Infinite Mage Novel Chapter 882

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memory (1)

Alpheas continued.

“A year ago, there was an incident in which one of the magic school students was killed by an assailant.”

“Are you killing me?”

“It was only then that I realized the bad relationship between Etella and Chagall. Do you know who Chagall is?”

One of the world’s 100 most dangerous people.

He was a person who had the sense of smell of the Great Purifier, having fought a battle with Lian.

“I heard you have memory distortion.” La Enemie injected false memories into Chagall.

Everything he believed he experienced was an illusion, and as a result he killed Ethella’s teacher, Raphael.

“Raphael forgave him. Ethel also tried to lead Chagall to the good, but… …

Alpheas sighed.

“Chagall’s mind was in a pit that was too deep for her to bear. She hurt everyone around her. Students as well as teachers were at risk. Then she finally… … One student was sacrificed.”

“Have you arrested Chagall?”

“no. I hate to admit it, but he’s strong. That is why Ethella left school. Where there is Ethella, there comes Chagall.”

Ethella’s feelings were understandable.

“Where is the teacher now?” Alpheas shook his head.

“I don’t know. It is said that Chagall’s sense of smell has reached the level of psychic powers. If you can track her wherever she is, there are two places she might be. Confront Chagall in an empty place… …

If it was an opponent that could be subdued, Ethella wouldn’t have let him go wild.

“Mix in the crowd and wait for the right time.”

A place where you can hide your body odor.

Pesian kingdom.

It shares the border with Tormia, but geographically belongs to the southern continent.

As a developing country, it was also a place with severe corruption and a serious slum phenomenon caused by economic polarization.

Slum Sect 7.

If Radum of the Tormia Kingdom was a place to hide from poverty and scheme, Sekte 7 was literally a beggar’s den. About 450 beggars were being raised in this place lined with shacks that could not even block the rain.

The kingdom provided meals, but the quality of the food was considered trash.

Even so, the reason they are harvested and fed is that they become good marmots for politicians.

Secret biological experiments, assassination plots, unsolved cases, and numerous crimes started in Sekte 7.

“hungry… …

Inside the 7-pyeong room full of people, there was a foul smell from the filth they packed.

Everywhere was like a toilet, but a woman was sitting in the dirtiest place among them.

Romi Ethella.

Meals are served once a day, but she rarely gets a turn.

The beggars glanced at each time they covered themselves in black rags, which were white at first, and smeared their bodies with dirt.

“You do that again. What the hell is that girl’?”

It was bizarre to see him do that whenever he had time after entering Secte 7 at some point.

But there were a lot of mentally ill people like her here, so the beggars didn’t really care.

‘I have to leave.’

It has already been 30 days since I entered Section 7.

Although he disguised himself with all sorts of stench, Chagall’s sense of smell was such that he even remembered the incident.

‘I know all my smells.’

To even get rid of the smell of the intestines, she scooped the filth from the floor with her hand and put it in her mouth.

It was a bad thing for the monk’s mind, but Etella’s eyes only burned with anger.

‘I can’t forgive you.’ Until the magic school student was killed by Chagall, she tried to obey Raphael’s will.

However, what he got in return for carrying out his good will was the death of numerous acquaintances.

The monks of the Monastery of Karsis, followers, and even students at the magic school.

‘The methodology of evil.’

It seemed as if he was mocking me, saying, “Can you forgive me for going this far?”

‘I’m going to kill you.’

Chagall’s evil was eating away at Etella’s goodness.

‘I’m sorry, Master. I’ve lost my mind.’

When the revenge on Chagall is over, Ethella will no longer be called good, but… … .

‘Don’t worry, Chagall. You won’t kill alone.’

Now that didn’t even matter.

‘I’ll kill you and go with you.’

Ethella’s eyes flashed with light.

‘To eternal hell… …

Mark suggested.

“Seniors, gathering like this is a monumental event, so why don’t we have dinner together?”

The sun was setting, and it was regrettable that all the alumni were parting like this.

It was the same with Sirone and Amy.

After moving to a restaurant and drinking, candid conversations took place.

As expected, the topic was the war against the demons, and Iruki, the general commander of Valkyrie, explained the situation.

“not good. We will lose.”

The reason why they were not afraid of the hopeless prospect was that they were also in the middle of a war.

“The key is the kingdom of Tormia. Because this is the last gateway to the Central Continent. If the demons penetrate this place, no country in the world can stop it.”

said Dante.

“Thormia won’t break easily.”


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Seriel asked.

“Do you have a strategy?”

“It’s confidential, so I can’t tell you the details. Of course, some of you may have already guessed. Anyway, it’s almost certain that the final battleground will be Tormia.”

Iruki added.

“Valkyrie is also making her own preparations. Of course, the scale of the damage will be mathematically impossible to estimate, but there is a small chance of winning the war.”

“… … How many will die?”

“If you look at the kingdoms occupied by the demons, on average, 87% of their people died. In other words, when you consider that you have reached Tormia, most people in this place will die.”

Dorothy said in a solemn atmosphere.

“Then this place could be our last reunion. Shall we have a toast to commemorate?”

“I will not die.”

People’s eyes turned to Sirone.

“I will never let you die.”

“Sirone… …

From the expression of Sirone staring fiercely forward, I sensed what he was carrying.

“When we first started the war, they said it was impossible. But in the end we got here. The ivory tower moved, and the voice closed the psychic realm. And if we all fight to the best of our abilities… …

Sirone smiled.

“So let’s toast to victory.” The alumni of Alpheas Magic School raised their glasses and shouted.

“Let’s win!”

The time to leave was approaching.

The buzz of the bar lingered in Sirone’s ears as he went outside to get some fresh air.


Is it the expression of a sense of oppression, or is it just a delusion like confidence created by emotions?

‘Something huge is coming.’

The acceleration toward the end was felt more clearly than before.

‘Because what kind of future awaits?’ I couldn’t even dare to imagine it until now, and I was just shuddering at the vague image.


As I slowly turned around, Amy, with a blush on her cheeks, was approaching with a smile on her face.

“let’s go?”

Sirone has to leave.

“Sorry. I had to deliver it to the Ivory Tower as soon as possible. I met you like this… …

Amy shook her head.

“Let’s not just try to be happy. I want a world where everyone can be happy. I will fight hard too. I’ll wait for you. Because in my heart there is only you… …

I’ve already borrowed alcohol, but then

“So what I want to say


Amy smiled broadly.

“love you.”

Sirone saw the full moon hanging in the sky, clear in her eyes.

“uh… …

Hot tears flowed.

“why are you crying?”

“uh? I? why… …

Sirone, who realized it belatedly, hurriedly wiped away his tears, but for some reason he couldn’t stop.

‘I must remember this moment.’ I don’t know why, but I felt that way.

‘I must remember this woman.’

Amy’s face, voice, body odor, even the moon in the night sky in her eyes.

‘Never forget!’

Grabbing Amy by the shoulder, Sirone engraved her form into his retinas.

“Amy, you must never forget me. You have to remember me at any moment.”

“What do you mean?” Sirone was afraid.

It seemed that the huge future that was flooding into this world would wipe out everything.

“Promise me.”

Amy didn’t understand, but when she saw Sirone’s terrified face, she nodded.

“Okay, I will remember. No matter what happens, even in a world without you, I will remember you.”

Sirone kissed Amy, and the hot breath connected the two as one life.

and after a while

Hearing the roar of space movement, the people who came out of the bar saw Amy standing alone.

When Gaold’s air press exploded, a mushroom cloud soared from the ground.

Gangnan’s eyes shook in shock as he looked down at the scene from the distant sky with Zulu.

“Unbelievable… …

Gaold, who had begun to forget even the memory of the maze, took a special measure.

The result is this.

“How can I become stronger?”

“Because I am human.”

Zulu said.

“The human mind has no limits. All but Gaold… … I just chose the more convenient way.”

After confirming that the deflagration had disappeared and a huge crater had formed, Zulu descended to the ground.

A gust of wind blew the smoke away, and Gaold emerged with a meaningful smile.

“It is over.”

The demons in the south were perfectly organized.

However, to Kang Nan, Gaold’s smiling face was beyond sad and grotesque.

“Are you really okay?”


“You know. you are… …

At the applause heard in the smoke, Nan Kang and Zulu hurriedly looked back.

“Hey, how cool is that? After all, the strongest man.”

The familiar voice and the familiar way of speaking made Gangnan’s face pale.

Miro was approaching, smiling.

“long time no see? Since our dandy is working hard, I came to give him some comfort. how have you been doing?” My heart couldn’t help beating at meeting Gaold, but I didn’t have the slightest desire to create a situation where the chicken meat would rise.

‘Give me a kiss.’

It was a labyrinth where he could only come to the south after drawing the line like that, but Gaold didn’t move.

“what? I was so moved… … Miro’s eyes widened at the moment of death, and the air press immediately fell down.


Behind Miro, who hurriedly spread the distance, the incarnation of the Thousand Arms Guanshi Yin appeared.

It was instinct.

“Run away!”

At the same time as Gangnan shouted, Ga Old rushed at Miro and fired an air gun.


Thousands Hands Guanyin’s jangbeop shortened the time and hit the bullet, but he couldn’t bear to attack Gaold.


Gaold grabbed Miro by the neck and pushed her to the ground.

What was more shocking than the neck-breaking grip was Gaold’s gaze.

“die. I mean die.”

It was obvious hate.

“Gaold… … why’?”

“The feeling of love is bound to become dull. Gaold was amazing for keeping it even in pain. But now it is at its limit.”

Even that memory was fading.

“Gaold chose to hate you rather than forget you. Then she can hold out a little longer.”

“Big uh… …

Looking nonchalantly at Gaold strangling Miro, Zulu spoke in Middle Eastern.

“Extremely human.”

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