Life of a Magic Academy Mage Chapter 1032

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Episode 1032

The Einrogard students whispered about the magic, which was much more esoteric and transcendent than expected.

To transform a soulless work of art into a living thing.

Among wizards, the most dangerous types were those who devoted themselves to such difficult magic.

If you entrust your soul to a difficult magic and devote yourself to it, the wizard will soon go crazy.

“He seems like a crazy wizard…”

“The great artist is not crazy!”

Bunarzo was furious.

How can you insult an artist who inspired so many Petrogard students like that?

“I just explained that I came from outside…! joy! go away.”

When the least cooperative Petrogard student protested, the Einrogard students quickly calmed him down.

If the great artist was really a crazy wizard, he would have to coax the other person to get information, and they couldn’t just part ways like this.

“Oh, no. You must be mistaken. I heard you wrong. “The prince here made a mistake.”

“that’s right! Why do you say things like that to misunderstand! Apologize quickly!”

“Ugh. It’s my fault. “The crazy wizard was referring to someone else.”

“Who else?”

“Uh… our principal?”


Bunarzo looked at him in bewilderment at the sight of Guynando calling his school principal a crazy wizard.

“…okay. “Let me first accept your apology.”

“thank you!”

Einrogard students were delighted.

And then we got straight to the point.

“Then tell me more about the great artist.”

“If you have any weaknesses, please tell me about them. Are you preparing a spell that requires a lot of magical power? “Then I’m worried.”


Bunarzo looked at the Einrogard students with slightly suspicious eyes.

Are you really asking this out of genuine curiosity about a great artist?

“It looks suspicious.”

“W-what are you talking about? That’s because we also became interested in art. yes?”

“That’s right, that’s right. art! I like art. and!”

“Then prove it.”


“Prove it.”

Bunarzo took out a few more leather pouches and poured them on the floor.

There were a lot of things ranging from art tools used for drawing, sculpting tools, musical instruments, quills and paper needed for poetry and novels, etc.

“Take one at a time and make something. “If I feel sincere, I will explain about the great artist.”

“…Can’t we just solve it the Einroguard way?”

“Shh. This is Petrogad. “Let’s not escalate things.”

When students who were not confident in art tried to solve the problem by force, other students quickly stopped them.

“Ugh. “I only drew pictures briefly when I was young.”

“Tutanta would be better. “You’re really good at sculpting.”

“Don’t say anything you don’t know. “I like creating functional buildings.”

Each of them grumbled and grabbed the tools they were most confident with or that seemed easy.

Yoner, who was trying to teach Nilia how to play the flute, was puzzled when Gainando grabbed the canvas and brush.

“Do you know how to draw? Why not just write a short novel?”

Of course, even if it were a novel written by Guy Nando, there was a high possibility that it would be terrible.

Even before Yoner entered school, he had read the novel that Guynando had written himself (a story about a prince with noble blood who was respected by everyone and made all criminals turn in when he made eye contact) several times to apply for the Imperial Mystery Magazine. will be.

Still, it’s much better than the others…

“no. “The twist is not yet complete.”

“Yeah, yeah. “So are you confident in drawing?”

“There isn’t any, but shouldn’t I just paint it roughly?”

Guynando said, not knowing that Bunarzo was glaring at him from behind with his eyes wide open.

Yoner shook his head.

Gaynando was unconditionally eliminated, and it seemed like the remaining people would have to somehow come up with at least one piece of work that would satisfy that picky Petrogard student.

* * *

“Seniors! Seniors!”

Professor Garcia knocked on the door of the great artist’s residence and shouted.

It was struck so hard that the magical surface of space around it shook. Alcicle thought to himself.

‘You wouldn’t use knocking on the door as an excuse to attack, right?’

Still, I didn’t think that would be the case.

If that was the case, I would have told Rcicle in advance.


Jump up!

The door opened and a great artist appeared.

Although he was hiding his appearance by wearing a completely different outfit than when they met before, his unique atmosphere and movements made Garcia confident that the person he was dealing with was a former student of the skeleton principal.

“Ah… no, senior!”

Professor Garcia was about to call out the name, but quickly changed his tone.


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The opponent is a wizard who gave up his name as well as his identity as a disciple.

There was no need to get angry by calling me by my real name.

But Professor Garcia had forgotten one thing.

…As long as you have the position of professor, no matter what you say, you have no choice but to offend the other person!

“Who is your senior? go away!”


The great artist closed the door and cast eight layers of space distortion magic on its exterior.

-Above, great artist b…

Professor Garcia, who belatedly realized this, called out to him, but the great artist ignored him.

“…Wasn’t it just a professor?”

“They were traitors.”

The great artist waved his arms again as if nothing had happened.

Then, the wall of the once shabby house collapsed, and the paintings hidden inside were revealed.

Everything was covered with black cloth, so I couldn’t see what was inside, but I felt an extraordinary power inside. It was definitely not an ordinary picture.

“How much did I explain?”

“You said you were trying to breathe eternal life into your work… is that really possible?”

“As the disciple and successor of the Skeleton Headmaster, you must answer. “What do you think it will be like?”

‘You’re really in a bad mood.’

Complaining inwardly, Lee Han cautiously opened his mouth.

“If it’s temporary… I think it could be implemented as a small world or unique world. “If it were any other magic, the process would be too complicated.”

It was possible to make an inanimate object move like a living thing, but I had no idea how to combine magic to bring it to temporary life.

In that case, it seemed much more likely to just go to a small world or unique world that would break the law itself.


“But it’s far from permanent, right?”

“that’s right. You’re brilliant. Whether it’s magic, a small world, or even a unique world… it’s difficult to implement it permanently no matter what method you use. So I’m thinking of approaching it in a different way.”

The great artist drew symbols representing the human form in the air.

And within it, I drew a symbol that represents the unique world and a symbol that circulates permanently.

Lee Han, who understood the meaning, asked in a surprised voice.

“Are you saying you are going to summon a unique world within the work and then maintain it?”


“Is that possible?”

If it could continue to maintain its own world, it would be possible for the work to continue to live like a living being with a true soul.

Because great magic had the power to bend the laws.

However, maintaining the original world sounded more distant than breathing life into the work.


Lee Han paused because something occurred to him.

‘no way?!’

“No way, my magical power…!”

“Using the very essence of primordial magic contained in art… What did you just say?”

“it’s nothing.”

Lee Han cleared his throat, hiding his embarrassment.

‘This is all because of Professor Verdus.’

Isn’t it because Lee Han became a professor and thought about using his students’ magical powers as he pleases that he fell into such paranoia?

The great artist did not notice Lee Han’s delusion and continued his explanation.

“Maybe… the reason wizards can’t overcome the limits of magic is because they define those limits themselves too quickly. “He is like a flea trapped in a glass jar that cannot jump higher when it comes out.”

“They don’t actually do that.”

“The truth doesn’t matter. On the contrary, that point adds strength to the opinion I just expressed.”

Although the example was wrong, the great artist’s words certainly made sense.

The study of magic that distorts reality was bound to be deeply related to the wizard’s will.

If a restriction is placed deep in the wizard’s subconscious, saying ‘this is impossible’, the level of difficulty that is already close to impossible becomes even more difficult.

“Definitely… I sympathize with this because I also tend to lack confidence. Confidence is also important when learning magic.”


If other friends had been there, they would have thrown stones at him, asking if he was kidding, but the great artist was fooled.

It was because he was not a professor.

“I am trying to break through this limit with primitive magic. “It’s random and uncontrollable, but those characteristics can break through psychological constraints.”

‘It may sound absurd, but it is subtly plausible.’

What the great artist was saying sounded like he was saying that it would be difficult to do anything using normal methods, so he would take low-probability gambles until he succeeded.

Originally, it was nonsense, but since the goal was the goal, there was a part of it that felt plausible.

“Definitely… it seems like there’s a chance.”


The great artist covered himself so thoroughly that not even the smallest part of his skin was visible, but Lee Han could feel the other person smiling for the first time.

“It’s a realization I gained while escaping through art for a long time. “If you stayed with that bastard, you would never have found out.”


Lee Han didn’t ask who that bastard was. Instead, he changed the subject.

“So what kind of work are you trying to bring to life? “Maybe an imaginary lover?”

Lee Han asked, recalling the story of a sculptor who sculpted his imagined lover and then wanted to bring it to life.

However, the great artist responded in bewilderment, as if asking what nonsense he was talking about.

“Even when I was at Einrogard, I never heard such ridiculous nonsense. “Why on earth do we have to put all this magic and art into creating something like a lover?”


Lee Han felt very ashamed.

Common sense tells me it can’t be like that!

‘I read too many fairy tales.’

“If you see it, you’ll be interested too. “Look.”

The great artist waved his arms once again.

From somewhere, a song from the ancient kingdom that Lee Han had heard came from somewhere.

At the same time, the cloth that covered the previously revealed painting disappeared, and the statue slowly rose from the floor.

Surprisingly, these were all images of the skeleton principal when he was human!


As Lee Han looked at him in astonishment and at a loss for words, the great artist explained as if he knew it would happen.

“Throw away the absurd speculations you are making right now. “You don’t think I’m doing this out of respect for him, right?”

“Uh… I thought you wanted to give me pain as revenge after giving me life.”

“…What terrible thoughts are you thinking?!”

The great artist was appalled by the cruel ideas of the youngest member of the school.

If you’re going to take revenge, you should do it on yourself. Why would you do something like that?

“I don’t prepare all this art and magic out of revenge. I’m not that stupid wizard. Why do you think the magicians of the empire bow before him?”

“There are more times when the principal bows down…”

The great artist, probably not expecting an answer from Lee Han in the first place, continued with what he had to say.

“The correct answer is because the evil one continues the mysterious legacy that has been passed down since ancient times. To put it conversely, if there is one more person who continues the mysterious lineage, it means that he can escape from that shameless tyranny. Can you imagine? “What if there was a wizard who had the same abilities as that evil archmage, but with a good and just heart?”

“oh. “I have met him before.”

“…Have you lost your mind?”


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