Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student Chapter 471

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Kwaang-! Kwasik-!

Battle Ax was shattered by the battle hammer swung by Lille.

“… … ?!”

Joren looked shocked.

Wow! Ujijik-!


Zoren fell to the floor after being hit hard by the hammer.

Lil rushed over to him and raised his hammer.

“Now, wait! You, the guy who aims to become a hero, are ruthless against defenseless opponents… … !”

He urgently begged for his life.

“shut up!”


Lil’s hammer cruelly crushed Joren’s head.

“Heo-eok- heo-eok-”

Lil let out a heavy breath and retrieved the battle hammer.


Leo approached Lil, who was slumped in his seat and out of breath, and held out his hand.

“As expected, Lil senior is amazing.”

“ha… … ha… … “Didn’t Leo defeat the four of them in an instant by himself?”

Lil stood up, holding Leo’s hand with a trembling hand.

“Whew. Phew.”

Lil said after taking a deep breath and clearing his throat.

“Plus, I got a lot of help from Leo. “I still have a long way to go.”

During the fight between Lil and Joren, Leo just watched quietly.

However, Joren witnessed the shocking scene of killing four Justice Guild members like catching insects in an instant.

The moment Leo intervenes in the battle, everything ends.

That pressure broke Joren’s concentration.

“Whatever it is, it is true that Lil senior clearly defeated an opponent who was stronger than him.”

No matter how great Lil is, he is now a third year in Rumern.

In contrast, the other person studied at Lumern until the 5th grade.

In addition, he is clearly a strong man who did not neglect training to become a hero.

Being able to kill the giant itself was Lil’s strength.

‘Lil would have won even if I wasn’t there in the first place.’

It is true that Leo’s presence put pressure on Joren, but even so, Lille’s fighting ability was beyond imagination.

He demonstrated abilities beyond his limits.

‘Clearly the qualities of a hero.’

While Leo was evaluating Lil in his mind, Lil looked at the battle scene with mixed eyes.

“I’m shocked, there were people in the Justice Guild who had such thoughts.”

The idea of ​​treating others as mere sacrifices in order to become a hero.

Lil couldn’t accept it.

“It’s probably not the ideology these guys have personally.”

“I guess so. There must be people at the top who think such crazy ideas. “I want to explode my brain and investigate how it is possible to create such a delusion.”

“… … .”

Leo stared at Lil.

Lil covered his mouth and said ‘Hmm’.

“You got excited for a moment. “When I’m drunk, my mouth gets a little rough.”

“I don’t think it’s a little bit.”

“Please consider me drunk.”

Leo nodded, looking at Lil who was acting like a fool.

Meanwhile, Viscount Eshman, who had led the troops, approached.

“Leo, Lil.”

“Viscount Eshman. Are the soldiers safe?”

“Yes, thanks to you two, the soldiers are safe. Really, how can I repay this favor… … .”

“I just did what was natural as a Lumerun student. Never mind!”

Lil waved his hand.

“Thank you so much. But there is someone who wants to meet you.”

As Viscount Eshman spoke with a keen eye for attention, Lil made a puzzled expression.

‘It looks like someone came from above.’

Leo grasped the situation without difficulty.

Viscount Eshman was said to be the commander of this front.

He is not a person of low status.

But still, you get noticed like that.

‘Has King Canel sent a messenger to us?’

It was just as Leo had guessed.

In the middle of the battlefield.

A man who appeared to be a high-ranking official was walking, fiddling with his goatee.

He was wearing fancy armor that was unsuitable for the battlefield.



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Armor that appears to have no practical use at all.

Clothes worn solely for showing off.

‘The war situation is not very good, but if someone from the center is like that… … ‘I know this country too.’

Leo burst out laughing.

Lil was also furrowing his brows as if he had similar thoughts.

The Grand Duke shouted with a touched face, not knowing whether he knew the feelings of the two people.

“My name is Duke Kernville Dotarn. “I came here a month after hearing that Leo Plov and Lil Luce had been dispatched from Rumern to help our Canel Kingdom!”

Lil corrected those words.

“no. We came here to search for the group robbing the hero’s tomb… … .”

“now! “Isn’t that a minor problem?”

“Minor issues?”

Lil’s complexion suddenly changed.

The tomb of a hero sleeping in this land ultimately meant that it was the tomb of a heroic spirit who fought to protect this land long ago.

Even though he is a person from a long time ago in history and before this country was even founded.

An existence that can never be taken lightly by the people of this land.

Digging up their graves is an act of insulting them.

Lil took on this request not only out of personal interest, but also to punish those who behaved unscrupulously.

The expression on Lil’s face disappeared, but Duke Dotarn didn’t notice and chatted excitedly.

“Our Kingdom of Canel needs the salvation of great heroes. Those wicked Petyman Kingdom are persecuting our kingdom with the Justice Guild at their head! “Shouldn’t Rumern help us?”

Duke Dotarn said, fiddling with his beard.

“This is not something to talk about in a dirty place like this. “The king wishes to meet with you to explain the situation in the kingdom.”

At those words, Leo looked at Lil.

In any case, it was necessary to hear the detailed story in order to understand the situation.

When Lil nodded, Leo opened his mouth.

“All right.”

“haha! “Now the Fetman Kingdom is over!”

Duke Dotarn laughed heartily, as if he had received help from Rumern.

Then, they arrived at the royal palace using a temporary warp gate.

As soon as they arrived at the palace, waiting for them was a huge number of servants and maids.

They from the royal palace grabbed Leo and Lil and pushed them into the dressing room.

“It is an honor to serve you. “I will prepare it quickly.”

“What are you talking about? Why do you touch your clothes? Now, wait! Leo is right next to me… … .”

The curtain fell as Lil’s panicked voice rang out.

Afterwards, the sound of arguing was heard inside.

“I’ll take it off… … .”

“Then it’s too late!”

“So, please explain the situation!”

flutter- flutter-

The maids seemed to be forceful in changing her clothes.

Leo caught Lil’s school uniform top that flew away.

‘What is this situation?’

Leo narrowed his eyes at the sudden situation.

Meanwhile, the servants quickly measured Leo’s measurements, prepared a fancy suit, and dressed him up.

“His Majesty has hosted a welcome banquet for you.”

A person who appeared to be the chamberlain came to Leo and told him.


After a while.

The curtain was lifted and Lil, gorgeously decorated in a dress, walked out.

Lil stumbled a few times as if she wasn’t used to the crystal shoes, which made an impression.

“It’s inconvenient. Please return my shoes.”

“No! “You’re so beautiful, but you’re wearing shoes that only soldiers would wear!”

The maids took a strong stance and hid the God of Lille behind them.

Lil sighed at the sight and stood next to Leo with his arms crossed.

“That’s cool, Leo.”

“Lil senior is pretty too.”

“I may just be saying this out of courtesy. “I feel good.”

Lil said with a slightly relaxed face.

Of course, Leo was serious.

The decorated reel was very beautiful.

“Anyway, what on earth is this? When I heard from Viscount Eshman, I heard that the country itself was in a critical situation. A welcome banquet when serious discussion of national affairs is not enough? Moreover, it would be better to use the money to buy expensive dresses, accessories, etc. to provide supplies to soldiers… … .”

“You probably want to be polite about formally asking for help. “High-ranking people like ostentation.”

Leo calmed down the excited Lil.

Lil also took a deep breath.

“I guess so. “As the situation is serious, I think we need to have a serious conversation and report the situation to the school.”

Lil straightened his back and puffed out his chest.

He returned as a proud class representative of Lumern.

Leo adjusted his tie and stood next to Lil.

The two people were guided to the banquet hall.

After a while.

The door to the gorgeous banquet hall opened.

And what unfolded before my eyes was literally luxury itself.

The first thing that caught my eye was the fountain in the middle of the banquet hall.

There, instead of water, wine was flowing.

The food was also full of all kinds of high-quality food regardless of the season.

Every corner of the banquet hall was decorated with colorful flowers, jewels, and gold.

The nobles who attended the party also dressed very extravagantly.

Leo and Lil’s outfits look somewhat plain.

A huge band was playing a song.

It was not just a welcome party, but a friendly party, with nobles even gambling on one side.

It was literally a game of fun.

Apparently, most of the kingdom’s nobles had gathered.

This time, the expression disappeared from Lil’s face.

Then the king at the highest point pointed to Leo and Lille.

“Look! My loyal subjects! A hero has come to save this country! Everyone welcome them warmly!”

The nobles cheered.

Just looking at it made you think that this country was a place of peace.

Leo sighed deeply.



“The king of this country… … no. “The nobles of this country must be crazy.”

“I agree.”


In conclusion, Leo and Lil were unable to share a single word with King Canel about the current situation.

The king was enjoying the banquet and did not pay any attention to the two people.

Even when Leo and Lil tried to approach, the nobles blocked their path and started talking to them.

In the end, Lil, who decided that it was impossible to discuss such a serious matter, simply vented his anger.

At the same time, he continued to drink wine from the fountain, giving off an aura that told the surrounding nobles not to approach him.

After the banquet was over, the two were guided to the room where the VIPs were staying.

“really! Does that make sense? Soldiers are risking their lives for their country! “The superiors who sent them to the battlefield are enjoying luxury and pleasure!”

Lil, who entered the room with Leo, burst into rage.

“it’s crazy! It’s clear that the heads are spinning! Isn’t that right?! Leo!”

A drunken Lil looked back at Leo and shouted.

‘I’m drunk.’

Lil, who always treated and respected his juniors, was even unconventional in his words.

“It’s always like that.”

“It’s like that! You know how dirty the world is! “But you don’t have to be crazy enough!”

Lil, showing his passion, nervously took off his headdress.

“I was just about to explode all the heads, but I barely held back!”

“We’ll be able to talk properly tomorrow.”

“What if it’s still there tomorrow morning?”

“Then we have to move on our own. “I can’t leave the Justice Guild alone.”

Whatever it was, Leo was planning to destroy the Justice Guild itself.


Lil nodded.

Leo said while looking at the reel.

“Then go back to your room and rest. “You worked hard today.”


Lil approached Leo.

Lil, who was right in front of his nose, cupped Leo’s face with both hands and pulled him towards her.

A distance so close that it feels like our breaths can touch each other.

Leo said.

“Sir, I’m drunk now.”

“Okay, I’ll tell you while I’m drunk.”

Lil reeked of alcohol and spoke with slightly sunken eyes.

“Leo Plov.”


“Take me as your disciple.”

Leo burst out laughing at the unexpected remark.

“I am a junior to Lil, so how can I make him my disciple?”

“What does that matter?”

Lil, who returned to his normal speaking tone, walked over to the bed, sat down and shook his feet.

Then the crystal shoes came off and flew away.

“You have to learn from someone who is better than you.”

“I wanted to be my student from the beginning. “Were you thinking that?”

“no. “If I were an illusionist, I would have felt that way, but I was an elementalist.”

Externally, Leo was better at summoning phantom beasts than summoning spirits.

“But I changed my mind after seeing Leo’s elemental magic earlier.”

Lil had seen Leo during the battle.

“Leo’s elemental magic was so perfect.”

‘I guess so. Because I imitated that guy Lisinas.’

After flapping her relaxed feet a few times, Lil got up and came in front of Leo.

Then he looked up at his junior and said.

“I know full well that asking me to only teach you spirit magic is not a good idea. That’s why I requested it. I want to become a disciple. A disciple does whatever the teacher tells him to do. Just leave anything to me. “If you tell me to do my homework, I will do it. If you ask me to buy bread, I will bring you bread.”

“That’s not a disciple, that’s a kkobong.”


Lil smiled brightly.

“I want to become Leo’s disciple. “I will treat you well as a teacher.”

“I don’t want to be a shameless junior who takes advantage of my senior.”

“Make me your disciple.”

Lil grabbed Leo by the collar.

“Ask me to order it.”

Leo looked at the ceiling and sighed, looking at Lil who was insisting with open eyes.

‘Next time we won’t drink together.’


Soldiers from the Petymen Kingdom were carrying shovels and pickaxes, digging into the ground.

The monument commemorating the hero had already been destroyed and was lying on the ground.

The soldiers’ faces were full of guilt.

“Don’t hesitate and dig it up!”

The driver in charge of the supervisor was evil.

“Ah, I can’t believe we have to dig up this person’s grave like this.”

“He is the one who sacrificed and shed blood for this land 3,000 years ago.”

The soldiers sighed.

The hero in the heroic tales we have heard since childhood.

In the northeastern region, he was a hero with famous heroic stories.

The soldiers felt tremendous guilt about digging up the grave of such a person.

“You guys, if you get caught chatting, you’ll die!”

The senior soldier next to me shouted under his breath.

After a while.

A coffin was found in the excavated grave.

The supervisor tore off the coffin lid.


“This isn’t it either.”

There was only dust in the coffin.

The knight snorted and shouted at the soldiers who were trying to restore the tomb to its original state.

“What are you doing!”

“yes? I’ll get better. I need to restore it to its original state at least a little bit… … .”

“There is no time for that! Heading to the next grave!”

With those words, the soldiers left, deeply apologizing to the hero of 3,000 years ago.


A moment later, lightning struck the sky.

Tuduk – Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!

As the rain fell, the dug up grave turned into mud.

After a while.


A hand emerged from the mud.


The man who emerged from the mud stood up.

[dare… … .]

The man’s eyes, covered in mud, glowed dark red.

[I cannot forgive!]

A voice filled with resentment and hatred flowed from his mouth.


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