Infinite Mage Novel Chapter 137

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[137] Ancient Ruins (3)

“Those kids, are you laughing at us right now?”

“it’s okay. don’t turn your head I’m doing that because I’m drunk.”

Tess patted Lian on the leg to calm her down. It was common for mercenaries to fight in a bar, but as a job was a job, it rarely ended well.

“They still haven’t responded. I hope it’s not that I can’t hear it. I’m laughing at you, you idiots.”

“Look at that son of a bitch. Are you stupidly big? The size of the woman next to her is no joke. I won’t tell you where. Fuhahaha!”

Ryan clenched his fists. He would tolerate insulting himself, but he could not forgive her friend for mocking her.

Then Tess grabbed Lian’s wrist. If left alone, he was ready to turn the table over.

While eating noodles, Sirone searched for memories.

When I came in, there were four mercenaries sitting at the table over there. Three men, one woman. Archers seemed to be included, and the woman was most likely a wizard, judging from the fact that she had no weapons.

‘Mage to archer. It’s a pretty solid group.’

The mockery of the mercenaries continued without a break.

“That blonde hair, now you pretend to eat? please look back I’m getting ready to blow the bottle. Are you in a bad mood today? That’s why I’m doing it to see some blood.”

“Aw, stop. Do you enjoy teasing kids?”

The woman tried to stop, but the truth was not contained. It seemed that he preferred to enjoy it this way rather than ridicule it openly.

“Hey, little kids. Don’t you have the courage to fight? Aren’t you ashamed to look at women? They probably went around bragging about how strong they were.”

“hello? Can you hear me? Answer me if you hear it, or would you like to go there yourself?”

Ryan couldn’t contain his anger. He knows it’s part of the operation, but he doesn’t want to put up with this insult.

But Lian couldn’t move in the end. It was because his eyes met with Sirone, who was looking at him with a calm expression.

‘Sirone… … .’

Sirone, who was bound by a knight’s oath, doesn’t say anything. If he couldn’t endure even this level of humiliation, he would rather disgrace Sirone’s face.

‘Yes, this is also practice. I participated in this trip as a trainee knight. Rather, it gave me a good opportunity to test myself.’

As soon as I made up my mind, I felt like I could endure it like a lie. Lian was able to think about the meaninglessness of words once again.

After about 10 minutes, the mercenaries prepared to leave. They thought they had won a complete victory. They were the perfect snacks for a drinking party.

“Geuk, it’s the first time I’ve seen such servile people living and living.”

“Ugh, that’s okay. They were weak kids, so of course they must have been scared. Aren’t you pitiful?”

“hey! I wish you because it might not be right. live like that for the rest of your life You will live a long life.”

The mercenaries paid for the drinks and disappeared. Then, the owner of the store, who had been ignorant until now, ran to the table.

“Are you all right? bad guys in the world. To say abusive words against innocent kids.”

“Do you know those people?”

“I come often lately. Drinking and rambling on people like you who don’t want to fight. I want to tell you not to come, but you don’t know what harm will happen if that happens. Anyway, you’ve held up well In times like these, patience wins.”

Sirone’s eyes lit up. If there wasn’t something in the ruins, there was no way a party with a mage would come.

Tess comforted Lian. Honest, they didn’t have the ability to deceive themselves like Sirone. It was literally a situation that I endured with kkang.

“Nice job, Lian. I was so nervous that I might have an accident.”

“It was dangerous. But will we meet again anyway? Didn’t you put up with it for that?”

“that’s right. Let us also depart.”

Sirone stood up and said. When I paid for the drink and left the store, the mercenaries were walking toward the central temple.

Instead of following, Sirone and the others chose to watch from a high place. Since most of the archer’s schema builds are sensory, there was a high chance that they would be caught if they tried to close the distance.

Cirone went up to the 4th floor of the temple building and inspected the mercenaries. Surprisingly, it was a young party made up of people under 30.

The swordsman with a slim figure seemed to be the leader. The sword worn around his waist was a steel sword with high recognition, enough that Tess could recall the name of the craftsman just by looking at the design.

Beside him was a giant with a blunt weapon, followed by a man with long hair and a woman in a robe in the back row.

“Two warriors. One of them is a prosecutor. One archer, one mage. I can sort it out like this. Even though it’s a tourist destination, it’s lined up. It’s a party with a lot of practical experience. I think not following him was the right decision.”

The mercenaries walked to the tiered altar to the east of the central temple. Sirone remembered that place. Unusually, it was a place where I thought it was strange because the natives were guarding it.

Among the mercenaries who approached the natives, the archer gesticulated and spoke. He probably spoke the Kergo language.

The native looked around bluntly. It was clear that he cared about people’s attention. Sirone and the others realized that now was the right time and went down the stairs.

When the native activated the device, a rectangular crack opened in the altar and was pushed inside. As the thick stone gate moved to the side, an entrance covered with a dark barrier appeared.

“Wait! We will go in too!”

The mercenaries who were moving their steps looked back with firm expressions. But the tension quickly dissipated and irritation set in. The kids who were bullying at the bar were coming running.

“what? When did you guys follow me?”

“Mister, can we go in together?”

“Go away! This is where we found it! Do you know where this is?”

“Don’t do that… … !”

The moment Sirone pleaded again, the leader drew his sword. It can’t be said that the speed of the launching sword was fast, but after countless repetitions, the naturalness that was acquired by the body was outstanding.

“You wanna die? Do we look good? If it doesn’t go out, I’ll cut everyone’s throat here.”

Unlike before, Sirone did not back down. At his bar, he couldn’t even turn his head, but now they were looking straight in the eye. The contrast effect made the leader uncomfortable.

“These children… … !”

said the native guarding the altar.

“Are you together?”

The leader gave up his life and looked back at the archer. The only person who could interpret was the archer.

“What is this child saying?”

“I’m asking if you’re with me?”

“joy! what is the group I’ll take care of it now, so please wait.”

When the archer conveyed the leader’s words, the eyes of the natives widened. He spoke in an overbearing tone, as if he had been insulted.

“Warriors do not fight anywhere. Anyone who disturbs the sacred altar with blood will never set foot here.”

The archer licked his lips and translated.

“I think you better quit. They say they won’t let you in if you fight here.”

“Sheesh! lucky kids. You saved your life twice.”

As if the leader didn’t want to care anymore, he mounted the sword and entered the altar at the same time. Then the other party followed and entered the dark door.


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Sirone and the others held their place for a while. If they went in together, there would have been no problem, but the situation was like this, and the sharp eyes of the natives were bothered.

“If you want to be tested, come in. The eyes of an angel will watch over you.”

“What is this person saying?”

“well. Since you’ve come, I think you’re telling me to play comfortably? If I had intended to kick them out, I would have closed the door.”

Sirone noticed and moved on. He received no reaction from the natives. Only then did the four of them, convinced, entered the door as dark as the abyss.

Eight people disappeared in an instant, but no tourist knew about it.

Labyrinth construction (1)

Upon entering the altar, Sirone inspected the structure. Contrary to what it looked like from the outside, it was not dark inside because the torches were on.

A square hole was sunk into the ground, and along the inner wall a staircase descended in a right-angled spiral. 

Looking down, I saw a group of mercenaries who had already circled the helix twice.

Sirone walked quickly. Maybe he had a second gateway, so it was not good for him to distance himself from the mercenaries.

Eventually, a group of eight people came down the stairs.

The leader was annoyed at the kids who got on the free ride on the information he bought with a huge amount of money. 

However, fulfilling the purpose of coming here was the first priority, so I put aside the thought of fighting for a while.

The archer in charge of the back end of the mercenary party asked Sirone, who was following him.

“Are you sane? Why do things without blood on their heads come and go in places like this?”

“Then why did you come here?”

“What, did you follow me without knowing anything?”

“yes. I don’t know.”

The archer looked at Sirone in bewilderment. I thought maybe it could be. It was an open secret that a hidden door existed in the ruins.

Something exists beneath the ruins. But don’t know what it is. This was the limit that ordinary people interested in historic sites could think of.

“Since I came in anyway, can you tell me? Why did you come here?”

The archer wondered what to do. I ran through the information market until my feet were sweating to find the hidden door. 

In addition, the password had a high level of information, so he had to pay up to 20 gold.

However, as long as it has already passed through the door, the value of the information has been lost.

The archer thought that far and said with his eyes shining.

“How about this? The fact that you guys entered the door means that you broke through a high-security password. In terms of money, it would be well worth about 100 gold. So, I will sell you information. For 5 gold per question. how is it?”

“are you okay. You’ll find out when you go down anyway.”

When Sirone said it without thinking, the archer’s enthusiasm went up. I felt like I was ridiculed by a child for making money or not.

‘Such a foolish little boy… … !’

At that moment, the leader stopped walking. When the leader stopped, the people following slowed down in order.

“No, that sounds good. Do you know how hard we struggled to find our way? If you try to swallow it raw, you can’t. If you want to get down here, pay us.”

Sirone looked back at Amy. She shrugged her shoulders, nodded her head approvingly, and spoke to her leader.

“Then I won’t go down. We’ll be here, so go down and work.”

“Such a dog… … !”

The leader unknowingly burst into tears.

I should have recognized it when I couldn’t even turn my head at the bar. It would be a case like this that the corrupt things lived only in the mouth.

“But if it’s 1 gold per question, I’m willing to accept the deal.”

“huh? 1 gold?”

The leader’s mind spun quickly. You can’t get your money’s worth from them anyway. If so, wouldn’t it be beneficial to earn even a few gold?

“good. 1 gold per question. Pay 1 gold first.”

Sirone rummaged through the bag of gold coins and took out 1 gold. He could have done his research separately away from the mercenaries, but his friends respected Sirone’s judgment.

Sirone thought that this situation was worth 1 gold. I have no idea what might be underground. He thought that if he could prepare in advance with 1 gold, he would never lose.

For example, if there is a danger that only mercenaries know about, if they fall into a trap, you will be left without a move. However, after listening to the explanation, I was able to roughly predict the danger and difficulty of the underground.

“Why did you come here?”

There was room for fabrication if asked too broad a question, so Sirone got down to the nitty gritty.


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