Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student Chapter 400

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The Azonia students who heard Ar’s howling spoke in sign language.

Not just them.


The hydrated Shadow Lord, Kirin, blew off the heads of the hero hunters at incredible speeds.


Kirin ripped off his neck with his fingernails and loosened his knuckles.


I muttered while looking at Chen Xia who was hunting the hero hunters.

The sight of him hunting hero hunters with fluid movements catches the eye.

‘The princess is now able to shine even when she dips her feet in the darkness.’

I have seen many heroes as shadows.

And Chen Xia’s appearance resembled those heroes.

‘By the way, that cat. ‘That’s great.’

I don’t know how he did it, but Ar’s Howling gave the beasts the same effect as the full moon.

‘The world is definitely changing.’

A long time.

Kirin, who had lived as a shadow, clearly felt that fact.

‘Leo Plov will be at the center of it all.’

Second place in Azonia’s second year.

Dion fiercely swung his huge greatsword.


“Hahaha! “It’s quite good!”

The hero hunter burst into laughter as he blocked Dion’s great sword.

But what was contained in that laugh was clear ridicule.

“For a baby that smells like milk!”

The hero hunter, who was laughing out loud, made a venomous expression.

“What are you doing talking about being a descendant of Aron? “He can’t even properly use the sign language skills that Aron left behind!”

At those words, Dion glared at the Hero Hunter with an expressionless face.

“Hey. Baby. Are we who use Aron’s sign language abilities descendants of Aron? Or are you the descendants of Aron?”

Dion said as he looked at the hero hunter who continued to mock him.

“At least you, who look so shallow, don’t seem to be Aron’s descendants.”


The hero hunter’s face hardened at Dion’s words.

“You damned brat! “I will kill you!”

The hero hunter, who turned his attention to Dion’s heavy words, bared his teeth and rushed at him.

Dion clenched his fists.

‘A strong enemy… … Plus, the ability to sign language.’

It was a tough enemy for the current Daon.

‘But I can’t back down. Especially if the opponent is someone who tarnishes the name of the hero.’

It was when Dion’s fighting spirit burned in his eyes.


A howling sound rang out.

As if in response, Dion’s ears perked up.

At the same time, my heart started pounding.

My body began to overflow with strength.

Dion realized exactly what changes had begun to occur in his body.

‘Sign Language?’

Dion looked shocked.

Not just Dion.

The hero hunter who was dealing with Dion also widened his eyes.

“What on earth is this!”

Dion looked down at the golden aura rising from his body.

It was identical to Aron’s Auror in the literature.

But there is another power that resides in this aura.

‘beautiful… … !’

Dion clenched his fists.

‘I don’t know how they did it.’

Dion tightened his hands.

‘Now I will punish the traitor in front of me.’


An unusual fighting spirit emanated from Dion’s body.

“This kid… … !”

A spark flashed in the hero hunter’s eyes.

“If you’re a kid, be a kid!”


The hero hunter shouted, emitting an aura.

“What I’m saying is, don’t attack adults and stay down!”



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Quagga-ga-ga-ga-gang! Patter-patter-!

The aura emitted from the hero hunter’s sword attacked Dion.

A thick cloud of dust arose and dust poured down like rain.

“It’s disgusting that you came out without knowing how scary the world was!”

It was time to curl up the corners of your mouth and laugh at Dion.


“… … !”

Dion, covered in blood, broke through the dust and approached the hero hunter.

A wound that wouldn’t be strange even if he was almost dead.

But fighting spirit was shining in Dion’s eyes.

“how… … What? Those eyes… … .”

The hero hunter muttered as if he couldn’t tolerate it.

“Why do you attack me with such arrogant eyes just because you’re so proud? “I mean, just break it off!”

The hero hunter grew tired of Dion’s unwavering, endless attack, even though he had the power to overwhelm Dion.

Dion spoke to that cry.

“I cannot be broken by a traitor who has already been broken and runs away.”


Dion swung his great sword.

“If you are given courage, you move forward even if it means dying.”


Dion’s sword blew off the hero hunter’s head.

“That is the teaching I learned from Aron!”

The hero hunter’s head flew into the sky and fell to the ground.


Dion fell to his knees, coughing up blood.

And then I looked in the direction where Ar was.

“I don’t know how they did it… … Now he seems like the heir of a true hero.”


It’s so scary!

Golden thunderbolts swirled around Duran’s body.

With his golden eyes flashing, Duran charged at the huge mass of darkness.

In his hand was a two-handed sword.


Duran became a giant ray of lightning and approached the darkness at incredible speed.

Quagga gagagak-!

At that moment, a blade of darkness rose like a shadow and flew towards Duran.

Jiiiing-! Kwaang-!

Just before the shadow struck Duran.

The magic that flew from behind changed the shadow’s trajectory.

Juen’s sniping magic.

That’s not all.

Damn it!

Chloe’s mentee, Betty’s ice magic captured the shadow.

The powerful magic of two first-year magic students.

However, the magic of the two people, who gave their best, could only barely stop the magic of Yongeon.

But that was enough.


With incredible speed, Duran squeezed through that split-second gap and approached the main body.

Duran boasts the fastest speed among the second-year students of Rumern, the so-called golden generation.

Duran swung his sword with both hands.

Flash! Babababababababat-!

At the same time as a lightning flash, lightning flashed in all directions.


Powerful firepower reminiscent of magic.

The darkness seemed to lose its power in the intense light.

Duran’s sword pierced through the darkness.

But soon a blade erupted from the darkness and attempted to pierce Duran.


However, it was faster than that when a gale blew and snatched Duran away.

“With just a little more effort, I could have cut it down.”

“Then you’re the skewer!”

“Wouldn’t you have supported me sooner?”

“You think I’m the one who keeps you company!”

Chelsea opened her eyes and screamed.

Duran snorted at that.

“Not too slow.”

“Throw it away!”

Chelsea gritted her teeth.

Among sophomores, he is second only to Duran in terms of speed.

Abad was also a wind wizard like Chelsea, but since he was a traditional wizard, Chelsea, a combat wizard, was much faster than her older brother, Abad.

But even so, it is bound to be slower than Duran.


The blade of shadow chased Chelsea at high speed.

Chelsea snorted at that and raised her wand.



Chelsea, who easily created high-level magic with a high-speed chant, blew away the shadow.


Chelsea completed her magic once again towards the shadows.


A strong gust of wind swept away the shadow.

The blade of vacuum hidden among the gusts of wind tore through the darkness.

Juen saw that and gritted his teeth.

“He’s the same age as me… … !”

Same with Cyclone and Rafale.

It is a high-level magic that is difficult for the average wizard.

Such high-level magic was completed through high-speed chanting.

The difference of one year in Lumern is huge.

But even so, the fact that I was standing on a different stage from someone of the same age with just a year difference was almost shocking.



A wind blew that could not be compared to the wind caused by Chelsea.


Not only that, but also huge flames.

“Are you ready? Abad.”

“I really hope so for you, Celia.”

“Just you is enough.”

Celia snorted.

Abad smiled at Celia and unleashed his magic.


Abad cast a unique spell.


The wind is concentrated on Celia’s sword.


Lwalin’s wind and Gerdinger’s flame combine to burn fiercely.

Squeezing out maximum firepower, Abad and Celia aimed for the darkness.

Flash! Grumbling!

The wind of magic and the flames of Aura struck the shadow.


Most of the shadows flew away and a human figure was revealed.

But it wasn’t over.


The Yongeon magic is activated again, and pitch black darkness soars.

at that time.


The giant’s fist struck in the air.

It was the fist of Titaum, the Great Spirit of the Earth, Warredden’s pledge.

Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaut one another – there up there?

The darkness was distorted by an attack beyond imagination.

But that wasn’t the end.

Blah blah blah blah-!

The ground began to freeze.

The last line of Lumern students.

There stood Chloe, her body covered in ice magic.

A terrifying magical power was swirling around her.

Among the current second year students, the strongest in terms of ‘power’ was Chloe, the purest magician.

After the battle began.

She continued to recite the spell.

For wizards, time is power.

Chloe’s blue eyes look straight into the darkness.

The darkness also sensed that Chloe was in danger and charged at her.


Wareden drew in the darkness.

The darkness that was rushing towards Chloe faltered due to its ferocious power.

However, it soon spewed out a blade of darkness and aimed at Chloe.

“Stop it!”

Chelsea shouted urgently.

The ones who stood in the way of the blade of darkness were Aina, Harveyden, and Sasha, who were guarding Chloe in case of an emergency.

Harbiden used the wind auror to block the blade of darkness.

Sasha also used a summon to block it.

However, the blade of darkness was divided into several branches.

Aina swung her sword at him.

Woe! Chaejaejaejaejajajajajaeng-!

There seemed to be a flash of gold, and then the multi-pronged blade of darkness was struck at incredible speed.

Truly jaw-dropping swordsmanship.

The blade of darkness was stopped for an instant by that brilliant swordsmanship.


However, soon the blade of darkness, which even Aina could not block, was aimed at Chloe.

Chloe, who had been concentrating with her eyes closed, opened them.

The moment a wizard unleashes firepower is a moment of despair for the enemy.

But on the other hand, the wizard is defenseless until that moment.

However, Chloe also prepared for any eventuality.

A short space movement spell.

Of course, the power of the magic will be reduced because you cannot focus solely on the magic.

The magic power was gathered enough to inflict a sufficiently significant blow.

The moment Chloe tries to release her magic.

A flash of silver struck the blade of darkness.


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