Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student Chapter 701

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As soon as Leo finished speaking, the one who took action was Milia, who had taken first place in the entrance exam for the Knight Academy.


Millia ran straight into the grass and hid herself.


“What the hell is going on here!”

Milia’s actions became a signal for the startled first-year students to quickly disperse.


At that moment, Milia, who had been hiding in the grass, fired an arrow at the first-year magic student.


The first-year magic student quickly dodged the arrow by flying away.

“Isn’t it against the rules to attack right now?!”

Leo smiled brightly as the magic student who had gotten up protested.

“I told you earlier. Fight now.”

“That, that… … !”

A first-year magic student who is shocked and the other first-year students whose gazes begin to change.

“Everyone thinks this is a real fight. If there’s an attack that causes serious injuries, we’ll intervene.”

As Leo finished speaking, the first years simultaneously drew their weapons.

Chloe said, looking at the sight.

“Even if you get hurt, I will use healing magic. Don’t worry and fight!”

“Ugh! Senior Chloe!”

“I think that among the third-year seniors, Chloe is the most affectionate!”

“I’m happy because I’m in the magic department!”

The first-year magic students looked moved.

Leo looked puzzled after hearing Chloe’s words.

“Are you going to use that healing magic you’ve been researching recently?”


“Didn’t you say that the injured person was in a lot of pain?”

“Yeah. But it works, right?”

Chloe clenched her fists and her eyes lit up.

“I recently changed my method of treatment a bit, so I was able to improve the effect a bit.”

“The pain has increased?”


Chloe took a notebook out of her bosom and scribbled down some notes.

“This is a good thing, because we needed to experiment to see how much better the effect was and how much worse the pain was.”

Leo shook his head as he looked at Chloe, her eyes sparkling and her expression filled with excitement.

“You’ve become a wizard too.”

“Huh? I was a wizard from the beginning?”

Chloe’s appearance now reminded me of Luna.

‘When Luna was doing her magic experiments, her eyes would shine like that.’

Leo clicked his tongue as he remembered Luna trying to use him as a test subject.

“Senior Leo. What should we do?”

When Luke approached and asked, Leo sat down on a nearby rock and said,

“The third years will prepare to attack the orc colony. The second years will watch the first years and intervene in any fights that could result in serious injuries.”

This is just a mock match to see how well the first-year students can respond to sudden situations.

Even if it is treatable, it is better to prevent major injuries in advance if possible.


Luke nodded and relayed Leo’s words to his classmates.

After hearing that, the second graders went into the forest to watch the first graders.

“Hey, Luke. You’ve got some serious experience, huh?”

Carl approached Leo and exclaimed in admiration.

“Now you’re worthy of being the class representative.”

“That’s right. Well, it depends on Luke whether he can maintain his position as class representative or not.”

“That’s right. Ju-en was holding on tight. Hmm~ Isn’t the next second-year representative Ju-en?”

The sword grinned.

That was when.

Chloe, who was writing in her notebook, looked up.


“No. I could be mistaken.”

Chloe looked puzzled as Leo asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“I wonder if it’s going to snow.”

“Snow? In spring?”

The sword made a dumbfounded expression.

Maybe in the northern part of the continent?

Even in the central part of the continent, spring nights are quite chilly, but not so cold that it snows.

Leo looked up at the sky at Chloe’s words.

The sky was clear as the sun was setting.

Chloe also stared at the sky and then shook her head.



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“I guess I was mistaken.”


Milia, who was the first to hide in the forest, hid her presence.

‘It’s perfect for me.’

Although she was the top student admitted to the Knights’ Department, Millia was a little different from the typical Knights’ Department students.

Since ancient times, many students in the knight department have valued honor.

It was only natural, since most of the students entering Lumern were from knightly families.

As someone who comes from a knightly family, he cannot help but value chivalry.

It’s not that I don’t like it.

Rather, I think it is sublime.

The problem was their attitude towards Millia.

‘Don’t despise me.’

Millia is a knight, but she is not a knight.

Born into a merchant family, he had an innate talent for archery from a young age.

Naturally, my talents blossomed.

But she was more of a hunter than a knight.

They dig traps and struggle to gain high ground to catch their targets.

In the process, some methods that the knights may see as somewhat cowardly are also used.

It’s not like I don’t care about the means and methods.

He’ll do anything to win.

As a merchant, he prioritized efficiency and profit and loss, and this tendency was naturally revealed in battle.

So naturally, Millia was looked down upon by her peers who were aspiring to become knights.

And all of those applicants were nobles.

As the successor to a large merchant family, Millia has had many opportunities to meet noble children since she was young.

Not all nobles were like that, but from Millia’s perspective, most noble children were fools who boasted about their good family background despite having no ability.

There are only a few truly capable and well-thought-out nobles.

I know it can’t be helped, but that’s why Millia didn’t like nobles that much.

I used to get especially annoyed when people looked down on the achievements of commoners.

In the midst of all this, I heard a story about a student from Lumeren named Karl Thomas.

A student who is a commoner with average talent but is famous.

Most nobles would laugh at such a sword.

But to the common people, Karl was a figure they could not help but be interested in.

The same was true for Milia.

I naturally started rooting for the sword and was happy when I heard the news that he had become a hero.

And when we met in person.

‘It was totally cool.’

Millia blushed as she recalled the sword that had subdued her perfectly, saying that it wasn’t bad.

‘At that time, I didn’t know it, but I showed my true nature and made a fool of myself.’

Milia shook her head, recalling her own sadistic tendencies.

‘You just have to look good from now on. Senior Carl is watching over you!’

Milia pulled back the bowstring with shining eyes.


The arrow flew into the sky and a red firecracker exploded.

The faces of the first-year knights who saw that hardened.

Juen, who was looking down at Milia from the tree, narrowed his eyes.

“Juen, why are you only watching Millia? Millia doesn’t seem to be seriously hurt.”

Then Luke, who was passing by, landed on the tree where Juan was hiding and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“That guy is dangerous.”


“Yeah. My eyes can’t fool me. That kid is a dangerous person.”

“He’s a good student. He’s kind and takes care of the students around him.”

After entering school, Milia received very good evaluations within the school.

He is kind to everyone and listens to his professors well.

A perfect student who is praised by classmates, seniors, and professors.

“Compared to you guys who only had accidents at the beginning of the school year, you seem less dangerous.”

“Oh, of course, compared to us… … Wait. What do you mean by that?”

Luke scratched his cheek as Juan rolled his eyes.

“Don’t you remember the first semester of the first year?”

“… … .”

At those words, Juan remained silent.

At that time, led by Juen, Sasha, Harveyden, and Aina.

These four people were literally problem children, except for their grades.

Aina, who cared about nothing else but being recognized by Leo.

Juen, Sasha, and Harveyden were very upset at being ignored by Aina.

The four of them would growl at each other and start a fight whenever they collided.

Their relationship improved a lot in the second semester and they became friends, but Luke, who remembered that time, couldn’t help but be dumbfounded when he saw Juen calling the seemingly normal Milia a dangerous person.

Juan, who had been silent at Luke’s words, spoke.

“That’s that! Anyway, he’s dangerous! I heard he’s been investigating Senior Carl since day one. And he’s the successor to the target. Since Senior Carl is running a business, he might use that as an excuse to approach him. Hehe. I’ll keep a close eye on him!”

Luke scratched his cheek at Juan’s words.

“cheer up.”

“Yeah. I’ll do my best.”

Luke turned away from the glaring Juan and headed somewhere else.


“This is a bit unexpected.”

Late at night.

Carl stroked his chin as he looked at the eight first-year students standing before him.

Looking at that sword, Milia’s eyes sparkled.

‘Oh, that’s burdensome.’

The sword that had lowered its hand from its chin slid down- avoiding Millia’s gaze.

Meanwhile, Leo looked at Milia and said.

“Did you talk about it beforehand?”

“Yes, to some extent.”

Milia nodded.

Eight people remained out of 100.

They were all knights.

“I had expected that the student council president would test us from day one. Accordingly, I thought about various situations and gave a warning to the students of the Department of Knights. I told them not to fight each other as much as possible.”

“You’re in the same party. Don’t you think it’s not worth bringing up departmental competition? And if only the Knight Department remains, the party balance could collapse.”

“If they had considered the balance of the party, I think they would have decided the number of participants by department from the beginning. I thought that in this mission, the first-years would only be supporting their seniors. Also, if they had considered the harmony between the parties, I thought they would have decided the number of participants based on skill and not made all 100 of them fight. In other words, we have to compete endlessly within the party.”

So right at the start, I set off a red firecracker.

It was a signal for the knights to refrain from fighting among themselves.

As previously discussed, the students of the Department of Journalism eliminated all students from other departments before having a competition among themselves.

The remaining students were now eight in number.

Leo stroked her chin and said,

“If it were you, you could have left the students you wanted as the final eight, right?”


Millia, who uses a bow, can easily get involved in competitions between knight students.

“Why did you leave these seven behind?”

Milia glanced at the knight students standing next to her.

“I heard you don’t like nobles very much?”

Except for Millia, they are all from noble families.

And after entering school, there were students who didn’t get along well with Milia.

“Because they have the skills. It’s more efficient for the party to keep them.”


Leo smirked and gestured to Milia.

Milia approached Leo with a puzzled look on her face.


Leo stamped a bonus point stamp on Milia’s palm.

“We’re going to camp today. We’ll start the subjugation of the orc colony tomorrow morning.”


“You guys worked hard! Eat up!”

The third graders called the first and second graders.

“It’s pretty good.”

Leo nodded as Chloe smiled and said.

“Yeah. I’m looking forward to the students entering this year.”

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