Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student Chapter 699

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Episode 699

next day.

As always, the Clock Tower Dormitory started the day lively from the morning.

“Hey hey! Look at this. I learned it in magic class yesterday.”

A female student who appeared to be a first-year student in the Department of Magic performed magic in front of a student who appeared to be a first-year student in the Department of Knights.

The body of the first-year magic student rose and began to fly freely through the hallway.

“Isn’t it amazing?”

The first-year male student of the knight department laughed at the sight.

“Huh! What’s so great about flying with magic? I’ll show you something even more amazing.”

The knight student jumped up and hit the hallway wall with a thud.

“Have you seen this? This is the latest trend in aurology.”

“Is that so great? Isn’t it something that can be done just by using magic?”

“Huh. What would a wizard know who can solve everything simply by reciting a single spell?”

“What? You just said magic was simple? Are you done talking?”

“I couldn’t finish speaking! What should I do?”

It was when the two first-years were growling at each other with their foreheads against each other.

“There are two people.”


“You, Senior Niel!”

Niel appeared in front of those two people.

Even though they ended up sharing the same dorm, Niel was still a distant senior to the freshmen who had just entered school.

“Oh my, you’re so cute. Are you fighting?”

Elena peeked her face out from behind Niel.

The faces of the two first-year students, who were already terrified by the appearance of the Queen of Lumern, who effectively leads the current Lumern Student Council, turned pale.

School life becomes a mess just by falling out of favor with Niel, but now a powerful figure has appeared who has real power in the school.

Fighting in the hallways is a violation of school rules.

Niel, who had been looking at the shivering first-year students for a moment, spoke in a stern voice.

“No fighting in the hallways.”

“Yes, yep!”

“No. Of course! We don’t plan on fighting… … .”

“Didn’t you guys put your hands on your swords and staffs?”


“That, that!”

At Elena’s words, the first-years’ faces changed to look like they were about to cry.

Elena smiled like a witch as she looked at the two.

Niel sighed softly and lightly hit Elena’s side with his elbow as if to tell her to stop teasing him.

“You shouldn’t do that next time?”



“Now both of you, cross your fingers and promise not to fight anymore.”

“Hey, is this a promise?”

“Yeah. Facing each other.”

The two students looked at each other in confusion at Niel’s words.

“Come on, let’s link pinkies. Promise.”

Two students hesitate and link their fingers at Niel’s words.

“Okay. As punishment, let’s eat breakfast together today.”

“Yes, yep!”

“Are you reconciled now?”

“Of course.”

“I will never fight again.”

“Yeah! Okay.”

Niel smiled brightly at the two people’s answers and showed a satisfied expression.

“First-year students are very energetic and often end up in emotional fights.”

Niel shook his head as if he was troubled.

Elena said as if she sympathized with Niel who was like that.

“Yeah, that’s right. We had a time like that too.”

Niel made a nervous expression as he looked at Elena, who was smiling warmly.

“No, I swear you’ve never done that.”

I remember it clearly.

The monstrous appearance that made the fifth graders kneel from the first day of school.

Niel shuddered as he recalled the past.

“By the way. Even though he’s a first-year student, aren’t you treating him too much like a child?”

“Huh? Oh. Now that you mention it.”

Niel scratched the ball.

Surely, it might have been too childish to make a promise by linking pinkies.

“Was it a bit too much? But I wanted us to be friends?”

“Why? Even our departments are different.”

“Even if we’re in different departments, there are many times when we have to work together to get through school anyway. And on top of that, there’s this situation.”



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The dormitories are divided by department.

“It’s a shame that we have fewer opportunities to become close friends since our first year.”

Of course competition is necessary.

Because strong competitiveness helps students grow.

To be honest, Niel was also able to grow quickly because of his competitive spirit towards certain wizards.

Niel blushed slightly as he thought of a certain wizard.

“I guess you were thinking of Senior Marcel.”

“Well, that’s true.”

Elena smiled brightly as she watched Niel scratching his head with an awkward expression.

“So? When will the baby be born?”

“What are you talking about!”

“Oh my god? Aren’t you two going to get married?”

“Well, that’s true, but!”

“Ah. As expected, I went all the way… … .”


“Oh my? You’re not denying it?”


Niel blushed and grabbed Elena by the collar, shaking her.

The two of them resumed patrolling the hallway, bickering like that.

There was a reason why the two of them were patrolling the hallways like this from morning.

Because the same thing happens often these days.

In particular, this year, students from departments that win the department competition will be able to advance to the next grade without being expelled.

In Lumer, the difficulty of advancement increases exponentially as you advance through the grades.

Even for the fourth graders who had become accustomed to life in Lumer, advancing to the fifth grade was an urgent matter.

Given the circumstances, the motivation to win the department competition was extremely strong.

Professors are also encouraging students, putting the pride and honor of their department at stake.

Now everyone is used to the new semester situation.

‘It’s about time the competition started to heat up.’

In the case of third and fourth year students, there is at least no competition within the dormitory.

‘Because the dormitory has the strictest rules in Lumerun right now.’

If you break a school rule and get points deducted, you’re in big trouble.

But the first and second year students are still immature.

Especially the first graders often fought like before.

In a situation like now, there is no reason to prevent a fight between juniors from turning into a fight between seniors.

Fighting inside the dormitory is a headache.

Moreover, wasn’t one of the professors in charge of the dormitory that Artian?

Given the circumstances, the fifth-year students took the lead and started patrolling the dormitory.

It was Elena’s judgment that the fifth-year students who had nothing to do with advancement would be able to control their juniors as coolly as possible.

‘Of course, I didn’t know that Elena, who gave her opinion, would take the lead.’

Niel glanced at Elena as if he found it strange.

Elena, the capricious and wayward queen of Lumeren, also known as the witch.

But since last year, he has become a perfect student.

‘Of course, that twisted personality hasn’t been fixed yet.’

However, if you think about how he was like a rascal up until his third year, it is a surprising change.

‘Why did he suddenly change? Did he become wise?’

Lumeron’s greatest troublemaker has become a cult figure?

‘I don’t think that’s the case.’

Niel, who was feeling suspicious, suddenly noticed someone walking alone in the hallway.

“Ah, Master Leo.”

It was Leo who returned after finishing his mission yesterday.

It was when Niel made a happy expression.

Elena stopped in her seat and stood in front of the mirror in the hallway, feeling around at her clothes.

Elena, who had even touched the hair style once, smiled at the mirror.


Niel let out a sigh of admiration when he saw that sight.

Elena, who had become a fresh-faced girl, ran, jumped, and hung on Leo’s back.

“Leo! Long time no see!”

Elena’s bright smile gave off a different charm than usual.

He is the owner of a destructive charm that can captivate both men and women, but what he is showing now is on a whole other level.

He reveals himself without hesitation.


Niel left, fanning his face.

There were some things I avoided because I thought it would make me feel strange.

Because I also felt that seeing her honest and innocent appearance was disrespectful to the Queen.

No matter what anyone says, Elena Zeron is the proud queen of Lumeren.

“It’s heavy.”

“Did you have a nice trip?”

Elena, who completely ignored Leo’s words, asked with shining eyes.

Leo magically detached Elena from his back and placed her down in front of him.

Elena’s pink eyes sparkle.

These are eyes that have the magical power to captivate others.

Of course, this doesn’t work on Leo.

Elena also did not intentionally release her magic power.

I just felt good and the magic came out naturally.

“It took a really long time? Whose hero dungeon was it?”

“It’s confidential.”

Elena, who had been looking slightly dissatisfied with Leo’s words, smiled seductively and hugged Leo’s arm.

“Can’t we even talk about that between Leo and me?”

“What is our relationship?”

“While I was helping Leo? I even went to Leo’s bed at night, right?”

“If others heard that, they would misunderstand.”

“That’s true, isn’t it?”

Elena smiled brightly and tightly held Leo’s arm.

Before I knew it, several of the buttons on my school uniform top were undone.

“What do you think? Do you have any thoughts on what to say?”

Leo stared intently at Elena, who was asking in a quiet voice, and took something out of his pocket.

And he stamped it on Elena’s forehead.

“what’s this?”

“It’s a deduction stamp.”

On Elena’s forehead was clearly stamped the extremely Sedzen-style stamp, “Please try harder.”

“What did I do wrong?”

“Violation of school rules due to disorderly conduct.”

Elena frowned as she watched Leo cut her off.

“Usually, if you just apply force to your eyes, it all comes down to you.”

“Not even a kid.”

“This old man?”

Elena opened her eyes.

Leo said, smiling while looking at Elena like that.

“The world we conquered was Dwenno’s world.”

Elena looked surprised at those words.

“And we also defeated Geass.”


I’m speechless.

‘When I see this, I can really feel that he is a hero of the beginning.’

Elena shook her head, bursting into laughter.

“By the way. This.”

Elena pointed to her forehead with a sullen face.

“Is this really a deduction? While Leo was away, I worked hard as the vice president of the student council. I was still patrolling diligently.”

Leo chuckled at those words, took out another seal, and stamped it on Elena’s cheek.

[Well done] Elena clicked her tongue as she looked at the stamp.

Leo gave Elena another stamp on her opposite cheek.

Elena grumbled as she looked at the stamps on both cheeks with a slightly sullen face.

“You’re treating me like a child.”

“When you grow up, I’ll treat you like an adult.”


Elena laughed and turned her head away.

Leo, who was looking at Elena like that, smiled and started walking.

Elena, who had been following Leo with a disgruntled expression on her face, suddenly stopped walking.

“Wait a minute, but why are there two bonus points stamps?”

Certainly, what Elena did to Leo a little while ago was a violation of school rules.

So it wouldn’t be strange if it received a negative mark.

And the first stamp I received was from Leo because he worked hard as the vice president of the student body.

But what does the second seal mean?

“It means to work harder in the future.”

Elena narrowed her eyes at Leo, who was smiling brightly.

“Leo. Can you see me?”

At those words, Leo walked quickly.

“Hey, Leo Plov. Stop.”

Elena followed Leo with a serious expression.

“Are you trying to cause trouble again? You gave me the stamp of approval to clean up the mess?”

Elena, with a ferocious expression, chased after Leo with a look on her face as if she was going to devour him.

Leo turned the corner of the hallway.

Elena followed him around the corner, clutching her head as she looked into the empty hallway.

People sometimes called her the Tyrant of Lumeren.


“I’m cute.”

The real tyrant was someone else.

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