Life of a Magic Academy Mage Chapter 569

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Episode 569

 “Why are you doing that?”

 “I think we can practice in more dangerous situations.”


 Lee Han was shocked and wondered what he had done wrong.

 Anyway, Professor Boladi is back with a story about a vampire monster.

 “Poisons that prevent regeneration are likely to be ineffective.”

 There were standard ways to deal with monsters with strong regenerative power.

 Methods such as fire, acid, or poison.

 The most convenient of these was poison.

 Unlike fire or acid, once it hits, it can deeply poison you.

 “ah. I think I understand. “Is the regenerative power so strong that there is a limit to cutting it with poison?”

 Professor Boladi nodded.

 “I thought that would be the case, so I prepared another poison. “It is a poison that causes regenerative power to go out of control.”

 “Can you make it?”

 “You may need help from your seniors, but you will be able to make it.”


 Professor Voladi sipped tea with one hand and waved a stick in front of the baby basilisk with the other.

 Lee Han suddenly became suspicious that he had made a mistake.

 ‘for a moment. Did I say that for no reason?’

 When I thought about it, I could have just accepted it from my seniors, but Professor Boladi asked the question, ‘Can you make it?’, so I naturally ended up answering that question.


 The baby basilisk panted and stretched out to the side.

 Professor Boladi checked the appearance and spoke.

 “I think I got enough exercise.”


 Lee Han wondered if the baby basilisk was now using evil eyes.

 That was how fiercely he was glaring at Professor Boladi.

 “Take this with you.”

 Professor Boladi put toys in a box and handed them to Lee Han.

 “If you are too pampered, the basilisk may not grow properly.”

 “Myung, I will keep that in mind.”

 Lee Han answered, avoiding the gaze of the basilisk that was hanging on his wrist and looking at him mournfully.

 ‘I have no choice but to answer like this here…’

 “And this too.”

 “What is this?”

 Lee Han was puzzled when Professor Boladi took out a container containing crossbow bolts from inside the classroom and brought it with him.

 Is this Bolt trying to shoot Lee Han?

 “A monster that fast will be easily extinguished even if it is hit by fire. “Use this bolt.”

 The body of the bolt and the arrowhead were engraved with complex patterns.

 Even though he had studied quite harshly under Professor Verdus, he was unable to understand all the magic applied to this bolt.

 ‘Fire magic?’

 It was a fire-type magic, but there were several additional magics.

 Duration, fierceness, additional curses…

 “Once you hit it, it will burn until the end of the semester.”

 “thank you!”

 Although the vampire monster’s regenerative power was powerful, it always had weaknesses.

 An unquenchable flame will be the answer.

 Moreover, since the other bolts were coated with poison, the enemy would be more difficult to predict.

 Professor Boladi spoke as if he had given up trying to stop his student who was so reckless.

 “Pursue it moderately. “The giants are waiting for you.”


 Lee Han really had no intention of chasing after the vampire monster, but even if he had, I don’t think he would have restrained himself because of those words.

* * *

 Although the students were upset because of the vampire monster, the lecture did not stop.

 “Therefore, we should be alarmed by the case of this unfortunate wizard, Mr. Cladrall, right?”

 “yes! professor!”

 “Then that’s it for today…”

 “professor. I have a question. “What would it have been like if Mr. Cladrall had disposed of all the demons he had locked away in the house when he made a contract with an angel?”

 “That’s an interesting question. hmm! Normally, it would be time to finish the lecture, but since we have final exams next week, shall we try a little more?”

 “Thank you professor!”

 Asan requested an encore lecture and his friends glared at him as if he were going to kill him, but this was a trivial matter.

 Therefore, when we encounter these unfortunate magic criminals, we must kill them without mercy.

 “principal. “I have final exams next week…”

 Don’t be so nervous.

 However, the fact that Principal Skeleton called Lee Han in and taught him the methods of magical criminals and how to deal with them was something that was a bit beyond the category of triviality.

 You probably remember the reverse magic that prevented magic criminals from using their secret magic that we learned last time, right?



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 And the magical power pattern of the artifact they used?

 “uh? “You didn’t teach me that last time because you didn’t have time, right?”

 I can’t get over it. I asked because I was wondering if he had studied secretly.


 Lee Han was dumbfounded and looked at the skeleton principal.

 He’s not crazy about magic, but he secretly researches artifacts and studies them in his spare time.

 okay. The magical power pattern of the artifact is something you just need to study hard today, and there is one more thing to talk about.

 “principal. I did my best for the school’s honor. Please take into account extenuating circumstances.”

 …It wasn’t a story about a group outing. You bastard.

 The skeleton principal distorted his face and glared at Lee Han.

 I tried my best to forget about it and move on, but this tactless disciple poured salt into the wound.

 How on earth did so many people… That’s it. Wizards don’t reveal their visions. Anyway, do you remember this?

 The skeleton principal took out a white bone.

 Lee Han saw that and tilted his head.

 “Are these the principal’s bones?”

 Surely you haven’t already forgotten the King of Ghouls?


 Only then did Lee Han realize what kind of bone that was.

 It was a bone obtained during vacation from the territory ruled by the king of ghouls.

 It wasn’t just an ordinary bone either, it was a bone offered by the King of Ghouls himself.

 After the headmaster took it to investigate, I was so busy with work that I forgot about it…

 “I was mistaken because the bones looked so extraordinary. haha.”


 The skeleton principal gave a much more generous look.

 Unlike other flattery, the skull principal always enjoyed compliments on the appearance of bones.

 I kept asking the King of Ghouls, and he gave me some useful clues. I think it might be the bones of Duke Behemoth.

 “If it’s Behemoth… isn’t it a monster?”

 Behemoth was a gigantic beast that seemed like something out of a fairy tale.

 A powerful demonic beast that can devour the clouds in the sky even while setting foot on the ground.

 A magical beast of that caliber could not even be called a monster. The moment it appeared, it was close to a natural disaster that destroyed everything around it due to its size.

 It’s a monster. It is no longer on the continent. I caught the one left a while ago.


 The story moved on before I could ask about the extremely interesting past history of the skeleton principal.

 But there are still Behemoths in other dimensions. I once heard a rumor that there was a Behemoth who had established himself as a duke in the realm of demons.

 “Can monsters operate too?”

 then. If you are strong, you can become a king. If you are confident that you can take charge, why not go to the devils’ territory and say, ‘I am the emperor who will reign over you all?’

 “Why do you do such crazy things?”

 Have I tried this before?


 Most beings in other dimensions had strong pride, but among them, demons could truly be said to be people who made a living solely on pride.

 As such, titles had an incredibly important meaning among demons.

 The moment an unqualified devil calls himself a count or a duke, he is attacked by other devils.

 But you go to those devils and say, ‘I guess I’ll become an emperor,’ and then get out.

 ‘Isn’t this really crazy?’

 “…So you’re saying there was a Behemoth who even did the trick? But the bones moving around like this…”

 He must have been subjugated. To other demons. In fact, it is difficult for a magical beast like Behemoth to last long in the realm of demons.

 The Skeleton Headmaster said that in order to survive for a long time in the realm of demons, one had to have outstanding combat skills as well as other abilities.

 Like the headmaster himself, he must have excellent diplomatic skills and a cunning mind.

 In comparison, although Behemoth was strong, he was close to an idiot in that regard.

 When he was hungry, he would eat other demons, and when he was bored, he would trample on other demons’ territories, so it was no wonder that he became everyone’s public enemy and was subjugated.

 That’s probably why he sealed his power and erased his name. How humiliating it must have been for the demons.

 “So the King of Ghouls participated in the subjugation war?”

 under! He’s not at that level. The reason this guy could call himself a king was because he was a ghoul who stayed in a remote place. If he had called himself a king in front of other demons, he would have been torn apart in an instant.

 For the first time, Lee Han felt a little pity for the King of Ghouls.

 If I had heard these words from someone nearby, I might have shed tears.

 Perhaps he accidentally obtained some of the bones that spilled out after the subjugation battle.

 “okay. “So can I summon Behemoth with this?”


 The skeleton principal looked at Lee Han the same way he would look at a future magic criminal.

 You want to summon something like Behemoth? Are you serious? Is this area going to be completely destroyed? You probably don’t go to sleep these days fantasizing about destroying the empire, right?

 “No… it was just an academic question…”

 Actually, you can do it. Summoning Behemoth is impossible. Because the amount of bone is so small. We will not be able to form even half of the Behemoths and will fail. Rather, it would be better to make it your own artifact.


 Is it good to have a lot of artifacts?

 As he said that, the skeleton principal looked Lee Han up and down.

 There were quite a few necklaces, rings, bracelets, and belts.

 In addition, there are artifacts that you don’t usually wear, but wear additionally when necessary.

 It seemed like he was able to move around easily without causing interference with his magic power.

 …You’re a bit much. Still, even taking that into account, the bones of this behemoth are worth making into an artifact.


 Because the bones are strong, they can hold a lot of magical power.


 Lee Han was slightly embarrassed by the effect, which was much more boring than expected.

 “Is that all?”

 It’s very important to you. Right now, just the bracelet that Professor Garcia made is screaming for me to be killed.

 “…It’s not that bad…”

 I knew that the magic absorption bracelet wasn’t very effective, but it was a bit sad to hear it like that.

 Actually, it was a lie. I can’t even scream. There’s so much of your magic power that I’m trying to absorb it.

 “All right. “Why not just make it?”

 Lee Han grumbled and changed the topic.

 When I thought about making it again, I felt excited.

 “for a moment. “Then, if I wear an artifact made from Behemoth’s bones, will the spirits that fear me approach me?”

 Having a lot of horsepower had its advantages, but it also had its disadvantages.

 Lee Han confessed to the skeleton principal that he had always been bothered by having a lot of magical power.

 After hearing the concerns, the skeleton principal asked a question.

 Don’t people usually point out that having a lot of horsepower makes detailed control difficult?

 This was a more serious problem for the wizard than expected.

 Even if you have a lot of magical power, it is meaningless if you cannot control it.

 When I saw that wizards who were born with more magical power went through more trial and error when learning magic, I was not surprised that the boy from the Wardanaz family actually whined, ‘I feel like I’m going to die every time I use magic.’ 

 “I was able to overcome that somehow.”


 The skeleton principal was not surprised by his student’s words and nodded.

 I always think about it, but it was a rare talent.

 And what was even more rare was that even with that talent, he had that kind of personality.

 ‘That’s what’s really crazy.’

 Lee Han cast a hopeful look, not knowing that the skeleton principal was thinking of being rude.

 “So, will it be blocked?”

 no. That’s impossible.

 The skeleton principal spoke clearly.

 To achieve that, it was necessary to insert artifacts into Lee Han’s entire body and extract magical power with all his might.

 I wasn’t sure if I could keep up with the recovery even if I did that, but how could wearing just one artifact block all my magic power?

 “No, then what is it useful for?!”

 …in artifact performance?

 The skeleton principal looked at his student like he was crazy.

 Originally, the main purpose of the artifact was magic, not magical power absorption.

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