Infinite Mage Novel Chapter 299

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[299] Master of Ceremonies (3)

“Do not threaten our peace!”

The speed of the large ax descending toward the top of the head was so great that it was difficult to follow with the naked eye.

It was a fleeting moment, but Amy realized that this was her final destination.

‘Hello Sirone… … .’

It was a bad ending.

But on the other hand, I thought that this would be a good ending. Because this is Sirone’s spiritual world. will sleep forever in his arms.


A frenzied roar sounded in Amy’s ears, which brought her to her senses. At the same time, something black passed quickly in front of my eyes.

When I woke up, Ignite had flown 10 meters.

Amy felt a presence behind her and turned around.

But to take a good look at it, I had to raise my head to the sky.

It was an egoist whose entire body was covered with thorn-like projections. He was more than 6 meters tall, and was staring straight ahead with a stance that seemed to be in the middle of a quadrupedal walk and a bipedal walk.

The egoist is expressed in a specific form by borrowing the desire of the incarnation. The process wasn’t over yet, and all the Egoists in the plaza turned into black smoke and were sucked in. It didn’t grow taller anymore, but the spines on its torso became abnormally long.


Egoist – Anger.

A huge shadow monster screamed and jumped over Amy.

When the object blocking my eyes disappeared, I saw Sirone, who was frowning.

‘Sirone is… … ?’

Sirone is a person whose reason is stronger than desire. However, the current Egoist was radiating strength in a form different from the ones he had experienced so far.

‘You’re trying to save me?’

Amy, aware of the hostility harbored by Sirone’s incarnation, avoided jumping to conclusions.

But the excitement in my heart was unavoidable. Because it was always like that. Whenever a dangerous situation came up, Sirone always protected herself.

Egoist (anger) was still full of strength even after tearing apart hundreds of antitheses. Even Ignite’s subordinates equipped with weapons were blown away with a single kick.

“Sirone! Do you dream of living a petty life until the end!”

Ignite stood up, coughing up blood from her throat, grabbed a large ax and charged at the monster. Then he jumped high and passed the ax back.

Stretching his waist like a bow, he bounced his body like a spring and struck down the axe. Egoist’s head split in half.

A smile appeared on Ignite’s lips, but the expected scream was not heard. Egoist’s state, transmitted through her handle, was still angry, bubbling, and about to explode.

The moment Ignite looked serious, the claw of anger struck his face.

As he fell to the ground with half of his face missing, legs thicker than pillars trampled on him.


The battle ended with the ground shaking.

“Aww! Do, run away!”

Antitheses were stunned and scattered in all directions. Egoist screamed and pursued them in order to annihilate even one more.

The plaza, where only Sirone and the others were left, was clean without a single corpse.

Amy, who was on the brink of death, sat down. Her sirone came to her.

Amy turned her head and realized that Sirone had come, and her heart pounded. Are you angry now? Has she returned to her old friendly sirone?

“Sirone, thank you. If it wasn’t for you… … .”

“You get pissed off.”

Sirone said while looking at the ground without even making eye contact.

“It really pisses me off.”

Then he turned coldly and walked away.

Even thinking about it now, I couldn’t figure out why I saved Amy.

A powerful urge seized her just before the great ax split her head. From the next moment, her anger exploded and she couldn’t recall anything.

Amy bowed her head sullenly.

Reina, who had been expecting a reconciliation between the two, patted her shoulder.

“Don’t be too disappointed. As long as Sirone is saved, all misunderstandings will be resolved… … .”

Before Reina could finish her words, Amy raised her head.

Contrary to expectations, it was a bright face. On the one hand, she even looked lighthearted.

“are you okay. Anyway, Sirone saved me. He probably doesn’t hate me to the core. So that’s it, what. haha!”

Even with that said, Reina knew how great Amy’s loss would be.

She was holding on desperately, only to save Sirone.

“Okay, let’s do our best.”

Reina looked back at Armin. His clothes were drenched in sweat because he had harassed the enemy in the depths of Antithese’s camp.

“Is the antithesis gone now?”

“It’s not gone. But there will be no more manipulated antitheses. However, you should not slow down. It’s basically a mental body that criticizes Sirone.”

After a short break in the plaza, they entered the castle under Sirone’s guidance. Ignite had been staying until just a moment ago, but no more projectiles were visible.

Sirone went down to the basement. And I walked the winding road like a maze without a single blockage.

When I opened the door of the storage room, there was another staircase leading down to the basement.

Armin, who picked up a torch from the first basement floor, went down alongside Sirone. Then he halted the group in front of an old wooden door and looked back.

“If you enter through this door, you will come to the world of dreams, the realm of REM. Before we go in, there are a few things to pass on. As you’ve all dreamed of, the laws of physics apply here. In a nutshell, it can be called focus.”

“Is it like concentration?”

“Similar. Reality is a series of concentration and relaxation. In normal life, the period of relaxation is overwhelmingly long. But the dream is only concentration. It’s like following the dramatic structure of a play. You see only what you want to see, and no other situations exist. So when you lose focus, you lose yourself. This is called a reel pin.”

Armin spread his five fingers.

“Reel pins are largely divided into five types. First, a sense of opulence. Second, meaningless muttering. Third, repetition of the same section. Fourth, point of departure. Fifth, the realization of anxiety.”

Amy seemed to know what it was. It was something she also experienced often in her dreams.

“Dreams mimic gravity, but they don’t actually have gravity. Keep checking the feeling that your feet are on the ground. The moment you feel floating, you will come to mind endlessly. And don’t say anything you’re not sure about.”

“You say the conversation has to be focused. It’s like a script for a play.”


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“That’s right. No habitual slang. If you lose the focus of language, you will repeat meaningless words.”

“Then, is the repetition of the same section the focus of the space?”

“yes. Do not look back or run away without thinking. The focus disappears, so only the same section is repeated. Fourth, when you focus on your surroundings, you lose yourself and put yourself in the shoes of an observer. Finally, don’t feel anxious.”

“It will happen in reality.”

Armin nodded at Reina’s words.

Amy, lost in thought, asked.

“What if you get caught in a lil pin? For example, if you get caught in the floating reel pin and can’t stop talking with a meaningless mumble.”

“If we are not all caught at the same time, we can get out. If it reminds me of Miss Amy, I’ll pull it, and if it’s a meaningless mumble, I’ll punch it in the face.”

Amy puffed out her cheeks as if she had already been slapped.

Rayna asked.

“What if you can’t get out?”

“At some point, I will have a new focus. But that would be our focus, not Sirone’s focus. Eventually, you will have a new dream.”

“It is a dream within a dream.”

“That’s right. This is why Drimo is called a multi-dimensional world. It doesn’t matter if it’s in your dream, but this is someone else’s world. If you are buried deep, you will never be able to get out of the dream for the rest of your life.”

Everyone who heard Armin’s explanation was very nervous.

“Do not worry. If we just focus on Sirone-kun walking towards the next exit and we following, there will be no problem.”

Sirone took a deep breath and grabbed the doorknob.

“then… … I will open the door.”

Armin refused, and the door slowly opened.

The sound of the music sounded faint, and soon the performance of the court musicians knocked on the chest.

Amy narrowed her eyes at the familiar scene.

“This place… … ?”

Many couples were dancing in the grand hall. It was the ballroom of the capital of Kazura, where I had stayed just a few hours ago.

Armin hurriedly explained if there was something he had missed.

“In the REM area, one space changes fluidly. It is like several plays being performed on the same stage. If the background is a grand hall, the exit will be close.”

“That’s the exit.”

Sirone pointed to the other side of the ballroom.

Amy seemed to know why. She was the door through which she and Zeon exited the Grand Hall. Perhaps Sirone went through that door to find herself. Then, this four months passed.

‘It must have been because of me.’

Amy smiled bitterly.

If he hadn’t followed Zeon, if he had rejected his request, would Sirone have been in a different situation?

‘Whoa, come to think of it, I deserve hatred.’

“Miss Amy, don’t lose your mind.”

Amy hurriedly came to her senses. She and she took a deep breath and kept her clear eyes.

“Yes, I am ready.”

“Then let’s go. Sirone, please walk straight as far as possible without colliding.”

Sirone moved cautiously. He stopped and waited as the dancing couples passed. This is because you can fall into a reel pin if you take a detour.

Amy and Reina only looked at the back of Sirone’s head. Armin, on the other hand, was moving his pace, leisurely examining his surroundings. It was possible because he had acquired a lucid dream license to carry out some kind of mission.

‘What the hell happened?’

As much as Sirone in reality was waiting for a terrible death, the situation in the Rem realm was likely to be a nightmare as well.

That’s why it was tense.

At some point, there is a possibility that everyone in the ballroom will turn into a monster, and suddenly people will go crazy and start killing people.

But nothing much happened until they crossed half of the ballroom.

Since the path he had passed had already been out of focus, it was safe to say that there was no chance that something would happen there.

‘weird. What kind of situation is this a nightmare for?’

Armin found something and his eyes lit up.

‘I see, it was something like that.’

There was a man and a woman dancing in the center of the ballroom. It was a beautiful woman in her rose-red dress and a strange-looking man.

The man’s eyes were completely upturned, his nose was snub-nosed, and his lips were smaller than a chicken’s anus. It was a human face, but it was a shape that could not come out in reality.

‘I must have hated it quite a bit.’

If this is all there is to it, no big deal will happen to third parties. But for Sirone, it must have been the worst nightmare of all.

Armin looked around and found a person serving near a long table.

He was wearing plain clothes that did not match the scenery of the royal castle at all. He wore a red hat, had a handsome beard, and smoked a pipe proudly in a non-smoking section.

The only being that wasn’t a projectile of Sirone, it was Louver, a monster dispatched from Drimo.

Louver turned to Armin and winked. But Armin looked at him indifferently and turned his head away.

It is not a subject to ask regards to only out of curiosity. Currently, the dreamer cannot be analyzed by human intellect. I was just acknowledging that it actually existed.

When Sirone reached the exit, the focus of the road passed and the sound of the music disappeared.

Are the balls still being held in the Grand Hall? Curious, but no one looked back.


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