. challenger! I was looking for you!

 “I think there was a misunderstanding. I wasn’t hiding for the artifact. “I was just training alone to sharpen my magic!”

 -Is that so? It doesn’t matter.

 ‘No, these kids.’

 I was dumbfounded to see the Frost Giants, who had shamelessly insisted that Lee Han was hiding somewhere and targeting them, and now said, ‘That’s not that important.’

 Perhaps they were the same giants, but their shamelessness was similar.

 -challenger. I want the honor of defeating an honorable challenger recognized by the King!

 “…I want recognition. If I win, please don’t ask for any more fights. “You must guarantee my honor to other giants in your name.”

 -good night!

 The frost giant readily accepted.

 It was none of the giant’s business that the others couldn’t compete anyway. This honor was originally given on a first-come, first-served basis.

 If you wanted to have the honor of a challenger, wouldn’t you be here?

 Caton spoke quietly from behind.

 “Exactly what kind of confrontation should you step forward in, junior?”

 “I guess I’ll have to listen to it to find out. So, when it’s a match that seems difficult for Wardanaz’s strength…”

 No matter how crazy his alter ego ordered him to be, Lee Han was not such a giant wizard that he would attack him recklessly.

 Of course, the minimum safety devices were in place, and those safety devices were the latter two.

 Depending on the type of competition, if it seems like it’s not going to work, they step up and start a fight!

 -challenger. I’ll present a contest and you can choose between them. First, look at that glacier!

 Lee Han looked away.

 The glacier next to the valley where the frost giants stayed was ice tangled with dimensional magic, so it did not melt naturally.

 This kind of ice had to be melted by using magic or by disintegrating the structure inside with enormous magical power.

 -There are white flowers inside the glacier. It’s a competition to see who gets those white flowers first.

 “I have to step forward.”

 Caton, thinking that it couldn’t be done, immediately put his hand on the sword.

 However, Giselle had a somewhat subtle reaction.

 “If that’s the case… I think it’ll be okay…”


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