Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student Chapter 149

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Barharun Castle collapsed.

The city called the Elven Sanctuary is burning.

The devastation created by the pieces of the apocalypse was literally like fear and trembling.

And the catastrophe went beyond Barharrun and even destroyed the world of heroes.


The world was on fire.


The outskirts of Barharun.


Phoebe came up to the top roof of the Tower of God and sat down.

As a god, he could feel the world burning in his eyes.

“The world is collapsing.”

Phoebe had a relaxed expression and gently shook the drink in his hand.

Even though his existence was disappearing, he didn’t seem to care.

‘Because this body is fake anyway.’

Whether your future self returns to heaven or disappears.

There is no way to know.

But the being called God doesn’t really care about that.

They knew more than anyone else that the most important thing was the present.

Phoebe’s eyes turned to one person.

‘Hey Kyle. Why are you a great hero? … ‘Show me.’

With a deep smile, Phoebe poured some wine into her mouth.



Runia looked up at the sky and pursed her lips.

‘The world is collapsing.’

Although I haven’t experienced much yet, I can clearly feel that Luna’s world is falling apart.

“What happens if the hero’s world is not conquered and is destroyed?”

“I don’t know that either. “There are no such cases in the literature.”

After saying that, Elena glanced up at the sky.

“But it seems clear that the attackers will not be safe.”

‘Is that possible… … ‘That would be a stupid question.’

There is no choice.

Now was the time to defeat the fabled apocalypse.

Runia took a deep breath and slapped herself hard on both cheeks.

slap-! At the sound, Elena opened her eyes and looked at Runia.

Before I knew it, the elf girl’s eyes were burning brightly.

“Leo, you weren’t scared! “I can’t be scared anymore!”

‘It would be embarrassing to proudly declare that we are rivals and then be the only one who is scared!’

The opponent who aimed to catch up is already way ahead.

It didn’t suit my temper to sit down like this.

Elena asked as she watched Runia compose herself.

“Doesn’t your cheek hurt?”

“It doesn’t hurt.”



“… … !”

Punch your own cheek mercilessly! cook-! Runia opened her eyes wide as she saw Elena poking her.

Ogi was triggered by the attitude of teasing oneself.

“It doesn’t hurt.”

“and. “She’s a tough girl.”


“This hurts even when I’m fine!”

When Runia shouted with wide eyes, Elena laughed.

“You’re a pretty unique elf too, aren’t you? “Are all the aspects of an honor student acting?”

Runia, with slightly tears in her eyes, cupped her cheeks and glared at Elena.

It was then.

“What on earth is that monster?”

“Are you here? Hardin.”

Elena welcomed Hardin warmly.

“It’s Erebos.”


“To be exact, it looks like a piece of Erebos.”

Elena smiled brightly and with a murderous smile.

“And I’m going to take it down now.”

Hardin looked nervous at those words.



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I wanted to hear the details, but the situation didn’t seem to be suitable for that.

“What about Leo Plov?”

“If it’s Leo-kun, it’s over there.”

Elena pointed ahead.

Hardin’s eyes opened wide.


A beautiful elf girl caught Hardin’s eye.

If it weren’t for the current situation, I would have greeted her with all the courtesy of an elf and been thrilled by her presence.

But that wasn’t the case.

Hardin tightened his grip on his sword.

Meanwhile, Leo approached with Luna.

“huh? One person has increased. “Are you a colleague too?”

“That’s right. Luna, my name is Hardin. Like a great and beautiful ray of starlight… … .”

“yes. yes. “Let’s chat later.”

Elena said, interrupting Hardin who was trying to praise Luna with flowery words.

“So Leo. “I said let’s take it down. Do you have a plan?”


“What is it?”

“Me and Luna will take charge of the front lines. Runia and Elena, please provide magic support from the rear. Mr. Hardin is in the middle, blocking that guy’s attack from being directed at the two of you.”

“Isn’t it the right formation to place the wizard Luna at the rear and you and me at the front?”

When Hardin expressed his doubts, Luna grinned.

“As a wizard, I just hate being stuck in the back. And this kid and I are probably the only ones who can block that monster’s attack, right?”

“If Luna says so, we should follow it.”

Elena grinned.

In fact, when Erebos was wiping out the surrounding area a little while ago, Runia and Elena had no means of protecting the black flames, so they received Luna’s help.

‘But Leo-kun blocked the flames alone.’

It’s strange.

‘In terms of magical power, I and Runia are far ahead of Leo-kun. That means Leo-kun has the means to counter the black flame.’

I don’t know what it was, but for now, it was best to leave the front line to Leo and Luna.

Hardin also nodded at Luna’s words.

“Okay then.”

Luna grabbed Polium.

Then he smiled and glared at Erebos.

“Let’s destroy that damn bastard.”

“Before that, keep one thing in mind. “You must never touch that damn flame.”

Everyone nodded at Leo’s words.

Leo glared at Erebos.

“Then let’s begin.”

At the same time as those words, Leo and Luna charged at Erebos.

Elena and Runia unleashed their magic, and Hardin created aurors and magic to protect them.

Luna hesitated and asked as she watched Leo running in front of her.



“Can I follow you after this is over?”

Leo paused at those words.

Then he looked back at Luna and said.

“Isn’t there something we need to do here? “I am a suspicious stranger whose identity I do not know.”

Luna nodded to that question.

“Of course I do. There is something I want to do. But I think I can gain something much more valuable by following you than what I can learn here.”

Luna looked directly into Leo’s red eyes.

“I’m sure it will show you a landscape you can’t even imagine.”

“what? “Are you in love with me?”

When Leo booed, Luna smiled brightly.

“Maybe so.”

“… … .”

Leo looked confused for a moment at that bright smile that felt somehow shy.

But he soon composed his expression and spoke.

“Let’s talk about that after we defeat that guy first.”


Luna enthusiastically raised her wand.

Along with that, Luna’s magical power unfolded.


“Hell Fire.”

Red-hot flames spewed out from the end of the polyum.

A hellfire, boasting the strongest power among flame-type magic, was created.

This magic, which turns everything into ashes, was a magic that not only the elves of today but also the elves of the past were reluctant to learn.

This is because it is treated as a very destructive magic that does not fit the elves’ tendencies.

But Luna didn’t care about that at all.


In response to Luna’s magic, Erebos spewed out black flames.


Quagga River-!

Luna’s magic flew towards Erebos.

Erebos waved his arm.


The lump of black flame that fell from Erebos’ body collided with Luna’s magic.

The Quagga River! Grumbling!

Black flames engulfed the flames of hell.


However, when the infernal fire exploded, black flames flew out in all directions.

Leo saw that and lowered his sword.


Gray aura erupted from Leo’s sword.

The auror was soon surrounded by black flames that scattered in all directions like a glass wall.


Black flames bounced off Leo’s aura.

‘The flame of Erebos is an immortal flame that never goes out.’

The endless burning flame basically burns everything made of mana.

It was a despairing thing for the races on earth that the source of the power of the being who would destroy the world was immortal.

The current Leo does not have the great power that Kyle had in the past.

However, she does not have outstanding talent, magic sense, or overwhelming magical power like Luna.

At first glance, taking charge of the front line seemed too reckless.

However, Leo was confident that he could defeat the fragments of Erebos.

That’s because Leo is special.

‘We are all special. But Kyle. Among us, you are probably the most special. ‘Your mana characteristics are literally like a natural enemy to Erebos.’

‘A natural enemy? What are you talking about?’

‘At first glance, the gray mana you have appears to be non-attributed.’

‘It’s not at first glance, it’s just non-attribute. There’s nothing special about it. ‘Except for being all-class, can I compare to you?’

Whether it was aurors, magic, or summoning.

Unlike his colleagues, Kyle did not have the talent to reach the ultimate level of any ability on his own.

‘Your shamanism is different from other shamanism.’

But Lisinas laughed happily as he saw Kyle’s dull gray power.

‘At first glance, it seems like a simple non-attribute thing, but… … Your mana is purer than anyone else’s. ‘If I were to define your characteristic, I would say it is purity.’

Kyle’s characteristics given by the King of Wisdom.

At the time, Kyle felt slightly better about the characteristics she gave him.

Of course, there were things that made me feel like a ghost and gave me a hard time because I didn’t want to see my friend like me.

‘Sunsu-rae! pure! I really don’t get along with Kyle!’

‘Risinas. Purity is a symbol of beauty. ‘Your words are an insult to the name of purity!’

‘… … okay. I am far from pure. ‘You weird elf and perverted dwarf.’

Leo shouted, putting a headlock on both of them at the same time.

Luna viciously pinched Kyle’s arm, and Dweno hit his arm with a hand like a pot lid.

Lisinas said while looking at that.

‘Aron, what do you think of Leo?’

‘After all, wouldn’t it be far from pure?’

Aron smiling awkwardly and scratching his cheek.

Leo burst into laughter as he recalled the past.

‘Lisinas said. Purity means you can become anything. That’s why I’m in the all-class class.’


A magic formula was created in Leo’s hands.

Luna’s eyes opened wide when she saw that.

‘What is that?’

It looks somewhat familiar.

Luna immediately understood what it was.

‘The magic technique I was developing?’

Luna, who was embarrassed, quickly shook her head.

‘no. It’s different from what I made.’

The magic that Leo is using now was the star magic created by Luna.

But this magic was special.

This is because it is the only magic created by Luna that she cannot use.

Luna is the only one. A magic created just for Kyle.

Kyle’s unique magic.

Luna’s genius stood out when she created someone else’s unique magic.

This magic had no special effects or unusual properties.

It is simply a bullet of magical power that maximizes Leo’s magical characteristics.


‘Your pure mana can be anything, Kyle. But that’s to put it another way.’

The meaningful smile of Lisinas, who had rallied the great heroes to defeat the Great Disaster, came to mind.

‘It means not being affected by anything. In other words, it can counter the immortal power of Erebos. That is why you are the natural enemy of that hateful apocalypse.’

And it was just as he said.

Gooooo- flash-!

Leo’s gray magical power turned pure white.

The magic that saved Leo’s life several times during the final battle.

Fatal wounds were inflicted on immortal beings several times… … .

It is a star magic created by Luna, the progenitor of the nebula, but it is a unique magic completed only for Kyle.



A pure white sphere was created above Leo’s head.


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