Infinite Mage Novel Chapter 364

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[364] Worst Project (2)

Sirone arrived on the 18th floor. Any employee could come here, but crossing the door of the president’s office was a completely different matter.

Fleur said to Sirone, who stood in front of the door and took a deep breath.

“Listen. Beyond this door is the president of the association.”

Sirone turned to Fleur.

“What you hear here must never leak out. Because it is different from what I know. I won’t ask you anything in the future. So don’t be shy either.”

Sirone could feel Fleur’s determination. And he risked his life to get here too. I wondered what Ga Old would say, but at the same time I wanted him to be able to handle it.

Fleur knocked on the door in place of Sirone.

“Sirone is here.”

The door opened and Kang Nan showed his face. After looking outside her first, she turned to Shirone.

“You’re here. He recovered quickly.”

“yes. Thanks for caring.”

“come in. Flu goes down and does his business. great job.”

Flew wasn’t disappointed. From now on, it was no area for him to intervene.

“I just did what I had to do. then.”

After Fleur left, Kang Nan opened the door wide.

Garold, who had finished dyeing, was burying himself on an old sofa in the president’s office. The wallpaper smelled of acrid cigars.

“Are you here? sit down.”

After sitting across from Gaold, Kang Nan served tea.

nobody spoke up All three of them knew who should open the fire.

“The labyrinth… … .”

Gaold finally spoke.

“He is my schoolmate.”

“Yes, I know.”

“He was such a strange kid. No, should I say stupid? One day he said he could create life. So I asked him to try it, and he said he needed a cadaver.”

Gaold started the story from the maze. Sirone also pricked up her ears because she was as curious about the person named Miro as she was about Gaold.

“So I sneaked into the anatomy lab and took out the cadaver. Only tissue was harvested. Of course, if caught, she was expelled, but she didn’t care at all. Then she was taken to the lab and there was a fish tank on her table. Strange devices are placed next to it, and the hoses are tangled and stuck… … .”

Gaold floundered exaggeratedly as if he was too lazy to express himself.

“Yes, I think I know where it is.”

“They put all sorts of strange things in the tank. It was a very disgusting sight. So I said I would just go back, but they held on to me until the end. I have work to do. In the end, I was stranded and caught.”

I couldn’t believe that there was a time when Gaold, who seemed to overwhelm the world with just his eyes, was stuck in Miro. Just imagining it made me smile.

“So ready. Miro gave me a little cup. Then take the s*m*n for a long time.”

“Cool! Cool!”

Coincidentally, while drinking tea, Sirone’s neck was choked.

“That, so… … Did you give it to me?”

“Am I crazy? Of course I shouted no and ran away, no, I left. But the next day, he said where did he get it from? He said he bought it. The experiment resumed. Boiling it made the water very disgusting. Miro called it primordial soup. i made a bet If anything comes out here, I’ll run to school wearing only my panties.”

Sirone smiled. It seemed that school life had not changed then or now.

“A month after the appointment, I went back to the lab. Miro was completely agitated and beside himself. I couldn’t understand What do you really think will come out of it? It was just that he was a very erratic kid, so he was just playing along.”

“haha! Yes.”

At that moment, the emotion disappeared from Gaold’s face.

“But there was.”

“… … yes?”

“The disgusting fluid had already dried up, and the tank was covered in sticky slime. And inside were living creatures I had never seen before.”

“I wonder if you brought it from somewhere… … .”

Gaold shook his head.

“no. I thought so too at first. But no matter what creature humans imagine, patterns based on knowledge will emerge. But that was completely different. It was a creature born in a truly unique environment.”

Sirone couldn’t believe it.

But Gaold’s eyes were sincere. Even after he became a first-class great wizard, his eyes still trembled in shock as he recalled the situation at the time.

“I’m sure you would have thought the same as me if you were there. A sense of heterogeneity felt from instinct, not from the head. The creature was completely different from us.”

“Mr. Miro… … How did you make it?”

Is it possible for humans to create life? Currently, the area that mankind has reached is only about Harvest, a magical creature with mobility. No one calls a harvest a creature.

“Miro kept quiet about it. He told me that today’s events should never be known. But now I have a vague idea. Miro is the greatest scale wizard in the world. If he is in the specific space he has created, he will be able to quickly turn back hundreds of millions of years.”

“Are you saying that primitive life evolved?”

“It could be. Anyway, that’s not what’s important. It doesn’t matter that I had to run through school in my underwear. Thanks to that, I was branded as a pervert.”

‘Those things don’t seem to matter.’

Sirone struggled to swallow the words that filled his throat.

Understanding Sirone’s feelings, Gaold smiled. Of course, that doesn’t mean that what I just said was a joke.

“Miro knew the creature wouldn’t live long. In the end, he died a week later. Miro cried a lot that day. If that’s the case, she’ll think why did she make it, but she was such a weirdo. She couldn’t catch the bell.”

Sirone nodded. Just from the anecdote Gaold told me, he was by no means an ordinary person.

“It’s not just living things. She was a creative genius. She created all sorts of unexpected inventions. How could she do that, she asked, and she said she could see it. When you hear the name of an object, the principle comes to mind.”

“name… … If you hear?”

There was one thing that popped into Sirone’s mind.

“okay. Maybe she has reached the Akashic Records. In any case, Miro quickly rose to prominence in the wizarding community. I opened Immortal Function a long time ago and thought it could twist space-time with magnetic force. But I wasn’t interested in success. She was like a woman whose head was full of curiosity. That is how the Supernatural Psychic Science Research Society was formed.”

“yes. I belong there too.”

Sirone felt proud to belong there.

“Geuk, congratulations on twisting your life. There are three founding members. There’s me, Miro, and one more stupid guy named Sein.”

“A person named Sein has Servant Syndrome, right? I made the master key of Estas.”

“what… … I’m not particularly fond of him.”


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Gaold simply omitted the explanation. It was a shame for Sirone, who wanted to hear where he was and what he was doing by now.

“and… … From now on, this is top secret you need to hear.”

As Gaold corrected his expression, Sirone swallowed too.

“As a result, Miro’s genius took the worst of the situation. The 12 monarchs with the most powerful power in the world, the ‘Holy War’, began to keep an eye on the labyrinth. They have been keeping an eye on the affairs of heaven for a long time. That’s how the Valkyries of the Temple Army were created.”

Sirone’s expression darkened. The reason Orkamp, ​​the king of Khazra, called him was to use Ataraxia to exert influence within the Valkyries.

“The Crusade, realizing that the final war was imminent, sought an heir to Guffin. In the process, the maze was won. A girl with a bright future quickly became a breakwater for humanity. can you guess The feeling of being trapped forever in a world of your own, with the fate of never growing old or dying?”

Sirone did not dare to respond.

“Finally, the trial began in the presence of renowned leaders from around the world. It is a day called the 20 Judges. The Empire’s first-class envoys, the Pope of Lamie, a person called the Living Saint, the head of a human rights organization, and so on. To balance things out, Miro’s teacher, Alpheas, and Tormia Kingdom Teachers’ Association auditor, Olivia, also received the right to vote. The result was 16 for, 1 against, and 3 abstentions. In the end, it was concluded that Miro passed away.”

“How did you do that… … .”

For Miro, it is weighing the lives of mankind and her own. Even if the decision was made voluntarily, it would not make sense for only 20 people to get together and put an end to one person’s life when doubts about the truth were not enough.

“okay. The whole process was too complicated for me, but the world seemed to flow extremely easily. No one objected to the proposition that all mankind could be saved with the sacrifice of one person. After so many hectic days, the day to leave finally came. And the maze… … .”

Gaold’s voice suddenly fell silent, and then the words disappeared. He was lost in thought, his gaze fixed on the meaningless space.

As his breathing became rough, thread veins rose in his eyes. Tears that did not match her strong face were welling up in her unclosed eyes.

-Please save Maze! I have lived my whole life as a servant of God without shame! I can give you my soul! So please Miroman… … !

-Did you say Gaold?

-please… … God bless this little servant! God’s mercy… … !

-God will also forgive us.

Sirone looked around with a surprised expression. As if an earthquake had occurred, the equipment in the room rattled and trembled.


Turning her head to Gaold, Sirone gasped for breath. Perhaps his tears had dried up, but Old’s eyes were filled with an inexplicable storm of emotions.

The scenery changed, and a huge fire broke out.

A sense of intimidation that is different from what I experienced in the bunker. The difference was that this time Gaold was also in the hell.

Gaold’s eyes curled up, revealing the whites. His face was completely distorted, his teeth baring his lips grotesquely torn.

‘Ugh! This is too much.’

He was holding on with the power of incarnation, but real physical force, not his mind, was at work. If I continued like this, the 18th floor might explode.

Kang Nan’s low, sharp voice came through the flames.

“President of the association.”

Like a lie, the scenery of hell has disappeared. Garold narrowed his eyes as if he had come back to his senses.

Only then could Sirone breathe. She didn’t even know that her whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

Gaold leaned back on the sofa as if nothing had happened. But he couldn’t hear the story of the 20 judges from him anymore.

“Anyway, just like that, Miro passed away. Since that day, I have planned a project, and now it is only left to be realized. That is why I asked to see you.”

Sirone calmed her startled heart and finished preparing to listen. After watching Shirone like that for a while, Old erected his upper body as if to bounce off and pushed her face.

“I will destroy the space-time of the labyrinth.”

“… … .”

Sirone put Gaold’s words into her head. And analyzed the meaning. The feeling after realizing it was much more eerie than when I first heard it.

“The space-time of the labyrinth… … Destroy?”

It meant to bring back the maze. From Gaold’s point of view, it was natural.

But when that happens… … This world would be on the verge of destruction.

“If the time-space of the labyrinth disappears… … .”

“okay. Heaven’s army will attack. Eight archangels, dozens of ordinary angels, hundreds of fallen angels, thousands of maras, giants and fairies, subjects armed with the firepower of ancient magic, schema, and mecha weapons. Whichever side wins, the world we live in will be devastated. I am telling you that.”

Gaold did not hide the truth. This is because the resolution that has not changed even once in 20 years will not be shaken now.

Sirone rubbed her face with both hands. He was frustrated that his insecurities had become true. No, it was a much bigger problem than I expected in the first place.

It was to rescue a woman by holding all the lives in this world as collateral. She was not frightened or made a fuss about her. When she faced a level of trouble she couldn’t handle, she felt rather cold in her head.

“Is there a way?”

If Maze could have been brought back, Gaold would have done so right away. In the end, he could only see that there was a condition at stake that would be difficult to achieve in any way.

“Of course it is.”

Gaold smiled pleasantly. I trusted more than before in Sirone’s appearance that never misses the point in any situation.


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