Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student Chapter 703

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Chloe’s unique magic.

Fimbulbert swarmed the orc colony.



The orcs screamed at the sudden cold blast.

“Human! Human! Kyaaaaak!”

“It’s a human attack!”

Despite the fact that a huge number of orcs were frozen to death in an instant, the orcs’ response was calm.

“Human wizard! It would be difficult to use this kind of magic multiple times!”

Orc warriors stood at the front, swinging their axes to command the orcs.

“Surrounded! Surrounded!”

As soon as they roared, the orcs formed a siege.

Not only that, but orcs wielding bows approached, aiming their arrows in the direction the magic had come from.

‘This isn’t a colony of orcs.’

Leo furrowed his brows.

A colony of orcs accustomed to combat.

‘The fact that there is a Sorcerer King means that the Orcs are the best.’

The Sorcerer King is not limited to simply using powerful black magic.

As befitting his name, the King, he possesses strong leadership skills.

The orc horde led by the Sorcerer King is literally one powerful army.

‘Well, it’s no use in front of Chloe, though.’

Even as the orcs closed in on her, Chloe remained steadfast as she prepared her next spell.

As long as Leo is holding out in front, the orcs won’t be able to reach Chloe.

Of course, the reason Chloe was calm wasn’t because of Leo.

This situation of narrowing the siege was actually better.


The ground Chloe was standing on began to freeze solid.

It’s not just the land.

Even the air in the atmosphere froze.

The rain that had been falling like ice crystals was now pouring down like hail.

It felt like winter had arrived in this area.

The winter is not just any winter, but is reminiscent of the harsh winter experienced in the northernmost part of the continent.


As Leo exhaled, white breath like smoke flowed out.

Chloe, who had been concentrating on her magic spell with her eyes closed, opened her eyes.

Chloe looked at the group of orcs with a face like an ice doll.

“Ice World.”

Chloe’s unique magic, which can be called her symbol, has been completed.

The pouring rain further strengthened Chloe’s already powerful magic.

The roaring orcs froze for a moment.

Chloe saw that and struck the floor with her cane.


The orcs that had been turned into ice statues shattered all at once.

“It’s finished.”

Chloe looked at Leo.

Leo shook off the ice from his body.

“You look very cold?”

“Because of whom?”

Chloe giggled as she looked at Leo who was glaring.

“It’s cold, let’s move to the next area.”


It was when Chloe nodded with a bright smile while looking at Leo who was grumbling.


I heard the sound of ice cracking.

Leo and Chloe stopped walking.


A piece of ice cracked between the frozen orcs.

Chloe looked at the Orc Warlock King with a puzzled expression.

“It seems like it wasn’t powerful enough to defeat the Orc King in one go.”

Chloe looked serious.

“Should I increase the power more?”

“Do you think it’s enough now?”

“Huh? Isn’t it enough?”

Chloe blinked with an innocent face.

Leo clicked his tongue as he looked at Chloe like that.

‘That’s why there are wizards.’

Wizards tend to be obsessed with the power of magic.



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That’s why it’s not uncommon to see ordinary magic being maximized by adding all sorts of power-increasing spells without considering the balance of the magic.

‘Luna was like that too.’

The reason wizards were obsessed with the power of magic was simple.

‘Because it could be.’

Sometimes, due to an obsession with power, the magical power reaches a level that harms allies.

Of course, a crazy wizard would not do anything that would harm his allies.

The problem is when you and I form a party like this.

‘If it were Kyle, he wouldn’t die like this.’

With that being said, Luna often lifted the power limit when she and her partner formed a party.

And now Chloe’s eyes looked exactly like Luna’s when she said those words.

“I guess I need to increase my power… … What are you doing?!”

Chloe shook off Leo’s hand that was pinching her cheek and covered her cheek with her hand.

Leo said as he looked at Chloe, who was protesting with a red face.

“I’ll take care of it, so you watch.”

Chloe looked slightly displeased at those words, but soon backed down obediently.


Leo stepped forward, stepping on the frozen ground.

‘But that’s strange.’

Leo glared at the Orc Warlock King.

In this day and age, an orc warlock is a rare mutant.

But 5,000 years ago, orc warlocks were not uncommon.

Leo had a lot of experience hunting orc warlock lords.

As far as Leo knows, although the Orc Sorcerer King is a powerful monster, he is not strong enough to withstand Chloe’s magic.

But the orc warlock king in front of you is alive.

‘It doesn’t look like it was hit too hard.’

I felt uneasy.


Leo drew his sword.

That moment.


The orc warlock struck the floor with his staff.

That moment.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk-!

A dragon’s head rose from the ground.

An ice dragon with its mouth wide open pounced on Leo.

Whoosh whoosh-!

The flames of Gerdinger rose from Leo’s sword.


The ice dragon split in half and turned into water, pouring down like a waterfall.

‘Was that a guy who could manipulate ice?’

If that’s the case, then it would also explain Chloe’s immunity to magic to some extent.

But Leo’s sense of discomfort does not go away.

Even Luna says Chloe’s ice magic is special.

It’s amazing that even monsters that deal with ice attributes can withstand it.


Leo increased the power of the flame.

The frozen ground began to melt.


The intense heat pressed down on the orc warlock king.

The heat is so intense that it feels like just being nearby will turn you into ashes.

The energy grew hotter as Leo aimed his sword at the Orc Warlock King.

That moment.


The cold air emitted by the Orc Warlock King has become stronger.

For a moment, Leo’s flame is pushed away.

The moment when Leo’s shoulders trembled.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk-!

The ground began to freeze around the Orc Warlock King.

Leo jumped.

That moment.


A snowflake-shaped block of ice began to rotate around Leo, acting like a shield to protect him.

Leo looked at Chloe, seeing the ice that showed no sign of melting even under the heat Leo was radiating.

Chloe also sensed that the Orc Warlock was suspicious and cast an Ice Shield.

Leo’s red eyes flashed.

Whoosh whoosh-!

Leo’s sword is imbued with golden flames.

It was none other than the flame of Dweno.


Leo’s sword split the orc warlock’s body in half.

The Orc Warlock King died instantly.

But Leo felt a sense of alienation.

‘It feels like cutting ice.’

In reality, the body of the orc warlock king, split in half, was completely frozen.

At that moment, Leo felt creepy.

As far as Leo knows, the Flame of Dweno is the king of the Phoenixes.

As hot and intense as the flames of the salt sea.

That is why he was able to resist and not be consumed by the flames of Erebos.

‘But why… … doesn’t it melt?’

That moment.

The dead orc warlock’s eyes rolled back and forth before turning towards Leo.

The moment I met eyes filled with cold hatred.

Leo ran towards Chloe without hesitation.

“Leo. What… … .”

Chloe, who had been making a bewildered expression, opened her eyes wide as she saw Leo hugging her.

Leo summoned a pitch-black cloak and covered his body.


At that moment, the Orc Warlock King’s body exploded.

A severe cold front blew into the center of it.

Chloe, who had her eyes tightly shut, carefully opened them.

Then he took a deep breath.

What appeared before my eyes were familiar red eyes.

“are you okay?”

Leo’s face was in front of me, breaths almost touching.

Chloe nodded, her eyes wide open in surprise.

“I’m fine.”

Leo sat up, chuckling at Chloe’s answer.


What blew along with him was a snow storm.

It felt like I was in a mountain in the middle of winter with a snowstorm blowing.

“What is this… … ?”

When Chloe looked surprised, Leo said, shaking off the ice on his cloak.

“It’s like a curse.”


“Yeah. I’ve seen similar curses.”

Fortunately, the Oak Sorcerer King’s explosion did not cause much harm to Leo and Chloe.

But it had a huge impact on the surrounding environment.

Leo had seen something like this four times.

‘Of course, the phenomenon was just the opposite.’

When a major blow was dealt to Erebos.

The surrounding area was engulfed in the unquenchable flames of disaster.

It was to the point where all surrounding mana was burned and the burning flames of disaster paralyzed the powers for a moment.

‘Well, compared to then, it’s much better now… … .’

The flames of disaster were so great that they reduced the great heroes to ashes.

But the bitter cold that was blowing in now wasn’t enough to freeze you to death.

‘By the way, what the heck is this?’

Leo looked at the snowstorm with a hardened face.

Just like when Erebos was wounded and fled.

Mana doesn’t move.

But it’s clearly different from when all the mana was burned.

Mana is now frozen and unable to move.

If you only look at the results, it’s the same.

But the phenomenon was completely different.

“Leo, these eyes… … there’s something strange.”


When I turned my head, I saw Chloe holding the snow piled up on the floor with a puzzled expression on her face.

“It doesn’t green.”

As she said, the snow that was held in Chloe’s hand by a handful just slipped through Chloe’s hand like grains of sand.

It didn’t melt.

No matter how cold the weather is, human body temperature is enough to melt snow.

Leo, who had been pondering for a moment after hearing Chloe’s words, said:

“First, let’s find a place to avoid the snowstorm.”



Leo and Chloe were able to discover a cave not far away.

As I entered the cave, I felt a bit stuffy and the air was hot.

“That’s a good thing.”


Chloe looked at Leo, her body shaking.

Even if he was an ice wizard, he was exposed to the cold because his mana was frozen.

Although I was able to endure it thanks to my innate cold resistance and my trained body, I was losing a lot of my stamina and body temperature.

“It looks like there’s a hot spring inside.”

At those words, Chloe’s eyes widened and she looked into the dark cave.

Leo made a campfire using dry branches and leaves scattered throughout the cave.

After a while, he made a torch and lit up the cave before going inside.

As Chloe followed in, she saw a steaming hot spring just as Leo had said.

Chloe said with a bright expression after checking the water quality.

“No problem! Just come in here and warm up!”

Leo nodded at Chloe’s words and said.

“Then take off your clothes and go in.”

“Yeah. Okay… … What?!”

Chloe looked at Leo, startled.

“Hey, what did you just say?”

“Take it off.”


“Are you going to go in like that?”


Chloe’s face turned red.

Leo clicked his tongue as he looked at Chloe like that.

“What on earth are you imagining?”

“I didn’t imagine anything! I, I just! I was surprised when you suddenly told me to take it off!”

“Okay. Let’s say that’s true.”

“Let’s say that’s true! I said no!”

Chloe grabbed Leo and shook him roughly.

After a while.

The real Chloe hesitated and then asked.

“You, you want to come in too?”

“… … .”

“No! Why are you looking at me like that! I feel bad for going in first! That, that’s why! I asked just in case!”

Waxing with a bright red face

Lisa Leo clicked her tongue.

“Anyway, these days.”

“What do you mean by that? And you’re one of those things these days!”

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