Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student Chapter 712

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Leo skipped breakfast and left the Clock Tower Dormitory, heading to the Hall of Summoning where the professors’ offices of the Summoning Department were located.

“Oh, Leo! What brings you this morning? Do you have something to ask?”

Professor of Summoning Studies in the 3rd year.

Yura greeted Leo with a cheerful voice.

“I came to see Professor Artian.”

“Artian? He should be in the professor’s cafeteria right now.”

Yura, who had told Leo where Artian was, approached him and put her arm around his shoulder.

“By the way, Leo. I have something to ask you.”

“What is it?”

“Dormitory management professor. Shouldn’t we increase the number of people? There are quite a few people like me who have nothing else to do among the professors in charge of my major.”

“I think that way, it won’t be a fight between students.”

Leo smiled and released Yura’s arm around his shoulder.

At that, Yura clicked her tongue.

The current dormitory professors are those selected through thorough screening by Harlind and Sedzen, who can be called the pillars of Lumeren.

Other professors in charge of the department.

So, if professors like Yura and Len were given the authority to manage the dormitories, the results were obvious.

There will be a proliferation of bonus and deductible stamps.

Since the declaration of the departmental war, the number of professors who have been aiming for dormitory management positions has increased due to the heated competition.

‘If you use the seal recklessly, Professor Harlind will break it.’

Leo shook his head inwardly and headed to the professor’s cafeteria.

Leo, who entered the restaurant, saw Professor Artian who was just about to start eating and approached him.

“Oh my? Leo, what’s going on so early in the morning?”

“I came here to ask you something.”

“That’s surprising. A top student like Leo came to ask questions because he didn’t know something.”

Artian smiled in surprise.

“It’s a good habit to ask questions when you don’t know something. Ahem. Ask this professor anything.”

“It’s something to do with the first marriage. Yesterday… … .”

“Student Leo. You came early in the morning, so you haven’t eaten yet? The food in the professor’s cafeteria is tastier than that in the student cafeteria. Come on, try it.”

Artian stuffed food into Leo’s mouth without even touching it.

Leo chewed the meatball in his mouth.

“I’ll bring some new food.”

Artian smiled brightly and went out to receive food again.


“Bam bam.”

“The professor’s restaurant is tastier? Let me try some too.”

“Master, I want to eat apple pie.”

Leo’s revealed creatures showed interest in the food on the plate.

Leo’s summoned creatures have tried all the food sold in Lumerun, but have yet to try the food from the professor’s restaurant.

On the table, Fiora pecked at the bread in the shape of a red chick.

Kiran ate his soup with a spoon the size of his body, stirring it while Artie ate his food with a fork.

The professors also gathered around Leo as if they were amazed by the rare scene of the three great beasts gathering together and devouring the food on the plate.

Among them, there were those who felt a sense of inferiority upon seeing Fiora and Kiran fighting while eating.

“Sob… … I’ve dedicated my entire life to researching the three great beasts… … .”

“Phoenix and fairies are obviously noble and pure beasts… … .”

“My thesis on the Three Great Refunds is wrong… … My honor will be tarnished!”

“I guess I can just wipe it.”

Professors who study the three major recovery methods felt a sense of inferiority.

“Still, Pegasus is elegant.”

The professors nodded their heads, looking at Artie quietly eating his food with a fork.

‘I’d cry if I knew the true nature of that Arty guy.’

Leo clicked his tongue lightly.

Leo, who could no longer break the illusions of the professors studying the three great recovery, reached out.




Leo reached into the air, holding Fiora and Kiran in one hand.

As a black hole appeared in the air, Leo threw the two reckless beasts into it.

“Arty. You come in too.”


A child-like figure, Arty, floated up and entered the black hole.

Leo said.

“Don’t be discouraged because they are weird. They are kids too.”

The professors who specialized in studying the summoning of water nodded at Leo’s words.

“As expected, the spirits are the best.”

“The great spirits are truly noble.”

The professors who studied spiritism praised the nobility of the Great Spirit as if they were telling people to listen.

‘They are more vulgar.’



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Leo shook his head, remembering the water and fire spirits subdued by Elsie.

As expected, I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to break the professors’ illusions.

In the midst of all this.

Artian returned and said.

“Professors, I need to speak quietly with Leo. Could you please step aside?”

Artian spoke carefully, but the other professors did not listen.

“Student Leo. Would you like to do some research with me? Just stay still. I’ll put your name at the front of the paper.”

“Rather than this human, me and… … .”

“Oh! I come first.”

The professors of Summoning, who usually do research, showed great interest in Leo.

Artian hesitated as he was pushed by his senior professors.

Among the Summoning professors, Artian is the youngest.

I couldn’t dare to shout at my seniors who were as great as the sky.

Artian said.

“You old men! You’re a student who came to me to ask me something!”

For a moment, Artian opened his eyes and shouted.

The professors flinched at those words and dispersed in a hurry.

Artian’s spirit seemed to be a source of fear not only among the students but also among the senior professors.

“I’m, I’m sorryoooooo!”

Artian bowed his head with a sad look on his face.

Yura burst into laughter at the sight.

It must be funny to see the stiff and stern seniors being manipulated by the youngest, Artian.

Leo snickered as he watched Yura like that.

‘I bet you got teased a lot by Professor Harlind during your school days.’

Artian said, sitting next to Leo with an embarrassed face.

“Leo, please try not to tell other professors that you are receiving private tutoring from me.”

There are still many professors targeting Leo.

It was certain that there would be an uproar if it was known that he was receiving private lessons from Artian.


That’s why Artian quickly interrupted Leo.

“So? What are you curious about about the first soul technique?”

Leo said as he ate with Artian, who asked as he started eating.

“If the evocation fails, are there cases where an unspecified number of spirits are summoned?”

“I’ve never heard of such a case?”

Artian tilted his head.

And after thinking for a moment, he said:

“Usually, it’s hard for a psychic to summon even one psychic. The incantation is the most basic of the psychic arts. That’s why it’s extremely difficult to summon an unspecified number of psychics with the incantation. There has never been a psychic like that in the history of psychic arts.”




“It’s not properly recorded in literature, but only comes down as a legend. I wonder if a summoner of the level of Risinas, the King of Wisdom, could possibly do it.”

After hearing Artian’s words, Leo looked down at his palm.

His power belongs to Lisinas.

“Why do you ask that?”

“There was a rumor going around among the students yesterday that they saw a ghost.”

“A ghost?”


Artian’s eyes sparkled at Leo’s words.

“That’s interesting!”



The story that the magic students saw ghosts seemed to be a huge issue for the entire school.

It was buried by a bigger scandal.

“No. You saw a ghost yesterday… … .”

“Ah. Stop it. This is so annoying!”

“No. I couldn’t say much… … .”

“More than that! I told you, right? Those two were unusual! Eliza, who always used polite language to her other classmates and strictly drew a line, only spoke to that guy Carl!”

The third-year students of the Department of Magic were chatting excitedly.

The third-year students of the Summoning Department were also shocked.

Even though she was a bad student, Eliza was a clear leader and focal point within the Summoning Department.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that most of the Summoning students were her followers.

A noble bad girl whose conduct is not upright, but who is located in a place that no one dares to touch.

Eliza, who is like that, went out with a commoner named Karl?

“Does this make sense?”

As Tade, Carl’s best friend, stuck out his tongue, Jureden, a third-year Summoning major, spoke indifferently.

“What’s wrong with that? Carl’s a good guy.”

“No. But if you think about Eliza’s usual personality… … .”

“It’s really interesting.”

“You’re surprisingly quick to accept reality, aren’t you?”

Students from the Department of Magic and Department of Summoning, to which the parties belonged, showed the most excited reactions.

Of course, the knight department also showed an excited response.

“Popcorn is perfect for times like this!”

“You sword guy! You’re neglecting your duty!”

“But if it’s a punishment cell, will the two be locked in the same room?”

“Hey. It’s going to be hot for two days.”

Celia frowned as she watched the third-year students of the Knights’ Department chatter away and giggle.

“How low. And you guys are still a knights school that values ​​chivalry?”

“Oh, no. Just joking… … .”

“You shouldn’t tease others like that. Do you want to get in trouble?”

Chen Xia also laughed brightly and scolded her classmates.

The knights and students who had been talking about the relationship between him and Eliza looked to Duran for help.

“What are you looking at?”


Of the three knights and monsters, Duran, who looked the least happy, even emitted a weak aura from his body.

Nella looked at Duran with a puzzled expression.

“Duran doesn’t seem to be in a good mood?”

“I was looking at Karl as a potential husband for my younger sister.”


From Duran’s perspective, who had to rule the country after graduation, it was inevitable that he would feel bad about the fact that his country’s talented people, who had risen to the position of heroes, could be leaked overseas.

Eliza, who is also the successor of the Hergin family, is also difficult to deal with with the power of the Moira Kingdom.

Although not a kingdom, House Hergin is a powerful family with great influence in the northern part of the continent.

In terms of history and fame, it is deeper and higher than the Kingdom of Moira, and its power is no less than that of the Kingdom of Moira.


The second graders were also busy talking about Carl and Eliza.

“Hey. Juan. You promised to spar today, right? Let’s do it now.”

Aina approached Juen, who seemed to have lost his soul, and spoke with a blank expression on her face.


Aina tilted her head as she looked at Juen, who was lost in thought, and waved her palm in front of Juen.

“Can you hear me? Joo-en. Let’s spar.”

“Yes, yes~ That far.”

“Aina. Be careful now.”

Sasha and Luke, holding Aina’s arms on either side, dragged Aina away.

The first-year students felt they couldn’t open their mouths because it was a story about a senior two years their senior.

But the 4th and 5th graders were surprisingly indifferent.

“I told you it’s been quiet lately.”

“I told you, there are definitely kids who cause accidents.”

For the upperclassmen who have seen all sorts of things, good and bad, this kind of scandal seems to be not so unfamiliar.

Even after school, the place was bustling with stories about Carl and Eliza, and soon night fell again.

Curfew, Magic Department Dormitory Lounge.

“Hey! It’s all gone!”

“Leo, this is definitely the work of a fairy!”

“No! Judging from the fact that it ate all the food, it must be that phoenix!”

The magic department dormitory was turned upside down after being attacked by the beasts.

Chelsea, who saw that, came out with a sleeping bag.

“Go catch it?”

Chloe, who was sitting in the break room reading a book of grimoires as if nothing mattered, asked with a puzzled look on her face. Chelsea nodded with a serious look on her face.

“Yeah. They swept all my expensive cookies that I had hidden away.”

Chelsea took a red feather out of her bosom and showed it to me.

His hands were shaking with anger.

“I’m going to catch it and pluck its hair.”

Chelsea growled as she left the dorm.


He walked quietly down the hallway with his characteristically light footsteps.

Unable to use magic lights or lanterns, they had to rely on dim light.

The hallway at night had something eerie about it.

But Chelsea didn’t bat an eye.

‘Where are you, you damn chick!’

Chelsea opened her eyes.

At first, it was friendly because it was Leo’s Phoenix, but it’s a different story when you steal cookies like this.

Chelsea walked down the hallway, growling fiercely.

In the hallway hung portraits of students who had made a name for themselves in Lumeron over the years.

Clank- clank-

A metal scraping sound was heard from across the hallway.

Chelsea’s eyes twitched.

Clank- clank-

“Wizardhhhhh… … I’m gonna kill yaaaaaa!”

The bloody armored knight spoke to Chelsea in an eerie voice, revealing his murderous intent.

Chelsea, who was looking at the armored knight who was a head taller than her, hit the armored knight’s head with her sleeping bag.

Bang-! Pingururururur-!

The knight’s helmet rotates in place.

“I don’t know who you are, but your concept is unique.”

Chelsea said, snorting.

“If we fight in the hallway, the professors might find out, so let’s each go our separate ways.”

There is no such thing as a ghost!

Chelsea, who was confident that her opponent was a malicious knight student, passed by with a bang!

Originally, I would have tried to score by knocking him down.

Chelsea’s prey today was Fiora.

“Geeeeeeee! Wizard! I’ll kill you!”

“Oh really!”

However, Chelsea opened her eyes wide and ran towards the knight who was chasing her and shouted, and dropped kicked the knight’s helmet.

Ting! Thud! Tang!

The sound of the knight’s helmet flying from his neck and crashing to the floor echoed throughout the hallway.

“… … .”

Chelsea remained silent and looked at the person she had dropkicked.

There is no head.

“… …Magic? Summoning?”

It was when Chelsea was muttering in a trembling voice.


An aura surged from the headless knight’s sword.

That moment.

All the pictures in the portrait looked at Chelsea at the same time.

Chelsea nodded as her eyes met the portraits.

‘Let’s go.’


The armored knight roared as he chased after Chelsea.

“What the hell is this?!”

Chelsea’s screams echoed throughout the hallway.

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