Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student Chapter 269

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“Specific specifications for the weapons we will use?”

“hmm… … “I’ve never really thought about it?”

The Lumern students looked embarrassed.

Not only general students but even top students in each department showed disapproval.

“I know roughly the specifications of the magic wand I use.”

Chelsea took out a wand from her pocket.

In the case of Abad and Chloe, they used long staffs that were as long as their height, but the stick that Chelsea mainly used was a short staff of about 30cm.

Of course, as each type of wand has its pros and cons, Chelsea also had a long staff magic wand.

Carl said, placing his clasped hands on his head.

“The staff you like to use is one of the Lwalin family heirlooms, right?”

“That’s right. “This is the flamen used by the 5th head of the family.”


It was a weapon classified in the same class as Celia’s favorite sword, ‘Flame Storm’.

Weapons are broadly divided into five classes.

[Normal], [Magic], [Heroic], [Legendary].

And lastly [Exciting].

In the case of [General], it refers to weapons made of steel produced by a general blacksmith.

It was the most commonly seen weapon and had no special powers.

[Magic] level weapons are made by blacksmiths with extensive knowledge in magical engineering.

The grade of weapons that have undergone a special process using magical engineering or contain mana is [Magic].

[Hero] is a weapon used by hero-level people with special power even at the magic level.

The legend above refers to the weapon whose name was also left on Hero Records.

Lastly, [Exciting].

A weapon made with the work of a god.

In history, there is only one person who can make [Sacred] grade weapons.

There was only Dweno, the blacksmith of God.

Celia’s Flame Storm and Chelsea’s Flamendo are both rated [Legendary].

These were weapons symbolizing Gerdinger and Lwalin.

“I get jealous every time I see it.”

Karl was amazed at Flamen.

It is a weapon that is difficult for an ordinary wizard to even look at, let alone obtain, even if they work hard all their lives.

“Now that I think about it, there were four people in our grade who had legendary weapons?”

Celia, Abad, Chelsea, and Eliza are from a famous family of heroes with a long history.

The Gerdinger, Lwalin, and Hergin families had a history and reputation that was different from the ordinary heroic families.

Even Duran had a short family history, so there was no weapon classified as [Legendary] in the family.

‘Seeing things like that makes me wonder how I happened to be friends with them.’

While Karl was sticking out his tongue.

Chloe asked.

“With a magic wand that good, there’s no need for another wand, right?”

“That’s not necessarily true. It is true that Flamen is a powerful magic wand, but it is not all-powerful. “It goes well with my specialty, wind magic, but it doesn’t go well with any other magic.”

Chelsea pouted.

“It is a wand that is more powerful than any other wand, but that is why I cannot handle it perfectly. I have to fit the cane. That’s why I need a custom magic wand.”

A weapon with great power is that much more difficult to handle.

Chelsea is an excellent magician, but she is still an inexperienced 15-year-old.

Even though he was Flamen’s master, he still couldn’t handle it perfectly.

It was the same for Seliana Abad and Eliza.

“But no matter how I think about it, I’m asking you to make a magic wand. Do you really need to know anything about the weapon in detail?”

“okay. Depetto spoke as if it was important to understand the weapon itself, not just the specifications of the weapon to be used.”

Chloe also nodded her head in agreement with Chelsea’s words.

“I need to know.”

At that time, Leo came towards the magic department students and spoke.

Carl tilted his head.

“Is there a big benefit to knowing?”

“The benefits are huge.”

Emio, who had been listening to Leo’s story from afar, curled the corners of his mouth.

“Shall we listen to the student council president’s advice on how great the advantage is?”

“Oh, it’s coming again.”

Chelsea made an annoyed expression.

Looking at Chelsea like that, Emio made a grim expression.

“Are you starting a fight?”

“You started the fight first?”

Chelsea stuck out her tongue.

“Come on, let’s stop fighting and listen to the story.”

Abad stepped in between the two.


Chelsea snorted and Emio turned his head, his face twisted.

“Leo. “Can you tell me what you think?”



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In response to Abad’s question, Leo took out an ore from his pocket.


Carl, who was skilled in alchemy, recognized the mithril ore at once.

“that’s right. “I borrowed it from Depeto Smith.”

Leo said as he held up the unrefined mithril ore.

“You basically learn about magic engineering in Lumern, so you understand without me having to tell you about Mithril’s characteristics, right?”

“It has high mana conductivity and has a mana amplification effect.”

“that’s right. That’s why it is most widely used as the basic material for magic wands.”

“Hmph, everyone knows those basic things. “Did you come to talk about such common sense on a topic that seemed like it was something great?”

In response to Emio’s crooked reaction, Leo threw mithril ore at Emio.


“What are you asking me to do with this?”

“Can you enchant that ore?”

Emio snorted and cast an enchantment spell.


Those around them exclaimed in exclamation as they saw the mithril ore burning brightly.

It’s not just about casting an enchantment spell.

‘There’s almost no loss of magic power, right?’

‘No matter how mithril ore is, if you enchant ore with a lot of impurities, there is bound to be a loss of magic power.’

This is impossible without excellent horsepower control abilities.

Most of the magic students here would inevitably suffer mana loss if they cast magic on ore with such high impurity.

‘If it contains mithril, the loss of magic power can be almost eliminated even if there are a lot of impurities.’

“Why do we give out assignments that are so easy it makes you yawn?”

Emio threw the enchanted mithril ore at Leo.


Leo snatched up the mithril ore without much difficulty.

Emio’s magic was lifted in an instant.

“Great. However, all of Mithril’s characteristics were not preserved.”

“Are you criticizing my enchantment magic now?”

“I wasn’t complaining, I was just saying what I regret.”


“… … !”

Emio’s eyes widened.

Leo enchanted the mithril ore.

Then, it unleashed powerful firepower that was incomparable to Emio’s flame.

The magic used was the same and the magic power used was the same.

Nevertheless, Leo’s magic radiated even stronger power.

“Did you use some special magic trick? It’s a trick. “That’s petty.”

“Unfortunately, this is the same magic you used.”

Leo held out the lit ore as if showing off.

No matter how you look at it, it was the same magic technique used by Emio.

Emio’s face distorted when he saw that.

Chloe asked with wide eyes.

“How did you do it?”

“I took advantage of the mana amplification characteristic of Mithril.”

“Isn’t it almost impossible to preserve the characteristics of ore that is not of high purity?”

Chloe’s eyes sparkled.

He showed a desire to explore things he did not know.

“It’s not easy. However, this is possible as long as we know how much mithril is contained in this ore.”

Leo withdrew his magic.

“It’s the same with weapons. What material is it made of? If you know exactly what characteristics you have, you can use the weapon you use more freely. “This applies to knights, wizards, and summoners alike.”

Chelsea raised her hand at Leo’s words.

“Brother Leo, but even if you don’t know in detail, we can all freely use the magic wands we use, right? “Do you use all the weapons you use to 100% ability?”

The students nodded at Chelsea’s words.

But Abad and Chloe thought about it and said:

“It’s true that we all utilize the wand’s power to 100%. But is there anyone who uses it to the limit?”

Chelsea paused at Abad’s words.

“Yeah… … “No.”

“that’s right. “If you use it too much, it will overload you.”

“But Leo just enchanted the mithril ore very reliably.”

Chloe took over.

“If you think of that mithril ore as a magic wand, it can easily become a spring that uses the wand’s abilities to its limit.”

The students in the Department of Magic began to murmur.

Leo nodded at those words.

“that’s right. Actually, this has nothing to do with magic technology. Because it’s just a skill to handle things well. “It doesn’t really help much in normal times, but.”

Leo said calmly.

“In extreme situations, the difference between knowing how to do this and not knowing how to do it is big. “It could be life-threatening.”

At Leo’s words, the students in the Department of Magic swallowed their dry saliva.

If you have entered your second year, your life-changing academic life begins in earnest.

Therefore, the word ‘life’ mentioned in Leo’s mouth had a special weight.

“If you want to go to the next level as a hero candidate, it would be essential to fully understand the specifications of the weapon and have the skills to utilize it.”

Leo nodded at Abad’s muttering.

“okay. And they say that blacksmiths can judge a person’s worth depending on what kind of weapon the client wants.”

“Who said this?”

“A blacksmith I know said that.”

Leo said with a smile.

“I’ll return this and come back.”

Leo took the ore and headed to Depeto.

After listening to Leo’s words, the Magic Department students began writing down the specifications of the weapons they had in mind in their notebooks.

“Abad, what are you doing?”

Karl asked Abad, who was staring at Leo’s back, with a puzzled look on his face.

“No, I felt a gap again.”

Abad clenched his fists and muttered.

‘Differences in talent… … It doesn’t feel like this.’

Abad looked down at his hands in confusion.

‘The experience feels different.’

“Once again.”

Karl said, looking at Abad who was slightly stiff.

“You dragged me into the dorm to beat Leo, right? Originally, I would have gone to Leone’s dormitory and enjoyed a peaceful school life. But you dragged me in, right? “You can’t show your lack of confidence like that!”

“That too.”

Abad smiled his characteristic soft smile at Karl’s words.

‘You’re so handsome, so damn handsome.’

Karl made a bitter expression.

“In that sense, a knife. Did you find out what kind of weapon Leo is requesting?”

“Why are you asking that?”

“Can we say it is a check on the target of overthrow?”

“You said you won’t use me as a spy?”

“It’s something that friends can teach, right?”

Abad gave me a friendly shoulder hug.

Carl said to Abad:

“I don’t know either. “I asked him to show me, but he said he didn’t prepare anything?”

“no way?”

Leo is a clear honor student.

Therefore, we are thorough when it comes to academic preparation.

It was hard for Abad to believe that Leo had made no preparations.

“Chloe. “Do you know what kind of item Leo wants to request from Damian?”

“I didn’t prepare anything.”

Chloe also shook her head as if she didn’t understand.

At those words, Abad made a strange expression.

‘What are you thinking?’


After 2 hours are given.

The presentation began.

The presentations took turns at each school.

And the ones who stuttered during the presentation were the students of Rumern and Seilun.

Although they were familiar with presentations on their academic achievements, there were many students who had difficulty presenting in fields they had no knowledge of.

Although the specific specifications were well explained, the thing that held me back was the materials.

Depeto nodded as he watched the students present.

‘As expected, it’s great. In particular, everyone has some idea of ​​what Damien wants from this announcement.’

Understanding the weapon you will use.

That means perfectly bringing out the abilities of the weapon you use.

‘There are many powerful weapons in this world.’

And there are many people who are swayed by weapons.

And most of those powerful weapons are made by Damian.

Damien’s students and graduates.

Blacksmiths who have inherited the legacy of Dweno, the great blacksmith of God, make and re-make weapons to reach Dweno’s territory.

‘A craftsman wants someone who can handle the items he makes perfectly.’

Excessive weapons are like pearls on a pig’s neck.

Most Damian students had that mindset.

That’s why blacksmiths want users who fit their ideals.

‘Especially these second graders are very dexterous.’

That’s how high his pride was as a Smith.

‘Well, there’s one weirdo in the mix.’

In Depetto’s eyes, he saw Damian, a female student, diligently taking notes with sparkling eyes.

‘Drianna, you’re criticizing the presenter’s charm again, not the presenter’s mugu!’

Depeto pressed his temples as he looked at Driana, who was suffering from art disease.


At that time, exclamations of exclamation erupted from Damian’s students.

A male student from Rumerne’s Department of Magic was giving a presentation.

‘Let’s see, it’s a magic wand specifically for magic bullets. The presenter… … Carl Thomas?’

The concept of the mugu was interesting.

‘It is not a weapon to defeat the enemy, but a weapon to keep the enemy in check… … Is he really an aspiring supporter? Wanting to be a supporter at that age? ‘You decided on your career path early.’

Just by looking at the direction of Mugu, you can tell what kind of position he is seeking.

A supporter candidate, which is very rare for a hero candidate.

Students from other schools showed displeased expressions.

However, Damien’s students’ eyes sparkled at the ingenuity.

As a smith, he showed keen interest in ingenious items that stimulate craftsmanship.

‘He seems to have some expertise in materials engineering… … ‘He’s a friend I’d rather hang out with as a production partner rather than a guest.’

Depeto looked at Carl with amusement.

Not only Depeto but also Damian students showed great interest in Carl.


The presentations of talented people began.

For talented students at each school, the required specifications for weapons were significant to match their abilities.

“Battle Ax coated with black iron in an alloy of 70% adamantium, 15% mithril, and 5% oriharkun.”

Azonia’s second-year second-in-command, Dion Denn, a special beast, asked Damian’s students exactly what he wanted in terms of weapons.

It’s not just Dion Denn.

Surprisingly, among the students from the three schools, Azonia was the one who gave this presentation the best.

All of their demands were brief but clear.

Celia, who was watching from behind the stage, crossed her arms.

“That’s surprising. “I can’t believe you made such a perfect presentation.”

Ar, who was listening behind Celia, snorted.

“For a warrior, having a perfect understanding of the weapon he will use is the most basic of all!”

“Indeed, I guess I’ll have to learn that.”

Celia nodded.

“Anyway, I have something to ask the black rabbit.”

“Leo is last. It’s your turn next. “Ask me after the presentation.”

“The black rabbit cousin is strict.”

‘How long is she going to call Leo the black rabbit? ‘If it’s a white rabbit, I don’t know.’

When I heard that it was a black rabbit, Celia seemed to be worried about herself.

So the presentation reached its final stage.

Leo, who was standing at the back, looked at Damian’s students who were looking at the presentation seriously with their arms crossed.

‘Well, everyone has the same desire for the product they made to be used by someone who deserves it. Because Dweno was like that too.’

Dweno did not have much interest in making weapons.

However, he was a person who always displayed the craftsmanship of making things only for those who were ‘qualified’ as a maker of something.

The first day Dweno joined the punitive force.

He spoke as if declaring.

‘You must never use anything other than the weapons I make.’

‘I use Polium?’

‘Isn’t that a staff made by God himself?’

Dweno took one look at Luna and continued speaking.

‘I am an artist, but before that I am a craftsman who makes things. I cannot allow those I approve to use items made by other craftsmen.’

Dweno curled the corners of his mouth.

‘If a situation arises where you have no choice but to use it, make sure of this one thing. You are the people that I, Dweno, recognize and provide custom-made weapons to. so… … .’

“Leo Plov.”

Finally, it was Leo’s turn.


Leo went up to the podium.

Damien students showed interest in the unprecedented appearance of All Class.

Damian’s students’ eyes lit up.

I was curious about what kind of weapons this class would present.

Meanwhile, Leo said.

“I am confident that I can handle any weapon perfectly.”

Damian’s students paused at Leo’s words.

“So, I hope you make it well.”

All the students had dumbfounded expressions.

This was an opportunity for Damian students to evaluate other hero officer students.

Leo declared on the spot.

‘I can never allow you to be judged. If there’s a guy who shows such foolish behavior, I’ll smash his head with a hammer so you know!’

“I will do the evaluation.”


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