Infinite Mage Novel Chapter 487

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[487] Night in Heaven (5)


Crude’s eyes flashed.

Fleur is a member of Sirone’s team, and they are moving on a completely different line from the rebels.

How did she come to this place?

As Kurd ran, Kanya and Lena followed, and Babel escorted them all by flying like a self-leverage.


When Crud arrived, she was already on the floor unable to hold on.

“this… … !”

Flew was dressed as a subject, apparently stolen.

But even that was worn in places, and numerous wounds were visible between them.

‘I was terribly beaten.’

He had bruises all over his shoulders, thighs and calves, as if he had fallen from a high place.

“Hey, Crude… … .”

When a leaking sound came out of Fleur’s mouth, Crude hurriedly shouted.

“we are here. Where did you get so injured?”

“Shehakim… … .”


Crude’s face turned into an embarrassing expression.

Is it that he ran such an incredible distance with this face?

“Something urgent… … very urgent… … .”

Flew passed out again, unable to finish his sentence.

Realizing that the condition is serious, Crude looked back at Kanya and Lena and said.

“I have to move at once. To the Nord infirmary!”

Babel immediately carried out the order.

Because the rebels were united, there were competent Norse mages on standby at the headquarters.

After pouring the flue into a huge tank of water and casting the water magic Orhiri, her wounds began to heal little by little.

After three hours, Flu was moved to the recovery room and his breathing was more even than before.

Crude, who had been awake for about an hour, opened the door to the recovery room and looked at her.

‘Flu… … .’

From the first time I saw her, she was a person who had a place in Crud’s heart.

Is there any reason?

No, maybe there is, but why bother thinking about what it is?

A personality as strong as a stubborn appearance.

The Sirone team are all people with a mysterious atmosphere, but among them, Fleur was the most mysterious to Crude.

In the world of Sirone, people who are perfectly specialized in the social system created by humans, not in heaven, are called professionals.

But at this moment, I couldn’t feel the knife-like vigilance I felt from her.

Maybe that’s why a woman who fell asleep is beautiful.

Crude’s hand moved slowly toward her forehead.

The pretext of wanting to know how hot the heat is is just self-justification, but in the end, his wish was not fulfilled by Flew’s brow furrowing.


Crude hurriedly withdrew his hand, saw Fleur slowly open his eyes and spoke to him.

“How are you? Are you okay?”

“here is?”

As soon as Flew came to his senses, he linked his consciousness to his memory.

Then I did a quick search around.

A room with the characteristics of Mecca. And in front of her eyes, Crud was looking down at herself.

‘You’ve arrived. I don’t remember anything after I entered Matei.’

A distance that cannot be reached with only superhuman mental strength.

Had it not been for the help of the algorithm, he would have been caught and killed by the giant.

But even that relief was nothing compared to the crushing misery.

Mission failed.

Her mission is to safely transport Sirone to Arabot.

The fact that he did not play a proper role as a supporter shattered the pride of a top graduate of the Royal Magic School.

Crud couldn’t say anything at the sight of Fleur trembling with her mouth tightly closed and her fists clenched.

Perhaps, as the person who saved her life, she wanted at least a word of thanks, but in Fleur’s mind, only self-reproach for her failure and a way to make up for it lingered.

Having made her decision, Flew jumped to her feet.

Even though the wound was healed, the pain did not completely go away, but I clenched my teeth and endured it.

“How is the war situation? How far did you push it?”

As the story progressed to war, Crude put aside his emotions and spoke.

“More than half of them pushed through. The remaining distance to Arabot is about 40 kilometers. But the battles from now on will be different.”

Thanks to the fact that there was no activity of the angels and the firepower of the rebels was stronger than expected, we were able to achieve today’s results, but it was not just because we won in the logic of power.

“If you look at it calmly, you can see that the enemy’s defense radius was too wide. However, as you approach the center of the concentric circles, the defensive range will narrow and the density of enemies will increase.”

“Perhaps. Can you break through?”

“In my opinion… … impossible. Even if the forward distance is the same, the enemy’s density will jump at least 3 times. There will never be a situation where we can break through like yesterday.”

Crude said honestly.

Also, this was the reason why he couldn’t give Kanya and Lena any hope of life.

“Hmm, I guess.”


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“It is something that cannot be wasted time. As soon as Heaven’s interceptor system Aegis is restored, gunfire will explode from all directions. supercharged kill. That is my strategy.”

Flu, realizing that there were bones in Crude’s words, turned her head.

“Is there an operation?”

“We will focus the rebels on Jebul. Destroying Heaven’s walls with Titans and crowding them out. And from there enter Arabot.”

Jebul is a city of powerful angels, but there are currently no angelic activities.

It was a strategy that felt like gambling to some extent, but it was definitely the only way the rebels had any chance of winning.

“But didn’t you say you had something to tell me?”

I heard that right before I lost consciousness.

But Flew was still lost in thought and was silent.

‘Mr. Sein… … .’

Just before departing from purgatory for heaven, Fleur received two special orders from Sein.

One is to move the Terminator to Arabot.

And this mission must be prioritized no matter what the circumstances.

Here, Sein gave one more mission.

“If Sirone arrives safely in Arabot, or if you fail to transport or leave the team due to some variable, you go see the rebel commander.”

“Mr. Crude?”

“We need to tell you about God’s punishment. Perhaps, if the second situation were to happen, the outcome of the war would most likely be in Syrone’s hands. It’s best to use it as much as possible, but it doesn’t matter if I tell you by then.”

It was a calculated yet humane judgment.

Once divine punishment has been invoked, there is no means to stop it.

Heaven will be destroyed and there will be explosions in a huge radius.

If the rebels were concentrated near Arrabot, they too could not escape death.

Even so, the reason I’ve been hiding it so far is a terribly selfish mind to make this project successful.

Flu wasn’t afraid.

Under any accusation, the mage carries out her mission.

Also, knowing her personality, Sain entrusted Fleur with the task of playing the villain.

“Before spreading the operation, I have something to tell you.”

Fleur told everything without hesitation.

Sirone’s magic will destroy heaven, and the time when the magic is cast is noon tomorrow at the latest.

It was impossible to guarantee success, but it was information that the rebels had to risk their lives for.

Upon hearing the truth, Crude’s face turned pale.

Arabot, the land of victory, quickly turned into a land of death.

If you advance, you die; if you retreat, you die.

was used

Hundreds of thousands of rebels were put on the list of life and death because of just a few from the land country.

“From the beginning… … You tricked us.”

No matter what his true intentions were, if he lost momentum, it would be the end, so Flew didn’t blink an eye.

“As the president of the association said, it wouldn’t be a bad suggestion for the rebels. Didn’t you risk your life to win the war anyway? then… … .”

“Now call it a horse!”

Crude threw away his usual cool-headedness and shouted out loud.

“You think giving your life for your beliefs is the same as dying at the hands of others! Then what the hell are we fighting for?”

Fleur kept her mouth shut.

Even if I tried to hold on, there was no way to refute it. Because it was like that from the beginning.

“Now what are you asking me to do? Should I tell the former crew? Even if you go to Arabot, the only thing waiting for you is death! Even at this moment, the crew can’t even sleep in fear! How are you supposed to talk to such people!”

“that… … .”

Flew gritted his teeth.

Desperately clearing his mind, he glared at Crude.

“It is none of my business.”

Crud’s eyes were filled with life.

Even in this moment of glaring to death, Flew was brazenly confident.

“shit! Shit!”

Crud knocked down all the equipment in the recovery room and walked to the door.

bang! The sound of the door closing violently seemed to represent his feelings.

Only after Crud left, Fleur frowned at the pain that afflicted her whole body.

‘How far did Sirone go?’

No, did he survive the shelling of the fairies?

If alive, you must go to Arabot to complete your last mission as a supporter.

Pushing Kubrick forward, she brought out Phoenix.

His stamina was significantly reduced, but as long as his limbs moved, he could not stop.

‘Wait a minute, Sirone… … .’

While Flew was leaving the rebel headquarters, Crude stood in front of the voice transmitter in the command and control room.

have to say

It is said that they fight to win, but at least each of them should be allowed to choose their own death.

“Inform the command staff.”

Crude’s voice was transmitted to each room through the airwaves.

Hundreds of simultaneous sounds echoed through the stillness of the night, echoing faintly in Fleur’s ears.

“I’m about to announce something important right now. At dawn, the war will resume, and we will win in the end. but… … .”

Crude paused for a moment.

I just couldn’t get it out of my mouth.

When instructions are given, information will spread rapidly through wireless communication, and tens of thousands of rebels will fight the fear of death tonight.

Wouldn’t even a commander have the right to plunge so many people into despair?

As the silence grew longer, the awakened crew members looked up at the speaker with puzzled eyes.

It was obviously not good news, so their eyes were gradually filled with anxiety.

“… … let’s fight.”

Crude’s locked voice continued.

“Let’s fight to the end.”

Crude gnashed his teeth and spat out words as if squeezing them out, and his eyes widened toward the darkness without a target.

You cannot give up here.

If you tell the truth to the rebels, despair will come one after another.

That would immediately lead to a weakening of power, and it was like presenting only miserable defeat to the crew members who were prepared to fight to the death.

‘I’m responsible for everything.’

Even if he becomes the worst commander in history, even if he is called a demon, he must lead everyone to death.

Crude cried out with hot tears.

“Will win! I will definitely win and get my freedom back! Today is the most brilliant day in our human history! Let’s all give up on living and fight!”


The determination of the commander in chief of the rebels was more effective than a short nap, and the soldiers shouted in numerous barracks.

A huge sound, like the whole radius, reached Flew’s ears as he left headquarters.

‘Fight. I will fight until the end.’

Even limping from the pain of the contusion all over her body, she did not slow down.

I could see the hazy dawn breaking over the distant horizon.

The last night in heaven was coming to an end.


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