Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student Chapter 3

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“iced coffee! “How great would it be if famous heroes visited our house?”

“Our house has already prepared a party for them!”

After class ended, Delran students responded with excitement.

Starting today, the Lumern Academy candidates’ visit to Delan begins.

The nobles of Delad Kingdom were trying hard to welcome the heroic people of the famous family to their home.

A famous hero.

It is an honorable title given to the best families that have produced heroes for generations.

Of course, the probability of being admitted to Lumern was high.

“Gullyvan. “Of all the famous hero families visiting our country this time, which one do you think is the most famous?”

“Heh, of course it’s Gerdinger.”

Gulliver’s friends began to talk.

“Of course Gerdinger will visit the Traden family, right?”

“of course! Gulliver is the only talented person in our country who can take the Lumern entrance exam right now, right?”

Gulliver was proud as he looked at his friends who were crazy about floating.

“after… … “Are you already looking forward to discussing heroes with the people of Sjördinger?”

“Ugh! hey! i envy you! I envy you!”

“Gulliban! “Can I come to your house later?”

“Nothing can’t be done.”

“Oh oh! thanks!”

“Gulliban! What does it mean to like friends? me too!”

Gulliver Traden.

He was the successor to the Marquis of Traden and was called the greatest magical genius in Delad.

Circle 2 at the age of fifteen.

In the world, he was receiving attention as a talented person who would enter Lumern.

The last time the Kingdom of Delad produced Lumern students was 20 years ago.

As a result, the kingdom was paying attention to Gulliver.

While everyone is excited.

The student outside the window shouted in surprise.

“Guys! “Isn’t that the Gerdinger family flag?”

“omg? where? where?”

“You’re already here?”

Students flocked to the window.

Meanwhile, Leo left the classroom as if he was not interested.

Then, I made eye contact with the Gulliver gang as they were about to leave the classroom.

“Heh! Are you going to get your eye stamp now? “The Gerdinger family won’t be interested in you, right?”

Gulliver laughed at Leo.

Gulliver was a student who was evaluated as a top student in all aspects.

Nevertheless, Gulliver was jealous of Leo.

Because there are classes in which he can never beat Leo.

Combat class.

The professors also blatantly favored Gullibun, so they did not place Leo and Gullibun in the practical exam, but the result was obvious.

Leo answered indifferently.

“I’m leaving school.”

“Wow, I see you’re understanding the topic well.”

“okay. “Go ahead and wag your tail at Gerdinger.”

“Don’t talk carelessly. “I’m just going to check on Celia Gerdinger as a competitor.”

A spark flew from Gulliver’s eyes.

It was a time when a violent atmosphere flowed between the two people.

[Notice from the teacher’s office. All students are requested to gather in the banquet hall now. There are no exceptions.]

A magic broadcast rang throughout the school.

The reason for the gathering was as obvious as fire.

It was to welcome the Gerdinger people.

‘This is why I tried to go early.’

I grumbled inside.

Gulliver snorted and left the classroom.

Other students also flocked to the banquet hall.

Leo, who was scratching his head, grumbled.

‘Eh, I don’t know. Let’s do it.’

“uh? Leo, aren’t you going?”

“going home.”

“what? “It’s a long-awaited opportunity to see people from the Gerdinger family?”

“take no interest.”

A classmate looked bewildered as he watched Leo wave his hands and go to the other side of the banquet hall.


“It’s an honor for you to visit. “Zis Gerdinger!”

Professor Jaden shouted with a flushed face.

Other students also looked at JIS with envious eyes.



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“I don’t know what to do with such a welcome.”

“This student is Gulliver Traden. “I am a student taking the entrance exam for Lumern Academy!”

“Is that so? “My nephew is also taking the entrance exam this year.”

The students’ eyes naturally turned to one place.

A girl standing with Gerdinger’s knights.

Celia Gerdinger.

The daughter of the Gerdinger family.

She was a sword princess who was famous not only in the empire but throughout the world.

Celia spread her shoulders wide as she looked at the students.

Gulliver looked at Celia with a mesmerized expression.

‘Ah, it’s beautiful!’

Black hair and large ruby-red eyes.

The bridge of his nose was high and his lips were red.

I have seen many noble women, but I have never seen one as beautiful as Celia.

“Celia, come here.”

At Jis’s words, Celia walked forward with great strides.

And then he smiled brightly at Gulliver.

“Are you taking the entrance exam too? “Let’s do our best together.”

“Yes, yes! Let’s have a good competition together. ha ha ha!”

Gulliver smiled confidently and held out his hand.

Celia stared at the hand.

Jis tapped his side with his elbow and only then did they join hands.

Gulliver smiled brightly.

“I’ll show you around the school slowly. “Please say some kind words to our students.”

“Hehe. “I don’t know if my words will be of much help.”

“Jis Gerdinger’s words would be of great help!”

Nicknamed Flame Blade, he is one of the most powerful knights in the empire.

The saga is such that there is no one in the empire or even around the world who does not know about it.

The value of a single word from him, who is said to soon receive the title of hero, was enormous.

“Anyway, where is the place to stay… … .”

“I’ve already decided on a place to stay.”

“Well, I see.”

Professor Jaden’s face clouded.

“That’s why.”


“I would like to meet student Leo Plov.”


Jaden looked confused and Gulliver’s eyes widened.

For a moment, I couldn’t believe my ears.

‘How do you know Leo Plov?’

Jis was unaware of Gulliver, who was considered the most talented person in the Delad Kingdom.

But how does Leo know?

“Le, how do you know student Leo?”

“I heard from someone I know that you are an outstanding talent.”

“Jis Gerdinger, aren’t you mistaken about something?”

Gulliver got a little upset when Leo’s name, which he hated to see, was mentioned.

“What am I mistaken about?”

“Leoplov is a student in my class. Although he is clearly an excellent student… … .”

Gulliver shook his head.

“That guy can’t even handle Aurors properly.”

“is it?”

Officials at Delran Royal School were impressed, saying that Gulliver was not intimidated even in front of JIS.

Even Gulliver trembled at his own boldness.

‘Jis Gerdinger listens to my opinion!’

Gulliver, who thought Jis’ nod was positive, made a proud expression.

But the Gerdinger people laughed at Gulliver.

Jis is responsible for guiding the blood relatives in the family.

Even the head of the family respects Jis’ opinion when discussing the children’s qualities.

However, I found it absurd that a kid with no blood on his head was making comments that disparaged the other person based on his opinion.

“So, where is Leo Plov?”

Jis asks again without paying attention to Gullibun.

Gulliver was embarrassed and Jayden spoke urgently.

“Student Leo Plov! “Please come forward!”

“… … .”

“Student Leo?”

One student cautiously raised his hand.

“Professor, Leo went home in a carriage earlier?”


Jaden gaped.

“I’m sure you told all the students to gather together?”

“that… … He said he wasn’t interested in the ger dingers… … .”

The students murmured.

Celia looked dumbfounded.

Jis grinned.

‘As expected of your sister’s son.’


After finishing their schedule at Delran Royal School, Jis and Celia got into the carriage.

Those who came out to see off were shocked when they saw the carriage with the two people riding in it.

‘Uh, Griffon?’

A carriage driven by Hwansu!

While the people were clicking their tongues, the carriage took off.

“Ah, which family will you be staying with?”

“I’m jealous, I’m jealous.”

While the students muttered.

Gulliver clenched his fists as he watched the people of the Gerdinger family leaving.

‘If you enter Lumern, you will study with girls like that!’

It is a place suitable for someone with outstanding talent.

Gulliver’s eyes lit up with such confidence.

‘The entrance exam will be held in a week! I’ll definitely pass!’


Jis asked from inside the griffon carriage.

“How were the students at Delran Royal School?”

“It was a mess.”

Celia looked disappointed.

For a short time, I listened to hero studies taught at Delran Royal School.

In conclusion, it wasn’t worth listening to.

Regardless of country or race.

Heroology, the study of ancestral heroes, is a very important discipline for those who aim to become heroes.

However, the contents of the classes at Delran Royal School were all nonsense.

“Besides, is it Gulliver? “I couldn’t understand the topic and dared to criticize my uncle’s words.”

“The family we’re visiting now will be a little different.”

“Did you say the Plov family?”

Celia recalled what happened a moment ago.

Apparently, among the students who went first, there was one who said he was not interested in the Gerdinger family.

‘Hmm. ‘A cocky guy.’

Celia, who had extraordinary pride in her family, did not like that attitude.

‘Besides, it seems like he wants to study knighthood, but he can’t even handle Aurors at that age?’

Celia was completely uninterested in Leo.

She had no idea that the place she was going to was her cousin’s house.

Meanwhile, Jis took out a letter from his pocket.

‘If she hadn’t left the family, she would have held an important position.’

The current head of the family, Seld Gerdinger.

And Jis, Raina.

The three siblings were considered the future of the family.

Although she left the family due to an unexpected accident, Jis knows Raina’s skills well.

This is the nephew who was evaluated by his sister as a ‘genius’.

furthermore… … .

‘You can’t handle Aurors?’

For children from noble families who want to become knights, becoming an Auror is essential.

Learn Auror skills from a young age.

But Leo said he couldn’t handle Aurors.

‘I’m excited to see what kind of child he will be.’


Dinner time.

Leo, who was left alone in the training hall, closed his eyes and concentrated.

Since I had just finished training a little while ago, my whole body was drenched in sweat.


I took a deep breath.

‘The bowl is finished.’

The reason why I haven’t learned Auror until now.

It was also to keep up with my mother’s classes.

But the biggest reason was to make dishes.

If we only look at the martial artist’s qualities, his current body is better than Kyle’s body in his past life.

However, the other abilities of the wizard and summoner were close to zero.

That’s why I didn’t learn Auror carelessly.

In his past life, Kyle was a battle-hardened warrior, a wizard who wielded powerful magic, and an ally of spirits and phantom beasts.

One person, two people.

The reason why the punitive force did not collapse even as their friends died was because Kyle, who was skilled in all abilities, was there.

‘I managed to fill their gap.’

Just before the final battle.

Kyle, who was left alone, still had the essence of the power that his colleagues had.

Their will and hope.

‘I couldn’t handle it properly in my previous life, but I will handle it perfectly in this life.’

The moment you accept an aura into your body, your body naturally becomes specialized for the aura.

If that happens, the opportunity to build up magical power and spiritual power will completely disappear.

That is why the foundation has been laid.

To carry on the will of my colleagues.

Leo clenched his fists.

‘First of all, let’s start with the Aurors!’



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