Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student Chapter 683

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Kyaang-! Kyaang-!

Driana was hammering.

Dwenno looked at Driana like that without saying anything.

“Come to think of it, have you ever seen Driana make a weapon?”

Enni looked at the serious-looking Driana, stroking his chin and mumbling.

“How are Driana’s skills?”

One side of Dweno’s workshop.

“Standing in front of the cauldron and stirring the bubbling contents, Karl answered.

“If you see it, you’ll probably be surprised?”

“Well, I am a bit worried when I see that kid’s dexterity.”

Enniha’s face turned grave as she recalled the image of Driana, a self-proclaimed artist who created all sorts of bizarre paintings and sculptures.

Deet, who was standing next to Enniha, clenched his fists.

“Let’s see how well it is made.”

Ivaldi’s Smith candidate Diet.

Deet, who worked hard to become Dwenno’s disciple.

However, that dream was thwarted by the fact that Driana, an outsider, became Dweno’s best disciple.

Diet showed the weapon he had made to Driana, saying that he wanted to test her skills.

And after checking the sword that Deet had made, Driana completely pointed out its shortcomings, making Deet frustrated.

And this time, it was Deet’s turn to evaluate the sword that Driana had made.

Enniha tilted her head as she looked at such a diet.

“It seems like you have a good eye for identifying the problems of the weapon.”

Illyana, who was listening to the conversation, asked Cal a small question.

“Are you upset because I made fun of my own drawing?”

“of course.”

The sword recalled Driana evaluating the sword Deet had made earlier.

‘What is this terrible finish! If you do this, the blade will spoil quickly!’

‘Why does this sound like this again? you! ‘Did I control the heat wrong?’

‘are you kidding! Do things like this and aim for Dweno-sama’s best disciple! Hit me! ‘I don’t teach things like you either!’

Driana threw away her usual tone and somehow crushed the sword that Deet had made.

Normally, she would never criticize someone else’s work so harshly, but this time, she attacked them with fire in her eyes.

“He’s a dwarf as small as he is tall.”

Arga, sitting on a chair in the workshop, made a pitiful expression.

Kyaang-! Woe!

Driana finished hammering.

Then the flames were sucked into the blade that was spitting out fire as it turned red.


Driana took a deep breath and placed the sword in the water.

Chii Iik-

A loud noise and thick clouds of steam rose.

Driana took out the blade, wiped off the moisture with a cloth, and placed the blade on the workshop table.

When Enniha saw that, she let out an exclamation.

“Wow… … It’s pretty.”

The blade made by Driana was almost a work of art.

A pattern on the blade that appears to burn like a flame.

A black face that reflects your face like a mirror.

Deet also stared at the sword in fascination.

Looking at that scene, Karl clicked his tongue.

‘Of course. After all, he’s a genius that Leo acknowledges.’

Even if it is an imitation, Driana has already been copying Deweno’s work since first grade.

Of course, Dweno’s armor is not something that can be made just by copying its appearance.

But Driana had the ability to create a believable fake.

In the process of conquering Dweno’s world with Leo Party, he was taught the Smithing technique by Dweno.

In the process, Dweno gave his hammer to Driana.

What it meant was simple.

As a blacksmith, he is recognized as his best disciple.

‘According to Leo, Dweno did not teach anyone during the Age of Calamity.’

Although he has made many weapons, he has never passed his skills on to anyone.

To be precise, there was no one who could learn Dweno’s skills.

In that sense, just by being recognized by Deweno, it is possible to guess how brilliantly talented Drianna was as a Smith.

Since then, I have been steadily practicing my smithing skills for a year.

‘Receiving training from Dweno now is a preparatory process to advance to a higher level.’

“This is a work of art in itself.”

As Illyana muttered in fascination, Driana snapped her fingers.

“That’s not it. From now on, I’m going to make this sword into a real work of art.”

Deet was startled by those words.

“hey! “What are you planning to add here?!”

“First, carve a pattern on the face of the sword! look! “What do I do with this plain sword?”



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The moment when Driana, with a triumphant expression, placed her hand on the sword.


Dweno’s fist plunged into the top of Driana’s head.

Leaving behind Driana, who was clutching her head and rolling on the floor, Dweno raised the sword that Driana had made.

“That’s great.”

Everyone was surprised by Dweno’s brief praise.



“You see.”

Hearing Dweno’s words, Deet accepted the sword made by Driana with trembling hands.

After a while, I bit my lips tightly.

“As for me… … it’s incomparably superior.”

“yes! “I’m much better than you, right?”

Driana jumped up from her seat and sat down next to Dwenno.

“You’re not good with your hands or anything. He said. “I think this is a roughly made sword.”

“okay… … “You are truly amazing.”

“Do you understand now?”

Arga muttered as he watched the show-off Driana.

“I made this with my teeth clenched.”

“no. Why do you trample on someone you recognize like that? “It’s embarrassing for us who see it.”

“That’s right. Why is it that we have to be the ones to feel embarrassed?”

Carl and Arga grumbled.

At that time, Illyana brought something from the corner of the workshop.

“Let’s see. “Isn’t this a picture drawn by a kid named Deet?”

“uh? “What are you doing!”

Dietz was embarrassed.

“I was curious about how well you drew.”

A few days ago, during an argument, Deet said that even if he drew with his feet, he would draw better than Drianna and that he would draw a picture.

The picture now in Illyana’s hand was the result.

With a quick stroke, Illyana, who escaped Deet and came to Driana’s side, handed her the picture and rubbed her hands.

“Oh my gosh, Driana, Dweno’s best disciple. I brought you this. As a reward, next time I will give you a sword… … .”

“Huh. Let’s do that.”

Ar muttered as he looked at Illyana, who was taunting Driana like a traitor.

“The guy you’re talking about is a completely despicable villain?”

Carl sighed.

Deet’s face, flushed red, is pitiful.

Driana opened the picture triumphantly.

And then it hardened.


Illyana let out an exclamation without realizing it.

“Oh my god! Diet! Did you really draw this?”

When Enniha looked at the picture and asked in surprise, Deet nodded.


Dwenno, who took the painting from Driana’s frozen hands, was also surprised.

“Wow! Diet! You’re definitely a genius!”


“What a beautiful picture of the night sky! Have you ever drawn a picture?”

“Well, is this your first time?”


Arwa and Kaldo looked at the picture of Deet while looking at the excited Dweno.

Hero officer students also receive liberal arts classes on a whim.

There are many ways to appreciate works of art.

Of course, with the exception of Driana, Ar, Kal, and Illyana are students who would yawn in such a class, but at least they raise their eyes.

Even in the eyes of these three people, Diet’s painting was so beautiful.

“How did you draw it?”

“that… … What can I say, I drew it while recalling the memory of the first time I saw the night sky.”

Dwenno nodded as he looked at the embarrassed Deet, his face clouding over.

“What a pity. I wish I had discovered this talent sooner… … .”

“It’s not too late! DEET! “Do you want to become an artist?”

When Enniha asked with a bright smile, Deet spoke strongly.

“I want to make weapons! “I want to become a great smith and be of some help to the warriors fighting for this world like my late father!”

“You have a great attitude, unlike anyone else.”

As Ar looked at Driana and grinned, Driana flinched.

“I know. “He’s different from someone who did his best to scoff at someone younger than him.”

As Karl also stood by, Driana rushed towards Karl with a red face.

“Why only me?!”

“That stupid cat avoids me even when I want to hit him!”

Iliana tilted her head as she looked into the noisy interior of the workshop.

“Anyway, if Driana looks at a painting like this and thinks it’s beautiful, then her emotions are intact, so why does she mess up her work like that?”

“He said that he wanted to make it like that, but if he worked too hard, it would end up a mess. He uses the best methods he can to make it as beautiful as possible. That’s why he thinks the result is pretty.”

“… … It’s cursed.”

After hearing Ar’s explanation, Illyana looked at Driana with pity.

After a lot of commotion.

Enniha smiled as she saw Driana looking at Deet’s painting with a gloomy face in one corner of the workshop, and Deet looking at Drianna’s sword in the other corner.

“A good idea occurred to me.”


“Drianna wants to learn painting, and Deet wants to learn smithing, right? How about teaching each other? “As we are of similar age and have different values, I think we can provide some inspiration to each other.”

“Hmm. “That doesn’t seem like a bad idea.”

Dweno crossed his arms and nodded.

“huh. Dweno. “You still have to teach Driana.”

“Enniha. “Shouldn’t you teach Driana how to draw too?”

“Wouldn’t it be more helpful for Driana to learn from Deet rather than from me?”

Hearing those words, Carl tilted his head.

“It’s not like we can just pass it on to Diet… … .”

“Hohohoho. “This sister really hates quick-witted children?”


“You’re not my older sister, you’re my aunt.”

As Dweno spoke coldly, Enniha elbowed Dweno in the head.

Then he fell to the floor, clutching his elbow.

Dwenno, who ignored Enniha, called Driana and Diet.

“So, what do you guys think?”

“I like it!”

Deet said enthusiastically.

The atmosphere was welcoming as they acknowledged Driana’s skills.

“I like it too.”

Driana was also inspired by Deet’s paintings.

Two people nodded and talked on one side of the workshop.

Enniha smiled brightly at the sight.

“It’s great to see new possibilities.”

Before I knew it, the sun had set and the stars were rising in the night sky.

The desperate days pass and the hopeful nights rise.

“How long has it been since I last saw a view like this?”

It is a sight that could not be seen in the times when people were desperate to survive.



The head of the giant Lord Gigantes is crushed.


Leo looked up at the sky, seeing the head of Lord Gigantes crushed.

A week has passed since I started exploring.

Red flames engulfed the writhing body of Lord Gigantes.


Leo, carrying Lord Gigantes as Gerdinger’s auror, sheathed his sword.

‘With this, we have explored the entire area around the fortress.’

Leo narrowed his eyes as he returned to where the party members were.

‘Why can’t I see the entrance?’

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