Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student Chapter 77

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Leo struggled to get up from the pain he felt throughout his body.

I managed to get up, but my body didn’t really listen.

‘I’m running out of aurors and spiritual power.’

I used all my remaining strength to block the attack a little while ago.

Leo looked around.

“Fairy Land… … .”

Leo stumbled as he looked at the fairies’ hometown, which had already lost its former glory and was only left in desolation.

Leo, who had lost his balance and was taking a step back, felt something touch his waist.

Behind it was a platform made of small stones.

And what was there was a dagger.

Leo’s eyes opened wide.

It was a common-looking dagger.

But Leo knew this dagger.

‘That cheeky little boy… … They said there was no need for it at that time.’

Before the great heroes leave on their final expedition.

An item that Kyle gave to Berkia.

I handed it over to him to use in times of emergency, but he calmly responded that he was no longer a child.

A heroic artifact related to Kyle, the hero of the beginning.

In other words, it was the key to opening Kyle’s world of heroes.

‘I guess this is why Hell Kaiser targeted this place.’

Leo reached for his sword.

Even though thousands of years had passed, the dagger remained intact.

I felt that the owner cared for it very much when he was alive.


When Leo held the dagger, Silod’s magic reacted in rejection.


But soon the magic power contained within the dagger responded.

A long time ago, the magical power left behind by Kyle responded to its owner for the first time in thousands of years.

thud-! thud-! thud-!

I saw the Skeleton King walking.


Leo smiled lightly as his magical power swept through his entire body.


A shadow fell over Leo’s head.




The swirling magical power repelled the Skeleton King.


The fallen Skeleton King.

Leo saw it and created a magic formula.

A huge magical force that Leo could not even dream of reacted.

‘I can use any magic just once. ‘What kind of magic should I use?’

As he was thinking about it, he saw Runia and Eiran looking at him with blank faces.

‘okay. ‘That would be nice.’


A huge gray magic circle was created above my head.

Leo’s unique magic-bible was activated.

‘It may not be as good as the original, but it will still be a great gift for those kids.’

The gray magic power soon turned into a brilliant golden light.

The surrounding area felt as if dawn had arrived.

“ah… … .”

Runia and Eiran’s bodies trembled.

I had no idea what the magic of this unknown star was.

However, according to the literature, it was recorded that when the magic was used, the world would be colored with the light of the morning star.

“Star magic, the strongest spell.”

Runia muttered without realizing it.

The progenitor symbol of the great nebula.

“The end.”

Starlight fell on the Skeleton King’s head.


The Skeleton King was crushed, screaming in pain, by the power of the star that transcended common sense.

Leo clenched his fist.


The space distorted and the crushed Skeleton King disappeared.




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The darkness came like a lie.


Leo sat down with difficulty.

“Leo, Leo!”

Runia approached with difficulty, dragging her body.

Eiran, who had regained some of his strength, also crawled over.

“Are you guys okay?”

“Is it time for us to worry? “You’re the biggest mess!”

“Leo! Miss Runia! “I had faith that you two would do it!”

Eiran sobbed.

“of course! By the way, what on earth is that magic just now? It’s like something out of a legend… … !”

“It was like there was magic in this dagger.”

Leo said, struggling to lift the sword that had now lost its strength and had become an ordinary dagger.

“It looks like something related to a great hero.”

Runia and Eiran held their breath.

If that is true, it is a tremendous discovery.

There was nothing strange about an incident like this occurring in Tartarus.

“Anyway, how can this work? I’m completely out of magical power.”

“I don’t think I can use recovery magic either. First, let’s start with Leo’s first aid… … !”

It was a time when Runia and Eiran were in trouble.

[hey! Kyle! Look at this! I found my wings!]

Kiran flew in holding a small piece of paper.

[It’s definitely my wings! How on earth is this sealed?]

Kiran grunted and pulled the piece of paper.

Runia was surprised when she saw that.

“for a moment! “Isn’t that a piece of Hero Records?”

Looking at the surprised Kiran, Leo suddenly remembered something.

‘This dagger isn’t the only thing that Silod has sealed?’

“Kiran, give it to me.”

Leo said urgently.

With those words, Kiran flew to Leo and handed him a piece of the hero record.

The moment the hero record piece touches Leo’s palm.

[Hero Records open. The world of ■■. Chapter: ■■-■■■]

A familiar phrase appeared in Leo’s eyes.


With those words, the surroundings were enveloped in bright light.


“What the hell is this… … .”

The surroundings were a completely different landscape.

In a dense forest with lush vegetation.

“You’re going to defeat Erebos?”

A voice was heard saying something was astounding.

Runia and Eiran turned their heads and froze.

The one there was an elf girl.

The elf girl looked exactly like someone very famous.

The elf girl grunted and waved her wand.

After healing the wound with magic, she swung her staff towards Leo.

The three people’s wounds recovered in an instant.

And the beautiful elf girl spoke words that did not match her face.

“Are you a thug by any chance?”

Runia and Eiran gaped, and Leo burst into laughter without realizing it.

“What did I eat wrong that makes you think like that?”

Even with a curious expression, the elf girl showed great interest in the human in front of her.

“But whatever, it’s okay. Defeat Erebos! It’s a goal that suits me perfectly! Do you like it. “I’ll join your party.”

The elf girl smiled confidently and held out her hand.

“You said ■■, right? My name is Luna! “In the future, you will become a being that shines like a star in the night sky, so please know that it is an honor for you to have me as part of your party!”


The world distorted and returned to its original state.

“Bah, that just happened!”

“It was Luna! Could this be Luna’s hero record?”

Runia and Eilana were very excited.

‘no. This is my hero record.’

It was the same as what I saw in the hero studies class before.

‘A record of the time Luna and I met.’

Leo felt his body recover and looked down at the hero record.

‘This makes it clear.’

Leo sighed deeply.

‘The Tartarus bastards are erasing the records of great heroes.’


As Leo and his group gathered themselves and started to leave the forest.

Soldiers came from the Great Council of El Salvecia.

After feeling the magic of the ‘End’ used by Leo and realizing that there was a problem in the Fairy Forest, he quickly dispatched soldiers.

Among them were Halind and Herdium.

Halind’s eyes became even colder when he saw Leo.

Herdium was saddened to hear that the school’s top students had left their dormitories at night.

The three people were placed on probation on the spot and locked in the council room.

It was nominally a probationary period, but there was a different reason.

“… … Among Seirun’s students… … “There was someone collaborating in Tartarus?”

Herdium asked with a white face.

“yes. We didn’t want to believe it either, but… … .”

“iced coffee.”

Herdium covered her face as she watched Runia answer cautiously.

It was hard to believe, but we found out that the unrecognizable body found in the forest was Lauta.

The ring that ate Lauta used it as food and spat out the body that was no longer needed.

And traces of learning necromancy were found on the corpse.

Meanwhile, Halind, who was listening to the story next to him, had a serious expression on his face.

“So something like that happened in Seirun.”

“Even in Seirun… … “Did the same thing happen in Rumern?”

“A similar thing happened. “The upper part of Rumern ordered us to stop joining.”

Halind, who had been a professor at Lumern for a long time and was Leo’s homeroom teacher, had been informed by his superiors about what had happened during the midterm exam.

“The higher-ups in Seirun will decide how to handle this matter. Lumern will follow Seilun’s decision.”

“… … .”

Herdium nodded with a stern expression.

“And Leo Plov.”

When Halind’s cold gaze turned to Leo, Runia and Eiran hiccuped without realizing it.

Rumern Wailing Wall.

The two female students, who experienced for the first time the fear of the upper grades and Halind’s fierce power, were momentarily terrified.

Of course, Leo, who was used to it, calmly waited for Halind’s words.

“As a class president, you know that leaving the dormitory without permission is a serious crime, right?”


“Originally, this would be sent back to school immediately and referred to the school rules meeting.”

“… … .”

“However, since the achievement is public, we will consider it as 100 hours of school volunteer time.”

“All right.”

“And if there’s anything you want, let me know.”

I held back laughter at Halind’s words.

‘No matter how you look at it, Professor Halind takes good care of the kids.’

School rules are school rules, but it was visible that the students in charge were proud of their performance.

“I hope the entire class will have at least some free time on the last day. “It’s a school trip.”

Normally, it would have been a tight schedule up to the last day of the school trip.

Halind, who paused after hearing Leo’s words, nodded.

“i get it. “Starting the evening before, I will give you free time as long as you don’t cross the line.”

It was news that would have caused an uproar if the children in Class 5 had heard it.

While Leo was secretly laughing, Herdium also cleared her throat.

“Students from Runia and Eiran should also be punished.”

“yes? Teacher~ We found Sijo’s hero record and items related to Sijo? Please take a look.”

“Oh, no! School rules are rules… … !”


Runia whined.

As a teacher, Herdium was highly respected by the students, but because he was so good to the students, the students looked down on him a lot.

Because he often received such foolish comments without realizing it, he did not have the same overwhelming charisma as Khalind.

Herdium looked at Halind with slightly envious eyes.

“The probation lasts until today. “Even if you have classes starting tomorrow, please keep quiet about what happened today.”

After Halind’s last words, Halind and Herdium left the room.

The word was that they were on probation and that they should rest here for the day.

“Uh-huh! “I thought something big was going to happen!”

Runia lay down on her back and made a sound of exhaustion.

“Well, it was still a great adventure. “It’s like watching a heroic story.”

Eiran said in an excited tone.

“right! It was amazing! “Especially because you saw the face of the progenitor!”

Runia stood up and spoke in an excited tone.

“Leo! “Is this your first time seeing a great hero?”



“Have you seen any other great heroes?”

“I saw Lysinas in the world of heroes in Lumern.”

“Wow, awesome.”

“I envy you!”

Runia was impressed, and Eiran’s eyes sparkled.

Runia and Eiran talked excitedly about Luna.

‘It turned out just like you wanted.’

Leo thought of Luna.

Like the stars in the night sky. Leo burst into laughter as he recalled his close friend who said he wanted to bring light to the dark world.



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