Infinite Mage Novel Chapter 788

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[788] Windless Zone (1)

When we arrived at Aganos’s airfield, Kaidra keepers had already put Ratusa on standby.

Iruki, who had followed Shirone to see him off, handed over his friend’s bag and said,

“How long do you think it will take?”

“Time will change depending on how much the Arachne government cooperates. It won’t be long though.”

If it was an ivory tower, there would be no choice but to cooperate, and it was also the reason why Uorin singled out Sirone.

“The problem is the idea of ​​Beta Fish, real name Amery Jaysteen. perhaps… … Maybe you don’t hate Havits.”

Iruki also liked that part.

“I am the only survivor in the midst of the deaths of my entire bloodline. There’s plenty of room for fear to work out louder than hatred.”

The fact that he was hiding in a foreign country while giving up his name also strengthened his feelings.

“I will try my best to convince her, but I can’t help it if she doesn’t like it. Just like Mr. Abella, <Math> is not a weapon that can be coerced.”

“okay. We will come up with a countermeasure.”

If Sirone’s sincerity didn’t work anyway, it would be impossible to bring her back no matter who persuaded her.

“It’s not a dangerous mission, so take it easy. Arachne is a world-class resort. It’s been tough lately.”

Lately, Sirone’s face has become noticeably thinner.

‘A battle is a battle… … .”

Conflicting with demons who hate Yahweh terribly would have been very mentally exhausting.

“I will be back.”

Although she didn’t have the idea of ​​taking a vacation, Sirone boarded the Caydra without bothering to show it.

“It’s been a while, Ratusa.”

As comrades who crossed Northcarta together, Ratusa happily rubbed her beak.

“If Kydra is tired, get enough rest. There is no need to put pressure on us.”

Sirone pulled the reins and said.

“are you okay. If I’m tired, I’ll pick it up and fly.”

As Ratusa stood up, a huge shadow fell, and Iruki’s gaze rose to a height of 4 meters.

“let’s go!”

Kydra’s heavy body, which flew out of the airfield, plummeted vertically.


Immediately, a clear groan erupted, and Ratusa reappeared and disappeared into the clouds.

“… … You say you burn yourself?”

Iruki shook his head, imagining Shirone with a rogue bird on his back.

* * *

Arachne Kingdom.

5-star Lubystro Hotel.

“Maya, are the preparations going well? Have you seen the sheet music for this song? Isn’t it awesome?”

Maya arrived in the kingdom of Arachne three days ago.

“Yeah, it was really good. It’s fun, it’s light.”

‘Elbor’, a performance agency in the kingdom of Tormia, paid special attention to the debut of a large rookie named Maya.

So, what was caught was the opening stage of the world beauty pageant, the biggest festival in Arachne.

“Well then. It is the result of collaboration between the best composer and the best lyricist.”

On average, more than 20,000 tourists from all over the world flock to see the world beauty pageant every year.

A handsome old bachelor in his mid-thirties, Falmus, the representative of Elbor, shook his fists.

“The timing is just right. Because of the goddamn demons, the scale has been reduced a little this year, but the coverage of each country’s media will be spread all over the world. Don’t worry, just sing well.”


Maya said with a tearful smile.

“I know you are really good to me. I am so grateful.”

“Ha ha ha, what have I done? I just caught Maya’s natural singing ability faster than anyone else… … .”

“It’s really good, the song is good, everything is good… … .”

Knowing Falmouth’s goodwill, he struggled, but no matter how much he thought about it, he wasn’t confident.

“The lyrics are strange. I don’t think I can call it like this.”

“huh? lyrics?”

Maya shouted, spreading her arms.

“It’s too decadent!”


Palmus blinked as he recalled the lyrics, then nodded obediently.

“It’s not a little irritating. But is that good? As long as you don’t do it openly, you will be eaten unconditionally.”

“Still, the meaning is very heartfelt. I’m sorry to say this to a rookie subject, but this is… … .”

Palmers licked his lips.

‘This is the problem.’

With an impeccable appearance, singing is of course outside the standard, dancing is also equipped with a magician’s license, and even a sense.

‘But why the hell!’

Why are you so shy?

“Maya, can’t we just close our eyes and call? I know your personality. That’s why I also deleted the undressing sequence.”

Speaking of undressing, the shoulder line and breastbone were visible, but Mai hated it.

“Cha, I’d rather undress. It’s entirely my problem, but it’s because I’m really not confident.”

Even Falmus couldn’t be stubborn in the face of the determination to show his flesh rather than spit out corrupt words.

‘Is it that difficult?’

Being selfish with a singer is a shortcut to ruin, but honestly, I didn’t want to see Maya naked.


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“okay. Then let’s do this. I’m running out of time, so I’ll bring in a lyricist now. Let’s think of an amendment together.”

“I’m sorry, CEO.”

Palmers laughed bitterly.

“This is my job. If there is anything that will take you in the future, please let me know. You have to be comfortable for the results to be good.”

Twenty minutes later, Falmus brought a man with a curly face and square glasses.

“It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s that it doesn’t seem to match the color I’m pursuing.”

Unlike the audition, the lyricist Moster sat at the table with a firm attitude of assertiveness.

“Okay, what part do you not like?”

Words came out right away.

“First of all, choose your vocabulary. will lick listening to the crackling What do you keep licking? and ambiguous meanings. A man hard as a stick. Come into my open heart… … .”

Moster hurriedly held out his hand.

“Oh, not the last one.”

Maya pursed her lips and asked.

“… … Anyway, yes.”

Moster sighed as Falmus leaned against the wall and watched.

“All writers, that is to say, those who create stories with letters… … .”

Maya blinked at the sudden remark.

“Most of them are idiots. In fact, there are only two types of writers in this world. A normal person pretending to be a writer, an idiot pretending to be a normal person.”

Moster tapped his temple with his index and middle fingers.

“Two thoughts run through an artist’s head at the same time. A very logical and filthy boring idea, a thrilling and terrible idea that destroys that logic.”

He snapped his index and middle fingers like scissors.

“Those two thoughts interact like electricity and become a logical and fun storytelling. double personality. It’s going crazy like that.”


“Even while thinking of such a beautiful thing, the desire to cruelly trample it coexists. The important thing is to strike a balance. If you lean to one side, you will be ruined.”

“… … So?”

Morse pushed the chair away and knelt down, bowing his head to Maya.

“I have given up on that desire!”

“What are you doing?”

Maya stood up in surprise, but he lowered his center of gravity and did not straighten his knees.

“I was thrilled at the audition. What a great material! What would happen if I said this with that celestial voice? The destructive urge was so strong I couldn’t help but use it!”

“Are you a pervert? why do you think that… … !”

“trust me! It will definitely work! Please sing my lyrics with your beautiful voice!”

When Maya turned her head, Falmus was already opening the door and calling the guards.

“Take me out.”

Even while being dragged away, Moster did not give up.

“Please, Maya! I see you singing those words in my dreams!”

The door is closed.


As the exhausted Maya slumped back in her chair, Falmus approached with a smack.

“Sorry. It is entirely our mistake. I’ll try to procure a new lyricist somehow.”

I should have known the burning of personal aspirations.

“But it also means that it is a material that even veteran monsters give up money and choose their desire.’

If you can use even your bashful appearance as a weapon, it would be nice to follow Maya’s wishes.

“Okay, let’s go pure.”

Maya asked anxiously.

“There are only three days left, can you complete the lyrics in time?”

“We will have to mobilize all of the company’s manpower. Few people pull it out as sensibly as Moster, but… … :’

There was no regret about it.

“Then may I try it?”

“huh? Maya, are you?”

“yes. Actually, I don’t know what the two thoughts Mr. Moster said are, but I still want to try them.”

“Hmm. That’s not bad.”

While the lyricist was overturned, one of the strategies was to lean on the original Maya appearance.

“Okay, let’s get to work. I’ll put it up for final review. Instead, you have to practice steadily, right?”

Maya smiled with satisfaction.


There were lyrics that I really wanted to write.

* * *

Hey hey hey!

Kaidra’s grotesque groan woke Sirone from his slumber in the morning.


The air, which had been cold before falling asleep, had changed to the warm heat of the equator before I knew it.


As if the sun had broken, tens of thousands of lights were floating on the surface of the water in the windless zone.

Islands with forests and rocks were scattering colorful birds into the sky like firecrackers.

“What a wonderful place.”

Sirone shook her head.

“Still, the mission comes first.”

Sirone, who had passed the ten kingdoms of the archipelago step by step from the east, said goodbye to Rathusa in the sky above the kingdom of Arachne.

“Thank you. When I get to Kashan, I’ll buy you something delicious.”

hey hey

Sirone stroked Kaidra’s head and threw herself to the ground before it was too late.

As we descended aiming at Arachne’s capital ‘Bengal’, we heard the sound of music and crowds filling the streets.

“It is a festival.”

Unlike Minerva, the rudeness of penetrating the castle walls did not suit her inclination, so Sirone landed on a building.

People’s eyes were caught on the festival, so no one noticed the stranger who fell from the sky.

“This is the Kingdom of Arachne.”

It was the third island in the 10 kingdoms that stretched eastward from the coastline of the southern continent.

‘Aboriginal people who came over by boat from the south a long time ago are the origins of Arachne.’

Perhaps that is why, even though it developed under the influence of the continent that led the advancement of civilization, the customs of the south remained.

“Shall we go down?”

When Sirone jumped down the alley and came out to the main road, open wagons were paraded.

The moderator said as Arachne dancers in bikinis shook their waists.

“everyone! This is Miss Yakma!”

As the representative of the Republic of Yakma, who participated in the world beauty pageant, passed by, everyone’s attention was focused.

“Miss Yakma! Show me your face!”

The main character was hidden by a curtain, and a silhouette waved at someone’s request.

“You waved at me! i love you! Whoever you are, I love you unconditionally!”

People burst into laughter.

“Miss Tormia!”

Sirone’s gaze returned by itself.

‘This is our kingdom!’

As expected, only the silhouette was visible, but it was a woman with a graceful profile with her hands on her knees.

‘Who is it? I’m very curious.’

Everyone’s curiosity would be answered on the day of the world beauty pageant.

“Miss Nam Eymond!”

The host’s voice embroidered the southern sky.


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