Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student Chapter 606

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Niel and Machel were sitting at the far end of the room.

They turned their heads and didn’t even look at each other.

My body naturally became hot due to the warm heat rising from the floor.

Niel felt his throat burning for no reason and reached for the water bottle in one corner of the room.

The moment you pour water into a cup and put it to your mouth.

“Puhak! What, what? “Is this alcohol?”

Niel spit out the alcohol he had in his mouth, wiped his mouth, and hurriedly checked the other water bottles.

“It’s all alcohol!”

Niel, with a shocked expression on his face, hurriedly headed to the hot spring attached to his room.

Niel took a cup of the steamy hot spring water, cooled it down, and put the water in his mouth.


For a moment, Niel spat water on the floor as the spicy taste enveloped his entire mouth.

“What, what? this?”

I quickly looked to the side.

“It’s good for skin health and fatigue recovery. “It is harmless to the human body, but it tastes strange, so do not drink it.”

Niel felt his head hurt.

In the end, the only thing you can drink when you are thirsty is alcohol.

‘I’m going crazy, really.’

“Don’t make a fuss, Niel Roda.”

At that time, Machel sighed and said.

Niel snorted at those words and returned to his original seat.

That was when the strange silence began to flow again.


A sound came from Machel’s stomach.

Machel cupped his face.

Looking at Machel like that, Niel sneered.

“He’s like a wizard who just sits in his room and reads books. I’m weak-willed. Making such pathetic noises just because you starved for a day… … .”


“… … .”

The same sound came from Niel’s stomach.

In a way, it was natural for it to sound like this.

Niel and Machel.

The two starved all day.

In addition, during the day, he did purely physical labor without using auras or magical powers.

Also, all the delicious food prepared in the room was stimulating my sense of smell.

I couldn’t help but react honestly with my body.

Machel glances at Niel, who turns his head with a bright red face.

‘Oh, that’s really embarrassing!’

Niel unconsciously pressed his stomach that had made the sound and screamed internally.

I laughed for no reason, and ended up laughing even more.


Then Machel burst into laughter.

“You’re still the same. Niel Rhoda.”


“This part is unnecessarily naive. Be strict even with yourself. “If it has anything to do with the lord, he goes to extreme lengths.”

“joy! You think that’s not the case? You’re being needlessly free-spirited, aren’t you? Besides, you’re not easy on yourself, right?”

Niel sighed after being scolded.

Machel said while looking at Niel.

“Shall we eat first?”

“… … okay.”

Niel also nodded.

It was strange that I kept starving in front of food even though I was hungry.

Food is not a sin.

Machel was impressed after eating one of the meat dishes.

“This is very delicious.”

“Don’t eat it.”

“Why are you fighting?”

“I made it. So don’t eat it.”

“… … .”

Machel took a deep sigh.

“I think I told Master Leo something unnecessary. “If I knew it would end up like this, I wouldn’t have done it.”

“Useless talk?”

“There is such a thing.”

“… … .”

Niel, who hesitated for a moment after hearing Machel’s words, asked.

“Is that something to do with me?”

Machel didn’t answer.



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‘no wonder. Chelsea Llewallin also asked me something strange… … It was because of that.’

Niel also remembered the previous conversation.

The awkward atmosphere continued like that.

Niel choked while eating and pounded his chest.

Machel was impressed when he saw that.

“Stop acting obscenely and drink this.”

“It’s funny… … mind! gulp! Huh! “Huh!”

Niel said, barely swallowing his food.

“I never drink alcohol! “Drink it yourself!”

“I don’t drink alcohol either.”

“How are you? “You’re most likely to break the school rules, but you don’t drink?”

“I made a mistake after drinking. “I decided not to drink from then on.”

Niel made a face at those words.

‘It’s annoying. ‘How is it that the reason you don’t eat is the same as mine?’

It was a time when such a heavy silence was flowing.

‘Master Leo… … You probably prepared this event for the sake of unity between Gerdinger and Lwalin, right?

Perhaps his relationship with Machel was an obstacle to Leo.

‘The young lady is also building a friendship with Abad.’

The direct descendants of Gerdinger, who can be considered the lord, are making efforts.

In that situation, he was building a wall with Machel over something from the past.

When Niel, a loyal knight, was thinking about various things.

Machel opened his mouth.

“Niel Rhoda.”


“Be honest. “I have regrets about you.”


For a moment, Niel looked dumbfounded.

But after a while.

He picked and sneered.

“For someone like that, wasn’t the scandal quite big? You made a fuss when you broke up with her girlfriend in second grade, right? “It’s an added bonus that I got disciplined for being caught drinking in the dormitory.”

Machel sighed deeply at Niel’s words.

“I’ll be honest. “That’s why I don’t drink.”


Machel scratched his head.

“At that time, wasn’t there a rumor that you were the first to date a man? Because of that, I drank too much and made a mistake. Fortunately, I didn’t mention your name.”

Niel gaped.

When Niel was in first grade.

I once said that when I went on a school field trip, I drank alcohol for the first time and when I got sick of it, I dated a guy without realizing it.

Of course, that man was none other than Machel.

Thanks to that, rumors spread throughout the school.

“I resented you for seeming to have easily forgotten me. That’s why I treated you even more viciously.”

This is a long-forgotten scandal.

“But because of my regrets, I never dated anyone while going to school.”

Niel burst out laughing after hearing Machel’s words.

“You’re just like me.”


“That rumor. “I started drinking because of you.”

Niel and Machel looked at each other in silence.

Then, without anyone else doing anything, he burst into laughter.

Niel, who had been laughing for a while, whined that his stomach was hurting and wiped the tears from his eyes.

“really. “Both you and I are truly pathetic.”

“okay. “It’s disgusting.”

Machel agreed and looked at Niel.

“But it’s too late to turn back.”

“huh. late.”

Niel also nodded.

“Niel Rhoda. The master and the young lady want to settle the grievances between their families. “You know very well that it’s not easy, right?”

“okay. It’s difficult. Still, I want to follow their wishes. “I am a knight of Gerdinger.”

“Me too. “Because I am the wizard of Lwalin.”

Niel and Machel looked at each other and opened their mouths.

“We cannot become an obstacle to our master.”

“okay. So, I want to start a new relationship.”

The two people smiled at the same time.

“Forget about your previous feelings. “Let’s be friends.”

“I agree.”

When Niel stretched out his hand, Machel took his hand.

It was the first reconciliation in five years.

“and! “Something makes me feel sick!”

Niel lay down on the floor and spoke in a refreshing voice.

Then he suddenly woke up.


“Do you want to drink?”

“huh. It’s not like I didn’t want to drink it. I’m an adult now. “It’s unfair, right?”

Niel said as he poured alcohol into his glass.

“Would you like a drink too?”

“Heh. Now there is no need to dwell on the mistakes of that day. Should I stop drinking too?”

“okay. There are no more mistakes to make.”

Niel poured a drink for Machel, who said he felt relieved.

I clinked my glasses and put the drink in my mouth.

Niel frowned and suffered from the scent spreading from his mouth.

“Wow. “I don’t think I’ll like it as much in the future.”

Seeing that, Machel burst into laughter.

“ha. “Anyway, you and I are now adults.”

“okay. “At that time, we used to say that we would all be married by this time.”

“Were you both really fearless when you were kids?”

“okay. “But it was good.”

“huh. “It was like that.”

The two clinked their glasses together again, recalling old times.


“laugh! cold! cold!”

Leo, who came to Chelsea and Niel’s side of the room, looked puzzled as he saw Chelsea snuggling under the blanket.

“It’s not that cold?”

Chelsea, who had been writhing under the blanket, stopped and stuck out her face.

“Yeah, actually it’s not cold.”

Chelsea smiled meaningfully and stood up, wrapping the blanket around her body.

Leo gave a puzzled look as he looked at Chelsea wrapped tightly in a blanket.


Chelsea approached Leo.

I could see something lying on the floor under the dragging blanket.

It was none other than the clothes Chelsea was wearing just moments ago.

Chelsea came in front of Leo, who was looking at her with astonishment, and glanced down at the blanket on her shoulders.

Her light blue hair fell down her neckline and her slender, white shoulders were exposed.

“Isn’t it fascinating?”

Chelsea asked with a deep smile.

Leo grabbed the blanket Chelsea was wearing.


And I pulled it without hesitation.


“It’s more cute than seductive.”

Leo chuckled as he looked at Chelsea wearing a swimsuit.

Chelsea pouted her lips at Leo’s reaction.

“what? Not fun. “If I’m embarrassed, what happens?”

“You can’t use it if you make fun of adults.”

Leo put his hand in Chelsea’s armpit as if catching a cat.

He then took Chelsea, who was embarrassed, to the hot spring attached to the room, and threw her in.


with a plop-!

“Puhak! too bad!”

Leo, ignoring Chelsea’s shouts, closed the door and changed into the provided swimsuit.

And then I went into the hot springs.

Leo, who went into the hot springs and stretched out his arms and legs, leaned back and muttered.

“It’s cool.”

“Wow, he really looks like an old man. “I have a boy’s body, but how can I look like an old man?”

Chelsea booed softly, but Leo didn’t care.

“What are you going to do first when you go to the government office tomorrow?”

Leo chuckled as he looked at Chelsea asking with a puzzled look.

“I plan to meet the Spirit of Purification first.”

“Do you want to sign a contract?”


Leo talks as if it were a very simple story.

“Well, no matter how great the spirit is, it would be difficult to refuse a contract with Leo.”

“It doesn’t matter if you refuse.”


A bowl of bath water passed by floating in front of Chelsea, who had a puzzled expression on her face.

It was filled with hot spring water.

-Take it!

Beep! Beep!

-Fiora and Kiran. Please stop it.

-hey! Phoenix! fairy! Elsie told me to stop! Should I rip your wings off?!



Fiora and Kiran, who were playing in the water and splashing water on Elsie, were frightened by Larelle’s bloody cries.

“… … .”

Chelsea was silent at that sight.

Leo said, pointing to Larel.

“If you refuse, he will break your neck.”

‘Why are there no normal children among Leo’s summoned animals?’

Chelsea muttered to herself.

Then I looked up at the night sky.

“Machel and Niel. “I hope they reconcile.”

“It will definitely happen.”

Chelsea laughed at Leo’s answer.



Niel felt pain as if his head would break.

‘How much did you drink yesterday?’

I don’t remember very well.

What was certain was that he had drunk all the alcohol in this room.

‘Oh, I’ll never drink again.’

lang syne.

Niel tossed and turned, reiterating for the first time in years the promise he made when he drank alcohol for the first time.

Then, I felt something warm next to me and without realizing it, I snuggled into its embrace.

It felt good to feel warm, firm, yet soft skin brushing against my skin.

“Ugh… … .”

Machel, who was next to Niel, let out a painful groan.

Still, he pulled Niel into his arms.

Niel obediently snuggled into her arms.

“… … .”

“… … .”

The two people, who were trying to sleep again, suddenly felt something strange and opened their eyes.

The two people who were hugging each other under the blanket froze for a moment.

The two people who stopped the accident.

After a while, without anyone telling me first, I lowered my head and looked under the blanket.

The two people looked up again and their faces turned white.

At that moment, a scream of shock was about to burst from the mouths of the two people.


“Machel, I’m sorry. Two people… … Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whilst at while whilst at whilst at whilst at whilst at at whilst at at& myself?aaaaaaaaa myself myself myself myself myself myself myself myself myself myself myself myself myself myself myself myself myself myself myself of of of of of of of of of of% cases of cases of wa)) a processing procession procession mode of form), been to a person who have been to him for a long period of time) to attend to a high school to attend to an event for a while until I receive a certificate from a service provider to me in a timely manner to allow me to go to school for a long time to receive an email from me on my phone)”

Chelsea came into the room and ran out of the room screaming without realizing it.

Leo, who was following behind, was silent for a moment and then smiled.

“I guess I interrupted a good time.”

“Leo, Master Leo! no! No! This! This! “Don’t go, just listen to me!”

Niel spoke evilly with a white face.

But Leo left the room right away.

Leo burst into laughter as he looked at Chelsea, whose face was red and her mouth was gaping.

“I told them not to have accidents like children, but they end up having accidents like adults.”


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