Infinite Mage Novel Chapter 1246

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The Horrible Truth (2)

Se-in and Kang-nan looked stunned.

“oh my god… …

There was no sound in Ymir’s body from Gaold’s furious fists.

As soon as Gaold threw himself into a fist, Ymir’s head snapped back.

“Big!” The dizzying shock was stronger than cracked lips or broken teeth.

‘What’s with all these guys?’

He fought against many strong enemies, but he was the first to push himself this far.

“Let’s see… …

Not minding the shaking of his broken arm, Ymir thrust out the other fist.

‘Bakum Press.’

Gaold’s eyes widened as he clenched the giant’s fist with both hands, and there was a crunching sound.


And for the first time, Ymir moved away from Gaold of his own will.

The fist was crushed.

Even Sein, who was cool-headed under any circumstances, felt absurd at this moment.

‘Could this happen… …

What came out of his mouth was aggression.

“Aren’t you winning?”

They are crushing the King of Giants, who is said to be the strongest creature in the history of Heaven.

As if seeking confirmation, Sein looked back at the maze.

“what do you think about it?”

She also said that Gaold could make it this far.

I didn’t even dream of the line, but I thought, “How much will it hurt?”

That’s why it was heartbreaking.

“Now Gaold… … How sick are you?”

Since it was Ymir, the atmosphere of the two who had been forgotten for a while soon became solemn.

“ha. ha.”

Gaold was unfocused.

‘Where are you?’

All I could think of was fragmentary images, nothing left in my brain.


I was fighting that guy, what’s his name?



Ymir smiled.

“That is a wonderful name. All of your achievements must have been contained in that one word.”

Gaold was speechless.

“That’s really cool. Ymir. cool maze. stylish. Guffin, Ogent. Ashur. Uriel. Yes, Lian.”

‘……we are?’

Se-in and Kang-nan were slightly moved, but Lee Mir only looked back into the void.

“After training one’s individuality to the limit, one reaches a level that cannot be approached. So who is the strongest among them? This is a very interesting question. In the end, some people lose, but no one thinks they lose.”

Talking a lot meant feeling good.

“I think I can beat any opponent. Not because it’s perfect. He absolutely trusts his weapon and wants to fight with it. I’ve beaten a lot of guys so far, but actually winning or losing doesn’t mean anything. Importantly, Ymir’s eyes turned black again like ink.

“The fight itself. All you need is a battlefield where you can fully show off the level you have reached by risking everything.”


The speed of Gauld, who moved through the suffocating life, gradually increased.

“Looks like you haven’t been hit yet.”

“Cheuk, that might be.”

Ymir clenched his shattered fist and threw it at Gaold’s face.

The moment it touched the barrier of the air press, an earthquake occurred along with the heat again.

“Big!” Gaold’s expression crumpled like a demon, while Ymir’s lips went all the way up.

“You were the strongest.”

Although it would have been better if we had met in real life.

“It was a nice dream.”

As soon as Gaold’s body was thrown out, the earth began to split in a radial pattern.


Kang Nan, who had been staring blankly at the endless waves of the land, hurriedly jumped out.


Ymir’s condition was also not good.

He looked up at the fingers that had all bent in strange directions.

“Is this the end?”

At that moment, a flash of light from the side struck Ymir directly in the head.

Ymir, who savored the shock with his neck bent about 20 degrees, slowly turned his head.

“What are you?”

Sirone walked with Louver and Mong-ah.

“Ymir, Ultima… …

“iced coffee.”


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Ymir waved his hand.

“You don’t have to talk about complicated things. I don’t even want to hear it If you want something, fight for it.”

It could be said that she was a perfect martial artist, but Sirone, a wizard, had a different idea.

‘There’s no point in fighting here. Retrieving Ultima is a priority. No, at least… …

We must escape from Ymir’s dream.

‘I will be independent of simultaneous events. That’s probably why the lore dream began.’

In other words, Sirone in another space could not accept Jorahhan’s enlightenment.

Sirone headed for the black hole.

‘The priority is to extract Ultima and leave.’

According to Louver, Arius had already entered, but the chances of returning were slim.


Ymir didn’t like Sirone.

“I see that you are interested in a distant place, so decide quickly whether to fight or die. Because it annoys me.”

Fighting against people who use combat as a means rather than a purpose is just a headache.

‘Guffin. Your son is more like his mother.’

It was for this reason that Ymir did not mention Ikael’s name in his match.

The maze has arrived.

“Sirone, go into the black hole. Arius must have done something. I’ll take care of this.”

Ymir laughed.

“Of course you are funny too. But still don’t you know? The reason I picked Gaold as the strongest isn’t because of force.”

Ymir’s wounds began to heal at breakneck speed.

“It is the spirit of a bastard.”

As soon as all the broken parts were restored, Sein bit his lip and clenched his fist.

‘Right. It’s not real. Incarnation to the end. If the mind is restored, the incarnation is also restored.’

In other words, it is a conflict between mind and spirit.

If it was Gaold who had the most extreme spirit, he would destroy Ymir’s incarnation… … .

‘Miro’s mind is specialized in defense. There is no choice but to have a penalty here.’

Gaold, who changed the form of an incarnation in someone else’s mind, was abnormal.

Then an unexpected voice was heard.

“Go, Sirone.” Gaold was walking with Kang Nan’s support.


Ymir was also surprised.

“I definitely had a bursting taste. haha. Well, you are also an incarnation. It really is an obsession that knows no bounds.”

Gauld said to Sirone.


“but… …

“I can’t stand it for long.”

No matter how strong the obsession was, there was a limit to recovering the incarnation in the mind of another person.


The moment Gaold gave a small nod, Sirone threw herself at the black hole.

Ymir did not pursue.

‘it’s okay!’

By the time the landscape on the ground went far away, Sirone was relieved, but the black hole was farther than expected.

‘There is Ultima.’

And finally, Sirone’s body was dragged into an extreme gravitational field.

It was the speed of light.

Sirone was in darkness. ‘Here?’

His body was being dragged along by the inertia of countless stars converging toward one place.

It was dizzy to imagine all these stars colliding at the same time, but it dawned on me vaguely.

‘Time is running backwards.’

When I first opened Immortal Function in my school days, it was like a nightmare I had every night.

It’s called portraiture.

‘I see.’

it was feeling

Information cannot cross the barrier of the speed of light, but the mind can transcend time and space.

The planet gradually disintegrated, and Sirone’s body began to dissipate in the form of particles.

‘Nevertheless, it exists.’

I now realized what is the last thing that makes up a human being.

‘Before becoming me, the concept of me.’

Following the path guided by imaginary time, Sirone dug into a space smaller than a particle.

Strings of light that even integrated time vibrated, and countless events were repeating birth and extinction.

‘Only possibilities remain… … boundaries of the outside world.

In the feeling of being one with the other, Sirone felt that the concept of herself was expanding.


It’s like… … It was a huge explosion.

Kanis asked.

“Now, do something. How can I summon God? You said you could.”

The reason he was so excited was probably because his resentment and anger toward God were so great.

‘Appear before my eyes.’ To appear means to materialize, then at least you can fight.

‘My stomach boils to death.’

Rukia, who was looking affectionately at the unconscious Glenn, strained her eyes again.

“It is an integration of concepts.”


“No matter what. This world splits in two the moment it exists. Because we cannot define existence without each other referring to each other.”

Sirone, as well as everyone else, realized something during the journey so far.

“Only God can define it as one. Good and evil, light and darkness, existence and nothing, it doesn’t matter. When you put the two together, you get an idea that doesn’t need to be defined, and God will only appear in that concept.”

It was a plausible hypothesis.


Ares said.

“God’s right hand and the devil’s left hand. It was no coincidence that I had one more ability.”


Rukia raised both hands.

“God’s right hand relaxes the mind, the devil’s left hand twists it. Then, what if I join hands and activate my abilities at the same time?” Sirone said.

“Taegeuk will happen. Neither side backs down, it will cycle endlessly.”

Rukia nodded.

“God could borrow my concept and appear.”

“But Mr. Rukia.”

Sirone understood Taegeuk.

“When it becomes infinite, even the concept of existence disappears. When the number two of the law is broken, you cannot be defined.”

Sirone is an infinite wizard because she can exist with infinity.

“I am??????

Rukia looked at Glenn.

“I decided to forgive. Glenn would have had to do the same. When she was poor, she may have approached me with admiration, but she may not be her love… …

she smiled.

“I don’t want to define it. As long as I can hug Glenn with my heart, it doesn’t matter.”

do not define

‘Sacrifice with all your heart.’

Realizing that they couldn’t stop it, Sirone backed away, and Rukia turned to the device.


to save the entire universe.

‘love you.’

Loving only one person is enough.

‘Oh God.’

Rukia, who held her hands together as if praying, activated her ability while gently closing her eyes.

‘Have mercy on us.’

When the god’s right hand and the devil’s left hand worked simultaneously, Rukia’s heart spun.

The pyramid vibrated, and all the letters engraved on the inner wall began to glow blue.


Everyone realized the moment the energy generated by the rotation of yin and yang was concentrated in the device.

‘Ultra-ancient civilization is a generator.’

Also, the electrical energy gathered here must be enough to pierce the curtain of the outside world.

“God… …

An unprecedented event in human history.

“It descends.” “Sirone! what are you doing?” Shirone, who was shedding tears in front of Seina, heard Nade’s voice.

‘I don’t know. Why is it so heartbreaking?’

It wasn’t the first time it happened.

Even when I broke up with Amy, when she went to the sun, and even at this moment.

‘Perhaps I… …

Will I be burdened with great sorrow in the future?

Sirone was defenseless, but Giyorgi was not even moving.

‘Choose, Yahweh.’

Is it implementation or integration?

There is only one thing needed to achieve what no one in Good and Evil has ever done.

Sirone slowly raised her head.


The immortal function opened, and Sirone’s body began to spread with a brilliant light.

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