Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student Chapter 631

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After subduing Zorua.

The Rodren Empire was in turmoil.

The first was the shock caused by the news that the Hero Slayer, who was known to have been subdued a long time ago, had been resurrected and active, and the other was the Elder Council of Gerdinger, which was known to be in secret communication with the Hero Slayer.

“Really. It’s a disgrace to the family. Disgrace to the family!”

Celia clenched her fists with an expression on her face that showed that her anger had not subsided.

Looking at Celia like that, Chelsea, standing next to her with her arms crossed, sighed softly.

“That’s why His Majesty the Emperor held an imperial main body party for the first time in such a long time.”

Gerdinger is the main axis of the Rodren Empire.

Therefore, if Jerdinger is shaken, the aftermath spreads throughout the Rodren Empire.

Currently, Gerdinger was busy with the aftermath of the expulsion of the Presbyterian Church.

However, the situation inside was not as chaotic as expected.

The Presbyterian Council is clearly a huge force within Gerdinger, but in this incident, not the entire force led by the Presbyterian Council caused the problem.

Those who were executed were also precisely the leaders equivalent to the head.

“If it escalated into a civil war… … “I don’t want it to get hurt.”

Celia shuddered.

The entire empire may have been swept up in war.

In any case, contrary to what was thought from the outside, Gerdinger’s internal situation was stable.

The problem is external.

The rumor that a traitor had emerged from Gerdinger spread throughout the empire.

Jerdinger is a family that has been the sword and shield of the empire since the beginning of Rodren’s history.

Since something dishonorable happened in Jerdinger, the citizens of the empire could not help but tremble with anxiety.

The world as a whole is currently in an unstable situation.

Rumors beget rumors, and in the end, there was a possibility that the entire empire would be shaken.

Therefore, the Emperor of Rodren held a party hosted by the Emperor to announce that Jerdinger was alive and well before such a situation occurred.

Party invitations were sent to the nobles of the Rodren Empire and the influential commoners who run the large merchant houses.

“You two, what are you talking about so interestingly?”

At that time, Sasha came between the two people with her face covered with embarrassment.

With the appearance of Shasha, the next emperor of the Rodren Empire, the attention that had already been focused began to draw even more.

“Oh my, you three are all so beautiful.”

“It is literally the flower of the empire.”

“It’s still so beautiful now. How dazzling it would be if it were just a little bigger.”

Direct descendant of Gerdinger and Llewalin.

And even the next master of the empire.

Not only that, but as the three top students in their grade from Lumern gathered in one place, reporters were also busy taking pictures with magic artifacts.

“Come on, smile and wave your hand.”

“Why are you here? “I have to go to the direction where Reese and Abad are!”

“That’s right, the Crown Princess should go to the successors who will lead the next empire!”

Celia and Chelsea grumbled softly so that only Sasha could hear.

Externally, they had a military-lord relationship, but privately, they were close friends as they had been friends since childhood.

“Aren’t you being too mean to your friend? “Seniors.”

As people’s gazes dispersed to some extent, Sasha pouted her lips.

“Anyway, I heard that Brother Rhys is making an important announcement. What is it?”

Sasha looked at Celia and asked with a puzzled expression.

Celia looked embarrassed at those words and spoke softly.

“Oppa Reese is getting married. With Torua-senpai.”


Sasha made a sad expression.

For a moment, people’s eyes were focused on him, so he quickly adjusted his expression.

“I’m sure the confusion will be resolved.”

The fact that Gerdinger’s heir is getting married is an auspicious event for the empire.

In particular, the opponent is the famous Torua Yan.

People who enjoy making up stories are sure to talk excitedly about the story of two people who attended Lumern together as classmates.

It was clear that the Presbyterian Church incident would also be buried for a while.

“It’s a sergeant. “It’s a sergeant.”

“okay. Slope. “Because I suddenly became an aunt.”


Sasha opened her eyes wide.

“As the next emperor of Rodren, it is welcome to not have to worry about Jerdinger’s successor. Ho ho ho!”

Sasha, who was smiling elegantly, slightly covered her mouth and made a sinister expression.

“Anyway, Reese, a man is a man. “I thought he was a gentleman, but he got into trouble that way.”

“You’re an adult who knows how to take responsibility.”

Celia stroked her hair and sighed softly.

It was then.

“uh? Sir Niel and Lord Machel.”

Sasha found Niel and Machel in the middle of the party.

Silence fell between the two, then they turned around and went their separate ways.

Looking at that, Sasha clicked her tongue.



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“It seems like the relationship between Lord Niel and Lord Machel has become colder than before.”

“I’m a little worried too. Niel was looking at Machel’s photos recently. “Every time I see that image, I tear up the photo, right?”

“What is that? “Is it some kind of curse?”

Sasha made a serious expression.

It occurred to me that Niel and Machel, who were truly amazing, could get away with that.

While listening to the two people’s conversation, Chelsea pursed her lips and muttered softly.

“Is it trendy to get into trouble these days? … .”

“huh? “What does that mean?”

“There is such a thing.”

Chelsea answered Celia’s question calmly.

In response, Celia and Sasha looked confused.

“by the way.”

Sasha looked around with sparkling eyes.

“Why can’t you see Senior Leo?”

“Leo is busy for one reason or another. “He said he didn’t know whether he would be able to attend the party or not.”

“okay? That’s too bad. “He’s the main topic of discussion.”

Sasha looked regretful.

But at the same time, he seemed to understand.

“Inheriting the throne is definitely a complicated story. “I heard they are changing the name of the country too?”

“huh. “The name is Arhi.”

“Arhi… … It’s the beginning… … .”

Sasha’s eyes sparkled.

“Anyway, senior Leo is the king, so it’s kind of scary.”

“Why are you scared?”

When Chelsea made a puzzled look, Sasha giggled.

“Senior Leo has a famous nickname.”

“What nickname?”


Chelsea and Celia’s faces stiffened slightly at Sasha’s words.

It was a name given to him thanks to the electrifying appearance he showed during his second year of school.

It was a time when Chelsea and Celia shuddered as they remembered Leo, who was sincere at the time.

The entrance to the party began to become noisy, and Leo appeared there.

Seeing Leo dressed neatly in a white tailcoat, Sasha clasped her hands together and said, ‘Kya!’ She let out a scream.

“Senior Leo!”

People’s attention was focused on Leo, who followed Dave and Raina into the party.

The unprecedentedly youngest student council president of Lumerun and one of the most famous heroes in the world today.

In addition, even after becoming Jjerdinger’s direct descendant, he never appeared at any official events of the Rodren Empire, so interest in Leo was bound to be even hotter.

Celia said, putting her hands together and gently pressing both shoulders of Sasha, who was running around.

“Take care of yourself, Queen Mother.”

“I watched it a lot at school, but why is there such a fuss?”

When Chelsea also criticized Sasha, her eyes widened.

“You don’t know because you are in the same grade as Leo! Even 4th and 5th grade seniors can’t easily meet Leo! “What will first grade be like?”

At those words, Chelsea and Celia opened their eyes and looked at each other.

“Leo definitely doesn’t have much interaction with other grades.”

Until the first semester, there was a lot of interaction with first-year students due to the mentor system.

However, starting from the second semester, first-year students no longer met Leo.

That’s not all.

Even seniors could not easily see Leo.

The status of seniors in Lumern is strong.

However, that status was bound to fade after Leo ascended to the position of hero.

Among the senior grades, the only people who are currently on friendly terms with Leo are the representatives of each grade, Lil from the 4th grade and Elena from the 5th grade.

“Just being able to laugh and chat with Leo is a huge privilege in itself! privilege! Ugh! I envy you! “If I had known it would be like this, I would have entered school in the same year as you!”

Seeing Sasha looking sincerely upset, Celia sighed as if she couldn’t stop her.

‘Now that I think about it, he was a member of Leo’s fan club.’

That was when the three people were chatting.

“Everyone was here.”

Leo approached.

“Senior Leo~”

Sasha smiled brightly and waved at Leo.

The surrounding nobles were surprised by the rare bright smile of the Crown Princess.

“Senior Leo! Please dance with me during dance time!”

“If you feel like it.”

“iced coffee. That chic look. cool.”

When Sasha groaned, Celia spoke softly to Chelsea.

“Can Sasha become emperor?”

“I’m good at being sneaky, so wouldn’t it be okay?”

Sasha raised her eyes at her childhood friends dissing her and tried to secretly step on them.

Of course, they were not two people who could be tolerated by something like that.

While the three girls were growling somewhere out of sight, Leo looked around.

“What about Abad?”

“I’m here. “Are you late?”

“To bring my mother.”

“iced coffee.”

Abad approached with a smile and said to Shasha.

“Shasha. “Your Majesty was looking for you?”

“Ugh? Why at a time like this?”

Sasha made an angry expression.

“Senior Leo! “Don’t forget to dance!”

After saying that, Sasha grabbed the hem of her dress and ran away.

After Sasha left, Leo opened his mouth after confirming that there were no listening ears around him.

“I’m not sure yet.”


“Starting from the third year, there may be new subjects and missions in Lumern related to Tartarus.”

At those words, the faces of the three people turned serious.

“How should I prepare?”

“History of the Legion.”

“The history of the Legion?”

Celia narrowed her eyes.

When speaking of legions, it was clear that they were referring to the legion commanders of Tartarus and the legions that followed them.

“Can’t you tell me more details?”

“Because I’m not sure yet.”

Leo didn’t know much about the Legion’s records yet.

‘I have no choice but to talk to Lian.’

“Use your contact network and inform all students.”

Celia nodded at those words.

“From the 3rd year onwards, you will begin your missions in earnest, so your school life will begin in a hectic manner. “Get enough rest.”

Celia chuckled after hearing Leo’s words.

“I’m prepared.”

“I can’t just let you and Carl get ahead. “I’ll catch up in third grade.”

Leo laughed at Abad’s words.

“I’m looking forward to that.”

“Anyway, we end up chasing after Karl.”

Chelsea held her head and shook her head.

It was when Leo smiled while looking at that scene.

Dance music started blaring.

Accordingly, people began to dance at the ball.

Naturally, the eyes of Rodren nobles around Leo’s age began to turn in this direction.

Abad laughed at that gaze, took a step forward, and held out his hand.

“Would you like to dance a song? Lady.”

Celia looked at Abad’s outstretched hand, smiled, and took it.


The two people went to the center of the dance hall.

Seeing that scene, surprising exclamations erupted from all over the place.

It was an amazing sight to see two people famous for their rivalry dancing.

Chelsea clicked her tongue as she looked at that.

“There’s going to be an uproar again because of that. huh?”

Chelsea, who was grumbling, widened her eyes as she looked at the hand held out in front of her face.

“It looks like you want to dance.”

Chelsea, who was looking up at Leo with rabbit eyes at those words, smiled brightly and walked out to the ballroom, holding Leo’s hand.

“I’ve felt it before, but Leo is a good dancer.”

“Because I learned it through etiquette.”

“It’s not just a matter of learning manners, is it?”

“I learned a lot from Luna.”

“iced coffee.”

Chelsea nodded as if she understood.

“Now that I think about it, why did you decide to change the name of Tunkon? “I think I’ll leave Leo alone because of his personality.”

When Chelsea made a puzzled expression, Leo chuckled.

“It’s the name of our punitive force in the past.”


“The name of the Erebos punitive force was Arhi. “It was the name given by Lisinas.”


Chelsea nodded and looked surprised.

‘The name of the Erebos punitive force was Arhi?’

The names of the great heroes’ parties were a secret that had not remained in history until now.

Now that she knew the name, Chelsea couldn’t help but be surprised.

Chelsea, who was amazed at the fact that she learned something new, suddenly asked.

I was thinking of satisfying my selfish desires at this point.

“Did Lishinas dance well?”

Leo chuckled out of sudden curiosity.

“I couldn’t dance.”

“Wow, that’s unexpected.”

“He had a rather strong body.”

Hearing what Leo said, he looked surprised.

“When I talk to Leo, I learn a lot about the unexpected sides of great heroes.”


“huh. I was also surprised that Rishinas was surprisingly good at deceiving others. Oh, come to think of it.”

He smiled as if he remembered Chelsea.

“Last time in Dragonia, the Wisdom students and Leo used a knightmare on me.”

“huh. “You said you met Lisinas there.”

It was Leo’s intention that brought about Lisinas’ fantasy.

Nightmare makes people fight the person they hate the most, but the illusion can also be determined according to the user’s intentions.

“He got secretly angry when I told him that he looked uglier than his portrait? “Is that Rishinas’ true personality?”

Leo asked those words.

“You said you were angry?”

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