I’m the only magic tower owner Chapter 337

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Epilogue 3

“Now! Breathe out! Bend your waist! Squeeze your abdomen!”

Jin Jin-ra, who was taking a yoga class, was bending over and whining. At that time, I heard a vibrating sound from my cell phone that I had placed on the floor.

‘Oh, I told you not to make work phone calls during your break.’

She grumbled, scanning her phone with her eyes.

It was a call from Samia.

After seeing what the instructor noticed, she quickly picked up her cell phone and moved outside so as not to disturb the class.

“Yes, Samia Hunter. What’s going on?”

I heard Samia’s answer.


Her cell phone made a clear sound as it landed on the marble floor.

“This is the performance of the first half of last year.”

Meeting room on the 9th floor of Mtop Group’s headquarters.

In the midst of a chilly atmosphere, Jeong Seo-jin raised his glasses and said.

“If your mouth is open, please speak.”

A middle-aged man wearing glasses trembled and held up a document.

“Bad news related to the potion business and market stagnation had a direct impact on operating losses. As the deficit increased, the market forecast…”

“I’m not asking for a story that everyone knows.”

Jeong Seo-jin spoke in an icy voice.

“Failure of structural innovation policy, insufficient supply of by-product materials. The scale of the potion business will continue to decrease in the future. Alchemia’s strategic direction should not be maintained consistently in line with the world trend.”

He nodded.

“We’re going into the pharmaceutical world.”

Murmur, roar, roar.

“We will acquire many young and promising pharmaceutical companies. Potions are deeply embedded in people’s daily lives even in a world without monsters…”

At that time, Jeong Seo-jin’s cell phone, which was lying on the table, rang.

He raised his hand, asked for everyone’s understanding, and then put the cell phone to his ear.

“Yes, this is Jeong Seo-jin.”

Jeong Seo-jin turned his back.

“Yes, yes. Yes.”

When the meeting was paused for a moment, the executives took a break from the suffocating atmosphere.

Some people breathed a sigh of relief. I was really glad that phone call cut off Jeong Seo-jin’s anger.

I don’t know who it is, but thank you… … .


Everyone jumped up at the sudden sound. Jeong Seo-jin fell down from his seat with a shocked look on his face.

“Shoes, Chairman!”

“Are you okay?”

Jeong Seo-jin raised his arm to signal that he was okay and stood up.

“Yes. I will go right now.”

He hung up the phone and started running out of the conference room like a crazy person. Then he slipped and hit his knee on the floor, but as if he didn’t care, he crawled on his knee and went out of the conference room.

“Chairman! Chairman!”

“Why are you acting like that all of a sudden?”

“Sol! Hey, Eunsol! Solss!”

Eunsol, who was sitting at the desk looking at the scene outside the window, turned her head with her long hair flowing.

“Are you going to eat Starbucks’ new product after class today?”


“Anyway, I act chic. But what are you drinking alone?”

A friend snatched the can from Eunsol’s hand.

“……Pine needle eyes? Ugh, another strange drink.”

“Ah! Do you want to sleep?”

Eunsol took the can away again and got angry.

“Why do you like eating the neighborhood guys so much?”

“my heart.”

“It doesn’t seem like you really like it, seeing as you always make a mess out of it and eat it.”

“It’s my heart!”

Eunsol yanked out the chair her friend was sitting on using remote control. She screamed and hit her butt on the floor.

“Ability! You used your ability in class again, didn’t you? It’s all true!”

“Yes, yes. That’s right.”

Eunsol was waving her hands when she heard the sound of a bell.

After checking the sender, she suddenly got up from her seat.

“Oh my, what is that reaction? Male? What class? Handsome?”

Suddenly, the textbook flew out and landed on my friend’s face. Eunsol urgently answered the phone and ran outside.

* * *

Sanggye-dong control area.


Jin Jin-ra got out of the car and ran to the control area, out of breath. As she was walking through the bushes, she heard a commotion.

‘Are there people already here?’

She cleared away the bushes and came out into the clearing.

“Look, sister!”



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“How have you been?”

Eunsol, who arrived first, ran around and waved, and Cha Do-yeon, Kim Sarang, and Shin Na-ra, who were chatting, also said hello.

Jin Jin-ra laughed.

“Wow, look at how busy people who couldn’t be contacted even after death came running in one step.”

Everyone did not deny it but let out an embarrassed laugh.

“Huh! Huh!”

At that time, a man with leaves all over his head and suit appeared from the bushes. It was Jeong Seo-jin, the current Mabap lord.

“Are you late?”

“No. You’re just in time!”

Everyone greeted me warmly. Jin Jin-ra came up with a frown on her face and brushed the leaves off his head.

“Why am I so embarrassed? Anyone who sees me will think I’m a natural person.”

“I’m sorry. I came in a hurry.”

As Jin Jin-ra was shaking Jeong Seo-jin’s leaves, a warp gate opened right next to her.

This time, Samia, Pharaoh Han Yun-jeong, and Hong Yul appeared.

“Hunter Hongyul!”

“Hello everyone!”

Hongyul, who was in a wheelchair, smiled brightly and waved his hand.

Chado-yeon, who was very nervous about the appearance of the legend, broke into a cold sweat and bowed at a 90-degree angle, while Kim Sarang smiled warmly and cracked a joke.

Jin Jin-ra was looking at Han Yun-jeong and Samia.

“What is this awkward combination?”

“We made a deal.”

Samia said, crossing her arms.

“Instead of stopping all provocative acts of war against Tanzania, when this day comes, take them to Korea together.”

“Hey, is it okay to say the terms of the contract to a third party?”

Han Yun-jeong blushed and grumbled. She was about to respond when Samia’s eyes suddenly widened and she turned forward.

“Here we go.”

Now, mana is gathering in a wavering manner in an open field with nothing in it. Everyone smiled and their eyes widened. Some couldn’t hide their nervous expressions and held each other’s hands.

“I’ve waited a long time.”

“Finally, we too are complete.”

It was a happy thing to live in an era of peace where disasters had disappeared, but everyone here was carrying a heavy burden somewhere in their hearts.

But now that too is over.

Blue brilliance wavers and gathers in the middle of the sky.

The legend of the tower that fell in Seoul a dozen years ago is being relived here once again.


Jin Jin-ra, with her hands clasped together, spoke with tears of joy in her eyes.


Now is a new era – the blue brilliance spread out in the middle of an open field has taken the shape of a towering tower.


#Author Review

hello. This is a salvo from the author.

From the start date of the series, January 26th of last year, to today, when it is completed! Thank you for your hard work! And I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the readers who have followed Yushin’s story so far.

When I first came up with the idea, I started with the setting of ‘over-immersive wizard.’ I had no idea that the scale would become this large. A person with non-combat abilities who was ignored becomes a level 1 certified official and becomes the savior of the world! I was proud of Yushin’s growth and felt like my own child. When Yushin was promoted, I was happy as if I had received an award.

For me, it was my first time trying serial writing, entering military service, and living as a full-time writer. That’s why this work feels even more special to me.

There were times when I was exhausted, but I never gave up thanks to the readers who enjoyed reading my writing. When I read the comments, I shuddered with joy and even screamed in the room. Looking back, it was a happy time throughout the series.

Now I can say it with confidence. I like writing.

I learned a lot by leading a story to completion. I’m still contemplating what kind of story my next work will be, but I dare to promise that my next work will bring a splash of fun to your daily life with well-structured episodes and an attractive concept.

And finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude once again to all of you who have followed Yushin’s adventures so far.

The fact that my novel “I Am the Only Magic Tower” is included in each of you’s complete reading list is the greatest honor as a writer.

I’ll stop writing here, promising to greet you with a more interesting next work in the near future.

Take care of your health and be happy during these turbulent times.

A salvo shot by the author.

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